Breaking Walls | ✓

By nomadsvj

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Reyes- truth or dare? Kea- truth. Reyes- do you wanna kiss me? Kea- dare. Reyes-*leans forward* I dare you to... More

Chapter 1 : Attracted To The Devil's Daughter
Chapter 2: Skilful Stalking
Chapter 3: Made Of Stone
Chapter 4: Intruder Alert
Chapter 5: Walking Away
Chapter 6: Losing Control
Chapter 7: Sides
Chapter 9: Monday blues just got real
Chapter 10: Dinner with the Devil
Chapter 11: Real Beginnings
Chapter 12: Troubled
Chapter 13: Execution
Chapter 14: Tranquillising confessions
Chapter 15: The forgotten dream
Chapter 16: Chasing waves
Chapter 17: Reminiscing
Chapter 18 : S.O.S.
Chapter 19: The trickster
Chapter 20 : Stake Out
Chapter 21: Looking back
Chapter 22 : Wild Child.
Chapter 23: Like The Last Hangover Movie
Chapter 24: Havoc
Chapter 25: Bearing all
Chapter 26: Not without you.
Chapter 27: Possibilities
Chapter 28: Living In The Past
Chapter 29: Don't hate the player hate the game
Chapter 30: New Rules.
Chapter 31: Dare If You Must
Chapter 32: Paradise Lost; Vines and Balconies
Chapter 33: Broken Bottles
Chapter 34: Dooms Day
Chapter 35: Dooms Day Recovery
Chapter 36: I Should've Stayed In Bed
Chapter 37: I am a tree now
Chapter 38: Dear Diary
Chapter 39: Don't read this
Chapter 40: Think happy thoughts. THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS.
Chapter 41: Nothing about this can ever make someone happy
Chapter 42: Just a little while longer
Chapter 43: Half Confessions
Chapter 44: Masquerade on bourbon street
Chapter 45: Masks off
Chapter 46: AWOL
Chapter 47: Open Endings
Chapter 48: Still an open ending
Chapter 49: Talk is overrated
Chapter 50: A hero's Gamble
Chapter 51: The Shadow and the Light
Chapter 52: Sweep and weep em in rows
Chapter 53: The other side
Chapter 54: The final countdown

Chapter 8: Mean Vanilla Milkshakes

211 31 9
By nomadsvj


"I'm going to die. This is it." She was speaking to herself. After the night she'd had I knew the hangover would be killing her. I'd had my fair share of horrible hangovers.

However she hadn't opened her eyes yet so she probably didn't realise where she was.

In my house, on my bed.

It had been quite a night, I couldn't sleep much, knowing Kea was only a few feet away plus the sofa was uncomfortable as fuck.

"So I'm guessing you're not a morning person?" I spoke from my makeshift bed. 

She jerked upright, her eyes wide now, staring at me. as confusion spread across her features, slowly realisation took over and then confusion again. She pat her upper body and looked under her covers to see if she was clothed. 

Too afraid to move her eyes around, her face was pale.

"Hey, hey" I walked over to her and held her face in an attempt to bring her back before she really began spiralling. She looked terrified.

"Nothing happened. Now breathe." I said handing her a bottle of water and aspirin.

She looked so dazed. 

I'm here I wanted to add, I wanted to hug her, comfort her. Do something.

But before I could act upon my thoughts.

She glared at me, "If nothing happened then.. where is my bra?"

"Oh, that." I moved away rubbing the back of my neck "You took it off and waved it around while jumping on my bed. You didn't even have to take your top off. You're a woman of many talents." I laughed sheepishly.

She punched me in the arm before taking the water and gulping down the medicine.

My thoughts were quieter than usual today, I didn't feel the need to filter that much out with her this time I guess. I liked that I didn't have to constantly think before saying things.

She threw the bottle at my face and it hit me before I could catch it or duck. "What the fuck was that for?"

Okay maybe I did need to filter shit a little.

"Sit down!" She commanded pointing to the sofa in front.

I obeyed I could see she wasn't in the mood for witticism.

She dropped her face in her hands and spoke: "So let's start with all the things I can't put together."

I bit my lower lip, "There is nothing to put together really. You got hammered and I got you to my place, not knowing the situation at your house."

