Smacked. (A One Direction Fan...

By Lovalee

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Angela's best friend Kendall manages to drag her all the way from Anchorage, Alaska, to New York. Just to see... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Two

406 6 4
By Lovalee

Chapter 2:

Harry’s POV:

“Did I hear my Boo Bear calling?” I asked, swinging the doors open. I took a moment to examine the scene. There were two girls laying on the ground, passed out. Niall was kneeling down near them, and Louis was off to the side, hiding behind his fingers.

“Lou, what happened?” I probed, going to my bandmate’s side. He just whimpered.

“Nialler, what happened to them? Why are they on the ground? Why is Lou acting like he’s emotionally scarred?” I asked, moving on to the Irish boy for information. He sighed.

“Well, Louis and I were playing tag. He got out here before me, but I think he hit that girl,” he motioned to the blonde, “in the face with the door. Then, I swung the door open just as another girl came running around here. I hit her in the head with the door, too.”

“Vas happenin’?” Zayn appeared suddenly. He looked from me, to the girls, to Niall, and then to Louis.

“Do I really have to tell the story again?! I feel bad enough as is!” Niall snapped.

“No, it’s alright Niall; I’ll tell him,” I said before moving over to Zayn. “Niall and Louis whacked them in the face with the door.”

“I guess this would be a bad time to mention that the first girl was conscious when I accidentally hit her with the door. I freaked out a tad, and I kinda-sorta hit her again on purpose. Sorry,” Louis said, appearing by my side and speaking for the first time.

“Louis!” Zayn, Niall, and I chorused.

“Liam will know what to do,” Zayn said before running back in the building. There was an awkward pause before Louis spoke up.

“Can’t we just leave them here?”

“Louis, do I even have to explain to you why that would be a bad idea?” the Irish lad began. Louis nodded, and Niall sighed. “First of all, the second girl saw what happened. She could charge for assault! They both could! Two, we don’t need all the bad-mouthing we’re bound to get. Or the publicity. And last, but not least, it’s extremely rude!”

“Fine. You win. At least I won the game of tag,” Louis said, giving up.

Just then, Zayn walked through the door with Liam in tow.

“Do you guys always have to do this kind of stuff?” Liam sighed.

“So, what are we gonna do?” Zayn asked.

“I say we drop them off at the hospital, sign a card for them, and continue on with our tour,” Liam said.

“Liam, I don’t think Hallmark carries a “Sorry we hit you in the face with a door” card,” I said sarcastically. He glared at me.

“Well, pick them up. We’ve gotta go,” Louis spoke.

Just then, a wild crowd of girls rounded the corner, all looking for us.

“Niall, Louis, you knocked them out, you pick them up!” I demanded. Louis had already began running towards the car. I sighed. Oh, Boo Bear.

“Liam, Harry, follow Louis. Me and Niall will get them to the limo” Zayn said. Liam and I nodded and left them.

“Pumpkin! Pumpkin, come back! That’s the wrong car!”

Zayn’s POV:

“Okay, Niall, grab the brunette, I’ll get the blonde. And hurry, the fans are crazed,” I ordered.

Niall grabbed the first girl and scooped her off of the ground. I picked the second up off the ground and carried her bridal style. The girl I was carrying had honey blonde hair and lightly tanned skin. She was quite tall, but only weighed around 110. Her pink lips were slightly parted, and from what I could tell, she was very pretty. Niall was holding an equally pretty girl with pale skin and curly brown-blonde hair.

We arrived at the limo and one of our bandmates opened the back door. After laying them across one seat, we all sat down and looked at them as the driver pulled away.

“Wait!” Louis protested. He propped them upright and clicked their seat belts. “Safety first.”

“Oh, so NOW you care about them,” Niall said sarcastically.

Before Louis could begin defending himself, Liam requested that we go to the hospital. He was the only one that had any sense of direction.

We rode in silence all the way to the hospital, which is usually difficult for us. When we arrived, we grabbed the girls as gently as possible and made our way into the hospital. When the nurse asked what had happened, we all looked to Liam.

“They were running towards us after our concert and slipped on some gravel,” Liam said, not missing a beat. The nurse nodded and wrote something down on a chart.

“Can we wait for them to wake up? I feel really bad now,” Niall asked.

“Me, too,” Louis agreed sadly.

“Fine,” Liam agreed. The nurse walked back in and told us they were awake, and that they had no brain damage or internal bleeding that they could see.

“Could we go in and apologize?” Harry asked her.

“Absolutely. They’re in room 507.”

We quietly rode the elevator to the fifth floor and walked down the corridor all the way to 507. I knocked on the door before entering.

Kendall’s POV:

“YOU BASTARD! You hit me in the face with a door. Twice!” Angela screamed at Louis Tomlinson.

