IT fanfiction

By GeekyGlamGirl

24.1K 595 300

Jane Ripsom is a bit of a mysterious girl. On the outside, she seems like a nice, normal girl. But everyone h... More

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Heathens and Killer Clowns
Neibolt Part 1
Neibolt Part 2
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Bad Blood
Sit Still, Look Pretty
Into the Sewers Part 1: Mental Breakdowns Galore!
Into the Sewers Part 2: Face Your Fears
When I See You Again
.....idk what to say
New Book!
I'm. Dead.
I Published It!
New Fanfiction???
Just a quick update boo
It Fanfiction- Chapter 2


3.6K 40 51
By GeekyGlamGirl

Disclaimer: I don't own IT or anything related to IT. Any characters you don't recognize are of my own creation. This is just a fanfiction. The POV will mainly be the main character, Jane's. However I might switch between Jane, Richie and no ones POV. Jane is a singer, so I am having her sing already made songs but I do not own them either (after the song I'll put in the song title and author, gotta give credit). I might change the lyrics every once in a while too. Also, TRIGGER WARNINGS! This is a very angsty book and there will be: language, gore, sexual talk (chill it's just Richie) and almost rapism (no one is actually raped, but it almost happens). And violence, holy cow violence. Oh and abusive parents. But on the bright side, this is kind of an OC x Richie. That's all, enjoy my homies.


Derry, Maine, June 1989. 1:30 pm.
Jane Ripsom walked the halls, leaving her awful math class with a smile on her face. It was the last day of school, and she planned to make it a good one. But first, she needed to find her best friend, Beverly Marsh. The first place she looked was the bathroom since Beverly often skipped classes to smoke in there, despite the fact that Jane never approved of it.


"Smoking is bad and could ruin your lungs Bevvie! Then you'd be stuck in the hospital and I'd be stuck without a best friend! I CANNOT survive school without my girl." She lectured as Beverly took a deep breath from the cigarette and smiled. "Oh come on Jane, I'm sure you'd live on without me. And besides, isn't Richie your best friend?"
Jane blushed deeply. "He's one of them, yes."

*flashback over*

Jane smiled fondly at the memory, and turned into the bathroom.
"Bev?" She called as she walked in.

"There! At least you smell better now."

Jane groaned inwardly. That was the unmistakable voice of Gretta, one of the school bullies. Gretta appeared in front of her with a few of her goons.
"Hello Ripsom. Looking for your friend? She's over there, hiding like the little coward she is." Gretta laughed. Jane sighed.
"Gretta, for once could you be pleasant instead of mean? I can assure you it'd get you more friends, and by the way, ugly is not a good color on you. How come you wear it like it's going out of style?"
Jane asked.
Gretta sneered.
"Well at least I have style Ripsom. And at least I don't need stilts for shoes." She said, pushing past Jane and making her trip and fall. Jane sighed and stood with difficulty, looking at the 4" wedges strapped to her ankles. She would have gone barefoot, but her stepmother had a strict outfit choice for her. Her stepmother wanted her to be a housewife, so the minute Jane's father got married to the awful woman she began teaching her how to catch a mans eye. Originally the plan was for Jane to start dating immediately, but her first boyfriend did not turn out the way her mother wanted.


"Darling, wear something nice tonight. Sheriff Bowers and his son are coming over for dinner. You know, his son is only a few years older than you. I'm sure he'll be enchanted by you if you do exactly as I tell you." Her stepmother said as she poked her head into Jane's room. Jane sighed.
"Mom! I'm only eleven! I don't think I'm ready for a boyfriend." She said, fiddling with her shaking hands. Her stepmother gave an angry frown and walked over slowly to the shaking girl.
"Don't use that tone with me young lady. You know not to call me that. I am not your mom, or your mommy. I am your mother. Your mommy died a year ago, remember? And for Pete's sake stop shaking like that, you know what happens when you disobey me." Her stepmother pulled out a sharp knife, Jane began shaking even harder.
"I'm sorry mother, p-please don't punish me."
"I hate it you know, punishing you. But if I don't you'll never learn. Shaking is a sign darling. A sign of weakness. Of fear. What are our rules darling?" Her stepmother asked, gently pushing the hair out of Jane's face with the knife. Jane gulped and steadied herself.
"Don't shake, stutter or show fear of any kind. Especially through crying." Jane recited.
"Good. I won't punish you this time since our guests will be here soon, but remember your lesson for next time. Now, put on that pretty green dress and fix your hair and makeup. Once your presentable, although with your mommy's looks you're never TRULY presentable, you may come downstairs or help your sister get ready. Can I count on you to obey?"
Jane nodded. "Yes mother."
Her stepmother smiled.

