My First Love MaBill

By Anime18Forever

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This story is all about a high school life when Mabel and dipper enrolled in gravity falls they surprise that... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapert Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter TwentyFour
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty SIX
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter TwentyNine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter ThirtyOne
Chapter ThirtyTwo
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter ThirtySix
Chapter ThirtySeven
Chapter ThirtyEight
Chapter ThirtyNine
Chapter Forty
Chapter FortyOne
Chapter FortyTwo
Chapter FortyThree
Chapter FortyFour
Chapter FortyFive
Chapter FortySeven
Chapter FortyEight
Chapter FortyNine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two

Chapter FortySix

12 0 0
By Anime18Forever

Bill Pov

I receive a text to Rad who wants to meet up ASAP, before left the house I change my clothes and wear yellow shirt and black jogging pants and sneaker shoes. while I was going out see my friend Celeste block my way going down stairs.

"What do you want?" I frown

"Where are you going?" Celeste ask curiously

"None of your business get out my way" I gaze my eyes to her to feel 

"Are you going to meet up with your little girlfriend?" Celeste smirk

I walk aside straight down stair to meet up Rad, I said goodbye to my mom before I left the house.

I use my magic to teleport me straight to my home world to meet up with Rad. when I was already arrive in our meeting place Rad suddenly hug me and saw him crying into my favorite shirt so I push him away very hard, So I ask him what's going on?

"Hey! Why are crying?" I ask curiously

"My Dad wanted me to enroll the Boys Military School" Rad Sobbing

"WHAATTT!! Why? you know that school is very brutal right? why he wants you to enroll there? wait let me guess did you go to the principals office again?" I ask him and notice right away what he did in his school.

"Well in the past 4 months I have been detention several times and the principal called mom and dad immediately. they talk about my behavior and he suggest to enroll me in Military School after I finish my Senior High school " Rad explained clearly

"Whoa! really" I shock

"Yeah, please help me out" Rad begging for help

"You know Rad you need to face your consequences on your action" I said honestly

Rad looks very upset of what I said to him. He suddenly walk slowly straight to the swing and I sat next to him and touch his shoulder in a friendly way the he started saying:

"I..sigh, Bill I just want to have fun since it's our last year in our senior high and to remember how wonderful has to being a high schooler, far from that I don't want to go to military school I'm going to be insane if I stay there for 4 years. Please help me Bill" Rad feel upset and explain how he really feels.

"Okay but I can't promise you about this okay, I'm going to convince your parents that your not going to military school" across my arms around me and he jump in front of me to give me hug

"Thank you, Thank you so much, your really are my best friend" Rad smiled at me and hug me tightly

"Okay, just get off of me, jeez you really owe me a lot Rad" I point to his forehead and roll my eyes

After we talk about Rads problem, he talk about my sister working at gravity falls.

"Bill" Rad said

"Yeah, what is?" I ask

"I called you house the other day and some answer your phone is it your sister Celeste return from her business trip?" Rad ask curios

"well yeah my sister just return after 10 years she did not call or email with us" I hollow

"Damn, why is she there in the human world?" Rad cross his arms around him

"I don't know, cause every time she's around me I feel uneasy and I worried about Shooting Star what if she hurt her" I stop walking look down and Rad just come to me closely

"Hey, don't think to much, You know that you have been through a lot of trials but your relationship is still strong today." Rad smirk

I look at Rads face and he sincerely said those serious words for the first time and I make a poker face

"why are you looking me like that" Rad rise his eyebrow

"it's my first time to hear those words came out of your mouth such a caring person" I smirk

Rad turn red and he hit my head using his hand, I feel pain in my head and put his arms around me we walk straight home.

As I return home, I open the door quietly and I hear somebody in front of me, I use my magic to turn on the lantern and I surprised Celeste  was waiting for me in 2am in the morning

"I thought you'll be back at 10" Celeste hollow

"your not my mom" I roll my eyes

"Bill I'm your eldest sister you need show some respect while I am talking to you" she stand and walking slowly

"Celeste why are here and what is your plan tell me?" I ask curiously

I ask Celeste what she's thinking right now and  for minute and she grab my shirt and pulls me up, I grab her hand to restrained myself. Celeste look at me and her eyes turn black and I use my two feet to push her back. I fall really hard and she stumble.

"sigh, sigh, sigh" I breath hardly and walk 3 meters away to Celeste

"Wha.. What's going on with you huh??" I touch my neck

"Bill you know we're siblings and I care for you and from on you cannot see Mabel Pines anymore I will request the principal to move you to another section tomorrow" Celeste hollow and walk straight upstairs but a grab her arm and I said:

" if you do that I will forget that we are brother and sister" Frown her and she swing her arm and I let go. Celeste  walk upstrairs and I stand in the living room worried about tomorrow.

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