To Offset The Shakes (Andy Hu...

By BangTheDoldrums21

41.7K 1.6K 952

Mom and dad divorce before the baby is even born. Typical, right? So Elizabeth grows up never knowing her fat... More

To Offset The Shakes (Andy Hurley)
That Blade Is My Best Friend (Elizabeth's POV)
I Knew This Would Happen Someday (Natalie's POV)
I Don't Understand (Elizabeth's POV)
I've Got To Do This (Elizabeth's POV)
And You Are? (Andy's POV)
Let Me Explain (Elizabeth's POV)
Get To Know Me (Andy's POV)
Dad ... I Could Get Used To That (Elizabeth's POV)
Surprise? (Andy's POV)
Quality Time (Elizabeth's POV)
Movie Time (Andy's POV)
Do We Have To Talk About This? (Elizabeth's POV)
Hey, Can I Talk To You About Something Else? (Andy's POV)
Come One, Come All! (Elizabeth's POV)
Meet Uncle Brendon and Uncle Dallon (Andy's POV)
I Have Uncles (Elizabeth's POV)
Does This Happen Often? (Dallon's POV)
Let Me Explain (Elizabeth's POV)
Not So Important Author's Note... WHOOOHOOOO
We Haven't Got Much Longer (Andy's POV)
Not What I Was Expecting (Natalie's POV)
I'm Here (Natalie's POV)
The Day Before (Libbie's POV)
I Knew This Would Happen (Andy's POV)
Court Time (Libbie's POV)
And The Verdict Is... (Andy's POV)

Be Strong (Libbie's POV)

880 40 32
By BangTheDoldrums21

"We really did this," I chuckled as the three of us sat around the table.
"We did," Andy smiled. "Even though we went to the courthouse a couple days ago, it feels like we just did it."
"But I don't regret it," Joe said. "and besides, Natalie should have gotten her little visit today."
"You're right," I smirked.
"Can we laugh manically?" I asked.
"Sure!" Joe said.

We all laughed our best maniacal laugh we could, which honestly just ended up with us all choking on our spit like a couple of idiots. But on the other hand, we were kind of idiots...

"I'm scared though," I admitted.
"I am too, hun, but we've got to be strong," Andy replied.
"I'm not letting that little bitch hurt you anymore," Joe said. I was really happy he considered me his own daughter, given the circumstances. "Andy and I have got your back!"
"Thanks so much you guys," I smiled and hugged them tightly. "I think I'm going to head to bed. Night guys. Love you!"
"Love you too, sweetie!" Joe said.
"Love you!" Andy said.

I chuckled, then made my way to my room, which actually was my room now. Just after we all went to the courthouse, Andy and Joe surprised me by taking me to Lowe's and letting me pick out things, like paint, artwork, and a few furniture items, for my room. Once we got home, we instantly started taking things out of my room, covering thing up with painter's plastic, then started painting. I chose black and purple for my walls. We actually managed to finish by around eleven that night and moved everything back in, making sure we didn't mess up the paint that was still a little wet. I slept on the couch that night, but tonight I'm back in my room. I'm hoping almost all the paint fumes are gone.
I quickly got changed into my pajamas, turned my light off, and climbed into bed. I turned my tv on and then went on my phone. I started going on twitter, but my reading for interrupted by my phone ringing.

My heart sank when I saw who it was.

"H-Hello?" I answered.
"Elizabeth Anne! Where the fuck do you think you are?" my mother shouted at me over the phone.
"W-With An-Andy," I replied shakily, my voice already breaking.
"I figured! How the hell did you fucking get there?!" she screamed.
"I wa-walked," I said.
"Are you fucking crazy?!" she shouted at me.
"I-I just wanted to kn-know who my dad was," I said, a single tear falling down my cheek.
"How long have you been there?" she asked.
"Since the day after you left," I said.
"Are you fucking serious?! Elizabeth, you're fucking crazy! And now I get this fucking person at my house saying I've been served? What the hell?! How did you manage to corrupt your father too?!" she screamed at me again.

At this point I couldn't even talk to her. I was sobbing, but trying to keep quiet. I didn't want Andy or Joe hearing me, or worse, Summer. She was in the next room over after all. As I cried, I could hear my mother yelling at me, although I couldn't make out what she was saying.

