Just A Fan: a Matthew Espinos...

By thatlittlejenni

2.4M 45.1K 27.8K

Matthew Espinosa, a 16 year-old vinestar and internet sensation, has over a million followers on a little app... More

Preview :
Chapter One: The Beginning
Chapter Two: The Letter
Chapter Three: Movies With Nick
Chapter Four: I'll Be Number One One Day
Chapter Five: #MatthewMonday
Chapter Six: I'm Going to Meet Matthew
Chapter Seven: 19 Days Until MAGCON
Chapter Eight: Letter Returned to Sender
Chapter Nine: Confrontation with Ellen
Chapter Ten: Matthew Espinosa Came to My Aid
Chapter Eleven: 16 More Days
Chapter Twelve: The Best Notification of My Life
Chapter Thirteen: Matthew Espinosa Just DMed Me
Chapter Fourteen: Time Flies When I'm Talking To Matthew Espinosa
Chapter Fifteen: Crumbling Under Expectations
Chapter Sixteen: I Was Just Tweeted At
Chapter Seventeen: Everything Changes for the Better
Chapter Eighteen: Taco Bell Meetup
Chapter Nineteen: THE Matthew Espinosa Knows Who I Am
Chapter Twenty: MAGCON Day One
Chapter Twenty-One: Kiss Me
Chapter Twenty-Three: I'm Friends With THE Matthew Espinosa
Chapter Twenty-Four: I Really Like You Jenni Waters
Chapter Twenty-Five: Party at Gilinsky's
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Goodbye to a New Beginning
Chapter Twenty-Seven: It's Been A Week
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Matthhhcchuuu Is In Loveeeeeeee
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Matt's Day in LA // Katherine's On To Something
Chapter Thirty: She's Going to Prom With Someone Else
Chapter Thirty-One: Katherine Needs to Keep Her Mouth Shut
Chapter Thirty-Two: Prom Night
Chapter Thirty-Three: Trying to Have A Long-Distance Relationship
Chapter Thirty-Four: They Want To Meet You. Pronto.
Chapter Thirty-Five: Back Together After 47 Days
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Abrupt Ending

Chapter Twenty-Two: "Menni!" "No Jatthew!"

61.5K 1.3K 1K
By thatlittlejenni

"Jenni, wake up!" I heard Katherine say as she repeatedly jumped on my bed.

How did I get here in my house? The rest of last night was kind of a blur.

"Kat, what happened last night?" I said in a really confused voice.

"Well, on our way back to the hotel, you fell asleep so Matthew offered to carry you to my car so I could drive us back to your house for the night. And then I had to attempt to carry you upstairs and let me tell you this, that was a real challenge," Katherine laughed.

"Hey!" I shouted as I threw my pillow at her, "I've been working out lately, so maybe you need to start hitting the gym too. I mean, you could try lifting a few pounds."

She laughed and then she remembered something, "Oh, Matthew told me to tell you that we can stop by the hotel whatever time this morning."

"Alright, let's just go now. I mean it's only 8:00am. I bet the boys are up right now, they probably stayed up the whole night," I said as I got up and started to get ready. I was going to wear my Matthew t-shirt today, but I couldn't because I had actually slept in it the night before due to the face that I fell asleep. So I just decided to wear a white crop top shirt and black studded shorts. Then I put on some ankle-high white socks and then my black Chuck Taylors. I added the finishing touch with some black-rimmed sunglasses.

I was ready for whatever today had in store for me.

I looked over at Katherine who was putting on her makeup. I never wore makeup because I never learned how to. Growing up with an older brother didn't really help. Plus, I didn't like putting things on my face, if that makes sense.

Once Katherine was done, we headed out. We got in her car and drove to the hotel that the boys were staying at. Once we got there, we saw that there were fans already outside the hotel waving their signs in the air. There must have been twenty girls already there. Wow, it's so early. These girls are dedicated.

Katherine and I walked into the hotel and saw the same hotel manager from yesterday at the front desk. We just looked over, smiled, and waved. He just looked at us and awkwardly waved back. I mean, he had to be polite to guests right?

I was prepared for something wild to happen, but once we got off the elevator and onto the fourth floor, nothing happened. In fact, the entire floor was completely quiet. Were the boys actually still asleep? Katherine and I started walking to the hotel rooms where we hung out yesterday. As we were walking towards that hotel room, I saw one room with the door wide open. Now who would leave their hotel door open while they slept? I looked at Katherine and put my finger to my lips signaling to her to be quiet.

I then quietly tiptoed into the room. Then I stopped. I saw Matthew in one of the beds. Of course HE would leave his hotel room door open. I then thought of something funny to do. I silently got into the bathroom and found an unused ice bucket. I filled the ice bucket with ice-cold water. I then looked at Katherine and silently giggled.

