You Are My Girl (Olicity) - F...

By peetaology

881K 20.2K 6.2K

The story of Felicity and Oliver. A spirited IT girl and a playboy billionaire with a secret. More

You Are My Girl; 1
A Warning; 2
An Old Friend; 3
Safe and Sound; 4
Saving Felicity; 5
House Guest;
A New Place
A Talk With Oliver
Don't Shoot The Messanger
Mr. Queen
Hooding Up
Waking Up To Confusion
The Feelings
Remember Me?
Broken Hearts Can Heal
More Problems
An Image
A kiss, Amanda, and a cure
The Man In The Skull Mask Tells All
A Pawn in his Game
A Plan- and "The Man"
Taking Down a Friend
Arrow Business
The Broke Rich Boy
The Bank Robbers- and trained by the best
How To Shoot An Arrow
You Are Not Alone
Barry Allen.
Oliver Freaking Queen
Taking The Heat
What Oliver Might Have Done
Wake Up Oliver, I'll Take Care Of Everything Else
Determined Smoak & Her Partners
The Arrow is Back
A Ring Of Broken Promises
Fifty Shades Of Queen
Warning Season 3 Spoiler
The Arrow's Sister
Vengeance Of The Queen
Fifty Shades of... Green
Life is Full Of Surprises
How to (Not) Hide the Truth
So We Meet Again
Mini Felicity
Who Is Palmer?
The Family Man
Team Arrow?
Heart to Heart
Very Platonic Circumstances
Love and War
Dark Secrets
And The Walls Came Crashing Down
An Arrow to the Knee
Keeping Her Safe
Fighting For a Future

Losing Someone You Love

12K 271 85
By peetaology

[Chapter 31; Losing Someone You Love]

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
― Mahatma Gandhi


Felicity was running in front of him, her blonde hair flowing out behind her. "Come on, keep up- you're supposed to be faster... After all, you're Arrow." She jokingly teased, looking back.

"Oliver Queen?!" She exclaimed, in a deep, surprised tone.

All of a sudden, they were falling. Felicity was just out of his reach. Oliver reached out a hand for her, but it was too late. They both plunged into cold, icy, water.

He was under. Oliver's lungs burned. He needed air- his head pounded.

"Felicity!" Where was Felicity?

"Who is Felicity?" Came a voice from the darkness.

Oliver opened his eyes as he was pulled up from the icy darkness. Where was he? What was going on?

"Mr. Queen." Called a voice. Oliver looked around wildly. A bucket full of ice water was at his feet. A man had been dunking him into it.

"I am just a humble business women," the familiar voice drawled from the shadows, "and now, I know your secret."

Oliver couldn't quite pin down the voice, but it was a familiar, feminine voice.

"I need you to transfer $7 million dollars into am offshore account, Mr. Queen. If you do, your secret is safe. But if not..."

"What makes you think I would pay you to keep my secret?" Oliver bluffed, knowing that his secret could never get out. Most likely, if he could not get out of here, he would pay them- and have his girl steal it back. Using a computer.

"What would that do to your family? Your name?" The lady continued, staying out of sight.

Oliver felt his muscles tense. If there was one thing that really put him off, it was being threatened.


Felicity closed the door to the lair softly. She was on her way to meet Roy- who had reluctantly agreed to meet her.

Her heart was pounding uncontrollably in her chest, and she felt jumpy at each shadow. As she opened the door to Verdant, the brisk night air caught her by surprise. The temperature had dropped by at least 20 degrees.

"Pssst." Called a familiar voice from the shadows. Roy stood in the alley next to Verdant. His brown hair was slightly messed up, and his blue eyes were sharp. They glinted in the darkness.

"Roy, thanks for meetin-" Felicity began.

"Save it, Blondie, let's just find Queen so I can leave." He cuts in harshly, narrowing his eyes further.

Felicity drew a sharp breath.

"Where do we even start?"

Roy paused, and ran a hand through his dark hair.

"I have absolutely no idea."

About ten minutes later, Roy still stood in the same spot, staring off into the darkness. Frankly, Felicity was getting more and more nervous. She clutched her tablet tighter, and pursed her lips.

"How about we go back into the lair?" She suggested, snapping Roy out of his trance.

"How about we just go home and assume Queen is a dead man- as he probably is." Roy snapped.

Felicity flinched.

"Felicity..." Roy's voice was softer now.

"Just go. Go back to Thea, and don't try to bring back her brother." Felicity was furious now. Oliver was ok. He had to be ok.


"You know, this is a hilarious coincidence. I was only going to kidnap Arrow, to blackmail him- but he turned out to be the next man on my list." The woman drawled, her tone mocking.

"I guess I'm just good at pissing people off." Oliver narrowed his eyes at the darkness.

"Indeed you are," came the reply, "so now let's talk about Queen Consolidated."

Oliver was straining to see in the dimly lit room. How was he supposed to escape if he couldn't figure out an escape room.

"Yes..." He was stalling now, "What about my business?"

"Well, let's talk about your employee. Felicity Smoak? Yes. Well, what's your relationship to her?" The women seemed to know more than she was letting on- but what did any of this have to do with his Felicity?

"An acquaintance." Oliver answered steadily.

"Oh really? So you sleep with all of your acquaintances? Or is she just special?" He could picture the woman sneering as she spoke.

