Lucy Snape and the Return of...

By TheHalfBloodPrincess

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A HARRY POTTER FAN FICTION BOOK FOUR IN THE LUCY SNAPE SERIES It's Lucy's fourth year at Hogwarts. Everywhere... More

Lord Zuc
Shona, the girl who is fluent in sarcasm
A visit from the Minister
Why does history repeat itself?
Cedric Diggory
What did I tell you?
The Quidditch world cup
Back to Hogwarts
Get your autographs here!
Igor Karkaroff
The Champions are Chosen
The three unforgivable curses
Tri wizard training
The Hidden room
The Welsh Scaleback
The first task
Celebration of survival
A living nightmare
Yule ball dance practice
Skeeter's interview
Anastasia Garcia
If only life was as happy as a book
Expect the unexpected
Who knew he could get another date?
The Yule ball
The past, the present...Where's the future?
As long as I have you, nothing matters
Shona's Island research
There's nothing better than a game of Quidditch
The Clue in the egg
The Second Task
Something old, something new, Zuc's invading minds and who are you?
Lucy Eileen Snape
The future is a terrible unknown place
It was just a dream
The Third Task
Blood on the Knife
Last Minute Tension

Meeting the enemy

916 38 4
By TheHalfBloodPrincess

Chapter 39: Meeting the enemy 

When the lights dimmed, Lucy refused to open her eyes, her head hitting a hard substance and causing her to clench he head. She tried to stay quiet, but all she could hear was the sound of her breathing. As she forced herself to open her eyes, she met an almighty shock.

She was inside a house.

 It was a mansion, castle...or a...palace? She didn’t have a clue. The hard floor was pale marble colour and it seemed to be a thick as the earth. When Lucy peered up, she saw a grand white ceiling, with white incrusted angels and a ginormous chandelier hanging from the middle of the room. It was drowned in silver and looked as if it could break at any moment.

As Lucy sat up, she could also see a vast oak table, the whole room was indulged in elegance, the oak shining in the pale darkness emitting from the outside. The massive arches where to her left, four in total, as big as the walls themselves. There was a balcony and looked as if it had only just been made. A fireplace dominated the other wall, the room feeling very rectangular. It was covered in black, which was unusual, and spitting out yellow flames in a polite manner.

 She could hear mutters and manly laughter, making Lucy flinch. It sounded like cooks and chiefs, all having a good time. The cluttering of plates warned her that someone could be coming, but her legs had failed her. Then suddenly she had a funny feeling, as though she could sense someone in the room. But there wasn’t anyone.

“Lovely, isn’t it?” A voice echoed from the darkness. Lucy turned her head but saw no one

“Who’s there?” she asked in a quivering voice. The man’s voice chuckled a little before stepping out from a shadow in front of her.

He wasn’t dressed in smart clothing, but he didn’t look rather strange. His trousers were like jeans, but they were also designed like a suit. He wore a simple non-sleeved top as well, and definitely didn’t look like he fitted in.

“Me” he said simply. “You should know who I am, Lucy, for I know you. I know everything about you, and you know very little about me.”

Lucy was stunned, she didn’t know whether she was going to be killed or helped. The man smiled and moved past Lucy to the end of the oak table. Lucy followed quickly and he stopped suddenly

“You do realise where you are, don’t you?” he asked curiously

“No, sir...” she panted. This seemed to entertain him as he looked around more

“I really do love this palace, it does of course rightly belong to me,” he muttered, Lucy struggling to hear over a large clang of plates “I’m sorry about them, there so exited at the moment”

“Why?” Lucy wheezed as the man’s features where outlined in the flames. To answer her question, two guards suddenly came through the door. Lucy screamed as she saw the black hoods and troll like faces.

“You’re scared of them?” he whispered, and Lucy nodded. He stepped forward and they stopped, doing an odd salute.

“Hail Lord Zuc the mighty.”

Lucy flinched.

“Hail you all, I trust you’re having a good time?” he said politely. They nodded, one looking as if he was drunk. “Good, tell the others to prepare to move, I would not like our party to be ruined, I trust you have made all the maps?”

