
baby_dagger द्वारा

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Louis Tomlinson. He is the typical ideal athlete at his school, Hayfield high school. Everyone thinks they kn... अधिक

Marcel Styles
It was him
I guess he wasn't bad after all
Wanna skip school?
Ice Cream, Movies, and a Head Injury
Marcel's Baby, Louis' Home Life, and People From The Past
Hangovers, Bobby's Diner, and An Unexplainable Change
Being Late, Burying a Body, a Fake Name, and An Apology
Michael's Gone, Right? Then Who's in Charge Now?
Isn't He's Like 80?
I-I think I Like Him
You Didn't Have To Do All of This To Get Me Against a Wall
One Johnathan is a Nightmare, but Three of Them is Just a Horror Show
It Was The Little Things
Time and Space
Baby's Rules
There's No Way You Can Fit 20 Marshmallows in Your Mouth
The Talk
If You're Wondering How This Is Possible, There's a Simple Answer
Who's Sherlock Holmes?
It Was Self-Defence
Would You Fancy Having Dinner With Me?
Are You Planning on Donating an Organ Sometime Soon?
When I Get This Fucking Bullet Out, I'll Answer Your Qestions
Everybody, get down!
Stay With Me Louis!
Kiss Me
Well Besides Hentai
To New Friends And New Beginnings or Whatever People Say in Clichés
"Hi" And "Oops" Started It All
I Could End This Wretched Nightmare
It's Not Tea With The Queen
You Are Such A Tease
You're The Only One I Can Trust
He's Alive
I Didn't Know If It Was Too Cheesy
Live a Great Life, Harry.
Take A Deep Breath, And Start When You Can
Are You Going To Keep Staring At Me Or Are You Going To Kiss Me?
You're Expecting A Lot Of Fights?
Diseases Love To Linger In Groups
My Hero

A Fight, A Party, A Prankster and New Friends

399 18 34
baby_dagger द्वारा

Louis' POV

"Just do it, Liam."

"But it's really cold Zayn."

"If you don't do it, I'll do it."

I heard voices whisper but they sounded faint and far away, plus I was still half asleep. All of the sudden I felt coldness all around, and wet. I felt cold and wet. I sat up abruptly and shivered. I looked around and saw that my covers, pillows, and, mainly, my body were soaked with water. I looked up and my eyes found Liam and Zayn.

I glared at Zayn, who was holding a now an empty bucket. "Why the hell did you do that?!"

"You wouldn't wake up. We tried everything. We thought you were dead." Liam said.

I groaned and got up. I grabbed a towel and started drying my hair. "What time is it anyway?" I threw the towel on my chair and crossed my arms, facing them now.

Liam took out his phone from his jacket. "It's 8:47." My eyes widened and I scampered to my closet and got a black shirt and some black skinnies.

I rushed to the bathroom and fixed my ratty hair to its usual fringe. Only this time I had it going to the left so it would cover my stitches. Zayn and Liam know about my mother but I don't want to worry them. I brushed my teeth quickly then ran out and slipped a pair of Adidas on. I snatched my backpack and phone and ran downstairs. My siblings were sitting around the table and eating breakfast. Zayn and Liam were leaning against the wall. I grabbed a doughnut and started eating quickly.

"I see you're not dead," Fizzy said and took a bite of her biscuit. She always ate the same breakfast; a cup of a tea, a biscuit, and a bowl of fruit. On some occasions, she'll eat pancakes.

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered and cleaned my hands. I turned around and faced the twins. "You two excited for today?" The twins were going on a field trip for three days and Lottie was going to chaperone.

They nodded excitedly. "Yeah! But we're bummed you can't come." Phoebe answered, frowning.

"Aww." I cooed. "Don't be bummed. I'm sorry I can't make it but you'll have Lottie there with you. Though I'm not complaining, three days without Lottie." I whistled and Lottie gasped, hitting my arm.

"I'm kidding! I'm gonna miss you, all of you. I guess I just have to spend more time with fizzy." I swung an arm around fizzy and ruffled her hair.

Fizzy laughed and got up. "Sorry Louis, but I'm staying at Maddie's for the rest of the week."

I frowned. "Maddie?" She nodded. "Maddie as the Maddie who's shagged most of the soccer team?"

"Louis! Those are just rumours." Fizzy objected and went to put her plate in the sink. I glanced over at Zayn and Liam, they just shook their heads.

"Yeah, okay. Just call me if anything happens." I told her and she nodded.

"We should go. It's getting late." Liam announced, glancing at the time on his phone. I nodded in agreement and went around the table, planting a kiss on their foreheads and hugged the twins.

"Bye!" I called out before closing the door. We walked over to my car and got in, Zayn taking shotgun. I started the engine and loud music belted from the speakers. I quickly turned down the volume.

"Dude, what were you listening to?" Zayn said and took out the CD that was currently inside. He turned it around and read the title out loud.

"Tomlinson's Mixtape? Who gave it to you?" He asked. I took the disc away from him and placed it in its case.

"A friend made it for me. They put all my favourite songs on it." I said and started driving.

"A friend? As far as I know, we are your only friends." Liam remarked and leaned forward.

"Well, you're not." I took a right turn and I heard Liam sigh.


"There's this cool girl, her name's Amar. She-,"

"She's probably looking for a fuck. And she's gonna be disappointed when she finds out that you're gay." Zayn said, cutting me off.

