Unknown Hero

By CocoTheLoco

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After the attack on class 1-A someone was brought in to help watch over the students. Just so happens this sa... More



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By CocoTheLoco

School was back in the next day. To most classes at UA Academy today was just a regular day but for class 1-A it wasn't. Today was the day that they came up with their hero code names.

It was honestly one of the most important thing as a hero in my opinion. It was an important day in the hero classes, for all grades, but I'm surprised that so many internship requests came in for a first year class. There was an insane amount of requests for two students and a decent amount for some others.

The number on the board were very impressive. I had never seen or even heard of such a huge gap in offers before though. I mean yeah, Todoroki and Katsuki were outstandingly impressive but damn. I didn't even get that many when I was in school.

Aizawa was talking to the class about the internships as I sat on my little seat cushion that I held up with my quirk. My headphones sat on my head playing through a playlist of kpop music today. The music blocked out all of the sounds in the class as I floated relatively high up near the front of the class.

Thank god for those high ceilings.

My thoughts ran wild as I looked at the numbers displayed on the board again. I can still remember my internships crystal clear. I was one of the rare students that got to intern each year.

Lucky me, I know.

My first year was with Best Jeanist. He was very interesting to say the least. Best Jeanist is an amazing hero and an even greater man. His quirk is very unique and very versatile. He tried so hard to get me to open up to the public and just in general when I interned under him. I was also the youngest person to ever get an internship considering I was only twelve at the time.

However I did learn so much from Best Jeanist. I learned what it meant to be a real hero from him. All the politics of hero work, which is odd to learn at such a young age. But I don't regret learning from him. Hell there are still times I drop in to see the denim clad man. He was kinda like an older brother figure for me that school year. Even if what he was trying to help me with didn't really kick in till I was older he was an amazing mentor and a good role model for me to look up to during my first year of high school. It really helped having him there for me, especially since I was so young at the time.

Man it is kinda odd thinking that five years ago I was in the same position as my students. Sitting here in this exact class room, picking my hero name for my very first internship... it was so long ago but feels like it was yesterday. I remember it so clearly...

I just wish that maybe my time in school would of been better. More like what the students here in class 1-A have. They are all so close and friendly, besides a certain firecracker, with each other.

My thoughts drifted off again as my mind bounced around.

In my second year at UA I interned under the amazing space hero, Thirteen. They were simply amazing to study under. Thirteen didn't try to get me to open up like Best Jeanist did and they weren't such an emotion support like the denim clad hero was. However, Thirteen didn't need to be. I learned how to save lives for the first time under them. How to actually use my quirks to save a life. All my life I trained on just how to control and use my quirks. I was trained on how not to kill someone and to properly use my powers so not to have a repeat from when I was younger. But Thirteen showed me how to save a life. It was the first time in all my training I was shown how to actually help someone else.

Honestly that is probably my favorite internship. It brought so much light to my dark world. I was in a dark place with my quirk at the time. I hated how I could control people and mess with someone's mind. Then Thirteen who has double edged sword of a quirk showed me how I could take something bad and harmful and turn it into something good.

Plus I love the irony that I was thirteen years old when I interned with Thirteen.

Last but certainly not least, I interned with Kamui Woods. He showed me the harsh reality of villains, not that I didn't already know from my own past. But he showed me how things like what happened to me and my family are still happening today. Kamui was still a newer hero but he was and still is so focused on helping the people that I think it might of rubbed off onto me a little bit. He also helped me learn how to "play well with others" as he put it. I learned how I couldn't always help because my quirk wasn't fit for the situation. And how that was okay. Mostly he helped me to accept help from other heroes, which at the time I didn't want to do because that showed I was weak but mostly I was afraid of hurting someone else with my quirks.

Man I just realized, I was a lot like Katsuki when I was in school. Like I wanted no friends and didn't want to get close to anyone. I was harsh and self reliant to a fault. I just wasn't as aggressive and violent as he is. Maybe that's why I get along with him much. I see my self in him a bit.

