Who Are You Really? || p.j.m...

By bangtanboke

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An ordinary girl who gets into a car accident wakes up to a new world of moving houses and loneliness. Until... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 -END

Chapter 22

192 11 81
By bangtanboke

Taehyung looked at Jimin with fire coming from his eyes. Jimin says nothing but return the look he received.

"Guys... what's going on?" I said breaking the silence.

"I'm glad you're happy with Jimin. But I also want you to know that I will be there for you no matter what." Taehyung says looking over at me.

"I just wish Jimin would stop thinking I'd steal you from him. I kept my word to myself and I will move on. Seeing you two so happy, will only pain me to tear you guys apart. You two are the ones for each other, nothing can disagree with that. No matter how hard I tried to make Y/N mine before you did, you always ended up winning. Back then and now. I don't mind though. Because you're my brother, Jimin. I don't think you think of me as that anymore though sadly." Taehyung says as he walks away to his room.

I held on Jimin's hand and looked at him. He looked disappointed and well angry at the same time.

"Hey, let's eat and go." I softly said. He only nods at me. This time, he poured the soup carefully and served the two bowls on the table.

We ate silently which only made me feel more uncomfortable. I really wanted to ask about the tension between him and Taehyung but, it just seems wrong to interfere.

"Y/N? Hello? Earth to Y/N." Jimin waves his spoon in my face and I quickly snapped out of thoughts.

"Huh?" I hiccuped.

"I said, where are you and Jungkook going later?" He asks as he puts another spoonful of soup in his mouth.

"Oh. We were planning on getting some food and talk." I replied.

I got off the chair and brought the bowl over to the sink. I grabbed the faucet and turned it on. The waster hit the bowl as I struggled to hold onto it as I swiped the sponge across it.

"Here, I'll clean up. Go pack your stuff and get ready." Jimin says as he grabs my waist. He gave me a warm smile and I smiled back.

"Thanks baby." I planted a kiss on his cheek and then I went back to my room and packed up my bag.

-Taehyung's pov-

I needed some way, any way, to move on from her. What could it possible be?! Just as I was hitting my own head, frustrated, I get a phone call.

I picked it up and responded harshly, "who is it?" I breathed.

"Taehyung ah." The woman's voice comes through the line.

"Do I know you?" I asked raising a brow.

"It's me, Jaein."

-back to your POV-

Jimin linked hands with mine as we walked down the streets to his car. We walked past our local cafe, whom we know the manager, Manager Kim because his daughter is our classmate.

"Morning Mr.Kim." Jimin and I bowed as we stopped in front of the cafe. Mr.Kim was sweeping the leaves from the front entrance making sure none of his customers would have troubles getting in.

"Oh morning! Why isn't today's a lovely day? I see you two have gotten close with each other." Mr.Kim lets out a hearty chuckle as he takes notice of our linked hands.

"She's one of a kind, sir." Jimin smiles as he looks over at me.

"Why I've never seen you look at someone as if honey is just melting from your eyes in years." Mr.Kim jokes.

"She's my everything." Jimin said.

"Well you kids hurry to class now. Jennie told me there's an exam today. Wouldn't want to be late." He says waving goodbye to us.

"Bye Mr.Kim." We bowed at him before taking our leave.

We reached the car and immediately rushed me to class. I kissed Jimin goodbye and he wished me luck. I dashed into the building and up to my classroom. I ran in and the professor smiles at me before handing the test over. I sat down by the door and calmed myself done before taking the exam.

—— two hours later ——

I handed my test in and the professor smiles at me once again.

"See you next week." He says.

"Thank you for your hard work." I bowed before leaving.

The pushed the door open and then closed it again quietly since there were still some students taking the test. I wouldn't want to distract them.

"Hey Y/N!" A tall figure slaps my back lightly making me jump. I turned around to see none other than bunny boy himself.

"Don't scare me!!" I shouted as I brought my hands to my back.

"Miss me?" He laughs.

"Not even one bit." I gave him a disgusted face and he acts offended. I laughed after as we walked from the classroom door.

"I know you did. Let's go eat now. I'm so hungry. I haven't ate since yesterday afternoon at home. They didn't let us eat anything at the audition cause it will effect our weight balance whatever that meant." Jungkook said as we walked down the hallway, towards the elevator.