I cringed at that. There's nothing wrong with Amar. She's beautiful and awesome and cool, but I don't like her like that. I shook my head. "No, you're wrong. She isn't like that."

"How do you know?" Liam questioned. I shook my head again. I couldn't believe that Liam agreed with Zayn. I pulled into the parking lot and came to a stop abruptly in my usual spot. I turned the car off and we got out.

"I really can't believe you think I can't make genuine friends." I accused, my voice getting louder.

"We don't think that. We just think you should reconsider who you hang out with." Zayn said and Liam nodded, agreeing with him once more.

I scoffed. "Well, I choose to hang out with you two. Should I reconsider that?" I walked away before either of them had the chance to speak.

Amar's POV

"Sweetie! You have to get going if you don't want to be late!" My dad yelled.

I sighed and applied a coat of mascara. "Coming dad!" I yelled back. I closed the tube and fixed my beanie. I walked over to my full-length mirror and looked at myself. I chose to wear a black top, a black and white flannel wrapped around black skinnies, paired with black combat boots, and a black beanie rested on top of my curls.

I grabbed my skateboard, backpack, and phone and walked downstairs. My mum and my brother were talking and eating breakfast at the table. I leaned my skateboard against the wall and plopped my backpack on the table, interrupting their conversation and turning their focus to me now.

"Hey, honey. How'd you sleep?" My mum asked as I opened the fridge and grabbed a juice.

"Fine," I muttered and grabbed a banana.

"Oh, before you leave," My mum began. "Your father and I are going to go visit your grandfather over the weekend. We're leaving tomorrow morning."

"Great," I mumbled and threw away my banana peel.

My mum glared at me. "And you won't be alone, your brother has offered to take care of you. Isn't that exciting?"

"Jumping from joy," I said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Hey!" My mum yelled before I got the chance to walk away. I turned around and faced her. "Drop the attitude."

I hold an eye roll back and nodded. I grabbed my backpack, juice and skateboard. I walked over to the door when I heard my brother mutter in annoyance,

"I see you still skate."

I opened the door and faced him. "And I see you're still an arse." I slammed the door before my mum had the chance to scold me. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and gripped my juice then skated to school.


I opened my locker and took out my chemistry notebook and my music. We had a test in History and knowing Ms Wealchli, she would give us the whole period to take it, so there wasn't any point in bringing my History journal. I picked my skateboard up and stuffed it inside then closed my locker. My phone vibrated so I took it out and saw that it was my idiotic brother texting me.

"Hey brat. Change of planz. I can't take care of u. vanessa is throwing a party."

I rolled my eyes and put my phone away. I was about to start walking when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Louis.

"Hey, Tomlinson. What's up?"

"Is this a joke? Is this a prank? Are you just messing with me? Are you just looking for a good fuck or something? Were you-,"

"What is this about?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"My friends, Zayn and Liam, they told me that you're playing with me and just looking for a good fuck. And I really don't want to think that bu-."

"Hey!" I yelled, cutting him off. "It isn't a joke or a prank. I'm not messing with you either. I really want to be your friend." I promised. "And I'm not looking for a fuck from you. Plus, I don't think you'll enjoy it since you don't play for my team." It took awhile for my words to register in his brain. When they did, his eyes widened and he looked around to make sure no one was listening.

"Is it that obvious?" He whispered.

"Yeah, it is." I shrugged and nodded. "Not to everyone else, though," I added quickly.

He let out a content sigh and smiled. "Thanks for being cool about it and I hope you don't blame me for thinking all of that stuff."

"Oh, I don't blame you. I blame Zayn and Liam. " I remarked making him chuckle. "Hey my parents are leaving tomorrow for the weekend and my brother has stupid plans, so I was thinking of throwing a little party on Saturday."

He leaned against the lockers. "You want to throw a party? While still being grounded, because you got drunk at a party."

I slouched a little. "C'mon! Don't ruin my fun!"

He sighed. "I don't know..." He trailed off.

"C'mon!" I whined. "Just come around 8. You'll be there before everyone."

He sighed but nodded. "Can I take a friend?"

I nodded. "Sure."

The bell rang and we said our goodbye's. As I walked to class, a bunch of people were pushing me against the lockers. One specific guy, Johnovan, pushed me really hard and I tumbled sideways, bumping into someone. We fell to the ground, causing our stuff to fall.

"Oww," I mumbled and rubbed my shoulder. "I'm so sorry. Some dick pushed me."

"S'okay." His Irish accent surprised me. I looked up and saw his sapphire eyes already looking at me. I quickly looked away from his stare and started picking his stuff up. I got up and so did he after he picked my stuff up. He gave me his stuff and I gave him his.

"I am sorry," I said again.

"S'okay." He said again and looked down. He crouched down and picked up a paper. It was my sheet music, it must've fallen out of my notebook. He examined it and straightened up.

"You in guitar?" He asked, his eyes sparkling a bit

I smiled and looked up at him, he was only one or two inches taller than me. "No, I'm just holding that for a friend." I joked and the glint in his eyes died down. "I'm kidding! Yeah, I play the guitar."

The happy glint came back. "I am too! What period do you have? I'm in third period."

"Really?! I'm in third period too! I sit all the way in the back." I said sheepishly.

"Why? Are you shy?" He asked, amusement in his tone.

