Grease 2

By Holly-60s

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The T Birds rule the school but the Pink Ladies rule the T Birds! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Part 1)
Chapter 10 (Part 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25

Chapter 24

702 34 52
By Holly-60s


I'm hanging out with the guys at the Rydell luau, it's been put on as an end of year celebration by Mrs McGee. Since we won the talent show Johnny is king of the luau and Stephanie queen. However, after our run-in with that biker guy, Steph and Johnny aren't talking, and we're all keeping our distance from each other. Normally that wouldn't bother me but since Steph thinks we're responsible for the biker disappearing I can't help feeling guilty. Who knows what really happened to him?

I spot Dolores queuing by the ice cream stand. 'Hey Woodchuck,' I call heading over to her, and she predictably scowls.

'What have I told you about calling me that?'

'Sorry I thought you'd be in a better mood seeing as how it's the luau, and summer vacation....' My voice fades away, this is a bad idea.

'Yeah yeah,' she says. 'You try listening to Steph weeping and wailing, it's a bore. I bet Paulette's only consoling her cos she wants to keep her away from Johnny. God forbid Steph goes and cries on his shoulder.'

'I can't see Steph crying on anyone's shoulder, especially Johnny's. Not after he chased that guy away.'

'Steph's pathetic,' Dolores snarls. 'She's the worst pink lady leader ever! She makes Paulette look cool and that's saying something.'

I shrug. 'Steph's having a hard time, it's not easy being cool all the time.'

'You're not cool anyway,' she cackles.

'Nah I'm probably not.' I take a deep breath, it's now or never. 'I've got a bit of a problem.' 

'What kinda problem?' She looks up at me eagerly, giving me her full attention.

'Well I haven't got a girlfriend, all the guys have hooked up but there's no one I'm interested in.' I look down, scuffing my feet. 'It wouldn't bother me but Johnny's making a big deal of it, he's always trying to set me up with some girl or other.'

She frowns. 'So what's the problem? You ain't got a girl and Johnny's trying to find you one.'

'But I don't want him to find me one. I've told the guys this but they won't back off.' I can feel my face getting red. 'So I was wondering if I could tell them you're my girlfriend?'

'And why would I agree to that?' she splutters.

'Well I am a t bird, and an older guy, it might give you a bit of street cred at school next year.' I go for the kill and pitch my winning argument. 'You're bound to be made a pink lady with an old t bird as a boyfriend.'

Her mouth twitches as she pretends to think it over. 'Ok you've gotta a deal.' I breathe a sigh of relief. 'But there are ground rules.'

'Anything Dolores.'

'Well you've gotta let me hang out with you guys, and this is strictly platonic. Don't try and put your tongue down my throat.' She makes a gagging gesture.

'I can guarantee that won't happen,' I say laughing with relief.

'We've gotta make it look real though,' she says her brows furrowing.

'I'll hold your hand but I'll be respectful cos you're younger than me.' I actually think this could work. No one would approve of me being too serious with a high school girl, we'd have to keep it innocent.

'Well, since we're boyfriend-girlfriend you can buy my ice cream,' she says smirking.

I put my hand in my pocket rummaging around for some change, an ice cream is a small price to pay to get Johnny off my back.



I've barely seen Sharon all day, we've all been roped into helping Johnny out with his king of the luau duties. Eventually, I catch up with her, and I pull her into my arms as we sit down.

'I guess we won't see each other any more?' she announces waving her cigarette holder in the air.

I breathe in sharply. 'What do you mean?'

'Well after graduation, we'll all go our separate ways and we won't see each other.'

I look at her closely trying to work out if she's for real. 'Is that what you want?'

She shakes her head. 'No of course not, but I'm being realistic Louis, I don't want to have any false expectations.' She looks up at me, and I figure this is some sort of test, and I'd better say the right thing.

'Sharon I love you, I want to be with you.' Okay, that's not cool, but I don't wanna lose her.

'You do?' She sounds pleased so I guess that's one point to me.

'Yeah so stop being so stupid.' I lean over to kiss her but she moves back frowning at me.

'Do you like me, Louis?'

I try not to groan, the test's not over yet. 'I more than like you.'

