BBC Merlin Fanfic Book 2 - Fe...

By xKatnipx

36.8K 874 78

The adventure and fulfilment of destiny's continue in this book! (Based upon season 2 BBC Merlin series)! Rea... More

Before Reading!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

3.5K 60 3
By xKatnipx

Row's POV

Not much had happened since the meeting in the garden. Camelot had been peaceful and the people were happy, as was their King. Uther had ordered that the caverns underneath the castle be searched for ancient tombs he believed his predecessors had left him valuable items such as gold.

By the time morning had finally arrived I think the entire castle was in a grouchy mood. Merlin had already come to tell me how Arthur had called for him in the middle of the night commanding him to stop the noise under the orders of their prince. However, they had finally had a breakthrough instead of something joyous it was the total opposite which caused all the workers to flee in fear of their lives.

I had told Arthur however many weeks ago and kept pestering him enough so that he would remember to come and get me when they had found such treasure. History was something that interested me very much I was curious as to what we may find down there.

As if on que I had just finished putting the last pin in my sun kissed hair when the loud knock on my door sounded. I opened the slightly creaking door and to no surprise stood my knight in shining armour... literally! Who didn't seem to be in the best of moods this fine morning... wonder why I thought to myself laughing slightly, I already knew the reason and it was quite funny.

We walked together arm in arm through the draftee corridors until we reached the castle courtyard where we could get access to the lower parts of the city. The king was eagerly waiting our arrival and informed us that Morgana was not feeling well this morning so she sadly wouldn't be joining us. The two men took fairly large paces which was clearly because of their excitement to see the new findings. I on the other hand was not as fortunate and while they took one large pace I had to take 2-3 quicker ones in order to keep up with them and was thankful when we finally got there.

Entering the arched entrance, I could see Merlin chasing a fully gold place that if I saw correctly had a dent in it how odd? The king muttered under his breath what sounded like idiot and Arthur tugged on his sleeve making an embarrassed Merlin stop in his tracks. I saw him look over to me for help but I shrugged my shoulders sending him a smirk making him glare at me. That moment reminded me of my childhood and how the two of us would always wind each other up.

"Were you born clumsy or do you work at it?" I laughed slightly and Arthur seemed to feed off of my happiness as another sarcastic remark would always come again soon after the last. "It's just one of my many gifts!" Merlin's replies were always what seemed to be the icing on the cake, these two were just incredibly funny together!

I unhooked my arm from his as he took a stroll around the room inspecting the variety of objects and ornaments around the room. It wasn't any of those that struck me about the tomb and treasury of the deceased. It was the glowing blue gem that lay where the dead man's heart would be, I knew it was magic there was no doubt about it. Hopefully Uther wouldn't catch on maybe instead he would think of it as a treasure.

"Well this is quite a find! You see Gaius I was right, there is treasure to be found under Camelot!" The king was rather excited about the discovery but after watching Gaius the court physician and trusted friend of Uther's I wasn't so sure. "Which of my predecessors do I have to thank for this?" The king was examining every coin and object he could lay his hands in total awe at what ay underneath his magnificent city. It was once he put a single coin down that he noticed the heart shaped jewel in the tomb shining quite brightly. "Gaius?" after getting no response the first time he had to make sure his trusty friend was still in the same room. "I will have to look in to it sire."

The king then looked to the front of the tomb and located on the floor was a man probably one of the workers who had sadly perished but who knows how. His eyes were bloodshot and his face of a pale blushing tone it was quite a haunting sight to witness and I only dared look for a second worried I would have nightmares from the horrific sight.

"How did he die?" The king clearly as curious as I, that very question had been circling my head since I saw the unfortunate soul. "He seems to have unwittingly set off a trap." Gaius pointed to the squared shaped tiles making me feel wary, one wrong move and you may have your life ended by who knows what. Arthur noticed my face turn from curiosity to fearful which made him approach me for comfort and he replied to Gaius' comment "to defer grave robbers." He looked down to me reassuring me that its only to keep the dead souls possessions safe even if they aren't from the present time.

"Well there's plenty in here people would want to steal, have them secure the tomb guarding it is your responsibility Arthur!" His son sighed not pleased with the task he was given I mean I don't think I would either but the kind was set on keeping his discovery of gold to himself and would do whatever it takes to keep it that way. "Yes father." That was his obedient side coming through but deep down I knew he absolutely hated he idea.

There was something Gaius was hiding but who knows what it could be. Arthur and I walked out to see the sunlight once again happily breathing in fresh air rather than the dusty old smelling type below the city. "I was planning on asking you to come for a picnic with me in the forest but it would seem my father has other plans. I think he can read my mind, he knows I'm sure of it whenever I intend to take you somewhere. do this Arthur do that Arthur!" He was getting himself all flustered and I couldn't help but giggle, the furrowed lines on his forehead vanished once I began to laugh and he could never resit smiling with me. "Arthur there's always time for us to do things don't work yourself up so much you sound like a whiney child. You should feel honoured the king has asked you to do such an important task... guarding a grave!" my sarcastic tone lead to him lunging forward and grabbing my waist pulling me into his broad chest.