I chuckled and shook my head. "No, I'm not. I just don't think I'm...good." I looked down, not wanting to look at him.

"Oi! Don't say that! I bet you're amazing." He praised.

"Well, my parents would disagree with you. They think I'm wasting my time playing the guitar." I mumbled.

"Don't listen to them. Listen to me instead!" He laughed.

I chuckled and finally looked at him. "Right. Listen to a complete stranger who I bumped into."'

He extended his hand. "I'm Niall, Niall Horan. Now we're not strangers."

"Amar." I grabbed his hand and shook it. He gave me a goofy grin and the bell rung, loudly. "Well, I should get going. I have History right now and we have a test. Bye Horan." I waved and started walking.

I heard footsteps behind me. "Wait!" Niall yelled. I came to a stop and waited for him. "I'll walk with you. I have History, too."

"Oh yeah. You sit next to me. Hey Horan, you busy Saturday night?" I asked, hugging my books tighter.

He chuckled nervously. "I hope you're not asking me out."

I laughed. "Don't flatter yourself, Horan."

He laughed again, this time with ease. "Rude!"

I shook my head, laughing silently. "No, I was thinking of throwing a party. My parents are gonna go away for the weekend and my brother has some stupid plans so he won't be there. So, Horan, you wanna come?"

"Sure. I'm not doing anything." He said.

I took my phone out. "Well, here. Put your number and I'll text you the address." I handed him my phone and he typed quickly.

He gave it back and I saw he put himself as Horan.

"Since you keep calling me by my last name, it makes sense that would be my contact name." He said, laughing a little bit. It seemed like he was always laughing.

I put my phone back in my pocket. "I call everyone by their last name."


We walked into the classroom, still laughing at something Niall said. Someone came in and bumped into me, making my books fall and make a loud 'thump' sound. I looked up and saw Jake, captain of the basketball team, smirking. He laughed and went to talk to some blonde twig. I saw Niall tense up and I knew he was about to fight Jake.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Don't," I whispered.

He turned to me, anger visible in his eyes. "You shouldn't let that dick get away with it."

I smiled and picked my books up. "I'm not. Can you go stall him?" I asked. He hesitated but nodded. He walked over to Jake and started talking, interrupting his conversation with the girl. I walked over to Jake's seat and took the bottle out of my back pocket. I looked around, making sure no one was looking, and I started squirting the substance all over his seat.

I finished quickly and gave Niall a thumbs up and went to sit at our table. The bell rung and Niall said a quick bye then came to sit next to me.

"What did you do?" Niall questioned as he sat down.

"All you have to know is that Jake won't get out of here with his pants on. Well, not all of his pants." I whispered and he tried to stifle a laugh. I looked up and saw Marcel walking towards us. I gave him a small smile, which he returned and sat next to Niall.

He nudged Niall's shoulder. "Did you get your music?" Marcel asked as he sat down.

Niall groaned and threw his head back. "No, I didn't. I got distracted."

"I bumped into him, totally my fault."

"It's not your fault. Someone pushed you." He gave me a sympathetic smile.

Marcel cleared his throat. "I see you two have met." He said.

"Oh, yeah." Niall started. "We actually have a lot of classes together."

"Yep." I agreed. "It's a small world." Marcel nodded and turned his attention to some kid who yelled his name. I nudged Niall's shoulder. "What music were you talking about?"

"Oh, umm, I lost my sheet music." He admitted.

"Well, you're in luck. I have a copy of the sheet." I said and Niall laughed in relief. I pulled the copy from my notebook and handed it to him.

"You're a lifesaver, Amar. Mr Edwards would've killed me. Remember what happened with Marissa?" He said and I nodded.

"Mr Edwards spent the whole class period arguing with her. She got kicked out the next day." I said, remembering that class.

"She forgot her music all the time. She kept talking in class and always argued with him. She got what was coming to her." Niall spat.

"Yeah, she was pretty annoying. She was extremely talented, though."


Marcel turned back to us. "So, what'd I miss?"

I shrugged. "Horan, here, isn't dying today."

We laughed and Ms Wealchli came in. "I hope you guys studied. There are 15 questions but two of them aren't multiple choice." She announced and a couple of kids groaned.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm horrible and I'm torturing you guys." She mimicked what we always said. "Well, guess what. If you fail this class, you have to stay for one more year and get me next year again. Then I'll torture you and be horrible all over again."

"What kind of torture, miss?" Jake teased. Some people snickered.

"I don't know. Maybe the kind where I cut you up to pieces until you're begging to die." I muttered. Apparently Marcel and Niall heard me because they tried, and failed miserably, to stifle their laughs.

Ms Wealchli turned to us. "Something funny guys?" Marcel and Niall quickly shook their heads. She turned back to address the class, ignoring what Jake had said earlier.

"You have the rest of the class to finish. It shouldn't be that hard. When you're done you may entertain yourself, but be quiet." She said as she passed the tests to us. As soon as she gave me the test, I started.


I raised my hand and Ms Wealchli walked over to me. I handed her my test and she smiled and walked back to her desk.

"You're done?" Niall whispered. I nodded and he shook his head in disbelieve. I took out a paper from my journal and started aimlessly drawing.