'No I mean do you like me as a person?' Her frown deepens. 'Say we weren't together, would you still like me?'

'Of course, I would.' She can be a bit of a pain though.

'Well, a lot of people think I'm a pain.'

I have to stop myself from laughing. 'Where are you going with this?'

'Oh I don't know,' she says sighing. 'I just think that now we've graduated I'll lose all my friends.'

'You won't lose me,' I say putting my arm around her. I'm not so sure about her friends though, they are kinda flakey.



We're trying to get Steph dressed as queen of the luau but she won't stop whining. Frankly, I'm getting sick of it. If that biker guy liked her so much how come he's not got in touch with her again? The whole thing's nothing more than a dumb crush.

'Come on Steph,' Rhonda says pleading with her. 'You've gotta play your part.'

'Yeah there's plenty of girls who'd kill to be in your shoes,' Paulette adds resentfully. She'd love to be up there with Johnny.

'Well take my place,' Steph snaps.

'It's too late to make changes,' I point out before Paulette jumps in. 'Just get on that throne and smile.'

We push Steph forward to join Johnny and she gives him the foulest look. Louis is standing behind Johnny and my heart leaps, or maybe my stomach sinks. I don't know. I want to be with him but I'm scared stiff something will go wrong, and our whole relationship will be messed up. I wish I could stop over thinking it and just go with my feelings.

Steph and Johnny climb onto a makeshift float in the pool as Mrs McGee declares them king and queen of the luau. The twins look green but it's really kinda lame. They're sat like kids in a paddling pool while everyone around them is being encouraged to cheer. Johnny's smoking his cigarette and waving to us but it's obvious he's embarrassed.

The sudden roar of motorcycle engines disturbs my thoughts and it takes me a moment to realise that Balmudo and his gang have crashed the party. Paulette grabs my arm pulling me out of their path, and I see the t birds have jumped in the opposite direction. We try to take cover as the cycle lords run amok trashing the luau.

'Hey Balmudo,' a voice calls and I spin around. It's only Steph's guy, the mystery biker! Talk about making an entrance. The cycle lords all come skidding to a stop, and Balmudo hollers at them to get the biker. They make chase but they're no match for him, and after Balmudo falls off his bike the rest of his gang make a quick getaway.

The biker watches them retreat as a crowd begins to form around him. He won't be getting away this time but he doesn't look like he wants to. Steph walks towards him looking kinda shell-shocked and he slowly removes his goggles.

'Michael!' she exclaims.

Now that is a surprise! 

I look at the wide-eyed open-mouthed faces around me as we are all momentarily speechless.

'I thought you were dead?' Steph says her voice accusatory but before she can say any more Johnny has pushed his way forward, knocking her out of the way.

'You!' he snarls as his hands reach out to grab the collar of Michael's jacket.

'Yeah, Johnny.' Michael sounds almost cocky even as Johnny tries to shove him. I can see Goose and Louis exchanging embarrassed glances, Johnny is no match for Michael, he's far too small. 

'Haven't we had enough of this?' Steph pleads, grabbing hold of Johnny's arm.

'She's got a point,' Davey says.

'Yeah, Davey's right, she's got a point,' Goose adds.

Johnny looks furious. 'Shut up, I've gotta point to make too,' he rages and we all jump back. Louis puts his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him and for a moment I'm not thinking of anyone but us. I almost miss Johnny suddenly shaking Michael's hand and inviting him to be a t bird. Everyone's ahhing, and Steph and Michael gaze at each other all lovey-dovey. Crisis averted.

I let Louis lead me away, stepping through the carnage of what's left of the luau. In the distance, I can see Mrs McGee and Coach Calhoun with their heads in their hands

'Well I wasn't expecting that,' Louis says glancing back at Michael. 'At least he ain't dead.'

'Yeah, I guess it's all worked out for the best.' I keep my arms wrapped around Louis suddenly wishing we were alone. 'Everyone's all coupled up.'

'I want to be with you Sharon,' he whispers in my ear.

I swear my knees go weak. 'There's nothing wrong with just liking each other,' I murmur.

He looks at me intently. 'But I more than like you.'

'I know.' I rest my head against him, wishing I wasn't so undecided.


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