"How'd the audition go? " I asked.

"It was okay. We did our thing and the fat PD nim just marked checks on his clipboard. The choreographer looked so cool though as he showed us what's expected of us if we do get in. I want to be able to dance as cooly as he did." Jungkook smiled.

"That's great to hear you've enjoyed your time! I wish I was there to see it myself to be honest. I still never got to see you guys dance!" I pouted.

The elevator door slides open and we stepped into a crowded elevator. The door closes and I felt dizzy, being so close with everyone else in the small elevator. There was about seven people in here which was a bit claustrophobic to me. I was pushed against this woman who had her head buried in a study book. She immediately moves over a bit and I bowed my head, saying sorry.

Finally, the door opens again allowing Jungkook and I to step out of that cramped space. We walked out of the building and to the streets.

"What do you have in mind for brunch?" He looks over at me with bunny teeth.

"Jungkook. Seriously. I know you have those two bunny resemblance teeth but you don't have to shine them around every chance you get." I giggled.

"I love my bunny teeth!" Jungkook laughs as he makes a weird face.

"I'm not that hungry I don't mind. You choose." I said.

"Let's go to my favorite cafe." Jungkook smiles pouting around the corner.

I nodded and followed him as we walked down the crowded street. As we walked, I thought about Jimin. Is he doing well right now? Should I text him? Most of all, should I tell Jungkook about Jimin and I?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, unable to bear another second without texting Jimin.

Me: babyyyyyyy

Jimin: Hey 👋🏻 hows your hang out?

Me: I miss you... we are walking to the cafe right now.

Jimin: aww I miss you too babe. I'm with YoonGi hyung right now in his room.

Me: that's cool! By the way, should I tell Jungkook about us?

Jimin: I mean why not. They're gonna know anyways. Taehyung already knows.

Me: that's true. Well okay, I just wanted to get your approval before I make any decisions.

Jimin: well have fun babe

Me: I'll call you when we leave.

Jimin: xoxo

Jungkook opens the door of the cafe the boys took me the first day they met me but I was too happy thinking about Jimin to even notice he had stopped walking.

"Yo! Y/N!" He shouts but me being the obliviously little shit I am, continued to walk with my hands on my face creating a flower pot under my chin, giggling to myself.

Jungkook sighs to himself, shaking his head judging me. He lets go of the door and catches up to me, pulling me by the arm.

"Ow!" I yelled. Goddman it. He interrupted my little day dream.

"We're at the cafe. What's wrong with you today? You're so out of it." Jungkook furrows his brows together and yanks me towards the cafe.

We stepped in and then sat by the window, greeted by a waiter. He passed us two menus as he chants the special he is told to say everyday.

"Today's specials are the caramel macchiato in season, blueberry shortcake parfait and the layered vanilla cake covered in powdered sugar. Any drinks first for this lovely couple we have today?" He smiled.

Jungkook chokes on his spit and holds his throat, clearing his throat several times. I immediately make an X with my arms across my face.

"We are NOT a couple!" Jungkook choked.

The waiter laughed and he apologized. "Siblings?" He cock his head over as he stood comfortably looking down at our red faces.

"We're just friends." I said as I put my hands down slowly back to my laps. "I have a boyfriend already."

The waiter looks shocked and Jungkook chokes even more.

"Well call me over when you're ready to order. The name is Mark Tuan." The boy smiled at me. I slowly nodded and waved him bye.

Jungkook looks at me with his widened eyes and gaped mouth. He blinks a few times and I waved my hand over his face.

"Boyfriend? Who?" Jungkook finally uses his words.

I started getting happy again. I rubbed my hands together and shyly looked up at Jungkook.

"It's Jimin." I whispered.

Jungkook pounces out of his chair, standing up making a ruckus. The chair hit the fake plant behind him and caused the table to shake. Everyone looked over at us, whispering. The workers looked at us, nearly dropping their stuff.

"YOU ARE DATING JIMIN HYUNG?!" Jungkook yells as he points his finger at me.

I shushed him and motioned him to sit back down. I was getting so embarrassed from all the looks. Since Jungkook performed in the streets, a good amount of people knew his face. This cafe was directed to the younger generations, whom were also the internet freaks nowadays. So it was no surprise they started staring at us weirdly.

"Great! Thanks to you I feel like digging a hole and burying myself in it now." I whispered angrily.