“Harry, make her stop yelling at me!” Louis whined, hiding behind him.

I was in shock. I was in a hospital bed with all five members of the most popular boyband staring at me from the door. I’m in a hospital. One Direction is in the room.

Seems legit.

“I’m dreaming!” I exclaimed. The boys looked confused and walked further into the room to stare at me. I hopped out of the bed and quickly looked down the line of boys. From left to right, they stood in this order: Liam, Zayn, Harry, Louis, and then, Niall.

Since this was a dream, I was going to live it up.

“YOLO,” I shouted, running towards Liam. I crashed into him and bear hugged him, nuzzling my face into his shirt. He chuckled a bit and moved me away from him, making me move towards Zayn.

“Vas happenin’?” I exclaimed, flattening his poof against his head. I hopped along to Harry and began playing his voluminous curls before kissing his cheek and moving to Louis. I promptly turned him around, smacked his butt, and yelled, “CARROTS!”

And last but not least, Niall. My future husband.

I stood up on my tippy toes, wrapped my arms around his neck, and smashed our lips together.

“Bloody hell!” Harry shouted, breaking off our kiss. “That’s the girl who waited outside my door at the hotel! She really is crazy!”

“She thinks she’s dreaming, guys. She must be a fan,” Liam said, smiling sweetly.

“That’s easy for you to say. She slapped my bum and messed up my Hazza’s curls!” Louis said, holding Harry closer.

“I feel invaded,” Niall whined.

“She messed up my hair!” Zayn complained.

“Wait, aren’t these also the girls that made us laugh at the airport earlier today? Remember, that one asked us for a ride, and that one apologized on behalf of her and dragged her back to the curb,” Liam said, putting the puzzle pieces together.

“And that one followed me,” Harry restated.

“And I saw her at the snack machine,” Niall gave his input, pointing to my ever-so-calm friend.

“I thought you looked familiar,” Angela stated to Niall. “Once again, boys, I am very sorry for my friend. She believes she’s in a dream, and she loves you. She also doesn’t understand boundaries.”

“But you!” she continued, motioning at Louis. “You hit me in the face with a door, and then, YOU HIT ME AGAIN. And I WILL be charging for a-” before she could finish her words, Louis hit her over the head with a metal tray that was nearby.

“LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!” Liam yelled. “This girl has been hit by YOU three times today! She also just threatened to sue you! What are we going to do NOW?!”

“Um, guys,” I attempted to interrupt. I saw nurses running towards the room..

“She was scaring me...” “I don’t care! We need to...” “I JUST WANNA GO HOMEE...”

“Guys...” I tried again.

“AT LEAST I DIDN’T HIT HER FRIEND AGAIN...” “She was acting pretty weird...”

“BOYS,” I screeched. “There are God dang nurses trying to get in this room. WHAT’S YOUR PLAN NOW?! Angela WILL press charges and report you to the media.”

They all looked at each other and had a silent conversation before Louis came at me with the tray.

I have a strong feeling that this isn’t a dream.

Liam’s POV:

Everyone began slapping Louis.

“Why would you do that?!” Zayn asked. “This doesn’t help anything!”

“Guys, calm down. We’re going to have to check them out,” I spoke.

“Already did. The pasty one has a nice bum,” Haz claimed.

“Pig...” Niall commented. I sighed.

“Not like that! Someone go tell a nurse that they asked us to check them out and bring them back to their hotel.”

Louis and Harry nodded before exiting the room and making their way to the receptionist.

“Okay, Niall, Zayn. Can you PLEASE carry them back to the car?” I requested as I sighed. It was going to be harder to get rid of them than I thought. I had planned to leave them at the hospital after apologizing, but Louis just HAD to knock them out again.

Niall and Zayn were already holding them, so I opened the door and lead the way to the limo.


Harry and Louis quickly joined us before we pulled away from  he curb.

“What are we going to do when they wake up?” Harry asked.

“If the crazy one was right, her friend will press charges if we let them go,” Zayn added.

“We’re not going to KIDNAP them, Zayn!” Louis argued.

“Why not? One of them is normal enough, and I’m sure that the other one will calm down once she realizes that this isn’t a dream,” Zayn tried to reason.

“Where to, sir?” the driver called from the front seat.

“Back to the hotel, please.” I said.

“Wait, we’re bringing them back to the rooms?” asked Louis.

“Well, yeah.”

“So we ARE going to kidnap them?!” Louis yelled.

“Only until we reason with them to not charge for assault. Louis.”

Everyone finally shut up and kept to themselves.