*flashback over*


Jane turned as she heard a bathroom door open. Beverly walked out, holding a dripping backpack. Jane gave her a small smile and walked up to her, slinging her arm over Beverly's shoulder.
"Boy I hate Gretta. If I could I'd sock her in the face, give her a good, solid black eye for the summer." Jane grumbled as she and Beverly walked into the crowded hall. Beverly smiled fondly at her friend.
"Jane, you and I both know if you did that your parents would kill you."
Jane frowned.
"Aw come on Bev, let a girl dream."
Bev smiled and detached herself from Jane.
"Well, I gotta go home. My dad wants me home early."
Jane nodded and waved her goodbye. Beverly's father wanted her home early ever since Georgie Denbrough went missing. Ah, little Georgie. What Jane would do to see his little smiling face. Georgie went missing eight months ago. Two months before Jane's younger sister Betty went missing. Betty had been good friends with Georgie ever since she was three, which ended up with Jane and Betty going to the Denbrough house every week. Jane became good friends with Georgie's older brother, Bill, or rather Big Bill as they called him. 'They' being Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley Uris, Jane and Richie Tozier. Being friends with Bill made Jane friends with all of the losers gang, which was what they called themselves. While Georgie and Betty played, the losers gang would go adventuring, down to the barrens, in the city, wherever they wished. Until the incident happened.


"H-Henry p-please! Don't do this!" Jane begged. Henry pressed her up against the wall, pinning her hands up so she couldn't move.
"Shut up bitch. I'll do whatever the hell I want and right now I want YOU." He growled. He grabbed her hips.


It was Mr. Bowers.
He had an angry glint in his eye that almost made Jane wish he were gone. Henry let go of Jane and turned to his father. Jane slipped down slowly, sobbing as she clung to her knees, trying to fix her skirt.
"Nothing dad. Leave us alone." Henry whispered.
Mr. Bowers glared at him for a few minutes, then he turned to Jane.
"He try to rape you?" He asked her angrily. She nodded, her whole body shaking violently. He clenched his fists, shaking with rage.
"Alright then this is the plan. Henry, no one can know this happened. Girl, stop shaking for Pete's sake your not a chihuahua. I am taking you home and you are breaking up with Henry. But we need a story. Alright this is what we will do. Jane, you are going to confess that YOU tried to put yourself onto Henry. Alright? NO ONE is to know that this happened UNDERSTAND?"
Henry nodded vigorously. Jane choked a sob.
Mr. Bowers drove Jane home, and walked her up to the door.
"Remember girl, if anyone finds out, I'll have you locked up in jail faster than you can say sorry." He growled before ringing the doorbell. Jane nodded and gulped, grabbing her shaking hands and wringing them.
Jane's parents has NOT been pleased.
And Jane had gotten quite a beating.
She hadn't been able to leave the house for two months, and when she did she was skinnier, paler and seemed lifeless.

*flashback over*

Ever since then Jane was not allowed to hang out with boys. She stayed home and read her library books or wrote songs. She practiced medical things with her father, Doctor Ripsom, and prepared for the medical school her father was forcing her to go to. She practiced makeup and hair, did everything her parents asked of her. Or so her parents thought. But what her parents didn't know, was that every week, sometimes everyday, Jane snuck out and met up with either the Losers gang or Beverly. Sometimes both. Richie and Jane hung out most, seeing as they lived on the same street. He would pick Jane up at the end of their street and he'd bike her wherever they wanted. To meet the gang, the arcade, the movies, wherever their hearts desired.

