Welcome to Riverdale (Reggie...

By queenrihbih

145K 3.4K 960

"You know, you had me at a point where I would've left the entire world behind for you." Reggie shook his hea... More



3.5K 94 15
By queenrihbih

"Dear Diary,

It's frustrating not knowing who to trust and who not to.

Yours Truly,

As Roselle woke up from slumber, she immediately knew what day it was. However, the once cheer and happiness she once used to feel every year, on this specific day, drained from her body like the blood of the deer when it has been killed.

The day that held a key milestone in every person's life, Roselle couldn't help but feel like it was a joke. That it was created in order for people to know that they were going to die soon. That the wrinkles in our faces were more prominent, the greys in our hair more conspicuous.

And when Roselle walked down stairs, the familiar lingering smell of a fresh batch of croissants was imminent all around the room. A plate, full of the French delicacy, was decorated with flowers with a card attached to it, signifying just how much Roselle had hated this day.

'Happy Birthday kiddo, sorry I couldn't be here to say it in person! Have a good day and I hope all your dreams come true!- Blaire'

Roselle rolled her eyes at the card, not understanding how the hell, after all these months, Blaire did not get the message that she had hated birthdays. Because birthdays just signify how far away you are from your original starting point. How close you are to death.

Yes, Roselle hated birthdays. But it wasn't because she wanted to be like those edgy kids who saw things differently. And it wasn't because she was insecure about getting older. And it definitely was not because she was afraid of death.

It was because today marked the death of Lilly Parker and Roselle's engagement to Brett.

Despite hating this particular date, Roselle was slightly happy that her Aunt had left her car for her. Maybe that was a sign that Hiram finally bought her a new car. Whatever the reason might be, Roselle was happy she had her old red car back.

And of course, out of all the places she decided to drive to, it had to be the Mantle Household. Because after late night thinking and the inability to sleep, Roselle saw nothing but to visit the man and apologise.

And as she pulled up to the curb, getting out her car, the Parker girl put on a smile while holding the left over croissants from today with a bouquet of pink roses and a single white one. She didn't know how many times she had seen this house, Reggie being the nice person he is and letting her sleep over. But that house was more like home to her than hers would ever be.

Knocking on the door, Roselle prepared herself for what her sorry speech was going to be like, but was met with another familiar face. One that she had seen before. It was Reggie Mantle's Mum, Melinda. "Um hi, my name's Roselle. I'm here to see your son Reggie."

Melinda peered at a beaming Roselle, examining her appearance. Not once in her life of raising Reggie, did a girl come visit him, so the mother was left with nothing but to smile at the girl. She must have been something different to know where Reggie lives and to visit him with a basket of baked goods.

"He's about to come down." Melinda smiled at the girl, making Roselle smile back. Melinda's eyes then trailed over the croissants, her lips slightly twitching making Roselle give her a humoured smile.

"Would you care to have one Mrs Mantle?" Roselle spoke out, handing the basket at the ladies' direction. The Mantle women smiled gratefully at the Parker teenager before grabbing a piece and taking a generous bite.

"Please, call me Melinda." The Korean lady smiled at the teenager as her taste buds swarmed with the Nutella goodness. "Mrs. Mantle is my mother in law."

Roselle nodded, before her eyes looked behind Melinda at the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. Her heart started thumping as she realised that this was it, she was finally going to speak to Reggie. "Mom who are you talking to-"

Reggie stopped before he looked at Roselle with an unknown look. Melinda looked at the pair before grabbing the basket from Roselle's hands and quickly scurrying out the way to give them privacy. It seemed like hours had passed before Roselle had finally said something.

"Reggie." The raven haired girl quietly mumbled as she played with her fingers. Reggie adjusted his jacket, but maintaining eye contact with Roselle in disbelief. "I wanted to talk."

"Well I don't." Reggie replied harshly before grabbing his school bag from the table beside the door and walking out of the house, bumping Roselle's shoulder on the way.

"I got you roses!" Roselle desperately tried to stop him, which she succeeded at but not in the way she had wanted to. His body did a quick, but angry 360. His body language was everything to do with furious, while his eyes drowned in hurt.

"Roses aren't going to fix it this time." Reggie spoke, tightening his grip on his bag. Roselle bit her bottom lip, feeling small at his blazing glare. "So you're going to have to give me the best damn reason for me to even consider forgiving you."

