(Cancelled/Considering remaki...

By Aqua-Mage1000

1.7K 6 549

(WARNING-Swearing, Blood, Violence, Lewd Jokes, Deaths, Crossover Pairings, OCXCanon and Yaoi-Though, one of... More

Prologue: The Boundary
Chapter 1 Part 1/9 - The real show begins
Chapter 1 part 2/9 - The ship
Chapter 1 part 3/9 - The Mushroom Kingdom
Chapter 1 part 4/9 - The Toadstool Princess
Chapter 1 part 5/9 - A Missing Friend
Chapter 1 part 6/9 - A rude interruption
Chapter 1 Part 7/9 - Reunion
Chapter 1 Part 8/9 - The Siblings' Reunion
Chapter 1 Part 9/9 - Observe meeting
Chapter 2 Part 1/11 - Sarasaland
Chapter 2 part 2/11 - Unplanned Visit
Chapter 2 Part 3/11 - An Attack
Chapter 2 Part 4/11 - Strategy
Chapter 2 Part 5/11 - A weak battle
Chapter 2 Part 6/11 - Captivity
Chapter 2 Part 7/11 - An travel plan
Chapter 2 Part 8/11 - Sneaky heroes
Chapter 2 Part 9/11 - The Sleeping Android
Chapter 2 Part 10/11 - An escape
Chapter 2 Part 11/11 - Failure trouble
Chapter 3 part 1/10 - Illyria
Chapter 3 part 2/10 - The Kishe family...and Sol
Chapter 3 part 3/10 - Meeting the king
Chapter 3 part 4/10 - Issues
Chapter 3 part 5/10 - A Gear's sin
Chapter 3 part 6/10 - Phantom thieves 1/2
Chapter 3 part 7/10 - Phantom thieves 2/2
Chapter 3 part 8/10 - Naming
Chapter 3 part 9/10 - The Last Kunoichi of the Oboro clan
Chapter 3 part 10/10 - Alucard family
Chapter 4 part 1/15 - The Airship
Chapter 4 part 2/15 - The Jellyfish Pirates
Chapter 4 part 3/15 - The Ship's Rules
Chapter 4 part 4/15 - Ragna's room
Chapter 4 part 5/15 - Training
Chapter 4 part 6/15 - Master
Chapter 4 part 7/15 - Crashing down
Chapter 4 part 8/15 - Greece
Chapter 4 part 9/15 - The search begins
Chapter 4 part 10/15 - The prince of Dreamland
Chapter 4 part 11/15 - Magic Gene
Chapter 4 part 12/15 - Bang's group
Chapter 4 part 13/15 - Meet Pit
Chapter 4 part 14/15 - Android and the rabbit
Chapter 4 part 15/15 - Awoken
Chapter 5 part 1/13 - Meeting (KO)
Chapter 5 part 2/13 - Caught (A2)
Chapter 5 part 3/13 - Training (KO)
Chapter 5 part 4/13 - Roommate (A2)
Chapter 5 part 5/13 - Cafe (RB)
Chapter 5 part 6/13 - An old friend (RB)
Chapter 5 part 7/13 - Kidnapped (RB)
Chapter 5 part 8/13 - HUH?! (RB)
Chapter 5 part 9/13 - Meeting up the rest (RB)
Chapter 5 part 10/13 - The goddess of light (RB)
Chapter 5 part 11/13 - Happy late birthday (RB)
Chapter 5 part 13/13 - A quiet promise (A2)
Chapter 6 part 1/18 - Out of the train (A2)
Chapter 6 part 2/18 - Nightmare (RB)
I need a break
Chapter 6 part 3/18 - Morning (RB)
Chapter 6 part 4/18 - Tea and pianos (RB)
Chapter 6 part 5/18 - Preparations (KO)
Chapter 6 part 6/18 - Legend of Sparda (KO)
Chapter 6 part 7/18 - The Sapphire Knight (A2)
Chapter 6 part 8/18 - Monster (A2)
Chapter 6 part 9/18 - Rescue (A2)
Chapter 6 part 10/18 - Grand cabaret club (KO)
Chapter 6 part 11/18 - Run! (KO)
Chapter 6 part 12/18 - Going out (RB)
Chapter 6 part 13/18 - The Past (RB)
Chapter 6 part 14/18 - Getting out of here (A2)
Chapter 6 part 15/18 - How we become friends (RB)
Chapter 6 part 16/18 - Meeting the Bandicoot family (KO)
Chapter 6 part 17/18 - Travelling (A2)
Chapter 6 part 18 - Outside of a bar (RB)
Chapter 7 part 1 - Hangover (RB)
Cancelation/Considering remaking it from scretch

Chapter 5 part 12/13 - Rest up (KO)

8 0 0
By Aqua-Mage1000

A/N: I DON'T OWN THESE CHARACTERS AT ALL. ONLY A FEW MAIN OCS AND THE RESTS ARE JUST BACKGROUND CHARACTERS OR MINOR CHARACTERS. WARNING! - Swearing, Blood, Violence, Lewd Jokes, Deaths, Crossover Pairings, OCXCanon and Yaoi (Though, one of them is very one-sided). Enjoy my fellow ninjas and kunoichis.