Marcel finished a couple minutes later and took out a notebook and started writing. He occasionally brought his pen to his mouth and gently chewed on it. I went back to my drawing and I realized I was drawing an owl. Niall finished next. He got up to give his test to her. When he walked back, he glanced down at my paper and his eyes widened.

He sat down and whispered, "Holy shit. You're really good."

I smiled and put my pencil down. "It's nothing."

He scoffed silently. "I can barely draw stick figures. You have some sick talent."

"Thanks, Horan," I whispered.


"Okay, come up and turn in your test. If you haven't finished then you'll have to come by after school and finish it. You may talk for the last 5 minutes." Ms Wealchli said and most of the cheerleaders and jocks got up. Jake had his arm around Brooklyn, the head cheerleader. I brought my phone out and started recording. Jake went to get up but couldn't.

"Come on Jakie."

I gagged and almost threw up at the nickname. Jake tried to get up again and this time he did, only that the seat was now stuck to his bum. The whole class erupted into laughter. Ms Wealchli's head snapped up and saw the situation. She got up and pushed through the crowd. She saw what the whole chaos was about and brought a hand to her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

"Jake. Are you okay?"

He looked up and glared at her. "Does it looks like I'm okay?! My arse is stuck to a chair!"

She stifled another laugh and went behind him. "Okay. I'm going to pull the chair off. This might hurt. A lot."

"Just do it." He said and braced himself. Ms Wealchli grabbed a hold of one of the legs and started to pull on the chair. Jake let out a scream in pain. Some of his friends snapped out of it and helped him.

Ms Wealchli and the other guys pulled for the third time and finally pulled the chair away from his arse. A loud rip was heard and Jake gasped. I was in the front so I could record everything. Ms Wealchli put her hand on her mouth and looked from the chair that she was holding and back to Jake, who know had a big hole in his pants. Jake turned crimson red and tried to cover himself but it was too late. Everyone had seen his Superman boxers. It was deadly quiet until Brooklyn let out a laugh and everyone joined her. The bell rung and Jake grabbed his backpack and used it to cover himself. He ran out and laughter was heard outside. I stopped the video and quickly went to my seat to grab my stuff. I neatly placed my drawing inside my journal and almost walked out when someone grabbed my arm. They pulled me back and I turned around to see Marcel and Niall.

"What did you do?" Niall whispered since people were around us. I smirked and took out the bottle from my pocket. I tossed it to them and Marcel caught it in mid-air.

"Super glue? Really?" Marcel asked and looked up at me.

I nodded. "By the way, I would get rid of that before the teacher sees you with it." Marcel's eyes widened and quickly tossed it to Niall. Niall raised an eyebrow and tossed it back to him. Marcel panicked and threw it in the air. I quickly caught it and saw Brooklyn walking our way. I quickly dropped the bottle in her purse and faced the boys.

"She's gonna get in trouble!" Niall whispered/yelled.

I nodded. "That's the point, Horan. Jake always bumps into me in this class and Brooklyn keeps getting me in detention." I started. "She sits next to me in Math and she's always talking. Then makes Ms Mickle think I was the one talking. She's been doing it for the past month and it's getting annoying." I shrugged. "Figured I was killing two birds with one stone."

"Smart," Marcel said and I smiled, loving the compliment.

"Oh, Horan?" I said and Niall raised an eyebrow. "You know about PranksHub, right?"

His jaw dropped. "You mean the website filled with awesome pranks made by the best prankster in the world, who happens to go our school but no one can figure who it is? And goes by Kat? Hell yeah, I know about it!"

I laughed. "Um, yeah. Well, you might want to check it in a little bit."

His eyes widened. "Wait! Are you-,"

I smirked and cut him off. "Sorry boys, but I can't be late. Bye Horan. Styles." I walked out leaving a dumbfounded Niall and a confused Marcel.

I quickly sneaked into the library as the bell rung. "Hey, Charles." I gave him a quick wave and went to his office, which was also mine, in a way. Charles was the librarian. We were really close. He was the one who gave me the idea of creating a prank blog to get back at people instead of fighting them. He was really chill and didn't have a stick up his arse like the other teachers in the school. He's in his late 30's, with only a couple of grey hairs in his jet black hair, matched with blue eyes. He's married and has the cutest twins ever.

I sat down and brought out my laptop.

"So, who was it? I heard some laughter earlier." He said and pulled his chair over.

"Jake Miller. The captain of the basketball team." I announced and started uploading the video to my computer.

"Who'd you blame?" He asked and got up. He knew I only ate a fruit and a juice for breakfast so he always got me something. Whether it was pancakes that his wife made or McDonald's, he always got me something. I always complained, telling him he didn't have to spend money on me.

"Brooklyn Sanchez," I said and he came back in with a McDonald's bag in hand. "Charles!" I whined. "I already ate breakfast."

He plopped the bag in front of me. "Oh, yeah? What'd you eat? A banana and a juice?" I didn't say anything but reluctantly took the food out. It was the usual sausage McGriddle meal. I took a bite of the sandwich then placed it down and logged into Once the video was uploaded to my computer, I started working on my post.

"The very own 'Jakie' Millers. Guess he loved his seat so much, he wanted to be glued to it." I talked as I typed it. I pressed the 'upload' button and smiled. I took another bite of my sandwich. Charles laughed as he saw the video playing on the screen.

"You're really good at this. I'm glad you're not fighting anymore." Charles said and chugged down some coffee.