The one with spots and gashes nodded, “oh yes! That marauders map helped!” one roared. Zuc smiled and the two nodded their heads

“Well done, now be prepared to leave as soon as possible,” Zuc said and the two obeyed. They half jogged out and squealed as the doors flew open. Zuc laughed hardly as they both cluttered around dazed, before swiftly leaving. When Zuc turned Lucy was no were to be seen.

“Stay where you are” Lucy shivered, pointing her wand at his back. Zuc did a sarcastic look before turning

“You really think a twig will stop me? Well if you give me five minutes, we can sort this out once and for all,” this confused Lucy who got ready to strike anyway. He pushed her aside and Lucy didn’t retaliate. He grabbed her wrist and she was stunned at his power, but then realised with those muscles he had to be.

He pulled her out into the hall; which could have been another house. The Lord lead her out into the most expensive courtyard ever be told. It had two sweeping gold staircases, leading up to a balcony and several doors, lined with silver. It was darkly beautiful. He whisked her through some double doors, and past several guards who seemed to follow them

“Sir?” Lucy asked, not knowing weather she should call him Zuc or Lord, not that she really wanted to say it.

“Yes, Lucy?” he said as the guards grunted to each other

They slowed their pace and went to a gentle walk; Lucy knowing that Zuc had defence right behind them

“You said that this place was rightly yours. But all your guards are here, isn’t it yours?”

If the trolls spoke English, they would have laughed like the infected humans beside them

“We shall explain later, we are going to the green”

After a couple of minutes of stars truck amazement of the beauty, they made it outside. There where many statues of previous leaders, and an odd montage in the middle of the garden, as they got closer to it, it seemed to show a human, the first stone figure holding the pillar above, the others slowly showing the human being crushed. Lucy shuddered as they prowled through the gardens, and it seemed at least a hundred men and other ‘things’ had dropped their posts to come and watch.

Lucy was beggining to get a bad feeling. 

Lucy was forced to stop by a cling of impeding daggers from other guards, but Zuc was left to walk on. He stopped before turning

“My people. My worthy followers, did I not say on this day you would witness your enemy?” He said loudly. Lucy quivered, the blades inching closer around her.

“People would not join us because of the ‘danger’ they feared. How do you think of them now! They could not believe we faced…a girl? A teenage girl? How do you think of them now, cowering from these spell casters?”

Roars and squeals of laughter echoed around the mountains, the mix of followers was astounding. There where pig like creatures, werewolf’s of free will, vampires and knights, as well as hooded people that mostly looked like assassins and thieves. They had circled them, leaving what looked like an arena for them to fight.

 “And they all descend from one being, that being has destroyed our lives! Our freedom! Our dignity! We should have devoured all of them! But alas our ancestors did not so. But we shall fight them all!” he addressed his army and they cheered as he walked around.

“If you cannot persuade yourself that this is a task most rewarding, think of your pride. Your ancestors will be proud of you; your descendant’s will forever remember you! They shall wake up to a world of wonder and difference, and they shall say ‘I was part of the revolution!’ ‘I am a free man, and forever will be!’”

This made the crowd bob up and down, many thieves smiling, toothless pictures increasing in Lucy’s brain. This is what she would have to face.

“We shall end part of this battle tonight! You shall go home to your family and friends and say ‘ I have witness the start of our future’. And we shall destroy every follower of Lucy Snape’s intentions, tough I doubt many are fighting for her at the moment” he laughed in a low voice.“You asked Lucy why we are here? Would anyone like to tell her?” This was scary now, Zuc was playing with her and there was nothing she could do about it. “We stole a magical item about a year ago, if you remember Lucy, that item helped us to construct a similar weapon, of which of this castle. Our ‘beloved’ King is out tonight, and he has left me in charge of the castle, the silly fool. We have detailed everything inside, and this will help me with one art of my plan”

Lucy pulled a face. She had always assumed Zuc was high up, a Prince or King even. But then again, why would he be paying animals to cross into the wizarding world and kill everyone?

