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"Dear Diary

I think I'm losing my mind.

Yours Truly,

The famous seasonal song with an Australian twist, 'Aussie Jingle Bells', played softly in the Parker residence, as the cheerful teenager begun setting up her Christmas tree that was specifically chosen by Mr Andrews himself.

Forgetting the saddening events of yesterday, Roselle found herself surprisingly cheerful while placing ornaments on the tree. Each ornament however had a specific story to it, whether it be her story or someone else's. It held a significance that many would envy as they themselves don't have that special connection with the holiday.

The pink ornament; the day three year old Roselle and her Mum decided to create their own ornament and the raven haired girl decided to decorate it herself, making it a glittery mess that her mum still loved and placed on the tree every year.

The green ornament; when she invited Brett for Christmas at her house for the very first time, forcing him to decorate his own ornament. He didn't know what to do, so he just drew a stick figure of him and Roselle with multiple love hearts.

The orange ornament; the one that Roselle's Mum decorated by herself. Lilly Parker loved fine art and painting, so she took it to hand by creating an ornament that was the most eye catching of them all.

And finally, the Black Ornament; nothing but the colour black. It was the first Christmas that Roselle had spent without her Mum and Brett last year. There was no drawings or patterns, just a dark, black, matte ball that she hangs every year to remind herself of what once was.

The rest of the decorations and ornaments also had sentimental values. Roselle couldn't remember from whom and the story behind it, yet she hung them for tradition. She knew some of them were from her grandmother and her mother before it, but it felt like her brain couldn't remember the stories as more recent ones invaded her mind.

"I see you got up early." Roselle heard Blaire say as she walked down the stairs of their relatively big house. Roselle sighed, dropping the box full of decorations before looking at her Aunt. Her face however, morphed into confusion when she saw her Aunt's attire.

"Is that a Jacquard Bouclé coat? From Versace?" Roselle lifted an eyebrow up, folding her arms while scanning her Aunt up and down. "Is that red bottoms?"

Blaire grinned, twirling around to give her niece a full show, yet Roselle was not impressed. "Yes they are, but don't worry I got you designer clothes for christmas too."

"I see Hiram is paying you well." Roselle replied sarcastically. "Is there any chance you're going to tell me what you do over there at your supposedly job?"

"I told you, I invested in his business. I bought shares so know I own some of the business." Blaire spoke out, confused why her niece was asking her questions.

"And you've never had experience with business until now." Roselle scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Doesn't that seem shifty to you?"

"You don't need experience in the business to buy shares, Roselle." Blaire rolled her eyes before walking into the kitchen.

Roselle let out a sigh, sitting down on the couch. She didn't want to let it get to her, but Blaire's money and the Black Hood's letter had made her jittery. How her Aunt was getting that money, whether it be from Hiram or some other way, Roselle was not sure, but was determined to find out.

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