"Because you're the most nicest and forgiving friend?" Roselle wiggled her eyebrows playfully, nudging Reggie in the shoulder. This however didn't work, making Reggie only roll his eyes in response and turn around to storm off again. "Wait!"

Reggie let out a massive sigh before turning back around with an annoyed look in his eyes. Yet there was something else in his eyes, a feeling where he desperately wanted to hear Roselle finally be open about herself. "I'm waiting."

Roselle looked a bit stunned, her voice catching in her throat. She wanted to yell at him, cry, tell him everything but she couldn't. So she slowly closed her eyes, shaking her head. "I can't do this."

Reggie rolled his eyes once again, letting out a scoff. "Figures." He muttered, making Roselle raise an eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Roselle questioned, putting a hand on her hip as she glared at the Mantle boy. Reggie let out a sarcastic smile before marching up to her.

"It means that as soon as you find out a stupid flaw about someone, you start running away because you want someone perfect." Reggie harshly spoke out as he pointed an accusatory finger at her. "But as soon as you show one little flaw, as soon as you make a mistake, you can never own up to it."

"It's not like that." Roselle shook head, putting her arms down angrily. "It's just sometimes I have a hard time expressing how I feel."


"Why what?" Roselle yelled at him, crossing her arms together as they both glared competitively at each other.

"Why do you find it hard to express yourself with me? Why can't you just talk to me when you're upset with me? Why can't you talking to me like a normal fucking human being?" Reggie yelled at her, making Roselle slightly widen her eyes as she realised how much it had bothered him. "I have flaws. I do, Roselle I know that. And I understand that's the reason why you don't want to be with me-"

"That's not.-"

"-but what hurt me the most is that after everything I do for you to make up for those flaws, you end up going for someone who has barely done anything for you but hurt you." Reggie ranted before stopping, letting out a deep breath.

And it had seemed like time had stopped when Reggie had waited for anything, anything word or movement from Roselle. But she didn't. She just stood there with a very indecisive look in her eyes. Like she wanted to speak, but she was stopping herself from doing just that.

Reggie gave her one final look before turning around and walking away from her. And Roselle just watched on. She was used to losing people, so this wasn't any different was it? Feeling like your whole world was crumbling down because of your insecurities and inability to speak about what you're feeling.

Because you're in a state of deep depression and anxiety where you feel like not a single person would ever care to acknowledge. But Roselle finally clicked, she couldn't watch him walk away, no matter how cliche that sounded.

Because at least he was alive.

"Reggie wait." Roselle repeated once again, making Reggie stop, but not turning around. Because he was tired of seeking out responses when she just stalled the process. "That's not the reason why I don't want to be with you"

Reggie slowly turned around, but instead of anger in his eyes, he looked at her with desperation. One that told her it was her final time to explain, and he wanted her to get it right. Because if she didn't, then she would lose him. "Then what's the reason?"

"It's b-because you m-make me feel- feel something." Roselle stuttered, feeling like little kid who didn't understand how to speak full words. "And it scares me. And I made this rash decision to forget about you, about this feeling. And it didn't help. Not one bit."

Reggie looked at her, slightly grateful that she finally spoke but not fully feeling closure. "If I did the same you would've never spoken to me again."

"But Reggie you're not me." Roselle slowly took a step forward, tears pooling up in her eyes, but not coming down. Not yet. "You don't understand what it feels like. When people want you dead, when the one person you fell completely and utterly in love dies spontaneously. When your mum dies without a bloody trace. You get scared. Because you don't want to feel that again-"


"I'm afraid Reggie. I'm so damn afraid." Roselle whimpered, as a single tear fell down her face before many followed. "I'm afraid of falling in love. I'm afraid to even like you Reggie. Because I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you like I lost everyone else."

"Just please understand that I'm utterly and desperately afraid. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry because you-you deserve so much more than some broken little girl who constantly hurts you and can't even think properly for herself." Roselle broke into sobs as Reggie watched her carefully. "You're the one out of my league, not the other way around. And I didn't want to leave my bed today because it's my birthday and I have to come to terms that it isn't anymore. It's the day my mum died. But I didn't stay in bed. Because I didn't want to lose you too. I don't want to lose you like everyone else."

"Rose." Reggie whispered, shaking his head before walking up to her and embracing her into a tight squeeze. "I don't want you to ever feel like that with me. I'm always here for you, whether you're broken or not, I'll always listen"

"I know."

