Chapter 3

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We're hanging out at the Bowlarama waiting for the pink ladies who are late as usual. No doubt Stephanie has held them up, and Sharon will be giving me earache about it later. I wonder why they hang out together sometimes, they don't seem to much like each other.

"Hey what are you doing here by yourself?" Davey asks Paulette's little sister Dolores. She's sat behind us by herself.

"I am allowed out," she snarls. "I don't need anyone's permission ok."

"Sorry I just thought you'd have come along with Paulette."

"Yeah right," she snaps scowling at Davey. "Paulette's a loser, it's taking her hours to get ready for Johnny."

"Jeez she's like an over aggressive terrier," Davey whispers. "She looks like one as well." He has a point, you'd never think her and Paulette were sisters. Paulette's always dressed up, and Dolores, well she's kinda scruffy.

"This had better be worth the wait," Johnny says as the girls finally arrive. Paulette rushes over all breathless.

"Do you approve Johnny?" she asks twirling around in front of him. She has on these bright gold pants, I guess no one thought to tell her it's not disco night. Johnny barely nods before getting up to bowl. He only hits two pins but Paulette makes a big fuss congratulating him. I go sit by Sharon but when I put my arm around her she shrugs me off. Yep she's in a mood again!

"Hey Paulette who's side are you on?" she shouts glaring at Paulette who is running her fingers through Johnny's hair.

"Our side," Paulette says, and Johnny takes the chance to swat her hand away.

"Then don't fraternise with the enemy," Rhonda says pulling her away from Johnny. God knows why they take the game so seriously cos they always lose. I go sit with the guys since Sharon's ignoring me.

Paulette gets up to bowl, and we watch as she sways her hips for Johnny's benefit, and for once he keeps his eyes on her. Dolores looks disgusted but we all act like we appreciate the show.

"You got something going with Paulette?" I ask Johnny.

"Lets say I'm giving her therapy for a disease."

"What disease?" Davey asks as he gawps at her.

"Nymphoid mania." Everyone laughs, Paulette's reputation is pretty bad. I'm surprised Johnny's interested.

"What's so funny?" Rhonda asks frowning at us.

"Nothing," Goose says but Rhonda doesn't look convinced, it's obvious we're talking about Paulette.

"Paulette's making a total fool of herself," Sharon whispers tilting her head towards Johnny and Paulette. They're stood in front of the bowling lane, and Paulette's trying to get Johnny to help her throw the ball. He's playing along with her helpless act, probably hoping to wind Steph up.

"Don't be so mean," Rhonda says, and Sharon pouts.

"I'm not but she's throwing herself at him and he's just trying to make Stephanie jealous." 

"Stay out of it," I tell her, and she proper scowls at me. "It's nothing to do with you."

"I never said it was!" Shit, she's pissed off now. She gets up to bowl without another word.

"I think you've upset Sharon," Davey snickers. Yeah, I know I have.

"She's just moody," I tell him but after a moment I get up and go join her. It took me ages to get her to go out with me, I don't want us to fall out over something so stupid. And no one can hold a grudge like Sharon can!

"Look I didn't mean anything," I say keeping my voice down. Sharon barely glances at me. "But you don't want to get on the wrong side of Johnny." She sighs deeply, looking over at him.

"No I guess not," she says, and I can't tell if she's mad at me or not. She's acting kinda weird again, I have no idea what she's thinking.



Normally I like bowling but tonight everyone is getting on my nerves. I haven't forgotten the way they've all been giving me a hard time just cos I've got some new clothes and stuff. I've swapped my diamond studs for some cheap black earrings to avoid anyone more snide remarks from Rhonda. What she doesn't know is the earrings were basically a bribe from my dad after he went on vacation and didn't invite me or my older sister Joanne along. I wouldn't have wanted to go but it hurt that he didn't ask, the earrings were simply compensation.

Not surprisingly we've lost. I think Paulette's deliberately thrown the game to keep in Johnny's good books, she's normally our best player. I can't believe she hasn't noticed that every time Johnny pays her a bit of attention he's looking out for Steph's reaction.

"Another well deserved victory Johnny," Davey says gloating as we put our shoes on.

"So where's the trophy?" Johnny asks looking around at us all. Well, he doesn't need to ask twice, Paulette throws herself at him. Oh my god, she's practically giving him mouth to mouth resuscitation, and right in front of Stephanie! I know Steph dumped Johnny but I actually think Paulette's being really disrespectful.

"That's for best average," Johnny says, and Paulette looks smug. "Now what about a kiss for best score?" Paulette's face falls as Johnny goes to grab Stephanie. She snatches her arm away looking disgusted, and none of us knows where to look.

"Where's the trophy for best score Stephanie?" Goose sneers coming to Johnny's aid. I roll my eyes at Rhonda. I don't know how she can she stand Goose kissing Johnny's ass all the time.

"I ain't no one's trophy Goose," Steph snarls, and they all begin bickering whilst Paulette stands in the middle of them looking absolutely mortified.

"So that's the way it's gonna be now, Miss Independent?" Johnny snaps, and I bet this is really all about her dumping him. He's got a bad case of sour grapes.

"Look I can kiss who I want, when I want. I can kiss the next guy who walks through the door if I want,' Steph yells at him. We all look towards the doorway where there's this old janitor lingering.

"Be my guest!" Johnny shouts back, and he turns to the T birds and they all laugh loudly. Steph glares at him defiantly and then strides to the doorway. I can't believe she's actually going to kiss the janitor but she gets lucky cos the English exchange student walks in. Steph grabs him before he's barely got his foot through the door. She kisses him, smack on the lips, and the poor guy looks bewildered. Steph lets him go just as abruptly, and for a moment we're all too stunned to say anything.

"Let's eat," Steph says breaking the tension, and me and Rhonda start to giggle cos it is sort of funny. Johnny's rooted to the spot, and all the T birds look furious as we shoot off. Paulette's crying by the time we get in the car and Rhonda's consoling her. I'm torn between feeling sorry for Paulette and feeling frustrated that she's brought it all on herself by acting like a dumb slut.


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