"Katherine, you need to vine this!" I opened up the Vine app and gave Katherine my phone. Of course my first instinct was Vine.

I then quietly walked over to where Matthew laid fast asleep and Katherine quietly followed. I then stood over Matthew and I quietly counted down, "3...2...1..."

"GOOD MORNING!" I shouted as I poured all the ice cold water on Matthew. I just stayed there laughing as I saw Matthew panick and sit up. He was so confused and alarmed at the same time. He rubbed his face, but he was just doused in water. Should I have really done that? Gosh, now I feel bad.

Matthew then finally looked at me and laughed, "Good morning to you Jenni." He said as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me onto his soaking bed with him.

"Matthew no!" I screamed in a fun way as I tried to break free of his hold. I finally then got free and jumped out of bed, "My clothes!" I looked down at my partially wet outfit I had on. But I then just laughed and I heard Matthew laugh. Katherine started laughing too and then I saw Sam Wilkinson staying in the other bed, which I had not noticed.

"Dude, she got you," Sam said as he started laughing too.

I ran to the bathroom and grabbed two towels. Then I went out and threw one at Matthew. I then started to dry my clothes that were still wet, but not as much as Matthew. He was soaked.

"So, did I prank the prankmaster?" I said as I sat in the chair near Matthew's now soaking bed.

Matthew just laughed as he got out of his bed, showing his shirtless wet body. He then started drying himself. "Not bad, young grasshopper."

I just laughed and then look at Katherine who was still holding my phone. I then went over to her and got my phone, "Well, I'm glad I got this almighty prank on film," I laughed, waving my phone in the air.

Matthew shook his head and chuckled, "Jenni, I underestimated you. But just watch your back because I don't leave any prank unreturned."

"Are you threatening me?" I laughed.

"No, just think of it more as a promise," Matthew said as he winked at me.

Then at that moment, Sam said, "Hey Matt, I think we got to start getting ready."

Matthew said, "Good idea." Then he looked and me and Katherine, "You two girls can wait here if you want. We'll be done in probably thirty minutes tops."

I stopped him, "It takes you guys thirty minutes to get ready?"

"It takes time to make my hair perfect," Matthew said as he brushed his hand through his hair.

I just laughed, "Well, we're just not going to sit here and wait for you two princesses to get ready. So we're going across the street to get some food." Katherine and I then stood up and started walking towards the door, "We'll be back."

"Jenni wait," I heard Matthew say. I turned around at him, "Get me something."

"What would you like?" I said.

"Surprise me," he smiled. I nodded and then walked out the door.

Once the door slammed behind us, I looked at Katherine and giggled. We both squealed like little girls.

"J, please explain to me what is going between you and Matthew?" Katherine asked.

I didn't know how to answer this because I didn't even know what was going between Matthew and me. I hesitated, "Uhm, well...honestly Kat, I don't know. I guess we're friends? But we flirt every now and then. I don't know, I just feel really happy when I'm around him. I can just be myself around him. He makes me feel special," I smiled and then shyly looked down at the ground.

Katherine laughed and then nudged me, "Well, whatever you guys are, know that I support the both of you. Plus, I think he is super into you.'

Into me? Nah.

I started to blush, "Thanks Kat, but I don't think he's into me. In a few days, he probably won't even remember who I am." Every thought of me and Matthew actually being together was pushed away. I didn't even consider the fact. It wasn't going to happen. I might as well face it now.

Katherine and I walked outside the hotel to find more and more fans. We just snuck around the fans without getting any attention drawn to ourselves. Katherine and I then saw a Five Guys Burgers and Fries and went inside. Katherine ordered a burger for her and I ordered a burger for me and a burger for Matthew.

As we sat and waited for our food to be done, Katherine and I sat at a booth. We both pulled out our phones. I opened up Vine and remembered I forgot to post the vine I made of Matthew earlier that morning. I rewatched it play over and over. I laughed so hard at it. I posted the vine with the caption, 'He was a tad bit sleepy @Matthew Espinosa #matthewespinosa'

Then I heard the cashier yell out our order number. Katherine and I went up and grabbed our food and started walking back towards the hotel. The aroma of the new and hot burgers was amazing. My stomach was growing. I was starving and this burger smelt so good.

I was so distracted that I forgot about all the fans standing outside the hotel. Then once I saw the hotel door in sight, nearly all the fans started running towards me. I didn't even understand what was going on. Why were all these girls running to me?

There were so many girls surrounding Katherine and I, especially me, that I couldn't walk a single step without running into someone. There was a bunch of phones in my face and I heard different girls scream different things.

"Are you Jenni Waters?!"

