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"Dear Diary

The definition of the noun balance or ˈbal(ə)ns, is easy; a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. E.g. When good and bad cancel each other out to achieve equilibrium.

Yours Truly,


A long, continuous road carried the famous black antique car of Reggie Mantle. With Roselle by his side, they only wanted to reach home before it got too late at night and the mysteries of murder begun to present them self.

Both of them were contempt, this day being the highlight of their year. It was like they were made for one another, able to connect and just talk about anything, yet they hid almost everything. Well, Roselle hid almost everything.

"I'm gonna stop by the gas station." Reggie spoke in the calm, quiet environment, gaining Roselle's attention. Their clothes had dried up, yet their hair was still a bit wet from their swim earlier on. "My car's almost empty."

"Can I get food? I'm very hungry and it's been a long trip." Roselle asked, making Reggie smile. Reggie let one hand go away from the wheel, scrimmaging his wallet and pulling out a twenty dollar bill.

"Help yourself." He told Roselle, giving her the note. Roselle smirked, taking the twenty dollar bill before placing it in her pocket.

"I was wrong, your dad isn't my sugar daddy." Roselle laughed, making Reggie glare at her. "You are."

"Shut up." Reggie mumbled, making Roselle laugh even more louder. "Or else I'll take my twenty dollars back and make you starve your way back home."

"You wouldn't." Roselle dared, turning around to get a better look at Reggie.

Reggie smiled, glancing at Roselle before looking back at the road. "You're right." He whispered, making Roselle bite her bottom lip. "I wouldn't."

Rows and rows of aisles contained chips and every junk food that had Roselle's mouth water. From chocolates, to chips, to even biscuits, Roselle was indecisive on what to get without spending too much of Reggie's money.

Walking slowly passed the aisle, her eyes carefully examined her choices. Her heart was telling her to buy chocolate, but she knew she would never love a chocolate like she loved Caramello Koala, and it wasn't an option here in America.

One thing she loved about American junk food was Hot Cheetos. She's been obsessed with it ever since she came to Riverdale, even though she knew how unhealthy it was. So making up her mind, Roselle walked out of the confectionary aisle and into the chips section.

She slowly looked at the aisle until her eyes caught onto the thing she was destined to buy, only to groan when she realised it was too high to reach. They had placed the chips in the highest shelf, one that her 5'3 figure couldn't reach since she didn't wear heels today.

Walking over to the packet, the raven haired girl went on her tippy toes, trying to reach it before she was met with rejection. She glanced around the aisle, seeing if someone like Reggie's stature or the actual Reggie could help her reach it but there was no one, except the old lady who worked there.

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