Chapter 6

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I'm flapping about trying to get everyone organised for rehearsals. Of course none of them are taking it seriously, and Paulette's late.

'Rhonda you're Fall, you have to become your season,' I say trying to get her to feel the part. She looks at me blankly.

'Give me maturity, give me ageing,' I encourage her.

'Give me a break,' she snarls and I roll my eyes. I knew they'd be useless once they had to put the work in. I start handing music sheets around as god forbid anyone else helps out, I always wind up doing everything.

I usher Rhonda onto the stage and try to get everyone else into position. Rhonda starts her performance and she has no coordination at all. She whacks one of her backing singers with part of her costume and stomps off stage like it's not her fault. I try to hold my temper but Miss Mason calls time on us anyway. I flounce off throwing my sheets of paper in the air. I'm acting like a drama queen but if they'd put a tiny bit of effort in we'd have started on time and maybe got somewhere.

'Hey Sharon, what about tonight?' Louis shouts catching me up. He's been pestering me all week about getting together.

'Well I did have plans,' I say and his face falls. 'I said I did, my dad cancelled so I guess I could see you.'

'So I'm second choice?' I can see he's joking but I'm not in the mood.

'Look if you're gonna be like that forget it,' I snap. I'm actually really disappointed my dad just ditched me and Joanne again.

'I was messing with you,' Louis says and I sigh. I know I'm being unfair but I don't want to tell him why I'm so upset, it's humiliating.

'Sorry, I'm just pissed off about the rehearsal, it was a total waste of time.' He seems to accept my explanation.

'Why don't you come round my house, my folks are going out so we'll have the place to ourselves. I'll even ask my mom to cook that pasta you liked.' He can be quite sweet sometimes.

'Ok, but don't have your mom go to any trouble.' I like his mom as it happens, she's not on Louis's case all the time the way my mom is with me, whatever I do my mom always makes me feel that it's not quite good enough. I guess I'm a disappointment to her.



Now I've sorted things with Sharon there's just another matter I have to attend to. I go catch the English exchange student, Shakespeare. He's still at rehearsals since he's playing the piano for a few of the acts.

'Hey English I've got something scholastic to discuss with you,' I tell him. 'You're Mr History and I've got this essay on the fall of Rome. I didn't even know they were in trouble.'

'What are you driving at?' he asks.

'Papers for paper, essays for cash.' No way can I get the grades I need and have time for everything else. Something has to give. I look at Shakespeare waiting for him to answer but his mind seems elsewhere.

'Ok you've got a deal,' he eventually says.

'Alright but when we make the drop, not out here in the open, I've got a rep to protect,' I remind him. It wouldn't do to get caught cheating or be seen with a nerd. It's bad enough Sharon is getting all friendly with them, she's even got Eugene helping her for Christ sake.


'So what are we all doing tonight?' Davey asks. 'Are we going to the Bowlarama?' Great, Davey's out to spoil my plans with Sharon.

'Nah,' Johnny says. 'I'm getting sick of that place. I promised Paulette I'd take her out.' This is news to us.

'Paulette?' Goose parrots. I know what he's thinking, Johnny has always said Paulette's only good for one thing, I never thought he'd take her out.

'Yeah maybe I'll show Steph what she's missing,' Johnny adds. Now that makes sense.

'Right you do that Johnny,' Goose says, ever the loyalist.

'So what's everyone else doing?' Davey asks, he's far too reliant on spending his time with us.

'I'm having dinner with Rhonda's parents,' Goose admits mimicking a hangman's noose around his neck.

'The big inspection,' Johnny says and Goose laughs nervously. I guess he wants to make a good impression but he's hardly gonna admit it.

'Well if it keeps Rhonda happy...any tips Dimucci?'


'You've met Sharon's folks right?' Goose asks.

'I've met her mom, so far I've managed to avoid her dad but if her older brother is anything to go by....' I laugh thinking of Sharon's big, older brother. I do my best to avoid him. Goose groans.

'Why do chicks have to make such a big deal about this sorta shit?' he grumbles. None of us knows, and to be fair Sharon she hasn't pushed for me to have anything more to do with her family than's strictly necessary.

'So you wanna do something?' Davey asks me.

'I'm seeing Sharon.' He pulls a face, he needs to get a girl of his own.

'So where are you going?'

'She's coming round my place.' For some reason I don't want to go into the details with Davey.

'Jeez you're all getting domesticated,' Johnny taunts. 'Family meals with the parents and chicks.'

'My folks are going out,' I say irritated by his tone. 'It'll just be me and Sharon.'

'You and Sharon and the house to yourselves,' Goose says grinning and I return his look.

'Oh I might stop by then,' Davey says, and I guess my face must have said it all cos Goose and Johnny start laughing.

'Davey, it's Lou and Sharon, and a house to themselves,' Johnny says speaking slowly to Davey like he doesn't understand.

'Yeah so,' Davey says looking blank. Jeez, he doesn't understand! Johnny looks at me and Goose in disbelieve.

'Davey we need to find you a woman. There are certain significant gaps in your education.'

'I'm no less educated than you Johnny,' Davey says and we all laugh at him. He really doesn't get it. Johnny continues mocking him and I breathe a sigh of relief. For a minute there I was thinking he was gonna try and gatecrash my date with Sharon.


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