"Tell me! How? Where? When? WHY????" Jungkook splutters.

"Calm down first! I will tell you everything just please, calm down!" I gruffly said.

Jungkook licks his dry lips and waits for me to explain myself. He taps his fingers on the table looking at me with anticipation.

"It was yesterday when we made it official." I started slowly.

"HA! So it was a date! And you said you two were just 'hanging out'!" Jungkook quotes with his fingers as he laughs.

And again, everyone stared at us. As if they had stopped before.

"Sit back down!!" I yanked Jungkook's arm and looked furious by now. "Get up and make a scene one more time you won't be able to reproduce." I pointed at him.

His hands went to his crotch and squeezed his thighs together tightly. "Ow." He squeaks as his eyes grew bigger and lips drooping down to a frown.

I waved Mark to come and I just plainly said, "two of that macchiato and the layered cake."'Mark nods and then walks off.

"How'd it happen?" Jungkook asks.

"Well we were on our way back and we kind of.... okay don't you dare get up when I tell you or scream. We kissed and I remembered everything. Well... most of it at least regarding Jimin. And at first, I didn't agree to be his girlfriend yet because I was making sure with other things against myself. But last night things happened and he made me food, we hugged and then yea..........." I ended with a derp face with my lips pursed together in a line.

"I'm sorry but....... so he made you food that's why you agreed to be his girlfriend?" Jungkook asks.

I thought about his question for a bit and immediately said, "no! I like him.... like.. uhh..... just... don't ask so much Jeon Jungkook!"

Jungkook laughs and he says, "the food is coming!" As he pointed over to Mark, holding a tray of food and drinks.

"Here's the food. Hope you enjoy" He smiles at us before walking away.

Jungkook and I dug in without another word. I started to feel like this was very awkward now. Jungkook picks up the drink and takes the last sip of it before saying, "let's go." I nodded and finished up my drink before standing alongside with him to pay at the counter.

"It's my treat." Jungkook smiles.

"No it's fine I'll treat you. You had an audition last night." I smiled as I pushed his hand back from the cashier.

"Take this as a congrats to you and Jimin." Jungkook argues as he shoves my hand back.

"Jeon Jungkook. I said I'll pay." I said getting annoyed now. I yanked his shoulder and pulled him away from the counter.

"Yes it will be a total of $15.48" the lady with a mask covering her nose and lips, replies to me.

I was close to hand her a $20 bill but Jungkook pushes me back by yanking my hair.

"Jungkook!" I yelled.

The lady behind the counter accepts his cash and I blew some air on my hair to get rid of it off my face.

I walked over to him and smacked his back very hard. Jungkook winced and turned around to me sticking his tongue out. I pushed his head back by pushing his forehead with a finger. The lady behind the counter and other customers started to laugh at us once again.

"You two make a very wonderful couple." The lady smiles at us.

"WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!" Jungkook and I yelled in unison.

"She's dating my hyung!" Jungkook explained.

The lady continues to laugh as she hands Jungkook the change.

-author pov-

The lady watches as Jungkook and Y/N walk out the door, bickering. They fought to open the door even, making Jungkook lose his balance and stepping really fast as he tries to push Y/N out of the way. Even when they made it out the door, they pushed and nudged one another, grabbing on each other's arms.

"Gosh they're so cute together!" A girl chuckles to her friends as she takes another scoop of the ice cream.

"Isn't that a member of BTS?" Her friend asks.

"Yea. I think his name was Jimin or Jungkook? I don't know. They're both equally as hot." Their other friend laughed.

The lady behind the counter smiled to herself as she listens to all the talk. She walks from the counter and washes her hand before drying it on her pants. She carefully takes off the mask and takes a deep breath.

"Hey, Jaein can you help me serve the back table?" Baekhyun says as he walks past her, rapidly running to the storage room.

"Sure, babe." Jaein replies.

Originally I wasn't going add Jaein in this chapter but I figured the chapter would be too boring!
So here she is hahahahahhaaha
Gosh I'm excited to write the next chapter.
I hope you enjoy this chapter and vote!
Comment, don't be a silent reader!
If you enjoy the content please share this book to your friends and send lots of love.
Without any further messages, I will now go and write the next chapter.

Edited Chapter:

February 11,2018

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