"Are you and Matthew dating?!"

"Of course you guys are!"

"You kissed him on the cheek!"

"Matthew is mine!"

"You should just break up with him!"

"Just leave!"

"Go away! The fans all hate you!"

"I'm not sharing him with you!"

"I ship you guys!"

"Well I don't!"


"No Jatthew!"

"Ew no, they should just not be together!"

I'm assuming they saw Matthew's recent Instagram photo. I was so overwhelmed. "I'm not dating Matthew, now excuse me." I grabbed Katherine's hand and started pushing my way through the crowd of fans. Once we finally got into the hotel, I took a deep breath. I was claustrophobic.

Katherine looked exhausted as well and worried, "Jenni, what was that?!"

"I don't know! I guess everyone saw that photo Matthew posted and started making assumptions," I looked worried too.

We started walking towards the elevator. Katherine started talking again, "Well if it makes you feel any better, some of the girls ship you two, but most just want you to fall off the face of the earth."

"Wow, thanks Kat. That makes me feel SO much better," I said as looking at the ground.

Once we were out of the elevator and on the fourth floor, Katherine said, "Well we should tell Matthew what happened out there."

"No no no. We can't," I stopped her. She questioned me and I immediately responded, "I don't want him know about this 'attention' I've been getting. Whether it was hate or not, I don't want him to get worried about it."

Katherine looked at me, "But Jenni. I know how fangirls are. I am, or I was one. They can get pretty vicious when you're hanging out with their man."

"I can handle it," I said confidently. "All I have to do is keep my distance so all the fangirls won't have anything to worry about."

"Fine, if you're sure J," Katherine finally agreed with me. "I won't say anything."

I mouthed to her, "Thank you." Then I found Matthew and Sam's hotel room and walked inside. Now they were all ready. Matthew stood there in khakis, a hoodie, black nike socks, and black vans.

"Here you go sir," I said as I teasingly bowed as I handed him his burger.

He laughed, "Well thank you mi-lady."

Then that's when I heard tons of talking outside the hotel room and I turned to look at the door. At that moment, most of all the boys started flooding into the hotel room. They were loud and just messing around.

Then Taylor stopped, "Woah. Woah Jenni. No food for us?"

I non-apologetically said, "Sorry guys, I would have if you guys asked."

Then Taylor and I just laughed.

Then I saw Shawn come in with his guitar, he just started playing random tunes that were unfamiliar to me. I'm assuming they were his original pieces in the making.

His voice sounded a melodious angel. There was no other way to describe it.

Then I saw him stop playing and say, "Guys, I can't believe this is my last Magcon. I'm going to miss this."

"Dude, we're going to miss you too. The gang hasn't been together," said Jack Gilinsky.

"But you're touring with Austin Mahone dude. That's awesome, we're proud of you," Matthew said.

"And we'll always be brothers," said Aaron.

Then I saw all the boys come together for a group hug and somehow, Katherine and I were pulled into it too. And as everyone hugged, the atmosphere changed. It was as if something was missing. These boys aren't going to stay together for long. It's sad to see them slowly one-by-one go their own separate ways.

But then Willie brightened the mood, "Well then, let's make this one of the best shows we've ever done."

"Yeah!" All the boys shouted. Then everyone started walking downstairs to go outside to head to the venue.

It was 10:00am and I was assuming the guys had to start sound-checks and all considering the event started at 12:00pm.

Just like yesterday, once the boys stepped foot outside the hotel, the fans crowded around them as security tried to push them back.

I then felt someone touch my hand, I looked up and saw Matthew. He was holding my hand. I knew he didn't want me to get separated from the group. I looked around and felt as if all the fans were staring at me. C'mon Jenni, keep your distance. I then let go of Matthew's hand and started walking a tad bit faster so I wouldn't be walking with him.

Once in the limo, I tried not to sit by Matthew. I ended up sitting in between Katherine and Jack Johnson. I saw Matthew sit on the other side of the limo, goofing around with Dillon and Taylor.

Why did it hurt me to be not with him? I guess since yesterday, Matthew and I just clicked. I was always with him and now I'm trying to avoid him. What kind of person am I?

A horrible person.

I felt bad for just pulling away without an explanation. I wonder what he's thinking right now.

At the venue, everyone got out of the limo and once again, I saw that the line of fans wrapped around the entire building. The boys walked into the venue towards the stage. Katherine and I shortly followed.

Once in the room that the event was taking place, the boys started doing sound-checks and just messed around awaiting for the event to happen. Katherine and I just sat on the floor, charging our phones to the nearest outlet. We watched the boys have fun.

It was then time for the event to start. So of course the boys went into the backroom as fans started flooding into the room that the event was taking place. Then Magcon Day Two just happened.