That is also kinda sad...

Maybe that also means he can change as well like I did. Maybe he could play well with others too one day...

Or maybe not....

The door opening with the beautiful hero Midnight walking in caught my attention and pulled me out from my thoughts. Her and Aizawa seemed to be talking to the class for a moment. I forgot that he told me that Midnight would be leading the class on picking their hero names. Once they were done talking Aizawa, who was finally bandage free, hid away in his yellow sleeping bag leaving Midnight to lead class.

She waved to catch my attention. I lowered my self down to meet her eye level and pulled my headphones off of my head. "Yes Midnight?"

"Mind leading a hand passing the white boards and markers out?" She sent me a kind smile as she gestured to the stack of white boards.

"Yeah, sure thing." I sent her a smile as I used my quirk. The boards sorted out, each one moving with a marker to each students desk. Once everyone had a board and marker I turned my attention to the older woman. "Anything else you need?"

"Maybe a word on how you came up with your hero name to help inspire the class." She tilted her head as she smiled at me. I nodded in understanding as I turned my attention to said class. Everyone was watching me as I cleared my throat.

"Okay honestly this might seem a bit silly or anti climatic because I wasn't very creative with my name." My hand came up to rub the back of my neck as I looked to the side. "Growing up my life and who I was had to be kept a mystery considering who my father is. Then when I went through school I never got close to anyone in my class or the school in general so no one really knew too much about me. So I ended up being known as the mystery of the Hero Class, like some legend or something like that. So I kinda played off of that and came up with Mysterium.

"I know it isn't the most creative but that's how I came up with my hero name." I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at the class. I received multiple smiles from the class in return. A few even clapped for me, mostly Kirishima and Kaminari though.

"Thank you for sharing with us, Hikari." Midnight stepped closer to me. Her voice dropped down to a whisper as she spoke so that only I could hear. "Also, All Might needed to see you Hikari. He said it was serious."

A frown tugged on my lips at what the older woman said. I hopped off of my little cushion and back onto solid ground. "You know where he is?" I asked as I put the cushion next to the sleeping Aizawa. Nezu didn't like me flying around the halls so I can't do it outside of the classroom. So sadly my little cushion would have to stay here for now.

"He said he would be in his office waiting for you." She patted my shoulder as I passed her. A few students sent me curious looks. I only met one crimson gaze, holding those curious eyes for only a moment before I left the classroom.

The soft padding of my footsteps echoed softly in the empty hallways as I made my way to the office Toshi uses. It wasn't a long walk, only about five minutes. However, it felt like longer as my mind raced with thoughts of what he wanted to talk about. My worry started to build up as I kept thinking over everything that could have him ask to speak with me privately.

No way to know till I get there I suppose. Does me no good to get so worried and worked up over nothing.

Finally coming to the office door I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. My knuckles rapped against the large wooden door when I got settled back down. "Come in..." I frowned at the serious, quiet tone of Toshi's voice from inside. Slowly I opened the door before slipping into the dark office and then closed the door back behind me.

Toshi sat on the small couch in the dark room. He was deflated, his head in his hands as he leaned forward. His boney elbows resting on his knees as he stared down at the floor. My frown grew as I walked over to him. Worry coursed through my body again as I walked over to my father. He didn't look up at all till I sat down beside him on the couch. Hell he didn't even look like he was breathing he was so still...

Lightly I placed my hand on his should. A long sigh came from Toshinori as he sat back up and looked over at me. I searched his worried blue eyes as a frown stretched over his face. His sunken in eyes looked even worse than usual, darker circles rimming his eyes. His face looked a bit gaunt, more so that it typically did in this deflated form.

"Baby girl... I'm so sorry..." His voice was low, a sadness I haven't heard since I was little laced in his worry. He sounded slightly horse, like he was trying to hold back from crying or like he just stopped.