"Okay what is it B?" Roselle rolled her eyes as her blonde haired best friend stood near her locker with a creepy smile on her face. Closing her locker, she looked at the Cooper girl with an impatient look. "You've been staring at me for hours."

"I want to show you something." Betty said enthusiastically as she grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the student lounge. Roselle rolled her eyes at the her friend's overzealous attitude, despite her not being in the mood for it. But she was appreciative that Betty didn't press on her dispiriting mood.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled at her as she walked into the lounge. Roselle jumped back slightly, surprised on how the earth they knew it was her birthday today. But when she saw a excited Reggie standing in the middle of everyone, she gave him a look.

"Thanks guys." Roselle replied back in a nonchalant tone, as she looked around the room. It was surprising to see that Sweet Pea was there too, thinking that him and Reggie would never be in the same room. But she realised they were there for her, not each other.

"Quickly sit down!" Veronica walked over to her, dragging her towards the couch, and in front of the various birthday balloons and cakes that were set out on the table.

Reggie walked over to her, giving her a smile before taking a seat beside her. Roselle scoffed, slapping Reggie on the shoulder. "Reggie, when I told you it was my birthday, I didn't think you'd go off and tell everyone."

Reggie rubbed his shoulder that Roselle slapped, giving her a fake-hurt look. "Everyone deserves a birthday. You do too. Just think of this of a way to apologise to me. You being happy will make me forgive you."

Roselle scoffed but nonetheless had a smile on her face. Reggie was too sweet, but that was one of the reasons he was her closest companions. And she was glad she opened up to him, because it meant that their relationship will be more perpetual.

"Okay guttersnipes, lets get this poor excuse of bonding time over and done with." Cheryl spoke up before walking over to Roselle to hand her gift. The raven haired girl looked at her surprisingly before taking the box, Cheryl smiling in the process. "You're gonna love it."

Roselle gave her grateful smile before opening it, revealing a maroon, diamond-encrusted spider brooch. She slightly gasped, instantly falling in love with it. She hadn't known how much she loved brooches, especially arachnid ones, until today. "Cheryl, this is beautiful."

"Okay, I think it's my turn." Veronica spoke up, walking over to Roselle this time. She slightly glared at Cheryl, not wanting her to be the one who gives the best gift to her best friend. Handing her a mini box, Roselle grabbed it from her hands gratefully before opening it slowly to reveal a pearl necklace. "I told daddy I was buying you a gift and he told me to get you this. Because you're like family to us and he sees you as his own."

"Thanks V, I love it." Roselle replied back, yet slightly tense at Hiram's words. Reggie gave her a concerned look, but Roselle dismissed it, giving him a small smile. "I'll tell you about it later." She whispered to him.

"And I think I'm next." Kevin spoke, walking over to Roselle, before he handed an envelope. Roselle gave him a weird look before opening it, revealing a birthday card with a $20 bill inside it. "Yeah, I'm kind of broke right now."

"It's fine, don't sweat it. I'm about to have the best McDonald's lunch of all time." Roselle laughed, closing the envelope with a smile. Next up was Archie, whom handed her a massive box. One that reached Roselle's hip but was for some reason, very light.

"After much thinking of what to give to you, it finally dawned to me." Archie spoke, before Roselle opened the box, letting out a squeal.

"You got me Cheezles?" Roselle screamed, before running over to Archie and hugging him. "Thank you so much Archie, I love it!"

After more opening of presents, with Josie buying Roselle makeup, Betty getting her a tote, it was finally Jughead's turn. And yet out of all the presents she had gotten today, Jughead's present was the one she was most grateful for, even if no one knew how much she secretly needed one.

"Thanks so much Jughead." Roselle told him with a grateful tone in her voice as she admired the Black Diary, one that looked similar to hers. "I needed a new one."

"It isn't that much, but I thought you might needed something to write in." He spoke, making Roselle shake her head at him.

"This is enough." She spoke out, making Reggie smile admirably at her. Jughead nodded before going over to sit down before Reggie stood up, happy it was finally his turn. Roselle looked at him with a mischievous look. "Hmm, what had Reginald gotten me?"

Reggie smirked, before pulling out a medium sized box. Roselle took it from his hands, giving him a look before unwrapping it. When she unwrapped it, she realised it was a shoe box. "Shoes?"

"Just open it." Reggie urged her, making Roselle give him an amused smile before opening it, letting out a surprised gasp. "It's them right? Those shoes you told me you wanted?"

