Superhuman (Elton Castee X Re...

By vovo112voleen

19.6K 410 40

Discontinued I'm (y/n). I met Elton on a make a wish. After one amazing month with him I thought I would nev... More

Nice to finally meet you.
Fun at the beach!
What's with all the pranks?
It's not suppose to be a triple date!
Dinner gone wrong.
3 a.m. Challenge is a go.
Why her?
What about me?
Overnight Challenge.
why me?
Prank Wars!
Dream come true.
authors note

what's your wish?

3K 44 3
By vovo112voleen

I sat there just staring down. I've had cancer for a year and a half now. They had been doing everything in there power to help me. Most of it has worked. I've lost patches of my hair so I wear a beanie all the time. It makes me feel better about all of this. I'm (y/n)and this is what I would like to call the beginning of my life. I live with my family still even though I'm the whopping age of 26. I'm afraid to be honest but what can you do? I try to act happy for my friends and family but I've been down in the dumps lately maybe it's the cancer or just lack of true feelings. The only thing at this rate that makes me feel more alive is watching a YouTuber named Elton Castee. He always did fun and cool things on his channels. "Honey! Come here for a second. I have something to tell you!" My mother yelled from down the stairs. I get up and make my way down the stairs. "So I've pulled some strings and you remember you had a make a wish?" She said and I nodded for her to continue. "Well I manage to get a hold of Elton Castee and he would like you to come out and meet him in person." I put my hands over my mouth and my eyes were tearing up. "No. No you didn't. Oh my gosh mom! I love you so much! When are we going?" I asked hugging her. "Well I suppose you should start packing because you get to go in tomorrow. So... We are leaving at 3 in the morning and we will rest the first day getting there then we will go meet him at the beach. After that I'll let you two go off while I go do the things I want to do." Mom said smiling at me. "How long will we be there?" I asked not being able to hide my smirk. "We are staying for 30 days. It was hard to talk your doctors into that but I did it. I really want you to enjoy yourself. We all know you're depressed and you've been trying to hide it from us. We all are here for you honey. Please don't hide anything from us, okay?" She said holding my hands. I teared up again and I nodded. "Well go pack. I'm gonna start packing too."
"Okay!" I said and ran up to my room. I grabbed my bags and packed them. After 2 hours I was done and it was time for me to start making dinner. I walked down the stairs to see mom had ordered take out instead. So I got out of making dinner. I sat next to her and grabbed the Chinese food sitting there. It's just been me and my mom since my father passed away 4 years ago. "What are we watching?"
"Say yes to the dress."
"Oh shush. You'll one day understand when you have to dress shopping."
"Well first I need to actually get a boyfriend. And even if I got one and he proposed I wouldn't go all crazy for a 'perfect' dress ."
"Oh come on."
"You don't fool me miss."
"Ugh. What ever you say." I said and stuffed some food into my mouth. We sat there and watched the show until it was 10. "We need to go to sleep now." She said cleaning up. I nodded and helped her clean up. In only a few long hours I'll be on a plane to L.A. to meet Elton Castee. I wonder if he is as fun as he looks. I can't wait to meet him. I smiled to myself. I walked up the stairs to my room and laid down. I barely got any sleep that night. It felt like as soon as I closed my eyes my mother woke me up to get ready. I put on my outfit and put all my toiletries in my bag.

"Ready!" I yelled as I made my way down the stairs. "Hurry up and put your stuff in the car!" My mother yelled as she was making some toast. I put my things in the car and went back inside. "Here is your toast. You can eat it now or in the car. I have to finish packing a few things."
"Okay I'll just wait in the car for you!" I yelled when she exited the room. "Okay hun!" She yelled back. I shoved my toast in my mouth and grabbed an extra charger and headphones then walked out the door. As I got in the car was sitting there just staring off. I started to think. What if he doesn't like me and feels like he has to hang out with me cause I'm sick? I started to get sick. I felt like I was gonna puke. Maybe this was a bad idea. Just as I thought that my mother jumped into the car. "Ready?" Mom asked starting the car. "I think I'm gonna be sick." I said looking at her. "He won't hate you. You're amazing. If he doesn't like you it's his loss. So you ready?"
"Yea." I said after I closed my eyes for a moment. We drove to the airport that was surprisingly busy for a Monday. As we worked our way through the group of people we finally got our bags checked and boarded the plane. We walked to our seats and put up out carry on. The ride felt pretty short since I slept through it. We got our luggage as someone called my mother. She told me to call an uber and that shed be right back before she answer the phone and distanced herself. I called an uber and a few minutes after that my mom walked back up to me. "Change of plans we are meeting Elton today. We are going straight to his house."
"We are going now? I thought we were going to go to the hotel."
"About that."
"Elton invited us to stay with him. He wouldn't let me refuse."
"Don't raise your voice at me! Now did you call that uber?"
"I did." I mumble to her. "Let's go wait then." Mom said walking towards the exit. I followed closely behind her. We climbed into the car and rode to the house. When we pulled up to the gate my heart started to race. I looked at my mom and she smiled and nodded to me as if to push me forward. I got out of the car and so did my mom. We got out suit cases and looked at the gate. Sitting right on the front steps was the one and only (uncle) Elton Castee himself with his beautiful dog and a stuffed bear in his hand. (Just like the picture) He smiled at us. "Hello are you (y/n) and her mother?"
"Why yes we are. I'm guess your the famous Elton Castee?"
"Haha I would say I'm famous but yes I am Elton." He said as he opened the gate. "Come on in and get settled." He said as we walked up to the door. He opened the door and there I saw all of my favorite youtubers; Brennen, Sam, Colby, Corey, Aaron, Devyn and Kat. They all greeted us with a smile. "Welcome (y/n)!" They all yelled out. I smiled. "Elton told us he had an old friend coming over so we all wanted to meet you." Kat told me. I looked over to Elton who was already looking at me. He smiled at me and looked back to my mother and pointed to a direction. "So what all did he say about me?" I asked. He didn't know much about me other than my age, name, gender, and the fact I had cancer. Oh god. Do they- "He said that you and him have been talking on social media for a while and that you had always wanted to come here and meet in person so he sent you here." She told me smiling. He didn't tell them. I smiled and looked at him. Sam called Kat over so we said our goodbyes. I walked up to Elton who was now getting a drink. "Um hey. I have a few questions."
"And I've got answers." He said smiling at me. I blushed lightly and smiled back. "Well for one where do I put mine and my mother's suit cases?"
"Oh she didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"She is staying with one of her friends she already left."
"What!" I yelled checking my phone.
Mother - I'm sorry I didn't tell you when I was there but I'm staying with one of my highschool friends. I love you! Elton will take good care of you. If something happens do NOT hesitate to call me.
"Ugh my mom will be the death of me." I said causing Elton to laugh. I started to laugh as well. I think I'm gonna like it here.

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