"Why... what's wrong Toshi...?" I asked softly as he looked away from me. A tense silence filled the space between us as he staid quiet. My hand slipped off of his shoulder and back to my lap. A lump of worry grew in my throat as I swallowed. "D-Dad...?" My voice shook as my chest clenched.

What could possibly shake him up this much?

What could scare All Might, the number one hero, to this point?

"Hikari... my sweet baby girl... Please try to stay calm. This is going to be very hard for you to take in..." Toshinori spoke in a low voice before looking back up into my eyes. "Honey, there was a break in at the asylum. Luckily no one was hurt but..." His voice trailed off for a second of hesitation.

My eyes widened as I entered Toshi's mind. Almost frantically I searched his memory's to earlier today where I found the memory that caused Toshinori to be in this state. I could see his phone ringing through his eyes as he picked up. I dove into the memory and relived it like Toshi did.

"Hello is this Toshinori Yagi?"  An unfamiliar woman spoke on the phone. Her voice was feminine and soothing to listen too but I could hear the undertone of worry in her voice.

"Ah, yes ma'am. Who is calling?" He asked as he sat in his office. Not many people had his phone number and knew him under that name.

"This is Doctor Lin at the asylum. I wanted to inform you that we had a break in earlier this morning. Luckily no one was hurt but..." I could hear the heavy sigh come through the phone, "The villain Freezoid has been released. No one else was set free or escaped. Who ever broke in came for him specifically. Normally I wouldn't would call you directly but..."

The woman's voice trailed off for a second. I could feel her concern through the phone. "What is it, Doctor?" Toshi asked, though dread filled him for her answer.

"You're daughters name was scratched into the walls. Repeatedly, but what really concerns me was there was a message. In red paint " we are coming for you" was painted on the walls. I wanted to inform you because I fear for your daughter." I could hear the shuffling of paper before the doctor started talking again. "I know her parents were killed by this man and she was the reason he was here to begin with so I wanted to contact you directly. The police said they would inform you but I feared that they wouldn't let you know in time."

"Th-thank you Doctor Lin."

"Again I am very sorry to give you such horrible news. I just didn't want that poor child to go through more than she already has."

"I appreciate it," Toshi slipped down into his couch as worry flooded his being. "Thank you for letting me know. Have a good day Doctor."

"You too Mister Yagi." The phone beeped as the call ended.

I pulled out of the memory as I froze. My eyes widen as Toshi finished what he was still in the process of saying. "Freezoid has been set free. Who ever broke in came specifically for him and him alone... Hikari...?"

My eyes clouded over as a burning mixture of fear and rage filled me. The memories I kept berried in the deepest depths inside my mind came resurfacing at an alarming rate. My body froze as shock kicked in. Eyes wide as I stared at nothing as the overwhelming emotions ransacked my unprepared mind.

I felt detached from my body as I started to shake. I could feel Toshinori's hands gripping my shoulders. I could see his lips moving as he called out to me but I heard nothing.

We are coming for you.

That one sentence bounced around my head like a wrecking ball. I could feel tremors in the building as my quirk went haywire. The entire building shuddered with everything inside as my mind shut down.

That bastard who tortured and killed my parents was free. He was in the world again. Insane and coming for me. That piece of shit was walking on the streets again. A freed murderer but now even crazier than before.

I didn't notice when the door to the office busted open as a single thought filled my head. My rage burning like a blazing inferno as my body shook violently.

I should of killed that bastard when I was a kid. I will kill him!

A fuzzy feeling washed over me as my body stopped shaking. A purple smoke surrounded me, making the building stop it's shaking as well. Slowly I slipped from consciousness as the smoke filled my mind and forced me to shut down completely.


I woke up in the nurses room. My head ached as I sat up in the white recovery bed. Inside standing near by was Toshi, Recovery Girl, and Midnight. There words were muffled to my clouded and groggy mind.

What had happened?

I forced my hurting head to think back to what happened. To fight against the fog. I regretted it instantly as it hit me like a ton of bricks.