But, back to the now.

Jane walked outside, searching for her friends. She saw the four boys by the trash cans, dumping the contents of their backpacks into them. She smiled, and watched them, looking over their features. She paused at Eddie. Eddie was still shorter than the other boys. He hated it, but she was rather glad, seeing as they were the same height. She liked having someone to relate to. Eddie and Jane were very close, Jane was close to all of the losers. But it was different with Eddie. He was like her brother. She smiled at the brown haired boy, recalling the first day they had 'officially' met. She and Eddie had seen each other before, mostly at the drugstore. But they never spoke to each other, just polite smiles and little nods.


"A-alright everyone. T-t-this is J-j-Jane Ri-Ripsom." Bill stuttered. They were in Bills backyard, and Bill was introducing Jane to the others.
"J-Jane, this is Stan, y-you know R-Richie and this is E-E-E-"
"Eddie. I hate it when you stutter my name Bill." The brown haired boy said. Bill sighed.
Jane smiled and gave a small wave.
"Nice to meet you all. Big Bill talks fondly of you."
"Aw Billy you gush about us? How sweet! But as much as I love you, no one compares to Mrs. K. Right Eddie Spaghetti?" Said Richie, bumping Eddie with his elbow. All the boys groaned and Jane giggled.
"Shut up Richie! And don't call me Eddie Spaghetti." Eddie grumbled.

*flashback over*

Jane shook herself. She returned her attention to the four boys, only to see Henry Bowers and his goons, Belch Huggins, Patrick Hockstetter and Victor Criss bullying them. She headed over, steam practically pouring out her ears.
"You got a free ride this year cuz of your brother-"
"Henry! What the hell do you think your doing?!" She interrupted, standing in front of the boys protectively.
"None of your business Ripsom. Now get out of here." He spat. Jane stood her ground, crossing her arms.
"No. You forget Henry, my stepmother is the principal. It'd be a shame if someone told her what you were doing and got you summer school again." She said, glaring at him. His eyes were daggers and he leaned down, pressing his mouth to her ear.
"Just remember Ripsom, I'll do whatever the hell I want." He growled. Then he turned to Bill.
"Rides over Denbrough. For you and your faggot friends." He licked his hand and smeared it on Bill's face. His friends laughed, and the four of them left, heading to their car and getting in.
"Wish he'd go missing." Richie said.
"He's probably the one doing it." Eddie replied. Jane shook her head.
"No, it's not him. As evil as he is, not even he could do something so cruel." Jane said, swallowing her tears.

Richies POV (super rare)

Jane turned to face us, her smiling face bright despite what just happened.
"Well I gotta head home. Nice seeing you boys!" She left. I watched her long, curly black hair swish in the high ponytail it was in. She always had it up or in a braid, claiming her hair looked awful down. The others believed her, but I know that's just her stepmother talking. She doesn't think Jane is pretty. I highly disagree. Jane is THE prettiest girl in school. Guys flirt with her left and right, but she just smiles and politely declines their begs for her to date them. Everyone always calls her princess, cuz she's got a perfect life and looks like a model. I think, no correction I know there's more to her, but she never lets me in all the way. It's like, the door's open, but whenever I get close it moves away.
"Wasn't her stepmother just here a moment ago, looking for Betty? Why didn't she wait for Jane too?" Stan asked, pulling me out of my trance.
"Sh-she probably j-just thought s-she went ho-ome already." Bill answered, shrugging his shoulders.
"Well, I gotta get goin' too. Y'guys mind if I invite Jane to go down to the sewers with us tomorrow?" I asked.
"Sure Rich. It'll be nice to have SOMEONE sensible with us." Eddie grumbled.
"Hey! I take offense to that!" Stan replied.
I shook my head, smiling. I waved to the boys and turned, heading home. As I walked I spotted Jane's library book on the ground. It must have fallen out of her bag when she stormed over to Bowers. I grinned and grabbed it, jogging to catch up to Jane.

