Memories of Summer

By 6thofapril

270 44 0

Memories are just plain words without emotions. Still, emotions aren't justified by all the words in the worl... More

[Memories of Summer]
[A Memory of Summer: The author]
[Week 1: Laura]
[A Memory of Summer: John]
[Week 1: Liam]
[A Memory of Summer: Debra]
[Week 2: Laura]
[A Memory of Summer: Melanie]
[Week 2: Maggie]
[A Memory of Summer: Michael]
[Week 3: Laura]
[A Memory of Summer: Samantha]
[Week 3: Liam]
[A Memory of Summer: Laura]
[Week 4: Laura]
[A Memory of Summer: Nancy]
[Week 4: Maggie]
[A Memory of Summer: Oliver]
[Week 5: Laura]
[A Memory of Summer: Maggie]
[Week 5: Liam]
[A Memory of Summer: Charles]
[Week 6: Laura]
[A Memory of Summer: Kate]
[Week 6: Maggie]
[A Memory of Summer: Liam]
[A Memory of Summer: Noah]
[Week 7: Liam]
[A Reading List of Summer]
[Week 8: Laura]
[A Closure of Summer]

[Week 7: Laura]

4 0 0
By 6thofapril

Dear Diary,

It's the seventh week of summer break. More than ⅔ of the summer has practically passed and I can't help but feel like I want to hold to this season just a bit longer. I still wake up to flowers outside of my window, what I didn't think I would wake up to was Liam waiting there with a tray of breakfast.

Really, he half scared me to death before we both broke out laughing so hard that our neighbors probably think we have gone mad. But as we had calmed down he carefully and a bit shy, leaned forward and stool a kiss from my lips.

I pulled away slightly, after all that had happened it was still hard being with Liam. My heart wanted nothing but to just grab his handsome face between my hands and never let go. But my mind told me to keep my distance to not break down again.

What a complete mess of a creature I am.

Of course, I also couldn't help thinking that my breath must have been horrible, but Liam didn't seem to mind at all. He invited me outside as the sun was confidently shining and it was warmer then it had been in many days.

He didn't seem to mind the part of where I pulled away but I can't stop thinking that maybe it was either that Liam didn't want to admit that I fully didn't trust him. Or the fact that he understood that and just let me be.

After all, "time" had been the only thing I had been asking for.

We were sitting in a corner of my garden where a group of garden furniture was placed. We were just casually talking and eating cheese sandwiches with orange juice as I could hear the mailman leaving mail in our mailbox.

When I heard him, yes Dennis had been our mailman for as long as I could remember, leave I excused myself and rose up to go look in the mailbox. I had ordered a small thing online and couldn't wait for it to arrive.

I opened the mailbox and it was clear to see that there was only letters in there and no boxes. I sighed but still picked the letters up and started to browse through them.

I was turning a magazine over as a smaller paper fell to the ground. I bowed down and as soon as my eyes saw the strong colors plastering the card I knew what it was. But more importantly, who it was from.

It even had her signature greeting,

Lovely family,

I have just left Thailand for Taiwan. I was staying at a b&b right next to the beach. The sun seems to be always shining here and the white sand is never seen without a sky blue water. Laura, you would have adored the lanterns they released from the beach every night.

I hated when she did this. Trying to make me feel as if it was me who had missed something. Like I had actually been asked to come along but then declined her offer.

How could she literally be gone for years but still look at her family and talk to us the way she did. In the beginning, looking back at it now it just felt like I had been so naive. Looking forward to every mail and every update I got from her.

Nowadays it finally felt like I could relate to my father.

I stayed with an older woman and a couple from Germany. They were very young and was just like me, exploring this world.

Why would I care?

I hope to see you soon, please come join me.

I guess we are both up for a disappointment, mom.

- M ♡

I stood still. Not a single an "I miss you", "I love you" or "I'll come home soon".

If it hadn't been for the fact that I loved my brother so dearly and after all, he deserved to read this card just as much as I did, I would probably have torn it apart.

I tucked the postcard inside the hem of my pajama pants and returned to a waiting Liam who had just prepared another sandwich for himself.

I guess my face was rather revealing, I probably looked as if someone had forced fed me lemons even if I tried to not think about it.

He asked once but as I avoided the question he let it go and our morning breakfast in the middle of my garden, between blooming flowers and fruit hanging from a few green trees, continued.

Love, Laura Nancy Collins


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Your dearest,

6th of April

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