The things in the room started shaking as my emotions caused me to loose control over my quirk again. The three adults attention turned towards me as I gripped the sides of my head. Everything flooded my mind as they rushed over.

I was drowning in the overwhelming emotions. The rage made me burn and shake but the fear made me sweat and tremble all at once. My breathing hitched as I started hyperventilating. A sharp pain burned in my scalp as my fingers curled and pulled at my hair.

My body only calmed down when I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I looked over to see a needle stuck in my arm as my body started to shut down again. I watched the needle pull out but before it was fully out I had already passed back out again.


The next time I woke up I was in my bed at home. An IV was hooked up to my arm giving me a steady flow of fluids. How long was I out this time?

How long was I even out the first time?

Trying to be careful but failing miserably I sloppily unhooked the IV and pulled it out of my arm. A sharp pain made me wince as blood bubbles out of the hole that the IV was in. I pulled my self out of my bed slowly. I felt weak and worn out. A bit light headed but not unbearably so.

Slowly I walked out of my room and to the kitchen. I felt unsteady on my feet at first since it had obviously been awhile since I had moved. My throat was so dry and I could feel my stomach growling. It must of been at least a few days that I have been out cold if I was this thirsty and hungry.

The apartment was dead silent. Toshinori must not be home right now... I poured me a glass of water as everything slowly sinks in about what happened.

I still can't believe he is freed from that asylum. It is killing me knowing that he is out and about again.

I sipped my water as I made my way back into my room. It took me a moment but not as long as when I left my room. Going over to my bed I snatched my phone off of my night stand. Once it was in my hand I went to sit on my love seat.

Turning on my phone a crazy amount of text messages made my poor phone buzz for a solid couple minutes before it finally stopped. I had a few messages from Kirishima, Uraraka and Izuku. Those were all asking if I was okay and to wish me well in the later messages. But what surprised me is that I also had an alarming amount from Katsuki. Opening our chat I scrolled up and read every single message he sent me.

Hey are you okay?  You looked worried when you left class.

Are you okay Hikari???

The building is shaking like crazy!

Was that damn shaking from you?

Where the hell are ya?


Fucking answer your damn phone!

What the fuck happened!?


What happened to you?

All Might told us that you won't be in class for a while. What's going on? Is everything okay?

Why aren't you fucking answering me?

You pissed at me or something?

Damnit Hikari! I know that shaking! You did that at the sports festival when you unchained me! What happened?

For the love of all that is holy you better fucking answer me! Who am I supposed to talk to about my damn internship with, huh!?

Why are you fucking ignoring me!?

I swear I don't give a fuck anymore! FUCK YOU!

Like seriously what the hell did I do to you!?

I talked to All Might...

He let me know that you aren't doing well right now but he didn't give me details. All he said is that you are bed ridden.

Sorry I got mad.

Don't tell anyone that I said that or I swear I will kill you.

Are you okay? Please Hikari, message me back when you can.

You seriously need to return soon. Stupid hair won't stop fucking whining about when you will be back.

I pestered All Might for more details on you. Apparently you have been unconscious since the day everything started shaking. I just... please be okay.

I took an internship with Best Jeanist. Heard that is also who you went with for your first internship. Guess that is kinda a cool thing or something.

Please Hikari... get better soon. You're a pain in the ass but I guess I miss you or something like that.

It's been a week... we are leaving for our internships today... please just be okay Hikari.

Text me and let me know you're alive.

I miss you...

Please wake up soon.

I read over every message that he sent me. His anger was astonishing but I was mostly surprised by how worried he was about me. I can't believe it that he was missing me that much that he literally messaged me everyday, multiple times a day.


I looked at the time, it was around noon. I should probably message the hot head but he might be with Best Jeanist right now... No. I don't wanna just message him. After everything I just want to see him.

I wanna get out of the apartment anyways.