Jane's POV

I smiled and waved to a few people as I passed the school. The moment I was out of sight I leaned down and began unbuckling my shoes. After successfully unbuckling the first one I leaned down again to try and get the second one, but I lost my balance and fell on the cement, ripping my tights as I did.
"Ah! Shit!" I groaned. I let my head fall back, embracing the warm sidewalk.
"Of course this would happen. To me. On the. Last. Day. Of. School." I sighed.
Suddenly a familiar black haired, brown eyed, freckled, bespectacled boys head appeared above me. He smirked.
"Hey hotstuff! As pretty as you look lying beneath me, you'd probably be more comfortable standing up." he held out his hand for me. I rolled my eyes and giggled, grabbing his hand and standing up.
"Beep beep Richie. And don't call me hotstuff." I said, shivering in disgust at the name.
"Okaaaaaaay how about foxy?" He asked as I bent down, taking off the other shoe. I looked up, both shoes in hand and gagged.
"Nope. No way. Absolutely not."
He grinned and handed me my book. I put it in my bag and we both started walking home together, as we usually did.
"Whaaat about sexy?"
"Nuh-uh." I giggled.
"Red hot mama?"
"Ewwww! No never that's disgusting!" I shrieked.
"Well what do I call you?" He laughed.
"Richie, three years I've known you and NOW you need a nickname for me?" I chuckled.
"YES! C'mon Jane, everyone in the gang has nicknames! There's me, Trashmouth, Big Bill, Eddie Spaghetti and Stan the Man! Now we just need one for you!" He whined. I rolled my eyes.
"Ughhhh fineee." I moaned. He fist bumped the air.
"Yes! Alright let's see, it needs to reflect you, ya know. Who you are as a person. Hmmmm." He looked at me nervously.
"Sooo how about..........princess?"
I stopped short. Did he really just suggest that? He knew I hated it when people call me that. Mainly because it wasn't true. I don't like fashion or makeup and I certainly don't have a perfect life, except no one knows that. Not even Richie. The only person that knows is Bev. I've already burdened her with it, I don't want to do it to Richie, or anyone else for that matter. I turned my head slowly, glaring at him.
He grimaced.
"Look I know everyone teases you about it, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing." He responded. I crossed my arms and turned to him fully.
"I'm sorry, what? It is totally a bad thing! It means girly girl with a perfect life who spends her days doing her makeup and doing fashion shows and UGH Richie that is NOT me and you know it."
He nodded vigorously.
"Of course that's not you! Anyone who knows you knows that! ......but that's not the only definition for it."
I frowned at him as we began walking.
"Look just hear me out okay? In those books you read, the fairy tales? Who usually ends up saving the day?" He asked. I pondered.
"Well, in Rapunzel, the prince tried to save her, but was pushed out of the tower and blinded by thorns. He found her afterwards, and she cried for him, and her tears brought back his sight. And in Hansel and Gretal, it was Gretal who pushed the witch in the oven and saved Hansel." I replied.
"See! It was the princess who saved them!" Richie exclaimed.
"Well technically neither girl was a princess. At least not until Rapunzel married the prince. But Gretal was just a girl." I responded. Richie rolled his eyes.
"Missing the big picture! The princess saved the day, right? So not only would I be calling you royalty, but I'd kinda be calling you a superhero too." He smiled. I smiled back.
"Alright fine. But no one and I mean NO ONE gets to know. This nickname is between you and me." I said. He nodded and smiled, then stopped. I looked up and realized we had arrived at his house already.
"Oh hey I almost forgot, the guys and I are going down to the sewers tomorrow. Wanna come?" He asked.
"Sure, why not." I smiled. "See you then."
"Hey Jane, uh, d'you think, I dunno, that maybe you'd like to go to the movies today?" He fiddled with his fingers, looking nervous. I smiled.
"Are you asking me on a date Tozier?"
He blushed furiously.
"Oh Miss Scawlett! Please do me the honah of bein mah date to the movies today! I ain't never been on a date before and I'm dyin!" He wailed in an awful southern accent as he dropped on one knee and grabbed my hands. I laughed.
"Stop doing that accent and maybe I will!" I giggled as I turned and walked home.
"Wait! So is that a yes?!?!" He called behind me. I turned, walking backwards.
"Pick me up at the end of the street at two thirty!" I shouted.
"Will do!.......princess!" He shouted.
"See you then dork!" I waved. He waved back and walked inside his house. I turned and climbed up the steps to my house, pausing at the door. I put my shoes back on, fixed my hair, adjusted my shirt and looked at the giant hole in my tights.
"Ah! Shit!" I groaned again. I did my best to hide the hole with my skirt. Then I cleared my throat and walked in.
"Mother? Mother I'm home." I called out.
"In here darling!" My parents replied from the living room. I closed the door and walked in. My father was sitting on his recliner, reading the newspaper and my stepmother stood beside him. I gulped.
"Honey, your ten minutes late." My stepmother smiled.
"S-sorry mother, I had to pick up some library books." I lied, my hands shaking. My father put down the paper. My mother walked over to me, pulling out the knife. I swallowed a sob and held out my left hand. She unwrapped the neckerchief on my wrist, revealing multiple scars. She slowly dragged the knife, cutting deep, but not too deep. Just deep enough to get blood. I squeezed my eyes shut and held back a whimper. She did this two more times before she cleaned the blade and wrapped my wrist in the neckerchief. Then she leaned in and whispered.
"Next time, don't stutter, and hold your damn hands still."
I nodded and looked at my father. He stood at the door under the stairs. I slowly walked over as he opened the door. The door led to the basement. That was where he punished me. I slowly walked down the stairs, walking to the middle of the room where a single, backless chair was. I sat down and pulled my shirt up, revealing my bruised back. My father pulled his belt off.
"How many minutes late were you?" He asked.
"Ten." I replied softly. He nodded and proceeded to whip me ten times with his belt. When he finished I was sent up to my room. I climbed the stairs, up to my bedroom. I passed by Betty's room, pausing to look. It was clean, if a little dusty. The wallpaper was pink with flowers all over. On the small bed in the middle laid all of Betty's stuffed animals. I sat on the edge of the bed, smiling.