"Yeah, me too. This is much more fun, and I don't get bloody knuckles." I stated and finished my sandwich. He laughed and I went to throw my trash away but Charles did it for me.

"Thanks!" I yelled and watched as the video got more and more views and likes. I grabbed my phone and went to Niall's contact.

Hey Horan. I hope you liked the video ;) By the way, the party is on Saturday. Come at 9 to 401 Jackson street. It's the last house on the corner.

I pressed send and turned my phone off. I shut my laptop and got up. Charles came back in with a slip of paper.

"Here." He said and handed me the paper. "So, you won't be marked late."

I smiled and hugged him. "Thanks." I pulled away and gave him a little wave before leaving. I walked into Mrs Dorth's room and hoped I didn't miss much.

Louis' POV

Classes seemed to fly by, not that I was complaining. I got out of History and walked to my locker; I had to grab my chemistry book. I closed my locker and was about to leave- I couldn't afford to be late again- when I heard a loud bang. I turned around and went to see what it was. I turned the corner and saw something that made my blood boil.

Matthew was leaning against the lockers and was chatting Safaa up. Safaa is Zayn's younger sister. She was as sweet as him with green eyes, instead of dark chocolate like Zayn's, and black hair. She's was a couple of inches taller than me(only two inches!). I walked over and stood next to Safaa.

"Is there something going on here?" I asked.

Matthew shrugged and smirked. "I don't know. Is there something going on, babe?" He reached his hand and brushed a strand of Safaa's hair behind her ear. I felt her shiver and back away.

"Don't. You. Fucking. Touch. Her." I growled through gritted teeth.

He cocked his head to the side. "Why? Did you call dibs on her something? Don't worry. Sluts like her like being shared."

I slammed my fist on a locker and let out a sigh. "This is your last warning. Back. Off." By now people were gathered and watching.

He got off the lockers. "Or what?" He said and pushed me. Hard.

"Louis, please. Don't." Safaa whimpered.

"Yeah. Why don't you listen to the bitch and walk aw-."

I tackled him to the ground and started throwing punches. After a few, he started fighting back. He pushed me to the ground and got up. He grabbed me by the collar and pinned me against the lockers. He brought his fist back but I quickly grabbed his shoulders and kneeled him in the balls. He crumpled to the floor, groaning. All the screams around me got quiet and it was only me and the dick on the floor. Before he had the chance to get up I kicked him in the stomach. Then again, and again, and again. Until I felt a warm and soft hand on my arm. The anger washed away at the touch and I slowly turned around. All I saw was Safaa and her scared expression and I instantly calmed down.

I furrowed my eyebrows in worry. "Are you okay? Please tell me I didn't hurt you?"

She shook her. "No. I'm okay." She said, barely audible. She looked down at my fist and gasped. "Louis. You're bleeding!"

I chuckled. "I don't think its mine. My hand will be bruised though."

"Well, because you wanted to go all John Cena on him." She exaggerated.

I chuckled but quickly turned serious. "You're like a little sister to me. I wouldn't let that prick touch you and get away with it. I love you too much to let that happen."

She smiled. "Thanks, Louis. I love you too."

The sweet moment was ruined by Mr Anderson. "What the hell is going on?!"

Some kid stepped out and helped Matthew up. "Louis over here just beat Matthew up."

I glared daggers at the kid. "Mr Tomlinson! Mr Davis! To the principal's office. Now!" Mr Anderson yelled and walked away.

Safaa offered to walk with me but I didn't want her to be late more than she already was, so I told her no. I hugged her quickly and made my way to Mr Cooper's office, the kid and Mathew close behind.


After I got a big and long lecture about how violence is wrong and some other stuff that I really didn't pay attention to, Coach Romero marched in and made a deal with Mr Cooper. I had detention today but I was off the hook because there was a big game coming up and coach needed his best player. Matthew, on the other hand, didn't get off so easily. He had detention for a week for vulgar language, starting the fight, and lying about who started the fight.

As soon as I got the detention slip, I got out of there. Janice winked at me as I walked out of the office. I shuddered and gave her a small nod. I quickly walked to Chemistry and hesitated before opening the door. As soon as I stepped a foot inside, everyone went quiet. Some whispers were heard.

"I told you it would be a matter of time before he beat someone else up."

"I bet he was itching to beat someone up."

"Didn't even have the decency to clean his bloody knuckles."

"You should've seen him. He was a monster."

"It was kind of hot."

I sighed and plopped down on my seat. I didn't let their stares get to me and tried to listen to Mrs Dorth. A small ball of paper hit my arm. I looked up and saw Marcel staring ahead. I grabbed the paper and unrolled it.

What happened??? -M

I looked up and saw him already looking at me.

"I'll explain later." I mouthed and he nodded. The rest of class passed by quick and we didn't do much. Mrs Dorth did announce that we were gonna have a project coming up.



"Alright, ladies! Go hit the showers!" Coach yelled after he made a little speech about the upcoming game. We got up from the bleachers and ran to the locker rooms. Some guys were still there, either changing or showering. I opened my locker and changed into my old clothes, deciding on showering when I got home. When I was done changing I stuffed my gym clothes in my locker and closed it.


I turned around and saw Marcel smiling sheepishly. "Hey," I said and we just stared at each other for a little bit.

Marcel cleared his throat. "Um, so what happened?" He asked coming closer and leaning against the lockers.

