Different - e.d.

By dolsfeels

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I know I probably should've given up on my love life by now but something about him just screamed different. More

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4.7K 120 118
By dolsfeels


"He actually met Andrew?" Alex ask with wide eyes. I nod with a big smile spreads across my face.

"So are you guys official or what?" She ask leaning up against the island. "Umm we haven't really talked about it but I think we both know somethings going on between the two of us." I shrug.

We haven't said a word about what we are as a pair but I definitely know there's a connection between the two of us. I can't help but hope that he feels the same way.

I look up to catch Alex smirking at me. "What?" I chuckle. "I told you he was nice." She grins.

"To be fair you said all of them were nice." I roll my eyes as I stand up straight. She chuckles a little.

"So when are you gonna see Prince Charming again?" She taunts me. "He actually invited me over to his house tonight." I smile broadly at the thought of seeing him again.

She wiggles her eyebrows. "Andrews going too so don't get any ideas but trust me I'd love to get in bed with him. Have you seen his muscles?" I ramble. She chuckles at me and then falls silent for a while.

"So I'm guessing he really likes Andrew." "Yeah. I'd say so." I smile.


I zip up Andrews jacket and pull him up out of his car seat. "Is this Ethan's house?" He ask with big eyes as he takes in the rather large house. I'm probably just as amazed as he is.

I close the car door and grab onto his small hand as we make our way up the driveway.

I knock on the door and we only have to wait a few seconds for the door to swing open revealing a smiling Ethan.

"Come on in." He smiles. I step in with Andrews hand still in mine.

"I was thinking about making some stuff on the grill later if that's okay." Ethan says over his shoulder as he leads the way towards what I'm guessing is his living room.

"Yeah that sounds great." I smile even though he can't see my face.

Andrew yanks his hand from mine and begins to pull at his jacket obviously wanting it off. He struggles with his zipper but finally gets it off and sets it on Ethan's chair.

"Woah. What's that?" Andrew ask pointing to what seems to be Ethan's Xbox. "That's a video game system." Ethan smiles as Andrew touches it.

Andrews so fascinated by it that he forgets about not touching things that aren't his. "Andrew don't touch it." I say sternly. "No he's okay." Ethan says to me reassuringly. "You wanna play a game?" Ethan ask Andrew with a broad smile.

Andrew doesn't hesitate to nod causing me to chuckle.


He watches me closely as I pull out the controller and all the games to choose from.

"How about this game?" I ask as I raise up a racing game. It won't be too hard for him and he'd probably get a kick out of just the graphics themselves.

He smiles at the game in my hand signaling that it's a yes from him.

As I put the game in, graces phone rings causing her to stand up from the couch and head into the other room with a small "Sorry" falling past her lips.

Now I'm left with Andrew alone. I've never taken care of a kid on my own and something about it scares me.

"Alright so what you want to do is press this button." I say pointing to the green A on the controller so he can get started. He does it quickly and watches the screen in pure joy.

My guess is he doesn't get to do these boy things very often considering he doesn't have a father.

I'm more than happy to give him some guy time. Especially if that means his mom liking me even more than she already does.

"Okay now we have to pick a car. Press this too look at all of them." I say referring to the trigger button. He starts to flip through all the designs until he finds a blue one that he seems satisfied with.

"Now you get to drive it." I say pressing the A button again for him to get started.

"Do you like mommy?" He blurts. See that's the thing with kids. They're always so random and just say exactly what they're thinking.

His question catches me off guard. "Yes I do. I think she's really pretty." I smile.

"I think she likes you too." He laughs causing me to smile even bigger. "What makes you think that?" I chuckle.

"I heard her talking to her friend. You can't tell her I'm saying this. I'll get in super big trouble." He exaggerates. "Her friend said you were her Prince Charming." He says causing my stomach to flutter for a reason I'm not sure of.

"She even said she'd love to get in bed with you. I'm guessing she was really tired." He rambles causing my eyes to widen. She wants to have sex with me?

"Okay okay! That's enough Andrew! Were you listening to mommy's conversations again?" She ask crouching down next to him.

"I'm sorry." Andrew says simply causing grace to sigh.

Her eyes finally meet mine and her cheeks turn a light shade of pink because now I know what she said.

"Maybe we can get in bed some other time." I grin causing her cheeks to heat up even more.

"How about you guys get back to playing." She chuckles looking at the controller in Andrews hand. "Why don't you play mommy?" Andrew ask her.

"Because mommy sucks at these games." She chuckles. "Ethan can teach you." He says referring to the fact that I'm teaching him.

"I guess I can teach you a thing or two." I say shooting her a wink. I don't know where this confidence is coming from but it's just pouring out of me. Maybe it's the fact that I know she has the same desires I do.


Sorry this sucks. I just have so many ideas running through my head for my next book

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