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ATTENTION- So Mrs Grundie died after this but let's just imagine everybody already knows that Grundie died.

"Dear Diary,

I went away, looking for a new beginning. What's sad is that I'm everything I was before.

Yours Truly,

"We can't let the terrorists win." Betty begun, looking at Kevin, Veronica and the newest recruit of their group, Roselle. Roselle hadn't reached the point where they can trust her with their lives, but she didn't seem like a person who would hurt people. "We need to host an event at Pop's that reminds the town of simpler times. Like, a throwback to when the shoppe first opened its doors."

"I've been here for only two days but I'm up for it." Roselle spoke up, looking at the trio. She then looked at Betty, a sincere look in her eyes. "Betty, you made me feel welcomed as soon as I stepped soil in this town. The least I can do is help you with the plan. I can even cheerlead with you, I used to do it back in Melbourne. And plus, that shop-" Roselle stopped herself, shaking her head. "That was my mum's favourite shop when she used to live here. I want it to stay as much as you do."

"Your mom used to live in Riverdale?" Veronica asked the 16 year old. Roselle nodded, a slight smile on her lips.

"That's what my Aunt told me. They used to go down there together, have a milkshake. I wanna do this for Mum." Roselle looked at them with determination in her eyes.

Betty smiled at the green eyed girl, a warm feeling bubbling in her chest. Kevin turned to look at the girl, a slight curl plastered on his lips. "You're the new girl, right? From Australia?" He had asked her. Roselle nodded, waiting from him to continue. "Do people actually ride kangaroos to school?"

Roselle threw her head back, laughing at Kevin's remark. There was a slight second were Roselle felt content, like she finally found good people. But she couldn't let herself falter. Who knows before someone else close to her died, forcing her to move to some other town. "No, we don't."

"Look Betty, I like a good milkshake as much as any girl, and Pop's puts Serendipity 3's to shame. But, why this hill to die on?" Veronica questioned Betty. Betty's face morphed to a one of happiness, one that looked like she was reminiscing the good old days.

"Orange freezes with my mom and Polly after ballet. Chicken noodle soup with my dad after ice-skating. Grilled cheeses with Archie on the last day of summer vacation." Betty then stopped, looking at Veronica. "It's where I met you for the first time, V." She turned to them face Kevin and Roselle. "It's where I met you guys for the first time. Also Jug. He may lose his dad, but maybe I can save this one place for him. For all of us."

The door had suddenly opened, revealing a man with a suit and a bouquet of flowers in his hands. For a slight moment, Roselle felt her blood turn cold. This man, he had reminded her of something but she couldn't place her manicured finger on it. It felt like a memory, trying to resurface. It felt like when you smell something, reminding you of a specific day.

"Hey. Veronica. May I speak to you?" He asked politely. His eyes then scanned the room before landing on three people he's never seen before. His eyes however lingered on Roselle, a slight weirdness rolling like waves against his back, like a threat.

"Daddy?" Veronica asked in bewilderment. The man in the suit took his eyes off of Roselle to look at his daughter, adjusting his tie.

"Daddy?" Betty and Kevin repeated, very surprised. Roselle however, was left very confused. She didn't know what to do or how to react.

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