"C'mon Jane! Please sing to me! Pleeeeaaaassssseeeee!" Betty whined.
"Okay okay! But do you need ALL of your stuffed animals to hear it too? Can't they hear it just fine from their basket?" I complained. She shook her head, her dark brown curls swishing around her round, freckled face.
"They like sleeping with me at night! And besides, they protect me!" She argued. I frowned.
"Protect you from what?" I asked.
"The clown that lives under my bed!" She exclaimed, diving under the covers. I shook my head.
Silly girl.
"Alright, alright. Get settled and I'll sing you mommy's song." I smiled. She jumped out of the covers.
"Mommy's song!?" She squealed, her blue eyes bright, beautiful and wide. I nodded. She laid down immediately, comfy and cozy in her bed. I tucked her in gently and started singing.

"She works the nights, by the water.
She's gonna stray so far away from her father's daughter.
She just wants a life for her baby.
All on her own, no one will come,
She's got to save her.
She tells her 'ooh love,
No one's ever gonna hurt you love,
I'm gonna give you all of my love,
Nobody matters like yooouuu'
So rockabye baby rockabye,
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye baby don't you cry
Somebody's got you
Rockabye baby rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye baby don't you cry,
Rock a bye."

(Rockabye baby by Clean Bandit)
"Why is that mommy's song, again?" Betty yawned.
"Mommy wrote that song, just for me. And when she left, she gave me the song to sing to you." I explained.
"Janie, why'd mommy leave?" She asked quietly.
"Because mommy was really sick. If she stayed she'd be in so much pain, so she left. But she's in a much better place now. A place with rolling hills, and the softest, greenest grass, and a soft blue sky, and-"
"Flowers?" Betty asked.
"Oh only the prettiest flowers ever!" I smiled. Betty smiled back.
"Alright Betty-bug. Time for sleep." I kissed her on the head and left, turning her bunny night light on and closing the door.