"Reggie, these are so expensive." Roselle slapped his arm, giving him a stern look as he bought her the shoes she wanted when he saw it on her laptop the other day. "I would've been happy if you just bought me chocolate, or like a Big Mac."

"I thought you deserved it." Reggie said shyly before Roselle took a step forward, giving him a huge hug. Everyone in the room gave each other a suggestive look as they watched on the pair, except for the slightly jealous serpent.

"Ahem." Sweet Pea cleared his throat, breaking their hug up. Reggie's arm still remained around Roselle's waist as he glared at the serpent for interrupting their moment. Roselle gave him a timid smile, not foreign to the tense arm around her waist. "I believe it's my turn."

He handed her a box, which Roselle opened only for her eyes to widen. She sure kept getting surprises today, no matter how big the previous presents were. "You got me a Zimmerman dress?"

"With the help of miss Topaz of here." Sweet Pea responded, making Roselle glance at the purple haired teenager, giving her a smile which she returned. Sweet Pea walked near Roselle, making Reggie's grip tighten around her. He then proceeded to grab her hand and kiss it. "Happy Birthday Beautiful."

"How did you get the money for the dress?" Reggie questioned, making Roselle be the one to tense now, not liking where this was going. "From burying Northsiders?"

"How did you get the money for the shoes?" Sweet Pea questioned, as he too stared down Reggie with a harsh glare. "From dealing drugs to Northsiders and Southsiders."

"Okay guys I think that's enough." Veronica cut in, walking over to the pair. "It's Roselle's birthday, let's not start another boxing match."

"Well, he's very fetching for someone who was living on Skid Row." Veronica analysed the photo that Betty was showing her of the new addition to the Cooper family.

"Yeah, he's a hottie who looks incredibly familiar to me, by the way." Kevin spoke, making Betty give him a look.

"Your adventures in the woods?" Betty questioned, intrigued. Roselle kept staring at the photo, a thought popping into her head.

"I don't know, but maybe if we were allowed to meet this hottie in person-"

"Chic's still acclimating. And I'm trying to get him to trust me, but my mom is treating him like he's a ten-year-old and my dad's acting like he's the devil's spawn." Betty cut off Kevin, shaking her head.

"He looks like FP." Roselle spoke out, taking a bite from her popcorn before all three of them gave her a look, making Roselle put her hands up. "Hey, he does! And a mixture of Dave Franco too. Like one of those memes where they say 'If these people had a baby, this is what the would look like.' Well if Alice, FP and Dave Franco had a threesome, that's what their baby would look like."

"First of all, ew." Veronica looked at Roselle with disgust, making Roselle give her a wink. "And secondly I have an amazing idea. Bring The Omen to Pickens Day and we can all meet him.
Everyone's coming, right?"

"No, because the Serpents weren't invited." Jughead replied back sarcastically.

"The Serpents were specifically asked to come." Veronica shot back, making Jughead roll his eyes in return.

"Yeah, to provide security. It's like we're all on the Snowpiercer train, but the Serpents happen to be the ones eating the cockroaches." Jughead spoke back, making Roselle raise her eyebrows up.

"You don't have to work if you don't want to." Veronica replied back, trying to come to Jughead's understanding.

"The damage, as they say, has already been done." Jughead sighed before getting up from the seat as he checked the time. "Talk to you guys later."

"Plans with Toni?" Betty asked innocently, yet the awkwardness in the room had started to form. Jughead turned around, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Uh, yeah, I'm interviewing her grandfather for my oral history report.
The oldest living Serpent." Jughead replied back, making Betty nod before he waved and walked out of the room. Roselle stared at Jughead before facing Betty, Kevin and Veronica.

"Even Jughead looks kinda like Chic."

"Can this be our place?" Roselle whispered as she sat on the hood of Reggie's car, leaning against his shoulder as they watched the waterfalls of Crystal lake run softly in sweet harmony. It was what Roselle suggested, wanting to feel that same calmness she did when her and Reggie went to the same waterfalls after skipping school late last year.

"If you want it to be." Reggie replied, rubbing soothing circles on her arm as they continued to watch the water flow, replaying the memories of when they swam in there. But they both knew they weren't up for that now, just wanting to be close to each other for the time being. "I don't mind."

"I want it to be." Roselle replied back, snuggling further into his arm. His warmth is exactly wanted she needed at that time. "You know, my Mum would've loved you."

