Untitled (Completed)

By mla_ox

55.6K 1.6K 205

Cree is a teenager from Brooklyn with a short temper. After another fight in school her mother thinks its bes... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17.1
Chapter 17.2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20.1
Chapter 20.2
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

3.5K 86 4
By mla_ox


Cree POV

The next morning I woke up and it was raining. The weather most definitely matched my mood. I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took my shower. I washed my hair and left it wet so it could air dry. This is some of the advantages of being Trinidadian and having some Asian in me. My mom is from Trinidad but her parents are of Indian decent and my dad is Trinidadian with a little of Asian decent, and that's why my eyes are so chink, well so I've been told I haven't seen him since I was a baby when he left and that is why I have my mom last name.

Anyway I walked back in my room and changed into my gray Mickey Mouse sweatshirt. I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and I put my black Timbs on with the gold chains in it that my friend made me.

I went to the mirror and took up my hair lotion and moisturized my hair. I got the gel and my brush and laid my edges down. Then I put my hair in a messy bun. I got my scarf and put it on leaving the bun part out. My phone started ringing.

From the ringtone I knew that it was Terrel.


"Hurry yo ass up girl."

"Nigga hush, I'm comin'."

"That's what she said." He said laughing.

"Eww nigga you dirty."

"Just hurry up." He said hangin' up the phone.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of my room I told my mom I'll see her later as she grabbed her coffee and keys for work. We walked out the building together in silence and she said bye as I got in Terrel's car and as she got in her car.

"Good morning bro."

"Good morning sis."

"Can you take me to Dunkin' Donuts please?"

"No I gotta get Aria."

"Please, I'll get you something and get her something too."

"Alright fine, and you look real ghetto with that scarf on."

"Nigga ask me if I care, because I don't."

We drove to the drive through and got our food. Then we picked up Ari, we switched seats because she wanted to sit next to her boo. Then we arrived at the school we parked in the parking lot and made our way into the building.

"Meet me at my locker before first period I want to tell you guys something." I told them.

I walked to my locker and opened it I put in the things that I didn't need and I took out the things that I did need, I took off my scarf and put it in my bag. I felt like everything in that moment was going slow as I replayed the events from last night in my head. I felt hot tears run down my face but I quickly wiped them away when I heard Terrel and Aria come towards me.

"What did you want to talk to us about cookie?" Aria asked.

I closed my locker and stood there for a minute as the tears began to fall again. I was trying to stop the tears but it just wouldn't happen. When I felt it was right to turn around I did.

"What's wrong cookie?" Aria asked as the smile wiped off her face quickly.

I tried to speak but I backed up against the lockers and slid down to ground and started crying hysterically.

They both sat on the ground next to me. "Cree what's wrong, tell us." Aria said.

"Somebody fuckin' with you sis., I want a name and I want it now."

When I felt a little bit together I got enough strength to talk. "Nobody is messin' with me." I said.

"Then what's wrong Cree." Terrel asked sternly. When Terrel calls me by my first name he means business.

"Honestly, I don't know why I'm crying this hard." I said pulling my left knee towards my chest. I paused before saying anything then I took a deep breath before talking again. "My mom feels like the streets of Brooklyn are gettin' to me........she think its best if I, leave and live with my aunt and finish school over there." I took another deep breath.

"Well, where does your aunt live Cree." Aria asked while wiping my face.


"Where's that?" Aria asked.

I paused for a second. "In Georgia." I began crying again. "I don't wanna leave. I love my New York, this is where I grew up, the streets of New York is all I know."

"Aww Cookie, don't cry you gonna make me cry." She said while hugging me as I rested my head on her shoulder.

Terrel just looked upset. "I am upset sis, but I think it's better for you as well."

"I know."

"So when do you leave Cookie?" Aria asked.

"This Friday."

"That's 2 days away Cree." She said.

"I know and I started packin' last night but I just couldn't deal with it so I stopped and cried myself to sleep."

"Well I'm gonna stay over your house until you leave because I wanna spend the last days with my Cookie. And I'll even help you pack." She said with a pouty lip.

"And I will help too, I'll stay as late as you want me too sis."

"Thanks. I love you guys so much." I said standing up with them.

"We love you too sis." They said together. Terrel hugged me I put my head on his chest and cried, the Aria came behind me and hugged me. The first period bell rung but we didn't move.

We finally made it to first period. I made it through all my classes without crying. Then the end of the day came and I went to the office for the transfer papers that my mom called the school for. I walked into Mrs. Roberson's office.

"Here you go Cree." She said handing me the papers.

"Thanks. I guess this is really it. You don't have to worry about seein' my face in here anymore."

"Oh, hush all that foolishness girl." She said getting up from her desk and coming towards me. "Listen to me, though you may fight a lot and get in trouble, you are a good kid. Cree you have potential, if you just control your anger you can do whatever you want. Yes you can be a pain and you come in my office more than often but you were one of my favorites and I don't say that to just anyone. But Honestly Cree I'm gonna miss you." She said bringing me into a hug. "Be safe Cree."

"Thank you and I will. I'm gonna miss you too." I said hugging her back. Even though she was strict she was tolerable to me. Then I walked out of the building and into the parking lot and got into Terrel's car. We drove to Aria's house so she could get some clothes and stay with me. We drove to my apartment building and went in. My mom wasn't home yet but she knows about Aria staying over.

While I was packing up my things I cried some more. Who knew I that I would get this much packed with Aria and Terrel.

"Thank you so much for helping me."

"No prob." They said together.

"I'm not going to school Thursday I don't see the reason. And midnight that night is when I'm going to be leaving." I said zipping up my suitcase.

I got up from the floor and sat on my bed. Aria walked out the room leaving me and Terrel in my room. I took a deep breath and looked straight ahead Terrel came and sat next to me on the bed. "You good sis?"

"Yea I'ma be alright."

"Well, I'm just gonna let you know that since I can't be near you at all times anymore, I have some cousins out there in Georgia that go to the school you're going to and I'm gonna to tell them to look out for you. I'm just lookin' out for you sis."

"Thanks Rel, I appreciate it." I said giving him a hug. "Rel can you do me a favor?" I said pulling away from the hug.

"Anything sis, wassup." 

"Well, I know I'm not on some peoples good side right now, but could you watch out for my mom please. I know niggas out here can be grimy just to find out whatever they can, and I don't want them to take my mom away from me."

"I gotchu sis don't worry, Ms. Crenshaw is like my second mom ain't nothing gonna happen to her."

"Thank you love, and take care of my Stinkah and my god baby. When y'all have time please come visit."

"We will sis." He said.

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