Then he said something that scared Lucy to death.

“Are you ready?”

“What?” Lucy asked

"To fight?" He whispered. "Surely the magical wizard is up to any task, is that our dear friend Merlin said." He seemed to growl this and other moaned as well. "My ancestor, Lord Vasil, was killed by him, placed here and his roots lay forgotten. I found my destiny through him, and it all made sense. I laid here too long not to take action, this is my country’s change to take back what it rightfully lost, and would have gained”

The man walked off towards someone as the crowd parted for him. Lucy screamed as she saw who it was, dressed in a designer suit carrying a ginormous bag.

“Joshua! How good to see you” he hugged the man, letting the contents of the bag fall to the floor “be careful” he hissed, Kingston fumbling for it

“Sorry, Zuc” he mumbled before noticing Lucy “I thought you would get her. She’s easy prey when they’re alone, wizards.”

But Zuc hadn’t been listening, and had been eyeing the man's clothing. “Is that a muggle suit Kingston?”

“I assure you it’s the finest!” he said admiring the grey trousers and black tie. “You can’t be mad at a good friend”

“I would expect a friend to obey orders, muggle clothing is banned in this world!” Zuc hissed, the crowd gawping at Lucy as if she was the newest attraction.

As Kingston and Zuc had a polite conversation on suits and style, Lucy’s mind went whizzing into action. What could she do? Fight? Run? Hide? Give in? Maybe they’d let her go, but she knew they wouldn’t. She couldn’t help but think back to Professor Binns’ lesson and the tale of the knights. Lord Vasil had been the evildoer, and Zuc must be his descendant, and wanted to finish what his ancestor had started… but Lucy wasn’t Merlin, she was never going to be as powerful as him. Why her?

“Why us?” She shouted at Zuc as Kingston picked up the bag again

“Don’t ask me Lucy, ask Merlin, his orb chose you, not me. You and those other spell casters are the ones that are my main threat, and the first to go…” he walked off boldly, preparing to fight. Kingston followed with the bag and stood next to him.

The vampire pulled the contents out the bag carefully, Lucy peering t see what they were.

It was armour.

The most fantastic armour Lucy had ever seen. It was built specifically for lord Zuc, but it looked spectacular. Around every plate of armour was a slim line of blackness, and the main part of his protection gleaming, it looked almost silver. The plates that protected his arms looked as if they where sculpted around fire, shoulder pads looking like two tortoise shells. As Kingston put it on him, he smiled.

Lucy was shunted forward by the lances and fell to the ground, the crowd jeering. Zuc’s suit was nearly on, making him look like a tyrant. It must have made him look an inch more muscular. Kingston placed his helmet on his head, and Zuc snapped down the visor. The blades coming off the side and top looked like dragons ears, and he didn’t look human anymore.

It was if he had turned into some glorified monster.

Kingston stepped backed and waved to Lucy, as if saying goodbye. The Lord stepped forward, and Lucy stumbled to her feet. Joshua Kingston then threw something into the sky, which Zuc caught easily. His sword was, again, looking as if it had just come out of hell. The handle had a dead black stone forged into the end, ne side of the sword looking like choppy ocean. He advanced, preparing to kill Lucy In one swipe. As he did, he seemed to grow in height, as if he was a picture on the Internet, someone pulling at the zoom button. He grew at least an inch; the armour must have powers Lucy didn’t dare think of.

Even though the crowd was zooming in, Lucy could tell Zuc was smiling underneath. He clenched the handle of the sword with both hands and swung.

Lucy dived to the floor; the sounds of the sword narrowly missed her head filling her ears. As Zuc bought back his sword he kicked Lucy with so much force she was pushed several metres back. She raised her wand and screamed


To her absolute shock, Zuc took the impact with no damage at all, it looked as if his armour adsorbed it, a defensive ray across the brim of the metal. Kingston was indulged in the fight; Lucy’s harsh breathing filling her up.

Zuc swung again as he walked, Lucy backing up each time. The crowd jeered each time Lucy ducked, moved or raised her wand. It was like a showdown Lucy was doomed to lose. When ever she went to cast a spell, the armour would protect Zuc from it.