I leaned back as well. "I got into a fight with this kid named Matthew. I have detention today but I'm off the hook because of the upcoming game. I'm the best player so they need me during practices."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why did you get in a fight?"

"Matthew was being disgusting. He was touching Safaa." I answered, getting mad just thinking about it.

"Who's Safaa?"

"She's Zayn's younger sister. I love her like a sister, you know? And seeing Matthew doing that to her...I just didn't like it. And Matthew was pushing me. I asked him, nicely, to just back off, twice, but he didn't." I explained and Marcel stayed quiet and listened intently.

I looked down and hesitantly asked, "You're not freaked out or scared of me now are you?"

He shook his head. "No, not at all. I would've done the same thing if I was in your place."


"Yeah, totally. You're not the only one who's gotten into fights." Marcel said, cockily.

I laughed. "I don't see you as a person who gets in fights."

He shrugged. "Not everyone is who they appear as."

I nodded. He was right. I may look scary because of my tats and because I got into fights and let my anger cloud my mind, but I was really not like that.

Before I forgot, I asked him, "Hey, would you like to go to a party?"

"Who's is it?"

"I don't know if you know her. Her name's Amar." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah, I know her. When is it?"

"It's on Saturday. Around 9-ish." I told him.

"Yeah, sure. Sounds like fun." He said.

I smiled. "Uh, great! I'll pick you up at 8."

"Why so early?" Marcel asked.

"She said to come early and I asked if I could bring a friend. She said it was okay." I explained and I swear I saw a tiny blush on his cheeks before he looked down to grab his backpack.

"Uh, well I will see you on Saturday." He started to walk away backwards and bumped into a wall of lockers. "Oh, I'll see you tomorrow, too. Uh, bye." He said and turned around and quickly walked out. I shook my head and laughed silently. I grabbed my bag and walked to detention.



I was in the bathroom, trying to figure out what to do with my hair. I finally gave up and just put it in its usual fringe. I quickly brushed my teeth then slipped on some shoes. I looked at myself one more time. I decided on a black shirt that had a wicked skull design in the middle with black skinnies.

I wanted to go casual but still make it look like I tried, which I did. I sighed in content and picked my phone up. It was barely 7:45. I shrugged and grabbed my keys. I walked downstairs and was about to call out that I was gonna be out when I realized no one was here. Well, there was my mum. I sucked in a huge breath and walked to her room. I slightly cracked it open and (no surprise) she was passed out on her bed. Her room reeked of alcohol but I didn't see any bottles. I closed the door and walked out. Luckily, I remembered where Marcel lived. I drove there, listening to the CD that Amar gave me and softly hummed to the beat.

I got to his building and went up the lift. I waited for the doors to open and when they did, I did not expect what I saw. There was a blond kid with a red hoodie snogging some red head guy. I cleared my throat and stepped inside. I pressed 5 and just waited in front of the doors. The guys didn't care that I was there because one of them let out a moan. I pursed my lips and looked down. Finally, the doors opened and the couple excited first, stumbling a bit. I walked out and shook my head. I walked over to Marcel's door and knocked. The couple passed me and disappeared around the corner.

My focus was turned back to the door as I heard Marcel unlocking it. He opened the door and I saw he was on the phone. He motioned me to come in and to wait a minute.

"Yes, Charlie. I gave it to her and she said she couldn't do it."

"Alright. When do you think it'll be ready?"

"Two weeks?! I don't think I can stall them for so long."

"Okay, okay. Yeah, I know. Oh, and before I forget, Oscar is okay."

"Yeah, he texted me a couple days ago. He's in Ireland."

"Yeah, whatever. Love you, too, man."

Marcel hanged up and turned around with a big smile, flashing me his cute dimples.(What? Dimples are cute.)

"You're not even ready." I accused and plopped down on his couch.

"Well I didn't expect you to be so early."

"Marce, it's almost 8." I stated and Marcel looked at the time.

"Shit.." He mumbled. "Um, gimme like 10 minutes." He ran upstairs. I chuckled and took my phone out. I played candy crush for a little bit when I heard a door slam close. Marcel came running down and I did a double take. I got up and eyed him. He had a green sweater, that was obviously a little to long because the end of his sleeves were rolled up, and black ripped skinnies with a pair of Nike's on. His curly locks were brushed back and rested by his neck.

"" I sputtered out which made him blush. I cleared my throat and smirked. "It's better than the ratty sweats you were wearing earlier."

He laughed. "Shut up. C'mon." He grabbed his keys and we walked out.

I lead him to my car and we climbed in. I switched to the radio and some Sam Smith started playing. I left it there but turned down the volume.

"So, who's Oscar?" I asked. I didn't mean to poke my nose where it didn't belong but my curiosity was killing me. I saw him tense up but he didn't say anything. I was about to ask again when he spoke.

"You remember that friend I told you about? The one who got me my car." I nodded and he continued. "When I stayed with him in Canada something happened. I had to leave in a real bad time and I didn't know if he was okay or not because I lost all communication with him."

I noticed he was being vague but I didn't say anything. "Well, a couple days ago he messaged me and told me he was okay and attending Uni in Ireland. Charlie was good friends with Oscar so I had to tell him the good news."

I sneaked a glance at him, he was leaning on the window and looking at the houses and trees as we drove by. "I'm glad he's okay."

