His Daughter

By Vampire_Dawn

14K 288 13

What happens when Ross and Laura started dating? And what happens when for no reason Laura knows of, Ross lef... More

His Daughter ~Ross Lynch fanfriction~
Chapter 1: How It All Began With A Knockout
Chapter 2: Seal With A Kiss
Chapter 3: Sleep With Me
Chapter 4: Save Me
Chapter 5: Making It Official
Chapter 6: Persuasion And Kisses
Chapter 7: Starry Night Dates And Puking?
Chapter 8: The Message He Got
Chapter 10: Heated Argument
Chapter 11: Kick Out
Chapter 12: Missing You
Chapter 13: The Baby Is A...
Chapter 14: Taxi Job
Chapter 15: Just A Dream And Unexpected New
Chapter 16: Hi My Name Is...
Chapter 17: A Song To Sing
Chapter 18: Tragic Accident
Chapter 19: Special Moments
Chapter 20: Are We Related Or Not?
Chapter 21: Kiss The Girl& Forgive
Chapter 22: Fourth July Surprise :)
Chapter 23: Food Fight& i Dare You
Untitled Part 25

Chapter 9: He Gone& Finding Out

427 10 0
By Vampire_Dawn

Laura p.o.v.

Her stomach growl making Laura slowly open her eyes, to find a ceiling, not just any ceiling her old cieling. She look around frightened to find herself in her old room how did she get here? Where Ross? Maybe her parents didn't know she here so she can escape, but that when she felt woozy and felt like puking, damm morning sickness.

She probably puked her whole meal she ate, which wasn't much, when she heard her bedroom open slightly, her parent knew she was here and she was sick, not a good condition if your parents abuse you, she should know. She hid until finally her parents decided to leave then came out still feeling woozy from throwing up. She sat in her bed trying to figure out what hell Is happening, sadly that just made her more confused than she was moments before, she had no clue what happening.

If she wanted to figure anything out she should figure out what this sickness is call and how to cure it, so she grab her laptop she kept hidden and went to google and type: puking sickness cure.

She want through a couple website until something caught her eyes and she click the link it said: 'the reason you might be puking?' So read the article, she never had some of those things so that wasn't why she puking so much, only one thing could be the solution is that she... pregnant.

Laura was terrified if she find she was preagant, but she needed to find out, so after she got herself together and felt much better so she grab a purse with money Ross gave her and headed out through the window. She half walk half stumble to the drug store, once she got there she went to the baby section and look at the shelves at the different choices of pregnancy test, Laura made up her mind and pick a test and brought it. She fully walk home, climbing through the window.

Laura's room had a bathroom, so doing the test without her parent knowing won't be a problem, she took out the test and walk into the bathroom, her hand trembling a lot, and fumble a couple time since her hand are trembling, she finally done the pregnancy test her hand were trembling too much she was barely able to hold the test, she finall look at it, it said...positive.

Ross was the baby father then she thought at least i know who the father is Laura thought trying to look at the bright side. She rubbed her belly lightly, a little smile crept on her face she was going to be a mom, and a better mom than her mom was ever going to be. Ross has the right to know he going to be a father so Laura went through the window again.

Laura got lucky knowing where Ross live, so she walk all the way there. Once she arrived to Ross house his parent weren't there, so she creak the front door open and strolled to Ross room, all time feeling nervous and happiness. Laura was confused when she arrived at his room, Ross wasn't there that not all his room was clean up only leaving an empty room looking unuse.

Feeling lonely and upset she sulk to her house and crawled back go her room. Will Ross ever know he was going to be a father.

Author Note: whatsup guys, sorry if the chapter to long, anyways your enjoyed this chapter you finally figure out she preagant!!! Anyways I'll update by tommorow and update more often because tommorow is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!! Whooo!!!!!!

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