The Search For Cinderella: Se...

By alexisgracexo

936K 38.4K 9.8K

(CAN BE READ AS A STAND ALONE) Taylor Grace lives with crazy step-mother and sisters in her Beverley Hills ma... More

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21.5K 916 154
By alexisgracexo

Our plane arrived back in Miami around nine in the morning and we got back to the hotel around ten-thirty. Only an hour and a half before eliminations were being filmed. The minute we stepped foot back on American soil and Noah turned his phone on it went off for a solid five minutes with text messages and missed phone calls. It was like everyone was having aneurysm over his disappearance, which I guess was fair enough seeing as he was the star of the most popular television show in America right now. He called Marcus straight away and after copping an earful from him, Noah explained that he was in Cuba with Nicholas for a guy vacation. It was better if no one knew the five of us girls went with the guys. Marcus was way too chill of a person to stay mad for long so finished up by telling Noah to hurry back as soon as he could and that was that.

Now I was sitting in a dressing room with a stressed out Anna.

"How am I supposed to get you ready in just over an hour!" She kept exclaiming. I didn't really know whether or not I should be offended or not. The tiniest hint of a smile on her lips told me I could just brush it off.

"You've tanned though," She says, "You're practically glowing". Now that was a first, my pale ass skin barely ever tans, if anything it just turns slightly reddish then fades again. But apparently the Cuban sun is a miracle worker and here I am with a slightly noticeable tan. That and the aloe vera that Noah rubbed onto my back saved me from burning.

Ana bronzed up my cheeks which also made my cheekbones more defined. She then dusted a little blush to give me a little colour, as if I had been lying in the sun all afternoon, and then some highlighter to get that glow. As usual, the eliminations were a formal event so I was expecting some sort of gown, but when she pulled out a beautiful dusty pink silk gown I was instantly in love. It plunged at the front and teased a little bit of cleavage however with my flat chest didn't look revealing at all. After tying it around my waist, it flowed down in gorgeous waves.

Once she was done I was shoved into a limousine with a few other girls I didn't really know. We reached The Hub quickly and were ushered in with the other girls. Five girls were going home tonight leaving twenty behind. I found Jasmine quickly but we weren't sitting next to each other. She looked stunning though, wearing a burgundy dress which hugged her figure at the top and flowed to her feet. We were seated down pretty quickly and soon enough Marcus called action.

Noah stepped up onto the stage and stood with Marcus and the whole room's focus was entirely on them.

"How did you find this week Noah?"

Noah chuckled a little before saying, "It definitely was very fun and interesting as well, the obstacle course was so dope".

Marcus asked him a few more questions before they walked off and a local rapper from Miami itself came and performed while all of us girls anxiously waited. When he finished and the rounds of applause had stopped, Marcus and Noah walked back on stage with a basket of flowers. Five girls were going home tonight leaving twenty behind.

Suddenly, tense theatrical music filled the air as Noah walked through the rows of girls. The first two roses were handed out to two girls I hadn't really introduced myself to, I think their names were Kacey and Madison. Then, he walked up to Stacey. And handed her a freaking flower. I didn't know how conflicted I would feel seeing her smug face drop in absolute shock. I felt like shouting, "In your face!" quite literally in her face, but at the same time, at the very bottom of my soul, I kind of felt bad for her. Especially when she started to cry. 

But all feelings of sympathy evaporated when she decided to storm out of The Hub but of course in a classic Stacey manner - she had to make a scene.

Stacey turned to walk out of her row but stopped as she reached Bianca. She literally grabbed her by the arm and yelled in her face, "If I'm going you're coming too!" All the cameras were on them now; America would love this sisterly drama.

Bianca yanked her arm away, I was kind of surprised by the strength she had to be honest, and by the anger on her face, that was usually directed at me, but was now towards Stacey, "No way! I'm going to win this, I'm staying!"

Stacey glared at her, "You're a freaking selfish bitch!" She spun on her shoulder and began walking to the door again before she stopped. 

Oh no. 

She slowly turned around, ignoring the fact that everyone was staring at her with wide eyes. That and the fact that America was watching this mess live. Oh, how I would love to see Alicia's reaction right now. She was probably cursing at the TV screen. 