*flashback over*

I smiled sadly, running my fingers through the soft animals. I stood and left to my room. I closed the door and locked it. I took of my shoes and tights, laying down on my bed. Tears slowly leaked out of my eyes. I laid there for a while, taking in the silence. Then I remembered, the movies! Richie! I shot up and turned, looking at the clock.
Shit! I'm late!
I grabbed my favorite bag, an olive green one shoulder bag filled with everything and anything I might need. I checked my reflection. I was wearing a purple skirt with a grey and black striped shirt. I smiled.
Wow, I look okay.
I shoved on my converse and headed out my window, onto the roof. I gripped the rain gutter, climbing down and jumping to the ground. I ran as fast as possible to the street corner. Richie stood, wearing the same outfit from school, a brown shirt with some colorful stripes on the front and jeans, but he had added a navy blue jacket. He saw me running up and smiled, leaning against his bike.
"I thought you'd ditched me princess."
I stopped in front of him, leaning on my knees and panting.
"S-sorry Rich.....I uh had to do some chores."
He shrugged.
"No problem darlin'. Hop on." He patted the bike seat. I climbed on and gripped the seat tightly. He climbed on as well and shot off, peddling as fast as possible. I squealed and gripped onto his waist, holding on for my dear life.
"RICHIE! Slow down! We're gonna crash!" I squealed.
Richie chuckled and went faster. I pushed my head into his back and screamed happily.

*after the movie*

"That was so unbelievably stupid."
I groaned.
"Aw come on Jane. It wasn't that bad!" He said.
I glared at him.
We had just gotten out of If I was a teenage werewolf. We were walking out to the diner, a drink and a bag of popcorn each.
"Richie honestly it was so unbelievable! How could the cheerleader not notice that her boyfriend the jock was a werewolf?!" I asked exasperated. He shook his head.
"I got no answer for ya. It really did suck huh?" He replied sadly. I looked up at him, realizing how he felt.
"Oh, but it was still a lot of fun!" I smiled. He turned to face me.
I nodded, taking a gulp from my soda.
"Who would turn down watching a stupid movie with Trashmouth Tozier?" I smiled. He grinned back.

"Well, what do we have here? The Trashmouth and the Princess."

We turned to find the wicked witch of the west and her flying monkeys in front of us. I smiled.
"Hello Gretta."
"Honestly Jane, I thought you could sink no lower, what with you hanging out with the school slut Beverly. But going on a date with Trashmouth over here? Tsk tsk." She shook her head.
"It's not a date." Richie grumbled. I glared at her and reached up, pouring my soda down her shirt.
"Ugh! You bitch what the hell!" She screamed. Richie laughed so hard he almost dropped his popcorn. I smiled.
"Oops, well at least your outfit looks better. What do you think Richie?" I turned to him.
"Eh, I think she's missing something." He replied before pouring his popcorn on her.
"There we go! Much better." He smiled cheekily as I died from laughter.
"Assholes! You two are such Assholes!" She cried as she ran off with her friends. I frowned and looked down at my empty hand.
"Darn. There went my soda."
Richie held out his soda.
"Want some?" He asked. I shrugged and took it, taking two gulps. I smiled and offered him my popcorn which he gladly took. We hung out at the diner for a little while before heading home. He stopped at his house and we said our goodbyes before I headed home.
"See you tomorrow princess!"
"See you tomorrow dork!"

Sooooo I hope you all enjoyed chapter 1! I've already written it so now I'm just gonna upload a chapter a day. Srry for the super long intro. Be sure to tell me in the comments if you guys like it, I'm thinking about doing some more fanfics like this if this one gets good feedback. All right, see ya later 🎈🎈

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