My Ice Cold Boss|| Jungkook f...

By kim_kth

458K 13.1K 4.8K

Part 1 More

Chapter: 1 [Edited]
Chapter: 2 [Edited]
Chapter: 3 [Edited]
Chapter: 4 [Edited]
Chapter: 5 [Edited]
Chapter: 6 [Edited]
Chapter: 7 [Edited]
Chapter: 8 [Edited]
Chapter: 9 [Edited]
Chapter: 10 [Edited]
Chapter: 11 [Edited]
Chapter: 12 [Edited]
Chapter: 13 [Edited]
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 17
Chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
Chapter: 21
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
Chapter: 24
Chapter: 25
Chapter: 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter: 28
Chapter: 29
Chapter: 31
Chapter: 32
Chapter: 33
Chapter: 34
Chapter: 35
Chapter: 36
Chapter: 37
Chapter: 38
Chapter: 39
Book 2 is out!

Chapter: 30

8.4K 289 90
By kim_kth

Neveah's POV'

I ran out of the building and towards the bus stop next street.

I cannot believe Jungkook did that to me, now it's my turn to feel used.

I sat in the bus, and looked out the window trying to get a hold of myself.

Control your tears, you can't let yourself feel that you're week.

And all that motivation went flushing down the toilet when I felt a tear escape.

I broke down into a fit of tears, this past few weeks have been heartbreaks and heartbreaks.

I just can't handle all of this, if my heart keeps receiving this kind of abuse it will forget how to love.

I wiped my tears over and over again but they just kept coming over and over again.

It was like a never ending waterfall.

I felt the seat beside me being taken. I didn't even bother looking I had more important issues to look after.

The bus came to a stop and I walked over this person's legs and hoped off this bus.

I walked to my apartments building thinking about my broken love life, when I had a feeling of being followed.

I didn't bother looking back and just speed walked to my destination, we had tight security over the building so when I reach there my phobia of getting followed would bare down.

I quickly entered the building and let out a huff of relief, I put a hand over my chest and walked over the elevator.

I entered my apartment and threw my coat on the couch and went in my room to change into my PJ's.

I heard my laptop ding implieing I had a new e-mail.

I walked over to it hoping it's for a job interview or something.

I saw 4 e-mail's from different places offering me a job, I excitedly open the first one.

And it was from a club, yes I also applied in a club because they were looking for a DJ.

But I don't feel like it anymore so I declined and moved on to the next one and it was from a boutique, they were hiring for a sales girl.

I didn't decline it yet but moved on the next one. It was from my favourite bubble tea shop, I was surely going to accept this one but not before opening the last one.

And it was from the Jeon company. What the heck do they want now?

I opened it and it was an apology letter, but why is it from the companie's e-mail address.

Dear Chipmunk,

I know you don't need an explination but I felt like to give you one, I just really didn't want you to feel used.

It would be pathetic of me to explain and apologize here so please give me a call or call me over at your place.

Yours sincerely,

Sexy-hunk-irresistible-wanna devoure-soon to be boyfriend.


Seriously this guy would never stop ruining everything, literally he will say something really meaningfull and then end it with something super cocky and arrogant.

Or something utterly ridiculous and stupid.

But what he said, he felt like giving me an explination, as to why I caught him sucking off that hoes face.

Maybe yeah I want one.

I heard shuffling in my kitchen, and it couldn't be a raccoon. Don't ask me why I thought of that. Long story.

I looked for something to beat the crap out of that piece of shit who intruded in my apartment. Forget about me saying tight security.

Cuz clearly that was an understatement.

And thanks to my wonderful life and how it's treating me, I found absolutely nothing.

I just grabbed a pillow to protect me and a vase to hit he/she/it on the head.

I opened my door slowly begging it to not make a creaking sound, and for once my life was on my side. This time only.

I walked on my tiptoes towards my kitchen, the lights of the kitchen was turned off, but I could see a figure devouring my vanilla ice cream.

I know I said I couldn't see anything but I sence food when I smell it.

Except of hitting that thing with the vase I hit it with the pillow while flicking on the lights.

And it was none other than......wait what Jungkook.

I was not expecting him at all. Espacially at this hour.

"What the heck are you doing in my house, eating MY vanilla I've cream" I said snatching the ice cream away from him.

And instantly he pouted, but it's not gonna work cuz this is about food bitch.

"I wanted to eat ice cream" He said sheepishly.


His eyes widen, I guess he has never seen this side of me, but like seriously who sneaks into someones apartment just to eat their vanilla ice cream.

"Calm down babe, I also came here to explain" I blushed at the word babe I like it.

"I don't need an explination Jungkook, you have every right to kiss your girlfriend" I said matter a factly.

After alot of thinking I assumed she was his girlfriend, that's why he was kissing her. Like why not.

"What!?!?, she is not my girlfriend, I like you!!" He said coming a bit closer but stopes mid way.

"Then why were you kissing her" I said folding my arms, like some kind of mother telling her child why he didn't feed a god damn turtle.

"I didn't kiss her she kissed me" He explained, but uh-huh bitch I had more questions.

"Then why were you kissing her back?"

"It's just becau-wait.........are you jealous?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

I was about to defend something that was true, like c'mon ofcourse I was jealous, but his smug face dropped instantly.

I frowned, "then again why would you be jealous you don't even like me" He said looking down.

I found this as a great opportunity to confess my true feelings.

I speed walked over to him and cupped his face, he looked at me, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

He had tears in those beautiful brown orbs. I seriously have said this one hundred times but I wanna knock my self out with a brick bcz I caused his to cry.

"Oh no no no, kookie don't cry, I like you very very much, and don't just assume I am saying that because you are crying, I really do mean it, I didn't say it the first time you asked me bcz, I was scared that something else would come out of my mouth and ruin everything but me not saying anything made things even worse, I am so sorry kookie please forgive me, and please I am begging you to stop crying" I said wiping his fallen tears.

I kissed the rest of his tears away, I caress his face, and now he is smiling ear to ear.

I crack on a small smile, he picked me up and swirled me around in the air.

"Ya, ya!!, put me don't pabo-ya" I said slapping his shoulder.

He puts me down and engulfs me in a tight hug, I hug him as tight.

I giggled when he starts planting sweet kisses on my neck, it tickled.

"You like me back" He said smiling cheekily.

I giggled once again and pecked his lips before saying.

"Yes my kookie, I like you very much"

His ear to ear smile comes back and he pulls me towards my bed room and lays me down and joined me after.

He cuddles me and I cuddle him back. Perfect I thought.

I felt his chest rise and go down as his breath begins to go steady

This was just perfect, I was waiting for thus moment for a long time and it's finally here, hugging my boyfriend.

Wait are we even a couple now, should I ask him?

"Kookie, are we a couple now" I asked looking to at him.

"Of course we are, chipmunk" He said cuddling even more.

I smiled and thought once again, perfect.

Well it was before Jungkook said:
"Can I have my ice cream back?"

                          ●  ●  ●

I  know you probably are thinking finally they are a couple, lol.

Me too.

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