Getting up I went into the bathroom to bathe. Since I was out for a week I could smell my self and that was defiantly not okay. The warm shower seemed to reenergize me slowly as it washed away all of the nastiness off of me. After getting out I brushed my teeth and bandages my arm where the IV was. I tried to be careful when taking it out but I'm also not a professional as it was still bleeding a bit. With me being in such a weak state I didn't want to chance getting an infection from it.

Once I was clean I dressed my self in some distressed black skinny jeans and a loose tank top. The sides were slit but stitched together with a black cord on each side.

With my headphones around my neck and some red high tops similar to Izuku's I was dressed. My phone and wallet were stuffed in my back pockets as I went to the kitchen.

I ate a quick bowl of cereal just to put something other than water into my stomach before I left. I didn't want to pass out from hunger on my way there. As I left I called Toshi.

It only rang once before he answered. "Hikari? Baby is that you?"

"Yeah Dad... hey... I'm sorry I freaked out on you." I spoke softly as I walked out of the apartment building. "I just wanted to let you know I was awake."

"You are perfectly fine my sweet Hikari. I'm just glad that you are okay now. I'm heading home now to come get you."

"Actually," I cleared my throat as I walked down the street, "I am heading to go see someone. So I'm not home."

"WHAT!? Baby there are people out to get you, who could be important enough to leave home when you just woke up?" I could hear the worry in his voice and the slight panic.

"A certain someone who I think would prefer to see me in person than get just a text message from me." A sad smile pulled on my face as I walked to the train station. "I won't be gone long, I just need to go see this person."

It was silent for a moment before I could hear him sigh. "It's young Bakugo isn't it?" A blush spread over my cheeks. How did he know? "He has been asking about you. He is a brash young man but he does seem to care about you. Just... just let me know you got there safely okay?"

"I will, I promise. I love you Dad."

"I love you too. Please, be safe my girl."

I hung up as I paid for my train ticket. It wasn't long till I could get onto the train to go straight to Tokyo, the city where Best Jeanist's agency is. Where Katsuki currently was... The train was semi crowded but it wasn't packed. Thankfully, I don't think I could physically handle a packed train right now.

The train ride was long and I had to try my hardest not to fall asleep. Even after being knocked out for a week you would think I wouldn't be tired but I also know my body is exhausted. I had to focus on trying to stay awake so hard that I was actually starting to give my self a slight head ache.

This will be a long ride...


In front of me stood the large building that belonged to Best Jeanist. It was large and pristine looking. A modern, classy feel cane from the agency.

Hasn't changed at all.

I sent a message to Toshinori before taking a deep breath. Walking in I was greeted by a secretary at the front desk. She sent me a warm smile as she spoke, "Hello, how can I help you?"

"I am here to see Best Jeanist. Is he here?" I asked with a smile in return.

"He is with his intern right now. He has asked to not be disturbed." I frowned and turned to walk into the building. I can't afford to wait, I have to see him. "W-wait, ma'am!"

I ignored her as I pushed my self forward and to the elevator. Her voice was still calling after me as I stepped into the elevator. I pushed the button for the top floor which was entirely his office. The ride was quick and ended with a small, pleasant ding.

Once the door opened I could hear speaking further in. I followed the familiar hall till I got to the room where multiple men were standing around Best Jeanist. In front of him sat Katsuki, whose hair the older hero was currently styling.

Or trying to that is.

"You must give off the aura of being a hero. Do you understand?" Best Jeanist finished and pulled away from the ash blond hair of a mortified firecracker. The usual spikes of ash blond hair was forced down into a stylish hair style that looked almost like a helmet of hair on the practically steaming blond.

All of the sidekicks spoke in sync, "Another great style Best Jeanist!" I watched for a second as Katsuki's eye twitched before his hair exploded into its usual mess of spikes. Which proves my point that his hair is naturally that way.

I couldn't help but snicker as I stepped into the room. Everyone's attention turned towards me in an instant. Multiple side kicks who recognized me sent me kind smiles and somewhat worried smiles.