He smiled and looked down at his lap. "Yeah, me too."

We stayed silent for the next couple of minutes, the only sound being some song from Fall Out Boy. I quickly parked in front of Amar's house and we got out. We walked up to her door and knocked. A couple seconds later Amar opened the door and smiled at us.

"Hey! Come in. I still need to change and do my hair." She said real quick and rushed up the stairs. We laughed and walked in, Marcel closing the door. We awkwardly walked around and headed to the kitchen. In the center of the island there was a big bowl full of punch (probably spiked already) and some other bowls filled with a bunch of snacks. The doorbell rung and then a crash was heard.

"I'm okay! That's the pizza! The money is on the counter!" Amar yelled and another loud crash was heard. I chuckled and left to go deal with the pizza man. I grabbed the money and opened the door. All I saw was a bunch of pizza boxes. The boxes moved to the side and I saw a cute guy struggling to hold them.

"Oh, here let me help you." I said and grabbed the boxes and placed them on the floor.

"Thanks. That'll be 180 with 65." He said.

I counted the money and gave him 185. "Keep the change." I winked and he chuckled and sheepishly looked down, blushing a bit.

"Thanks. Have a good night." He turned around and I watched him walk away (totally not checking his arse out). I closed the door and grabbed the boxes from the floor and walked to the kitchen. I placed all fifteen boxes on the table and another crash was heard.

"Are you okay?!" Marcel yelled.

"Yeah! Just give me a second!" Amar yelled back. I heard a door slam then footsteps coming down the stairs. Amar walked into the kitchen. She was wearing a white graphic tank top with a black and red plaid shirt over it, paired with ripped black skinnies and a black beanie on top of her brown curls. She slipped on some black converse and looked over at us.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" She said and her hands went to her face.

I shook my head. "No. You, uh, look beautiful."

She blushed. "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself, Tomlinson." She looked at Marcel and raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you were gonna bring like Liam and Zayn. I didn't know you two were friends." She said.

Marcel crossed his arms (cutely, I may add.) "Is that disappointment I hear?"

"No! It's just I was hoping I could see Liam or Zayn."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to slap them." She stated and I laughed, thinking she was joking but she kept her face serious.

"You're serious?"

She nodded. "Yeah, they accused me of being a slut."

"Well, yeah, but don't you-."

She cut me off and looked at Marcel. "What do you think? Do you think I should slap them or not?"

I turned to Marcel and raised an eyebrow. "Well?"

He looked down nervously. "Well, uh, you know? They did accuse her of being ah, you know what. She does have the right to hit them if she wants to."

"Ha! Yes! Thank you Marcel." Amar exclaimed and looked at me smugly. The door bell rung and Amar went to open it. All of the sudden, there were a lot of voices then music started booming out of speakers. Amar came in, holding some bloke by the ear.

"Niall?" Marcel's voice was barely heard from all the music blaring.

"Marcel? Why are you here so early?"

"That doesn't matter right now!" Amar yelled, so she could be heard. She tugged at Niall's ear and pushed him to sit down. "Where did all these people come from?! This was supposed ot be a small party with some friends!"

Niall looked down, guilt etched on his face. "I'm sorry! I was talking about the party and I guess some people over heard and they spread the word around."

Amar rolled her eyes. "It's fine, Horan. Now, come on! It's a party!" She walked out and disappeared into the huge mass of sweaty bodies grinding on each other.

The bloke, Niall, lifted his head and finally noticed me. His eyes widened and he looked over at Marcel then back to me. He connected two and two and gasped.

"Marcel? Can I please talk to you? Privately?" Niall said and got up. He grabbed Marcel's arm and dragged him to a corner.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Coming here with him?" Niall whispered but it was loud enough for me to hear him.

"Because he asked me to come to the party with him." Marcel whispered.

"Stay away from him. He almost killed Matthew in a fight."

"From what I heard, Matthew deserved it." Marcel remarked quietly.

"Maybe, but still. He's bad news. I'm just worried about you."

I rolled my eyes at that. It wasn't like I was gonna hurt Marcel. I wouldn't dream of it.

"You shouldn't be. Louis is a great person and you shouldn't judge him on what people make up about him, people who don't even know him."

When Marcel said that, I got butterflies in my stomach. He said such sweet things and was standing up for me. No one but Zayn and Liam have done that. Hearing someone, that's not them, say that made me smile.

I heard Niall huff and mutter a fine. I turned around, smiling at them.

Niall smiled and stretched his hand out. "I'm Niall."

I shook his hand. "Louis. Nice to meet you, mate. Marcel talks very highly of you."

Niall raised an eyebrow and let go of my hand. He looked over at Marcel, who was looking down at his feet, blushing a bit. "Is that right, Marcel? Well, I didn't know you loved me so much."

Marcel smiled and looked up at Niall. "What's not to love?"

Niall blushed and nudged Marcel. "You're such a sap!" Niall laughed, a loud and booming laugh.

Marcel chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'm gonna go have fun and hopefully you two will be friends by the time I come back." He walked out and ignored our protests. As soon as Marcel was out of the room an awkward silence fell. I shuffled from foot to foot and tried to start a conversation.

"So, I heard you play the guitar. I tried learning it but it was really frustrating. I can play some songs on the piano, though."

He smiled. "Yeah, um I do play the guitar. It is very frustrating but I started at a young age so I had a lot of time to practice. What songs can you play? On the piano."