If you guys are enjoying this book, let me know in the comment section and have fun during a peaceful conversation, my fellow ninjas and kunoichis!

Kokichi opens his eyes and looks around the room. He is inside of an infirmary room of some sort where he is laying in a bed as he is shirtless, revealing his bandages around his left shoulder, both of his arms and his stomach. He also some band-aids on his right cheek. He looks to his left and saw two people who are visiting him; Meta Knight and Jin.
"Who...who are you guys?" Kokichi asked meekly.
"My name is Jin Dedede, son of King Dedede, ruler of Dreamland," Jin told him in an arrogant tone, "Do not forget about that, understood?"
"...Want to be my boyfriend?" Kokichi asked with a cheeky smile, which caught Meta knight off guard while Jin glares at him, which he punches him in the stomach, "OW! Okay-Okay! I was just lying! You are totally not my type! There! Happy?"
"Good," Jin replied.
"Anyways, how were your wounds?" Meta Knight asked, shrugging off that joke Kokichi made, "And Jin, you shouldn't have hit him! You'll make his wounds reopen itself!"
"...Sorry master, I let my temper get the better out it." Jin apologised to his master.
"Maybe next lesson, we should find a way to control that said temper of yours," Meta knight pointed out, then added, "And that arrogant trait of yours as a bonus as well."
"...Grrr..." Jin growled and turned away from Kokichi.

"My wounds...Nee hee hee! They're nothing-ow!" Kokichi suddenly felt a tint of pain in stomach and says, "Okay, I was lying, this is bad!"
"See what you did there?" Meta knight told Jin off, who is still growling, then pay his attention to Kokichi, "Sorry about my student, he is too selfish and arrogant for his own good, just like his father I might add."
"..." Jin kept his mouth shut.
"Wait a minute, how come I'm in bandages instead of being repair?!" Kokichi asks, "I mean, last time I check, I'm a robot, right?"
"No, you are wrong," Meta knight told him, "You are an artificial human, basically a human being born unnaturally or artificially created, get it?"
"Oh...I guess that makes sense," Kokichi understood.
"Anyways, you need to heal and prepare for tomorrow," Meta knight told him as he turns his back away from him, "Come on Jin, let's go."
"...Fine master."
"Wait! What happens with-?"

Sadly, Meta Knight and Jin already left the room, leaving Kokichi by himself. He sighs and looks up in the roof while putting his right hand up, looking his bandaged arm and hands.
"..." Kokichi puts his hand down and looks at the window, seeing not only a little bit of his hair turned pure white, but also a brief vision of a boy with navy blue hair, a black hat and black uniform, catching him guard, "What the!? Who is that? And why is some bit of my hair is white?!"

Kokichi shakes his head and the vision disappears, making him sighs again and looks at the night sky with pretty stars and many Volbeats and Illumises around, making him smile a bit. Suddenly he heard the door opening and looks to his left again, which reveal to be Relius himself.
"Huh? Professor Relius?"
"Ah, it would seem you're awake, Legendary unit number seven Phobetor," Relius said as he walks up to the artificial boy and sits on a chair, "So how are your wounds?"
"Umm...yeah," Kokichi told him, then he repeats himself, "So, why are you here?"
"To make sure none of my creations is heavily damaged," Relius responded, "It would deeply affect our chance of success if you are beyond healing or fixing you up."
("So you're more worried about your chance of winning than my well-being. Got it.") Kokichi thought and asked, "Anyways, how did I get here?"
"Oh simple, you use a ability we like to call it; Bad Dreams, named after Darkrai's ability, of course," Relius explained to him, "It's the ability to trap everyone close to you, enemies and allies alike, in another dimension called Nightmare land and causes a lot of mental scars to that said people."
"..." Kokichi stayed silent while listening.
"And the only way to stop is to find you and pull you out of that shadow egg, which will open a way out of the Nightmare land." Relius finished his explanation, "From what we, Dr Neferious, Iggy and I gathered, it only happens when you have an emotional breakdown, though it also seems to affect your hair colour bit by bit as well, possibly caused by the massive amount of stress you put your body through when using the Bad Dreams ability."
"...I see..."
"Right now, Dr Nefarious and I are working on a special invention to prevent this from ever happening again."
"...Okay," Kokichi responded hesitantly as Relius puts a green feather on the table next to him. "What's that?"
"It's a Lunar wing," Relius told him, "It's a special type of feather belonging to the legendary Pokemon called Cresselia, which would weaken your chance of accidentally giving nightmares to someone. Do not worry, we know an alternative way to switch off that ability of yours at all times. Well, anyways, good bye."
"...Good bye..."

Relius gets up from the chair and left the room, leaving Kokichi alone once again. He looks at the window one last time until briefly decides to lie down to his pillow and closes his eyes with a small smile on his face.

A/N - It's a bit of foreshadowing coming up and to people who know New Danganronpa V3, you can guess who it is and if you do, I think it's better if you keeping it to yourself for the people who don't know Danganronpa too well to avoid spoilers. I hope you guys enjoy the story and if you do, leave a comment and I hope you guys have a nice day, my ninja clan. See you next Monday. Kuno out!

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