Even though I cleaned my self I still looked like a hot mess that just rolled out of bed. There were dark circles under my eyes and heavy eye bags. My usually tan skin was dull and sickly looking. My vibrate auburn hair was dull and flat as well. Honestly I didn't look good at all.

"I think that might be a lost cause, Jeanist." I spoke softly as I sent the older man a small smile before my eyes went to the shocked blond in the chair. "Hi Katsuki." I spoke softly.

The blond's lip trembled befor he bit down on it. I could see him clenching his shaking fists as he looked me over. The worry in those crimson eyes warmed my insides but I understand his worry. I was out of commission for a week. I had noticeably lost some weight and I was still pale and sickly looking. Hell I probably looked like if you looked at me wrong I would fall over.

"Hikari...?" He questioned quietly. His eyes got glossy as he suddenly jumped up. His long legs bringing him over to me quickly. A small smile staid on my face as his warm hands gripped my shoulders. His hold was gentle but I could feel his hands trembling still. "What... what happened to you...?" He spoke softly, most likely thinking out loud more than actually asking me.

"It's a bit of a story..." I looked away from the taller blond and over to the approaching denim clad man.

"You look awful, Hikari. What happened to you?" Jeanist asked as he stood behind Katsuki, who still hadn't let me go yet as he kept looking over my face.

"Nothing good... mind if we have privacy so I can tell you?" I glanced over at the sidekicks. I may know some of them but I am not close with those men. Jeanist and I were kinda close, close enough that he knew more than most people did. After going pro we became a lot closer than we did when I was still in school.

The older man nodded and dismissed his men for a moment. It didn't take long for them to leave the room but once they did I was pulled into a warm, strong chest. The muscular arms held me close but were gentle, which was surprising but not as surprising as the fact that the Katsuki Bakugo was willingly hugging me.

A blush warmed my cheeks as I gave him a hug back. "I'm okay, Katsuki. I'm sorry I worried you so much." I pulled away and gave him a smile. He in turn flicked my forehead and frowned at me. I whined as I rubbed my forehead and glared slightly at the taller male. "Rude."

"Shut up fuck face."

I stuck my tongue out at him as a light blush dusted his cheeks. Best Jeanist cleared his throat making Katsuki and I move away from each other. Though he didn't go far as he kept a close eye on me.

"I can see you two are close, very surprising in both of you." The older hero placed a hand on both of our shoulders as he lead us to go sit down in some chairs next to his desk. Once we were all seated they both turned their attention to me. I gulped and lowered my head slightly. "Now tell me, what happened?"

I could feel Katsuki's burning gaze watching me closely as I fidgeted with my hands. "I... I was unconscious for the past week. I woke up just earlier today before coming here... I don't know if it has hit the news yet but..." I stopped talking as I gripped my hands together till my knuckles turned white. "That bastard was freed by some villains..." I growled out in a low voice.

"What? How is that possible?" Jeanist asked, his concern obvious in his voice. "That place is the best in the country."

"They said that they didn't know when they called All Might... b-but..." my voice shook from a mix of fear and anger, "they left a message on the walls of his cell..."

"Wait, who the hell are you talking about and where the hell did they escape? And why does it have anything to do with you?" Katsuki shot multiple questions out as he looked between Best Jeanist and I.

The older hero sighed and I held my head in my hands, trying to get control over my emotions again. I took a few deep breaths as I tried to relax my tensed up muscles.

"The man's name is Freezoid. He is a villain who was held at the arcane asylum, Best in the country... but it seemed he was broke free by someone." Best Jeanist spoke softly as he explained. I could feel his gaze coming back to me as he spoke. I know he was being careful of what he said so that I wouldn't flip my lid here in his office. "He is a sadistic murder and he is who killed Hikari's parents."

"WHAT!? WHY THE FUCK ISN'T HE DEAD?" Katsuki yelled in anger as he stood up. His fist pounding on the desk in front of him with a small spark of an explosion.