"Um, I can play the intro to How To Save a Life. It's mostly just The Fray. I like them a lot." I said.

From there on, we just stayed there, eating a bunch of pizza and snacks. I learned that he loves to play golf and is very good. He's somewhat good at soccer, which spiked a conversation about soccer. Then I explained that soccer had helped me with my anger issues and why I had gotten into a fight with Matthew. I had just met the guy but I felt like I could trust him and open up a bit to him.

Two hours later and almost finishing four boxes of pizza, Marcel came in stumbling. He stumbled towards us and took a swing of his cup.

"I see you are friends now." He slurred and tried to get more punch but I grabbed his hand before he could.

"Woah, slow down Marce. I think you've had enough for a whole week." I said and took the cup out of his hands.

Marcel giggled and wrapped his hands around my waist and literally laid on top of me. "You are warm." He muttered and tightened his grip.

I patted his back. "Alright Marce. Let's get you home."

"I can drive him." Niall slurred then hiccupped.

I laughed. "Niall, you're more drunk than Marcel. Give me your keys. You're not driving anywhere tonight. I'll text Amar that you're spending the night. Go up to a room and get some rest." Niall giggled and gave me his keys.

He grabbed a hold of my hand. "You are warm."

I sighed and pulled my hand out. "Niall, seriously. Don't drink anymore."

He smiled lazily. "You're so nice. Taking care of me." He slurred and came to hug me. Great, I have one drunk guy laying on me and another drunk guy hugging me to death.

"Okay, okay, okay. Niall, let go." I said and got out of the embrace.

"You have soft hair. It's" Niall said while caressing my hair.

"Okay, okay. That's it. I'm texting Amar." I got one of my arms out of Marcel's grip and took out my phone.

Come to the kitchen. NOW.

I tried to wiggle out of Marcel's grasp but he was fucking strong. I gave up and let Niall giggle and touch my hair. Amar came in and saw what was happening.

She started laughing. "Oh my gosh."

"Shut up and help me. Just get Niall off." I said and she laughed for a couple more seconds before helping me.

"Come on, Horan. Let him go." Amar whispered in his ear and he slowly let go.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. "Thank you. I have his keys so he won't go anywhere. Is it okay if he spends the night?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I'll put him in my brother's room."

"Thank you. I'm gonna take Marcel home. If he can let go of me, that is." I said.

"You okay to drive?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I only had two beers."

"Okay, well bye. I'll see you on Monday." She said and I gave her a nod and she left. I sighed and decided on going through the back since there's less people to go through. l walked around the house then to my car. I opened the door and tried to put him in the seat but he wouldn't let go.

"Come on Marce. Let go. Don't you prefer your bed?" I said and he nodded. "Well, let go of me and I can take you to your bed." He slowly let go of me and sat in the seat. I closed the door and ran to my side. I climbed in and turned the heater on because I saw him shiver. I quietly drove to his house and I could hear his small snores. When I got to his flat, I didn't want to wake him up. He looked so adorable and peaceful. His curls were covering half of his face, his cheeks were rosy red, and his lips were slightly parted, small snores coming out. I didn't want to but I had to wake him up.

"Marce." I shook his shoulder. "Come on, Marce. We're here." He slowly opened his eyes but kept them slightly closed. I grabbed his arm and hooked it around my shoulder and walked him to the front. I opened the door and walked in. I gave small smiles to the people who were around and staring at us as we waited for the doors to open. When they opened, luckily, no one was inside. I dragged him in and pressed button 5. As we were going up he kept muttering things that I really couldn't make out.

The doors opened and I walked to his door. I checked his pockets and grabbed his keys. I opened the door and dragged him in. I shut the door with my foot and tossed the keys on the table. I walked around until I found his bedroom. It was surprisingly clean, aside form his desk where there was a bunch of papers. I dropped him on his bed and he curled up into the blankets. I sighed and took off his shoes. I grabbed the covers and pulled them over his body. I turned around to leave when I hear a deep faint voice.

"Don't go. Stay."

I turned back around and saw him closer to the wall. I sighed and weighed my options out. I could leave, go home, and sleep. Or I could stay, take care of him, and sleep in his bed.

Finally choosing, I took my own shoes off and climbed under the covers. I laid my head on the pillow and faced Marcel. I stared at him for a while, just admiring his sleepy state.

I was drifting to sleep when I felt him snuggle closer to me. I put my hands up and watched him as he placed his head on my chest and his hand on my stomach. I slowly put my hands down, one on top of his hand and the other in his head. I started caressing his curls softly and I heard him hum in pleasure.

"Thanks." I heard him mutter and my movements froze.

"For what?" I asked but didn't get an answer. His soft snores filled the quiet room and my movements resumed. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, with a smile on my face.


Oh my gosh. This chapter was supposed to be done by Thursday but my computer decided to restart on itself. So it took almost two hours to restart and by then it was like 2 in the morning and my computer was dead. So, I went to sleep and next day I was working on a presentation and an essay so I didn't have time to write until today. But all excuses aside, here's chapter 7. I ended it with some cute Larry stuff because I've tortured you enough with cliffhangers. That doesn't mean there won't be more though.

K, I'm gonna stop cuz this is a very long author's note and you probably won't read this.

Um, I hope you liked it....bye.....

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