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"Dear Diary,

No one truly knows what pain feels like until they're staring at their reflection, begging themselves to stay strong. But then again, I don't need a reflection to do that.

Yours Truly,

The very limited sized shorts was pulled down in order to make it seem somewhat covering her behind, only for it to ride back up. Roselle was confident in wearing short clothes and was no way ashamed of her petite figure, but the breakdown she experienced, not even thirty minutes ago, had her on a nervous edge.

The bright lights that lit up Pop's Shoppe illuminated the ground with a fluorescent red colour. The girl stood still once again in front of the shop, heart pulsing against her chest, as all the signs of teenage anxiety dwelled upon her. Letting out a quick sigh, Roselle walked up to the door and entered the seemingly empty room. "No one is coming." Roselle heard Betty let out a frustrated groan.

"It's too early, they'll come eventually." Jughead assured his girlfriend. His blue eyes then rose up, looking at the familiar raven from yesterday. His lips had formed a smile catching the attention of Betty who had also looked back and smiled at the girl. "Well if it isn't Mrs Hemsworth herself."

"Is it like a Riverdale custom to address me as any and every famous Australian." Roselle rolled her eyes, a grin playing on her reddened lips. The girl made her way to sit near the stool that Betty was sitting on, Betty giving her a side hug. "How did the court hearing go today?"

"It went good. It's postponed." Jughead shook his head, grateful that she had asked. Roselle smiled in glee, happy that Jughead might be able to see his dad free again.

"That's fantastic! Hopefully he'll be out before Christmas." Roselle responded, Jughead modding in agreement. The raven haired girl then faced Betty. "So B, what's the mission for today?"

"B?" Betty raised an eyebrow at the girl.  Roselle widened her eyes, before shaking her head.

"Are we not up to that stage yet? Am I meant to call you Betts and then slowly move into Bett and then, when I introduce to my Aunt, I can officially call you B?" Roselle asked with a joking tone. Betty let out a little laugh before looking at her.

"I was joking, you can call me B." Betty smiled at her. Betty then grabbed the raven girl's hand, looking at her with gratitude. "You said you'd support me and you shown that by your actions. Roselle, whatever you need, I'm always here. You've earned my trust. From now on, you get to call me B but I also get to call you Ree."

Roselle looked at the blonde girl, not sure how someone can trust another so easily. It took Roselle years before she could fully develop a trust and here Betty is, saying she developed a trust with someone she's met two days ago. "B, V and Ree. Don't want to mess with that." Jughead shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Ree is it now?" Veronica called out, walking into their conversation with a little smirk on her face. "Welcome to the family." Veronica opened her arms as her, Betty and Roselle hugged each other out. "You know, it took me about four days to get Betty to like me." Veronica told Roselle as the hug was broken up.

"Wow, new world record for me I guess." Roselle winked at Veronica as she laughed at the girl. As they settled down, Roselle turned to look at Betty, raising an eyebrow. "So, what's my duty for today boss?"

"Well." Betty begun, turning away to grab a pair of roller skates. "You know how I said I wanted this to be like the old days?"

"Yea?" Roselle asked in confusion, looking at the skates weirdly. The rolled blades swung slowly as Betty held them by the tie, taunting Roselle for what their future use could be.

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