Think Lucy think! Her brain sieged. What would dad do!? What would McGuire do?! Dumbledore even?

Then an idea that was almost suicidal entered her brain. It was crazy, but as McGuire would quote, so crazy it might just work. Might.

Lucy prepared herself as Zuc poked his sword forwards, gashing at her arm. Lucy clenched her teeth as it ripped part of her top, blood spewing out. She backed off and prepared her crazy plan. It was time to run...At Zuc.

Lucy pelted towards him, thinking of the only way possible to get the armour off. Kingston hadn’t taken forever to put the armour on, so it wouldn’t have been fastened safely. As she ran, Zuc stayed still and raised his sword. Only one would win this. Lucy jumped and aimed for a shoulder pad, and clamped onto it like a cheetah. To her absolute surprise the plan worked, and the whole arm came off.

Lucy tumbled to the ground, and made a coughing noise as she did, wind blown out of her. Zuc didn’t seemed to mind she had just broken his suit, as he began to shrink he pulled of his helmet and hissed

“Bravo! This makes everything more interesting! I did not underestimate you, Miss Snape, even if you thought..."

“Reducto!” Lucy interrupted, sending the red spell zooming towards Zuc’s head. He ducked effortlessly, the crowd screaming and parting. Zuc twirled his sword and prepared to fight again. Being lighter, he was much quicker and nearly stabbed Lucy into her chest. It did catch her leg though and she yelped in shock. As she lay on the floor, Zuc speared the sword into the ground, Lucy dogging it at the last second, spewing grass everywhere. She limped behind a statue for safety and waited.

She could hear and smells the breaths of the pigs, the sounds of their capes wrapping in the gentle wind blowing across the places gardens. Lucy couldn’t take Zuc on by herself, she needed help. Her thoughts where interrupted by a spear smashing into the rock to he side. She trembled as she looked around and fell to her knees to see one of the hooded creatures had decided to interfere.

Silence had followed. No one dare speak let alone draw a breath. Zuc looked at him with no expression

“She is mine to kill” was all he said. He saw Lucy out of the brim of his brown eyes as the pig like thing looked around. Like a knife, he threw his sword, and to Lucy’s horror, watched it cleanly swipe the thing in half, as well as scatter remains of the army waiting.

As Zuc retrieved his sword, Lucy made a run for the mighty’s forgotten arm protection. She slid for it and used it as a body protection. Zuc swiped at her as Lucy tried to balance it in her hand, using it like a shield. Zuc slashed against his shoulder pad and arm, only to minorly scrape it. But the force nearly blew Lucy over. She casted spells as he swung his sword violently. This went on for a while, Lucy aiming for his arm.

“You can’t kill me!” he shouted, although it was like he was saying it to himself.

“Who said anything about killing you?” Lucy said back, as she threw it at the man’s face. It knocked him of guard, and he fell over loudly. The crowd suddenly drew all their swords, crossbows or whatever they had. Some even had sticks from woods.

“Stay where you are!” Kingston shouted, Lucy getting to her feet quickly. But as well as fear, determination filled herself up. She aimed for the mans head

“Stupefy!” this hit him straight in the head. There was complete silence.

Suddenly rather than advancing, the crowd backed away. Their were mutters of ‘what will she do? ‘She has a wand!’ they had never seen magic like this before.

Kingston pulled the most evil face you could imagine. The men who had been so cruel were backing away quicker now as Lucy advanced the crowd. It was just like the professor had said: the unknown scared them. Lucy walked around in the circle, eyeing them all her wand pointing towards them. But suddenly she felt nothing. Her neck went stone cold and the fear increased. If she could the screaming would have followed.

“Play nicely, Lucy, we don’t want our new friends getting scared now, do we?” Kingston whispered into her ear.

“Just let me go,” she ordered.

“Or what?”

“I’ll hex you!”

“You think I don’t know about magic, Lucy? I went to your school as a uni student remember?”