Angela’s POV:

My eyelids flittered open to land on a familiar hotel room. What the hell happened? I brought my hand up to my head to find a very large bump forming. Did I get hit in the-


“That ass!” I whisper-yelled to myself.

I brought myself to a sitting position to take in my surroundings. The room’s layout was very familiar, but my stuff wasn’t scattered across it. It was someone else’s. I stood up, feeling a bit dizzy, before walking to the living area. One of the members of One Direction was sprawled across the chair, asleep. I think it was Zayn, but don’t quote me on that. I glanced over at the clock hanging on the wall. It read 3:20, and judging from the lack of daylight, I assumed it was AM. I tip-toed over to the chair where Zayn was laying. He actually looked a bit cute when he was asleep.

Wait, what? What am I saying?! He’s a member of One Direction, and I dislike them. If that wasn’t clear enough before.

I began poking Zayn’s face repeatedly, until he began to stir.

“ Zayn,” I said, hoping that really was his name. “I need some help.”

He mumbled something before I poked him again.

“Wake up! Lazy bum!”

He continued to mumble and squirm around. Well, there was no way I was getting him up the easy way. I decided to use Kendall’s method of waking people up: splashing water all over them. Walking to the bathroom to pick up a glass, I began wondering how I even got inside this room. The last thing I remember was being hit (AGAIN) on the head in a hospital. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind. I could just ask Zayn once I woke him up. As I filled up the glass, he continued to groan and moan to himself.

Guys are so weird.

Once the glass was full, I spun around quickly, bumped into the door, and dropped the glass on the tile. Little splinters and giant chunks of glass went everyone as a terrible glass on tile cracking noise was made. God, I’m such a klutz; it’s not even funny.

“My mirrors!” I heard Zayn scream.

That wasn’t exactly how I’d planned to wake him up, but it works.

“Um, hey, I don’t really know you, but I’d love it if you could help me,” I called.

A few moments later, Zayn (I think) appeared in the doorway, looking a bit frantic.

“I didn’t break your mirrors; I just dropped a glass,” I explained quickly. He instantly relaxed. “Can you help me? I came in here barefoot.”

“Uh, sure, I’ll just bring you some shoes,” he agreed. Zayn left for a few moments before reappearing with my black heels that I was wearing earlier. He handed them to me and waited for me to step out of the giant mess of glass I made.

“How did you even manage to do that?” he chuckled.

“Well, I woke up and I didn’t know where I was. I walked around a bit and I found you sleeping. I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn’t. So I was going to pour water on you, but I ran into the door and dropped the glass,” I admitted. He just nodded, and I wanted some answers.

“Okay, so, I remember Louis hit me with a door, and then he freaked out for no reason and hit me again. Then, I was in a hospital. How did I get there?” I asked.

“After Louis knocked you out, the other girl came around, and Niall hit her with the door, too. We weren’t just going to leave you there to be trampled by fans, so we grabbed you and brought you guys to the hospital. We had planned on leaving but Niall and Louis wanted to apologize, so we went in to say that,” Zayn explained.

“Wait, which one is Niall?! And you’re Zayn, right?” I asked, very confused.

“Niall is the blonde Irish one, and yeah, I’m Zayn.”

“Alright, so then, Kendall went nuts, and I got angry, and then I was knocked out again.”

“With a tray,” Zayn added.

“Right. And where am I now? How did I get here?”

“You’re at the Hilton in New York, in my hotel room. We brought you here to convince you to not press charges.”

I suddenly became angry again, but I was afraid that I would be knocked out another time if I lost my temper.

“Well, that was a very interesting story,” I said, biting my tongue. “But I will still press charges.”

“I’m afraid I never got your name.”

“I’m Angela, and my friend is Kendall,” I said quickly. “I’d really like to leave now, though, Zayn. Would you happen to know where my friend is?”

“What if we changed your mind? To, y’know, not get involved with pressing charges or the media,” Zayn said, flashing me a beautiful smile.

“I- I don’t know. Where’s Kendall?” I asked, beginning to worry.

“I’ll tell you if you give us a week to prove we’re not bad people, and that the law and the media have no need to get involved.”

I thought about it. Kendall would automatically say yes; it would make her ecstatic. I loved seeing her happy, and this would complete her life. I glanced at Zayn, his eyes full of hope. He put on a half-smirk when he saw I was looking at him.

“Oh, alright,” I agreed. Zayn did a little happy dance, right in front of me.”Where’s Kendall? I don’t know if your bandmates can handle her.

Alright guys, that was chapter two of Smacked. Please feel free to point out any grammatical errors, I realize that I’m not perfect. Vote, comment, and fan, because it will make me unbelievably happy. Dedicated to CupcakeQueenz447 because one of the girls who shares the account made the undeniably lovely cover.

Until next time,


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