Reggie's heart leaped at the comment, as he continued to stare down at the river. "Why do you think that?"

"Because even when you're angry at me, you still want me to be happy." Roselle looked up at him with a smile, making him look down at her, their nose merely millimetres away from each other. It was moments like these that made Roselle realise how fast she was falling for him. "There are only two people who ever did that to me. You and Brett."

Reggie smiled back at her, looking at her like she was the most precious thing that was ever made on the earth. "You really miss him don't you." Reggie spoke out, stating rather than questioning.

"Yeah, well today was the day he proposed. It makes me think where I would be today if he was still alive. Where I would be if Mum was too." Roselle faced the waterfall once again, but Reggie continued to stare at her. There was something beautiful to him about when Roselle's green eyes reflected back the blue of the waterfall. "But I'm glad I met someone like you."

Reggie smiled to himself, unable and unwilling to take his eyes off her. He felt happy that she was finally talking about her feelings and herself. "Have you ever tried looking for your dad?"

Roselle shook her head 'no' at the answer as she thought about her childhood. "Every time I brought it up to Mum, she'd freeze up. Like she was scared for me to even know his name. But I was close to finding him out once."

"How?" Reggie asked her curiously, eyebrows furrowing. The birds slightly chirped as the sun begun to set. It was the perfect setting to speak just about anything. Because the sound of the birds and waterfalls in harmonisation provided tranquility for the pair.

"The day that Brett died, he was about to tell me. But I was angry at him and-" Roselle spoke but was interrupted by her phone ringing. She gave Reggie an apologetic smile before grabbing her phone and answering it. "Hello?"

"Hey Kiddo, I'm sorry I couldn't say this in person, but happy birthday." Blaire spoke, making Roselle let out a sigh before muttering a little 'thanks'. "I'm gonna be out late, Hiram's got me stuck in some meeting so hopefully we could possibly have dinner tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure." Roselle agreed, forcing her enthusiastic tone. Blaire begun talking about how happy she was that Roselle agreed before she told her she needed to go and hung up the phone. The raven haired girl put the phone away before facing Reggie once again. "I don't like Hiram."

"Why?" Reggie asked as he laughed at her blunt statement. It was known that Roselle Lilly Parker was very open about her feelings towards people. Not love feelings, more like if she hated someone feelings. She barely ever spoke about the topic of love.

"My Aunt, she's scared of him." Roselle replied back, as she remembered the day when she asked Blaire about Hiram to which her whole body went frozen. "He's doing something bad. Or at least he's making her do something bad."

"Why would Hiram do that?" Reggie asked her as Roselle had a very thoughtful look on her face. "I mean I know he's a criminal and all, but he's your best friend's dad."

"When I asked what Hiram makes my Aunt do, Blaire just froze." Roselle explained, making Reggie's face morph into a concerned one. "And it was like I could physically watch the colour drain from her face."

Reggie looked away from her face, before trying to come up with a plan. And when Roselle saw a crazy look on his face, one that looked like the day they stalked Betty, she immediately started shaking her head. "Reggie, no."

"Please it'll be fun!" Reggie told her, grabbing both her shoulders. Roselle shook her head, trying not to smile or laugh in anyway that'll end up with her going in with the plan. "Let's do it for old times sake."

"Reggie no."

"C'mon, please! Just this once and no more!"

"We aren't going to break into Hiram's house!" Roselle yelled back at him. They both stared at each other before Roselle couldn't help it anymore. She bursted out laughing, shaking her head at him while clapping her hands.

"See!" Reggie pointed at her, as she couldn't stop herself from laughing at the idea of them following people around as soon as they do something weird. "Even you're imagining how funny and great that would be!"

"I'm laughing because you actually think that we can break into Hiram's house. I mean the guy has bloody security better than Riverdale's own jail." Roselle spoke, making Reggie pout like a little kid. "And plus, why is it every time I tell you about something suspicious, you want to break into someone's house."

"We don't have to break into his house!" Reggie tried to compromise, sounding like a little kid who was trying to negotiate with his mum about how long he plays video games for. "We can just ease drop from outside the window or something!"

Roselle looked at him, seeing that he was indeed serious, but at the same time wanting something they can both laugh about later on. And the fact he was doing a puppy face was not helping her case at all.

Oh, she was going to regret making that decision later on.

