Chapter 12

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I was heading to Johnny's house with Sharon for this Christmas party he's having. He doesn't live that far from me so we were walking there.

"Oh I hope it doesn't all kick off tonight," Sharon says excitedly.

"Yeah you do," I tease her, cos she totally does.

"That's not true," she says and she kisses me as we wait for the door to be opened. She seems more forward lately but I'm trying not to push my luck. Paulette lets us in.

"Wow Sharon you look great," she says making Sharon twirl around so she can see her dress from all angles.

"And you look very festive," Sharon replies with a sidelong look at me. Paulette's wearing a skimpy red dress with a Santa hat. I know Johnny and he won't be impressed. No guy wants everyone else eyeing up their girlfriend, if that's what she even is.

We go through to the living room, and Goose is handing out the drinks, very much Johnny's helper. I'm kinda surprised Johnny's parents have agreed to this, and that they've left the house. I guess they don't know him like the rest of us do.

"Oh my god," Sharon gasps and I follow her eyes. There's Johnny in his usual black jeans but he's wearing this Santa coat and hat. Jeez, I thought he was joking!

"Well I'm not lining up to sit on his knee," Sharon says taking a drink off Goose.

"You've seen him," Rhonda hisses while the rest of us laugh.

"Wait till the games start," Goose says and I frown. "All the girls are gonna line up to sit on his knee." Sharon and Rhonda shake their heads but Goose insists it'll be fun.

"I'll need a lot more to drink before I sit on his knee," Rhonda says waving her empty glass at Goose who willingly obliges.

"You don't have to join in any of Johnny's games," I tell Sharon. If he starts getting all touchy feely with her I might have to punch him. I down my drink.

"You're not getting jealous are you?" she asks. And here's the thing, she acts like she'd be up for anything but get her alone and it's a different story.

"I'm getting another drink," I say before we get into some dumb row. She looks up at me with her mouth slightly open, but then she bites her lip to stop herself from saying anything. I turn away cos it's sorta sexy the way she does that.

"Steph, hi!" Paulette shouts across the room. Steph comes in with a fixed smile on her face.

"Paulette you really look like something else!"

 "That's cos I'm Mrs Claus and Johnny's Santa."

"Cool," Steph says in a tone that suggests it's anything but. Goose hands her a drink.

"Is this alcoholic?" she asks.

"Of course," Goose says sounding pretty drunk already. I pour Sharon another drink thinking it won't hurt to help her relax. She protests that it's too much but she takes it anyway.

The place is filling up and I'm surprised to see Shakespeare here. He is helping Johnny with his homework so I guess that must by why he got an invite. Johnny acts tough but it's mostly an act. Sharon grabs my hand.

"We should say hello to Michael since he's helping with the talent show." If only she knew what else he's helping with. We go over and I let Sharon do the talking. To be fair Shakespeare doesn't try and drop me in it.

"It's a good party," he says looking at Steph, and she actually smiles and comes over.

"I'm surprised you're here," she says.

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