Lucy ignored this quote and listened to the sound of Zuc waking up. He hadn’t been knocked out, just out of breath. Lucy’s sides and wounds where beginning to sting badly as Kingston held her in front of Zuc, ready to strike. He lifted himself up, looking more evil than ever.

“Goodbye...Lucy Snape” Zuc muttered.

Do something Lucy, do something before he kills you, be brave, do it for the wizarding world she thought as quickly as she could but there was nothing to save her or nothing to do. She tried to think like her dad, she must be able to as she was his daughter and he must have passed on some of his intelligence to her.

She grasped her wand as though this was her only friend, well, it was in battle anyway.  She took a deep breath then opened her eyes and faced Zuc.

“Kill me then,” she said simply. “Why don’t you just do it? Or are you too much of a coward? I’m just another witch, there are plenty of them back home, why hold on to me? Just grab your sword and slice me in two and I’ll be dead then you’ll be able to take over the wizarding population.”

“My Lord! My lord! She called you a coward!” Kingston said hopping up and down on one foot as though he had been burnt

“Quiet Kingston!” Zuc demanded

Just do it,” she said her teeth gritted, the pain in her leg was really starting to get to her.

“Very well, I suppose you’re right…” Zuc held his sword above him.

He was going to slice Lucy in half and everyone knew it. Kingston was very excited; he was going to see his enemy being chopped as easily as a piece of fruit. Zuc steadied his sword then what felt like in slow motion he bought it down.

The crowd held their breaths but Lucy didn’t move. Zuc’s sword hit the ground with a clang, he was expecting to see blood and guts but there were none he looked around but Lucy was gone.

“Where is she?” Zuc demanded, “WHERE IS SHE!” His yells deafened everyone

“Coo-ee!, Zuc!” Someone said in a singsong voice, Zuc looked up and saw Lucy on top of the roof


“Oh I used my little time turner do you like it?” She said sweetly, “I figured it would come in useful. AND I WASN’T GOING TO DIE FOR YOU! YOU AND YOUR STUPID VAMPIRE ARMY! YOU CAN’T EVEN OUTSMART A WEAK GIRL!”

Zuc looked furious he stormed over to her and desperately tried to climb the roof. Lucy panicked slightly as it was hard to move with her hurt leg. Zuc took his sword and desperately tried to hit her, the sword skimmed her arms a couple of times but nothing too major. 

When Lucy reached the top of the roof she grabbed the pole that was there for support, the wind rushed through her hair and nipped at her cheeks, which had gone red and were burning the gashes that were there. She was definitely in trouble now.

“There’s no escape now, Snape!” Kingston jeered as he made his way up the roof with Lord Zuc

“There isn’t…” Lucy said but she couldn’t be heard over the wind, she grabbed the pole tighter as Zuc finally made his way up Kingston giggling like a maniac behind.

“Your end then?” Zuc said apologising in a sarcastic way, “I wonder if daddy will miss you?”

“I’m sure he will, I’m sure Shona will miss me too I’m sure I won’t die in vain and they will avenge my death”

“Oh they won’t we’ll have them already locked up and torture them”

“Very well,” Lucy said simply and ducked as Zuc swiped his sword at her as though trying to swat a pesky fly. She simply used the best spells she could at him at her best attempt to stun him until she saw it.

The tri wizard cup was there below.

Zuc didn’t notice this until Lucy scrambled down off the building and hit the floor with a thud, she quickly got up even though her wounds were begging her to lie down and just let Zuc kill her. But she wasn’t giving in, not now.

“The Cup, Kingston! GET IT!” Zuc roared over the wind as he got off the roof himself and Kingston tried desperately to get off the roof, he was as excited as a schoolgirl at killing he enemy.

But Zuc knew for a fact that Kingston wasn’t going to make it to Lucy in time, she was only centimetres from the cup which must be her prize in this tournament, so he rounded on one of his followers and snatched a sharp knife from one of their hands.

“Give me that!” He snarled then yelled at Kingston to move, then threw the knife in Lucy’s direction.

And as she touched the cup she felt something sharp lodge in her back, but she didn’t have time to scream...

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