Katherine and I mainly stayed in the backroom, but we occasionally came out to watch the boys' performances. Or we also went to the meet and greet area and checked on the boys to see if they needed anything.

While we were in the backroom, I saw Matthew run to the backroom with a microphone in his hand. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch I was sitting on. He then pulled me towards the door leading to the stage.

"Matthew what are you doing?" I asked.

"You'll see," said Matthew as he continued to pull me on stage.

I noticed that once I came on stage, the crowd silenced.

Matthew then spoke loudly into his microphone towards the crowd, "Guys, we have a special guest here with us today. Her name is Jenni and I just wanted to bring her on stage to hang out with us."

I just awkwardly stood there, not moving at all, looking out to the hundreds of people in the crowd. I looked at Matthew with a serious stare and mouthed, "What are you doing?"

Matthew looked at me, "You'll see."

Then Matthew pointed towards Mahogany, "Give me a beat."

Then I saw that Matthew and all the other boys were just randomly dancing on stage, doing whatever they wanted. I just stood there. I had stage fright and being on stage in front of hundreds of people didn't help.

Then the music softened a little and I heard a voices come out from the crowd, "Jenni get off the stage!" "Yeah!" "We came here for the boys, not you!"

Maybe I couldn't handle it. It was only a few hours later and I'm starting to let the hate get the better of me.

I looked at everyone, "I'm sorry, I can't do this." I said as I ran off stage and into the backroom away from the crowd.

I just stopped in the backroom and just buried my face into my hands. Was I crying? I don't know. I was now just an emotional wreck.

I heard Katherine run up to me, "Jenni, what's wrong? What happened?"

"I can't do this Kat. Just standing out there in front of hundreds of people who I knew didn't like me. It was a nightmare," I sobbed.

Then I heard Matthew run through the door and come up to me, "Jenni, I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"Can I just ask one question?" I looked at Matthew's eyes. "Why? Why would you do this to me? Humiliate me like that. You knew I had stage fright. Was this to get back at me from this morning?" I buried my face back into my hands.

"No no no! I didn't mean for it to go this way. I didn't want to humiliate you. I just thought you'd enjoy the thrill of performing in front of hundreds like I did," said Matthew as he tried to comfort me.

I looked at him, "But there's a difference Matthew. Those hundreds out there LOVE you and they HATE me."

"They don't hate you. What are you talking about?"

"You know what? It's nothing," I said trying to cover up the tears. I stood back up and stopped myself from sobbing anymore. "You continue on with your fans. Go have fun. Forget about me, I'm fine."

"You're obviously not fine," said Matthew as he stayed.

"I'm okay. Just go back out there and finish your show," I said as I turned away from him and sat down on the couch next to Katherine.

I saw Matthew drop his head, but shortly run back out towards the stage.

When the show was over, all the boys headed out to the limo. I followed Katherine and once I sat down, I noticed that Matthew was sitting right next to me.

"Do you want to tell me what happened earlier?" He asked me.

"Uhm, I just overreacted. Stage fright gets the better of me sometimes," I looked at the ground.

"Jenni. I know it was more than just stage fright. I want to help you, but you keep pushing me away. You have to open up and let me in," Matthew pleaded.

Was he right? Was I pushing him away? I mean, I did have trust issues, but I don't know how to open up. No one has ever tried.

Then I felt the limo stop and everyone just got out.

"Do you want to go to eat with us?" Matthew said.

"No, I think I'm going to call it a night. I'm just going to head home," I told him.

I saw Katherine walk over to me, "Hey J, Aaron invited me to go out and eat with them. So here are my keys. I'll find a ride home later." Then she ran off with the rest of the boys.

I saw Matthew still standing there. I scoffed, "Great. I have car keys, but I can't drive."

Matthew said, "I'll take you home."

"Are you sure? You don't have to. I'll find a cab."

"I know I don't have to. I want to," Matthew said as he smiled at me. He looked over to the rest of the boys and signaled to them that he wasn't going out to eat with them.

I then led Matthew to Katherine's car where she parked it. I threw him the keys and I told him the directions. Then he started driving me home.

This day was truly emotional.

In the car, I pulled up my legs onto the seat and wrapped my hands around them. I then buried my face into my knees. I just wanted to go home.

Then, I feel Matthew's hand grab mine. He held my hand as he continued to drive one-handed.

I looked at him and smiled. I saw him smile back as we continued to hold hands.

I wasn't as sad anymore. I actually felt happy.


Thank you so much for reading!

You guys are honestly amazing and thanks for sticking with this rollercoaster of a story. Haha :)

But I want to know, do you think Jenni and Matthew should end up together?

Love y'all.

- Jenni.

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