Reggie and Roselle both found themselves laughing as Reggie pulled the car up near the Lodge house. They couldn't help themselves, because what they were doing was very stupid and reckless. But it was also very funny. "I swear Reggie, if we get caught-"

"Hey last time we nearly got caught by Betty because you walked back into a freaking shovel." Reggie pointed out. He then gave a wicked smile, making Roselle tilt her head. "I also got you a present. Well, both of us presents. Like matching presents."

"Oh my god, Reggie you know you didn't have to-" Roselle spoke out before she glanced at the present, making Roselle's face drop. "Are you freaking kidding me?"

"What?" Reggie asked, trying to keep his face serious but failing as he let out a little snort. Roselle shook her head, getting out the door. Reggie got out the car too, following her. "Roselle if we do this we have to do it right."

"I'm not wearing a bloody pink masked hood!" Roselle whispered-yelled at him as she turned around to see Reggie wearing his black one, looking like a complete idiot. She laughed at him, not able to take him serious at the moment. "You look bloody stupid. If we get caught, people are gonna think we're black hood fanatics."

"No, we look prepared." Reggie stated, before handing her the pink hooded masked. "Please just wear that."

"Okay fine I'll wear it." Roselle finally agreed, but there was an evil look in her eyes. "On one condition."


And that's how Reggie and Roselle ended up climbing a tree near the side of the Lodge house, with Reggie wearing a pink mask. Roselle tried so hard to try and hide her smirk, but she couldn't help herself. He was Reggie, the macho football player. And now he was Reggie, the guy wearing a pink mask while trying to listen into the secrets of the Lodge House.

"Yeah yeah, keep laughing." Reggie rolled his eyes, as he grabbed Roselle's arm to help lift her up to the highest branch of the tree that was close to the meeting room's window. "Jokes on you, hot pink actually brings out my eyes."

"You're actually an idiot." Roselle laughed before bringing her eyes to the window of the house. Her heart suddenly stopped when she heard screaming and saw her Aunt and Hiram arguing.

"So she knows?" Hiram spoke in a calm voice, whereas her Aunt just looked angry and frustrated. Reggie looked into the window but grabbed Roselle's hand. He had a feeling this wasn't going to end up good for her and he was starting to regret ever bringing her here.

"No she doesn't but-"

"Then I don't see what's the problem." Hiram told her, making Blaire glare at her, her chest still heaving up and down at a rapid pace. "C'mon Blaire, you're doing this for Lilly."

"I'm not doing this for Lilly, I'm doing this for Roselle." Blaire spat out, shaking her head at him in disgust. "Since Lilly's dead because of you."

Roselle shook her head, her eyes widening. She was so consumed in shock that she didn't see where her foot was, before the branch cracked, sending her falling to the ground.

Reggie jumped off the tree, taking off his mask before running over to her. "Hey, are you hurt?" Reggie asked carefully as he examined if she had any scratches or cuts. Roselle took of her mask, tears threatening to pour out of her face.

"Can we go home?" Roselle whimpered as she felt lost once again. She didn't know what the hell she heard, her mind swimming with many thoughts. She didn't know what Blaire meant when she said it, but is there really any other way what she said could be interpreted to?

"Yeah I can drop you off to your house." Reggie nodded. Roselle tried to get up, but Reggie saw she was struggling, probably because of a sprained ankle. So Reggie took it to himself to pick her up.

"I meant your house." Roselle mumbled, making Reggie slightly widen his eyes before nodding quickly. He started walking towards his car that was parked two blocks away, while carrying Roselle.

"Rose?" Reggie whispered unsurely as he watched her stare into a distant with an emotionless look on her face. It made him worried, that she didn't react to the news the way that he would've thought she would. Maybe she really was that broken. "Are you okay?"

Roselle glanced up at him, looking at him like he was the only sanity she had left. And maybe he was. Maybe if she never met him, she would've gone crazy, become a lunatic. Maybe he was the only person in the world that she needed, and everyone else were just there to exist. "Just hold me."



AHHHHHH! I know it took me a while to update. But I've got two tests to prepare for this week and another three tests and senior year is so damn hard! I've probably had three breakdowns already. So I'm sorry for letting y'all wait this long, yes I've seen the comments and messages to update but remember I have a life too guys.

But I'm thankful that you guys love my story and BTW this is the longest chapter I've written so far! Hope you enjoyed it!

I'll probably update once/twice every month! But hey, at least when season three comes out, it'll almost be near the end of school (school ends November for us) and I'll update way more often!


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