"M-Mom, I'm sorry," I sobbed.
"Elizabeth, stop!" she yelled. "Just fucking save it! We're going to fucking talk about this when I magically show the fuck up in Milwaukee! I cannot believe you did this!"
"I'm not the one who's crazy!" I shouted to her as I cried.
"Don't you fucking talk to me like that!" she said.
"I have rights, mom! Just because I'm fifteen doesn't mean I don't have rights!" I screamed.
"When I fucking see you, you're going to wish you were never fucking born!" she shouted.
"What? Are you going to fucking hold a gun to my head again like you did when I was twelve?" I asked, my sobs quieting. "Cause that was a fucking blast, mom! Or should I even call you that? You know, I've had nightmares about that fucking incident ever since then. I'm terrified to fall asleep sometimes! And it's all because of you! You know, I had that nightmare just a few nights ago while I was staying at Brendon and Dallon's place, and you wanna know what? This one was serious enough to make me have a god damn seizure. I had that seizure because of you! You caused it! You think I'm so messed up, but I'm not. You're the one who's fucked up, mom, not me!"
"E-Elizabeth," she said, sounding sympathetic.
"Save it! And just so you know, I told Andy and Joe everything you've done to me! Down to every last god forsaken detail, mother! And Andy even fucking told me that you used to beat him too! You just can't fucking stop, can you?! It's never enough for you! And I'm sure once you come here for court this Monday, you're going to be fucked! I'll be surprised f they don't fucking lock you up right then and there! You're a horrible excuse for a mother and a horrible excuse for a fucking person! I can't wait to see your face when you go to prison," I screamed at her.

I hung up right after that and threw my phone against the door. I sat up in my bed and started sobbing uncontrollably again. I couldn't help it. As much as it felt good to get that all off my chest, I was terrified. I don't regret telling her what I told her, but I just... I don't even know. I don't even know where that side of me came from... Maybe I was just done with her shit and called her out on it. I honestly don't know. I just don't

"Li-Libbie?" I heard Andy ask quietly from behind the door.

Great. He probably just heard everything I yelled. I wiped my eyes and got up and opened the door. I couldn't even make eye contact with Andy, I just collapsed into his arms and sobbed like before. He hugged me tightly and eventually picked me up in his arms. He brought me into his and Joe's room and sat down on the bed with me still in his arms. I knew Joe was in there, but I didn't care. Andy rocked me back and forth like a baby - even though I'm not - for a good ten, maybe fifteen minutes before I calmed down. 

"What happened?" Andy asked.

"I-I had just gotten into bed and got on my phone when Natalie called. I answered it and she started yelling at me and things like that. So, i eventually g-got tired of her shit a-and told her off," I said. "I'm so scared."

"Geez, I'm sorry she did that bullshit," Andy hugged me tighter. "but please, don't be scared, baby girl. You know you've got me, Joe, Pete, Patrick, and even Brendon and Dallon to protect you. And you sure as hell have your sister. She loves you, Lib, and we know she wouldn't let anyone get away with hurting you. Believe it or not, she's got her bitchy side and isn't afraid to use it when needed."

"I knew I loved her," I chuckled.

"There's that laugh," Joe said from behind us.

"Shut up," I laughed. 

"I think we got her," Andy smiled at me and hugged me again. "Do you think you're alright?"

"Yeah," I said. "I'm just really nervous about Monday now."

"I am too, but we can do this," Joe and Andy both said.

"She told me that I'm going to wish I was never born..." I said. "That's basically when I let it all go and told her about the nightmare, the seizure, and how she caused it all. Everything. It felt good to get that all out though, and then she tried to be all sympathetic after that. Like no, bitch."

"That's my girl," Andy laughed. "Why don't you head off to bed and we can talk about it more in the morning, if you'd like?"

"Sounds good to me," I said, getting off of Andy's lap. "Night guys... Again."

"Night," they laughed.

I made my way back to my room and picked up my phone. I had at least twenty messages from my mom, but I went and deleted them all, not even bothering to read them. I was better than her and didn't need her shit. I didn't have to take it all anymore. Not one bit of it. I soon crawled back into my bed and fell asleep with a big smile on my face that honesly never felt out of place. 

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