His eyes seemed to outshine the shade of the sky and that was my favourite part of him. His eyes showed everything love, anger every emotion there is it was clearly demonstrated through them and I could never bring myself to look away without him bringing me out of the daze I always entered. "You had better go and get ready." The young prince looked down confused clearly forgetting the plans he had for today. "Your hunting trip?" Confusion turned to stress, he was definitely running late, thankfully he was changed and Merlin had saddled his horse.

Merlin was running down the courtyard steps holding all the equipment that they would need, both his and his master's saddlebags as well as two spears. "Hurry up Merlin!" and at that moment my poor 'brother' had to get onto his knees for the prince to use him as a step up. "Can you not get up ike a nral person Arthur? Poor Merin's back." I stood on the opposite side of the two men and steadied the horse running my fingers through its inky coloured mane keeping it relaxed. "Now where would be the fun in that?" I shook my head as I watched how irritated Merlin grew by the second. The knights around me were all saddled and ready to go apart from one or two double checking everything was securely onto their saddles.

Arthur sat down on his proudly which lasted for about two seconds as he fell off the side I stood making me fall with him. He managed to somehow twit us both around so that I landed on him (probably because if he landed on me the weight of his body probably would have crushed my week one). He made sure I was okay and I laughed slightly because I really couldn't hoist myself up thankfully Merlin helped me up and off of the crowned prince.

Arthur no longer had the beautiful calm eyes that were there seconds ago, as soon as he met with Merlin they turned fiery and I could see how agitated he was. Oh, boy here we go again I swear to you all these two do is argue argue argue. "Merlin!"

"I don't understand?" Poor Merlin was distraught and confused about how that had just happened. "Well there's a surprise!" My poor 'brother was looking towards the direction the horse fled itching his head trying to figure out everything all at once, you could see the cogs working in his mind. "I tied that up myself?"

"I think that might have been the problem!" I was stood there not knowing what to do fiddling with my hands "well it wasn't my fault!" poor Merlin. Their conversation was interrupted by a middle-aged man with longish dark hair, he had this strange aroma about him. "Do you want me to do that properly for you Sire?" he didn't need a reply instead he did it to the amazement of the young prince. "It's an honour to be of service to the prince." He bowed awkwardly and I could see the same look that I had on Merlin's, we were both feeling weird around this guy.

Arthur looked back to his manservant repeating the word this man had just said "hear that Merlin an honour". Merlin shook his head and I noticed how awkward he felt, I mean how could you not this man was so up front I'm not surprised Arthur likes him. The strange man then approached the crowned Prince with a brush "allow me the honour of brushing your clothes down". Arthur then whispered something to servant's direction and poor Merlin was trying his best not to be affected.

The man who had yet to introduce himself stood about a metre from the three of us. "Anything I can do for you sire" he then looked at me making me feel uncomfortable "even for you Lady Rosa I would be happy to give you any assistance." I looked up at Arthur who seemed to really like this man but I on the other hand did not and this is where our differences came between us. "No thank you and if you don't mind I have things to attend to". I was now inside the palace when a hand touched my shoulder making me flinch in shock. I turned to see who it was low and behold it was Merlin.

"Sorry Row I didn't mean to scare you. Arthur sent me he wants to know why you didn't stay like usual and bid farewell? Oh, and by the way that man's name is Cedric, Arthurs letting him come on the hunt." I looked behind me to make sure no one was there "You must not tell him this Merlin I can see how much he likes that guy but, in his presence, I just feel so uncomfortable and I just know there's something strange that he's hiding. I have a very strong feeling". Merlin was nodding to almost everything I had just said I wouldn't be surprised if his neck was hurting. "I have the same feeling Row, that means we must keep an eye on him for reassurance and for all of our benefits. And well you know Arthur what he wants is what he gets."

We agreed that whenever he was inside the palace grounds one of us would be on constant watch. "Just tell Arthur I forgot I had to reply to a letter from Hunith and it was being sent off this very day, let's just hope he believes that and yes, I do know him so I shouldn't really be stunned. Oh, tell Arthur I wish him luck". The young manservant nodded and ran off back to his master. I watched from the small window and how the young Prince reacted, I could read his face he didn't believe me but accepted it anyway. His eyes seemed to scan the castle windows looking for a walking figure which he would never find.

Once they had all left I then retreated back to my room. I sat down at my dressing table panning to open the drawer that held all of the letters from my 'mother' but instead I opened the very last and found the dusty ivory paper I was given all of those months ago. I picked it up and you could tell where it had laid the dusty bottom had been unable to get under the small paper. I walked towards my bed laying down holding the paper up high reading the few sentences written in a golden print. 'A girl with a true heart shall be the downfall of evil, she will unite the lands of old with Arthur Pendragon, but will meet her end on fields of red'

It had been over a year ago since Valiant had gifted me this note. I still had no idea where it came from, if it was even about me or even if this was all some big plan to scare me off. What does it even mean? I hate riddles I always have. These past months I have been debating whether or not I should see Gaius and I think I'm going to have to it's beginning to worry me more each day not knowing what the hell its stating.

Even if this is true could it really be about me?

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