Her eyes scanned the room searchingly and I tried ducking in my seat. Unfortunately, we made eye contact and she came storming over like a woman on a mission, and man she sure was.

"This is all your damn fault!" She shouted as she stood over me. I stood up and stepped towards her with my arms crossed over my chest which made her step back a little.

"I did nothing and you know it," I said in my most deathly calm voice I could muster. Step sister or not, I wanted to punch some sense into her, "Stop making a fool of yourself and just go."

"GO?!" oh hell.

"Why the hell should I leave when your ugly ass is still here!?" She screamed, "You wait till you get back home little miss perfect, I am going to make your life hell!"

I just stared at her. What the actual hell was wrong with her.

She stormed off. But of course she had to have one last final say before she could get to the door, "You can say goodbye to college bitch, I'm going to make sure that you won't get a cent of any tuition money!" She smirked, "Unless you leave with me right now, it's not like you're going to win anyway."

My stomach sunk. I knew I shouldn't let her get to me. I mean besides the fact that Alicia basically gives the girls whatever they wanted, including my misery, there wasn't really much they could do to technically stop me from going to college. Besides withhold the money to do so. 

I could always get a loan and spend the next few years in debt and live in struggle street for awhile, and maybe if I'm lucky I could get a scholarship, depending if the three evil musketeers back off on the housework I have to do, which would let me put those extra hours in to raise my GPA that little bit extra. But at this rate, they would only increase the housework just so I wouldn't be able to. 

I bit my lip and quickly looked at Noah. He was staring back at me and I was shocked by the honest concern that shadowed his face. I knew Stacey was overreacting but I couldn't just throw away my entire possible future for a guy I just met, who just might show the tiniest interest at this point, but might not later. College, education, and a future secure career were secure. A guy that I might have feelings for? That wasn't quite so secure.

I started to walk towards her. Her lips lifted up in a smirk.

"What are you doing?!" Jasmine hissed at me from where she was sitting.

I looked down at the ground but before I could even leave my row Marcus' booming voice shouted, "That is enough!"

I stopped and looked straight at him and my heart pounded as he spoke, "Ms. Harvey, you will leave these premises instantly otherwise you will be escorted out," Three security guards stepped forward from the door in a threatening manner and I saw Stacey shrink back, "Ms Grace will remain on the show as per the rules and the contract that was signed."

I quickly hurried back to my seat and sat the hell down. How freaking embarrassing. I heard Stacey huff and storm off, without the need for security. I ducked down in my seat and stared at the floor pretty much for the rest of the evening. I didn't even watch the three other girls get eliminated. And because of the hell storm that happened earlier, the time that was going to be filled up by a music act wasn't even needed. Marcus and Noah signed off the show together and the lights and cameras were cut.

Girls started getting up from their seats to head to the limos but I freaking bolted. I ran down the fire stairwell and out onto the street, stalking straight pass anyone I passed. It would have been a sight to see; a girl in a ball gown with heels on walking like a mad woman down one of Miami's main street. To be honest, I was proud I was able to walk so quickly in heels.

I had no sense of where I was heading but I was so livid, stressed and just an emotional wreck filled with pure embarrassment. Did she seriously have no sense of dignity, that she had to embarrass herself and drag other people into her mess as well? It was times like this where I needed my dad, I needed someone in my family that was on my side, who had a grounded head on their shoulders and knew basic human decency. That was my dad. I needed his hugs and his friendship and his ability to keep his cool when hell is breaking loose. Ok, hell wasn't necessarily breaking lose, I'm just an overdramatic mess, I get that. But God was I mad.

"Hey Taylor, wait up!" I head a guy shout from behind me.

Turning around I see Noah jogging before he stopped in front of me, "God you walk fast," he puffs slightly catching his breath.

"Um, you're a worldwide sports champion, aren't you supposed to be fit?" I sassed back.

He rolled his eyes, "Ok Miss snarky, let's go get burgers." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder before leading me in a completely opposite direction. 

AN: Super late I'm sorry! This month was surprisingly hectic! ahhh

QOTU: How was your first month of the year? Anything you want to change/do differently?


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