I wasn't going to tell her the truth. We had only just started, I'd only just come to understand the intensity of what i felt for her. I didn't wanna die without fully experiencing what being with the wild child felt like. 

I meant romantically.

"Wait if you got me here where did you leave Vixen?"

"Vixen?" I arched a brow.

"Where's my car?"

"Of course, your mustang has a name." I smirked smugly.

"Wilder, where the fuck is my car?" She asked again, ignoring my growing amusement.

I laughed lying back in a way that my legs hung from the arm of the couch. "Vixen! Hmm, it makes sense you know, she has her moods, just like you."

She just pushed her face in the pillow and ranted to neither one of us, something on the lines of... "I had to get drunk, I had to! What .... fuck is.... with me. Why...!?"

It was so adorable the way she just whined to herself almost like she was a normal person.

"You really aren't a morning person. Who would have thought, I'm not saying I mind, it's a nice change from the I'll rip out your trachea side of you."

She looked up, her chin still pressed into the pillow, her hair tousled so beautifully all around her face, "Could you please... for fuck's sake just tell me where my damn car is."

"She's downstairs." 

She eyed me suspiciously before climbing out of bed and walking to the window, not believing me. "Wait, did I drive?"

"As much as I'm a fan of your driving, I didn't think Vixen..." I said smirking while she rolled her eyes "..could go any faster than you already drive her, which you were determined to do last night, so I took the keys and drove you..." I gestured to the room, "" 

"What about your bike?"

"Oh there is no way I was gonna let your first ride on my baby be one where you're drunk." I walked to her while she stood near the window and spoke rather smugly, "Riding on my bike is an experience you'd wanna be in your senses for." Then I got real close, "Trust me."

I could feel the tension grow.

"You're telling me you left your bike at Lucas's?"

"What no! And I'm offended that you think I would do such a thing... I just went to his house after settling you in and got it."

That seemed to relax her and that made me smile, that she actually cared about the bike enough to worry.

She walked to the bed and splayed over the mattress visibly making herself at home, "Now that you have brought me here I'd like some coffee and..." she thought for a bit before asking "can you cook?"

A stupid grin creeped its way onto my face- baffled at how someone could be so dangerous one minute and so seemingly harmless the next, how innocent she looked just then.

"Yes, I can cook." 

You kinda have to learn if you've lived on your own as long as I have, was what the truth was.

But she didn't need to know that. 

I hated the consoling look everybody that found out gave. The last thing I wanted was for Kea to be looking at me all soft because of my loneliness and cause she felt sorry for me. 

If ever Kea was to be soft towards me I wanted it to be because she felt something.

"So pancakes then?" She said sitting up.

It seemed to be clear between us that I was officially Kea's bitch.

I wanted to say something sarcastic but didn't wanna ruin the moment where Kea childishly bossed me around and demanded pancakes so I found myself just offering, "Chocolate chip or Cinnamon?" 

"Umm, cinnamon and don't cheap out on whipping the batter, I like them fluffy."

Anyone else would have probably chosen chocolate chip but not Kea.

I gazed mischievously at her "Anything else that needs a good whipping?"

"Ha ha" she rolled her eyes, "do you have ice cream?"

I laughed "Yes vanilla."

"Awesome," She said standing up sliding her feet into my slippers- that were a few sizes too big, "I make a mean milkshake, let's go." She walked past me and yet again I found myself following her in my own house that she seemed to know the ways off.

We went to the kitchen and indeed the milkshake she had made was one of the best I'd had. She also watched me intently while I had whisked the batter making sure I was doing a proper job according to her standards, then after ten minutes I realised she was just taking my case.

It got intense at times when I accidentally held her waist to move her aside or when I stood too close or when she looked at me from the corner of her eyes.

Dammit, it was hard to keep my hands off her. What was I supposed to do? Not breathe? Her scent alone sent me in a frenzy.

But we managed to keep it as civil as possible.

We stuffed our faces with fluffy, so god help me if they weren't pancakes and milkshakes.

I was still going to hell anyway, I just didn't know how soon.

I didn't think in my wildest thoughts that it was gonna be the coming Monday at school.

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