Chapter 20

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We all get together over the weekend and as usual, I'm third wheeling it. Everyone's coupled up and since Steph's working, I'm very much the odd one out. It's times like these I think maybe I should get a girlfriend just to fit in.

'I bet Steph doesn't really have to work,' Johnny's says belligerently, and the pink ladies shrug not coming to Stephanie's defence.

'It can't be much fun for her hanging out with us,' Paulette says in her fake whispery voice. 'And she probably likes the money.'

'Yeah, Stephanie always did like the finer things in life,' Johnny says taking a drag on his cigarette.

'Why do you care?' She's dropped the whisper making it clear she's upset.

Johnny shrugs. 'I don't care. I'd just hate to see her all lonely, slogging her guts out at her dad's dump of a service station.'

'Well that ain't our problem,' Goose says looking gormless.

Johnny smiles. 'No but we should go keep her company.'

'Aw do we have to,' Goose moans pulling a face at Rhonda.

Johnny straightens his collar. 'Yeah, I think we do. I think there are things we have to discuss with Miss Zinone.'

'Like what Johnny?' Dimucci asks in a bored voice.

'Like loyalty.'

'Steph's not disloyal,' Sharon says jumping in. 'She just doesn't want to be with you.'

Johnny glares at her, his jaw clenched, and she glares back defiantly. Louis puts his arm around her and cuts his eyes at Johnny.

'I don't care about Steph,' Johnny says backing down cos he knows he can't say anything to Sharon in front of Louis, and she'll say worse back if he does. 'This is about our reputation, we're supposed to be cool but look at her. Look at all the new friends she's got lately.'

'She's just being nice,' Rhonda says.

'Well, she's being too nice. She can hang out with the nerds but she ain't gonna drag us down with her.'

'I don't think that's what's happening,' Sharon says but she's kinda friendly with the nerds herself. Eugene follows her around like a little lap dog.

'Leave it, Sharon,' Dimucci says pulling her away from Johnny.

'Right enough with the debating society, we're going to that service station,' Johnny says taking charge. I look at Louis and Goose but they both shrug following Johnny's lead.



Johnny insists we go keep Stephanie company and I have a bad feeling about it. No sooner do we pull up at the service station and it all kicks off. Steph's in the arms of this guy wearing goggles and a leather jacket, very T bird like.

'Check this out,' Louis shouts over to Johnny.

'That's the guy who popped Balmudo,' Davey yells.

'And look who he's popping now,' Goose hollers. The guy gets on his bike and he's off before any of us get a good look at him.

'So what's the story with the creep on the bike Zinone?' Johnny asks getting off his bike and fronting up to her. Steph looks at him bewildered.

'Leave her alone Johnny,' Paulette quietly pleads and Johnny spins around.

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