"Cause," I spoke gaining their attention, "when I was little I drove him into such a deep state of insanity that they couldn't even talk to the man. I destroyed that man's mind more than he destroyed my parents." My voice slowly grew into a growl as my anger grew. "So they decided he was punished enough and locked him away."

I looked up to Katsuki and he seemed taken aback. He fell back into his chair as his eyes lingered on me. "What...?"

"Yep. That isn't even all of it. They left a note saying they were coming for me." I growled out as I held my head in my hands. "But when I was told this I couldn't handle it... I shut down and went into auto pilot. That had to knock me out that day because I was so fucking angry and just so overwhelmed that my quirk went haywire."

"So that shaking was you."

"Yeah... but when I woke up I saw I had a shit ton of messages from you so I figured just texting you wouldn't be enough of an explanation." Sitting back up I leaned back into the chair I was sitting in. Best Jeanist had both of his hands crossed in front of his face. He seemed deep in thought over the information I had just given him.

"God damn Hikari. Why the fuck did you leave your home then? Hell look at you, you are exhausted. You look half dead!" Katsuki growled out but I could hear the worry in his voice.

"I had to come see my favorite hot head." I sent him a small smile as my anger died down.

A small chuckle came from the older man as Katsuki turned red. He growled at me and just simply flipped me off.

"Hikari, would you mind if I drove you home? It would put me at ease knowing you were safe that way." Best Jeanist inquired as he stood up from his desk. "I know it's a long way back for you to UA."

"I don't wanna interrupt your work, Jeanist. I was just gonna stop by and go home."

"No. We are taking you back whether you like it or not." Katsuki growled out as he stood up as well. Not a second after he pulled me up beside him and started pulling me towards the direction of the elevator. "You are taking your happy ass home to rest and get better."

"Bakugo you need to treat women better." Best Jeanist scolded lightly. A dark blush spread over my cheeks as Katsuki started to angrily smash the button for the elevator. His hand still gripping my arm but it wasn't tight at all. He was aggressive with his actions and words but he was gentle and careful when pulling me and grabbing me.

A smile spread of my face as I easily pulled my arm free. A loud growl came from him but it stopped instantly as I slipped my hand into his. My fingers slipping between his gloved ones. I gave his hand a light squeeze and his face exploded with color.

"It's okay Katsuki. Calm down, I'm okay. See? I'm perfectly safe right now so you can stop worrying." He growled but didn't say anything. He didn't try to shake my hand off either, instead he squeezed my hand back in return.

The elevator dinged and opened. Katsuki pulled me inside and planted me to his side. Best Jeanist followed us in but I could see a knowing sparkle in his green eyes.

He let out a soft chuckle as he shook his head. "Kids..." He chuckled again as the doors of the elevator closed. I blushed and Katsuki grunted as he pulled me even closer to him.

Obviously he didn't give a shit what the older hero said.

I glanced up at his still slightly red face. A small smile forming on my lips as I leaned my head against his bare shoulder. That warm gaze fell to my face as I closed my eyes, relaxed next to the warm blond. That comforting warmth that only he had filled me and relaxed my nerves over everything that has happened.

The rest of the time was silent as Best Jeanist lead us to his car. Katsuki and I sat in the back. Well more like he sat and I was force to lay down with his lap as my pillow. Once the car started it didn't take me long to fall asleep on the ride back.


AN: well... shit happened. Let me know what you think will happen next~ have a good day readers.

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this is the time after provisional license, katsuki and izuku didn't fight that night since they are good friends. izuku has two quirk, one for all a...
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"𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠." ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ "𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐞." ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ In which a confident, popular girl develo...
78.2K 2.8K 40
She was blind to most thing in her life, metaphorically speaking. It was almost as if the universe was trying to keep her from seeing the heinous par...
74.1K 2.5K 25
In the summer before high school, Deku went missing. But dispite his disappearance, Bakugōu got into UA just as he'd planned. Now the number one hero...