"What are you talking about?" Oliver couldn't hide the surprise in his tone.

"An IT girl, with an abundance of short skirts, suddenly promoted to secretary of the CEO- who happened to be a billionaire play boy? Tell me how that looks. Everyone is talking about it."

Oliver was taken aback. He had never thought about what the promotion might do to Felicity's reputation. Though most nights, Felicity worked in the IT department, Oliver also needed her to be closer in case they needed to talk- so he had her be his secretary. At least the woman had given him a clue to her identity.

She works at Queen Consolidated.

"Yes, I gave you a clue. Indeed, I work with you Mr. Queen." The woman now sounded amused.

A figure stepped out of the shadows, and into the dim light.
She was slender, tan, with sleek, long black hair. She was a very familiar coworker.

Isabelle Roshev.

In her hands, she held a phone.

"Now, how about we give your little pet a phone call?" She smirked.

Oliver strained against his bonds, but the man who had dunked him in the ice water held him close.

"You will leave her alone." Oliver demanded, his voice full of authority.

Isabelle laughed. "You're not in any place to be ordering people around, Oliver."

She dialed Felicity's number, which she apparently had memorized.


"Felicity, I'm sorry, I'll help you find him." Roy pleaded.

Just then, Felicity's phone rang. Needing an escape from Roy, she picked it up hastily.


"Felicity Smoak! How is your fling with Oliver?"


"Uh, what are you talking about? By fling I assume you mean I, having an affair with my boss, like most of the people at QC, but like I tell them, We. Are. Just. Friends. And honestly, I'm tired of all these rumors going around it's-"

"What if I told you, you are sleeping with a killer?" The lady's voice was cold, and menacing.

She knew.

"Um...?" Felicity did her best to sound confused, but her mind was racing. The lady had messed up, clearly forgetting that Felicity had hacking skills. It would be easy for her to trace the phone call.

"Oliver Queen, your boss, is the Arrow."

Before Felicity could think of a reply that would not give anything away, the lady had hung up.

"Who was that?" Roy looked amused, probably at hearing her rant.

"That was our ticket to finding Oliver." Felicity shouted excitedly, forgetting that she stood in a dark ally.

"Do explain." Roy furrowed his brows I confusion.

"I can trace the call!" Felicity voiced her thoughts, and Roy instantly brightened.

Felicity set to work on her tablet to trace the call.


Oliver was starting to doubt his release. Even if he paid, how was he to know that Isabelle wouldn't tell anyone else. On the other hand, simply hearing Felicity's voice on the other end of the phone have him hope.

The commotion started around 1am. Oliver knew this because there was an alarm clock in the middle of the room. It was the guards' way of knowing when to change shifts. A new guard would come about every hour.

The guard beside him instantly tensed when the door flew open, letting in a stream of light.

What was going on?

Oliver was shocked to see Roy in the doorway. He was dressed in Oliver's Arrow suit, equipped with his bow. The only thing missing from the outfit was Oliver's mask, which he had been wearing at the time of he kidnapping. Roy had covered this up with green make-up.

At least Oliver hoped it was Roy. Diggle had gone to visit Lila, who had something important to tell him. So basically, it was Roy, or someone else knew his secret.

The guard faltered. "I thought Oliver Queen was the Arrow!"

"You thought wrong." Roy (or the mystery man) answered in Oliver's Arrow voice. Raising his bow, he entered the room. Trailing behind, a frazzled looking Felicity sauntered in, clutching her tablet.

The guard made a mad dash for the exit, and no one stopped him from leaving.

"Oliver!" Felicity breathed, and ran towards him, flinging her arms around him. If Oliver hadn't been tied up, he would have hugged her back.

"Oliver." Roy said curtly, sending him a nod. It was Roy, and Oliver was now sure of it.

Felicity gently untied Oliver's bonds, and then he wrapped her into a hug.

"Thank you." He whispered.

Felicity pulled out of the hug, her eyes wary. "I was so worried! Who-"

Oliver didn't want to talk about it now. He tilted Felicity's head towards his, and planted his lips on hers.

Instantly, the dark room, Roy, Isabelle, the guards, the danger- all melted away. It was just Felicity and him.

Felicity kissed him back feverishly, and ran her hands through his hair. Oliver had to remind himself to breathe. He took a deep breath and left a trail of kisses down Felicity's neck.

Roy cleared his throat awkwardly, but Oliver ignored him. Stop ruining our moment.

Felicity let out a soft moan, and Oliver wished they were in a more private place.

"Oliver!" Roy called.

Shut up Roy.

Oliver touched Felicity's cheek lightly, and stopped kissing her to look into her eyes.

"I love you." He whispered, and he meant it completely.

"I love you too, Oliver Queen." Felicity broke into a smile.

She was just so cute.

Oliver kissed her soft lips once more. Kissing Felicity was probably his favorite thing to do it the world.

"Let's go!" Roy shouted, breaking the two apart.

"Well this is interesting." It was too late. Isabelle ahead arrived- with about twenty more guards.

"I tried to warn you." Roy muttered. But Oliver wasn't paying much attention to Roy- his attention was focused on protecting Felicity.

She tensed and Oliver stood up, shielding her. He entwined his hand with hers, and protectively stood between her and Isabelle's force.


I hope it was good :) I tried to rewrite it as fast as I could!

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