Away From Home (One Direction...

By Niall_makes_us_Smile

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When Bianca gets on the wrong plane, she finds herself in London, and rooming with a psychotic, obsessed One... More

Away From Home (One Direction Fanfiction)
Chapter 2 It's Liam's Way or the Highway
Chapter 3 I Do Not Appreciate That Type of Language
Chapter 4 Holy Bromance!
Chapter 5 It Smells Like Heaven
Chapter 6 She Slobbered On Me
Chapter 7 Louis Those Are My Cookies
Chapter 8 You're So Beautiful When You Eat Oatmeal
Chapter 9 He Shall Be My Squishy
Chapter 11 Revenge Is Sweet
Chapter 12 Don't Get In His Van Even If He Has Candy
Chapter 13 Mommy Pet Bianca
Chapter 14 Boom Shaka Laka
Chapter 15 I Like Your Pants
Chapter 16 We Killed Him
Chapter 17 I Am Your Candy Girl
Chapter 18 We Need Some Chicken Wings On The Fly
Chapter 19 I Could Sell This On eBay
Chapter 20 Have Some Decency
Chapter 21 He's My Woman Friend
Chapter 22 Be Gone Witch
Chapter 23 For Narnia and for Aslan
Chapter 24 What the Fudge
Chapter 25 Touchy-Feely
Chapter 26 BATMAN
Chapter 27 My Precious
Chapter 28 The End

Chapter 10 Kick Some Arse

2.8K 42 6
By Niall_makes_us_Smile

Chapter 10

The boys continued on with their Finding Nemo quotes for another hour, until they eventually got tired. The puppy was already snoozing on a blanket we had put in a chair.

"I'm going to bed now!" Harry announced.

"What are the sleeping arrangements?" I asked.

"We will all sleep in our bunks and you can sleep on this very comfortable couch." Louis told me. I nodded and sat on the couch while Liam went to get me a pillow and blanket.

"Tomorrow we can check into a hotel or something so we won't have to all be crammed on this tour bus anymore." Zayn said and he patted me on the head and then went off to his bunk.

"Goodnight Bianca!" Niall told me cheerfully.

"Night boys." I said and Liam came back with my pillow and blanket.

We finished saying our goodnights and went to bed.

In the morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast and saw that Harry was standing at the stove cooking eggs. The other boys were lazing around watching, except for Liam, who was playing with the puppy on the floor.

"Did you guys decide what to name the dog?" I asked.

They nodded and Harry grinned cheekily. "Squishy!" he yelled.

"You're naming your dog Squishy?" I asked. I wasn't really sure if I should be happy about the name because it was cute or if I should worry because they wanted to name a dog Squishy.

"Yes!" Louis yelled.

"Why?" I asked.

Niall walked over to the puppy and scooped him up. He then poked the puppy's belly and said, "Because he is squishy, so he will be mine, and he will be my Squishy."

"You already used that quote." I pointed out.

"Who cares? His name shall be Squishy!" Zayn yelled. "Now let's go check into a hotel room. It's starting to get really cramped on this bus."

They all agreed and after they finished breakfast they grabbed their suitcases. Luckily, I hadn't unpacked at all so it wouldn't take another hour and a half before we left.

We headed towards the car and got in. Louis drove us to a nearby hotel.

"Hopefully they allow dogs." Liam said.

When we got to the hotel I was surprised to find that there weren't any screaming teenage girls standing outside. I guess they didn't know we were coming. It also could've had to do with the fact that everyone was in school. Anyways, the manager of the hotel was more than happy to let us in, including Squishy.

We used the elevator to get to our rooms. We had gotten conjoined rooms because they didn't have enough beds in one room for six people.

When we got to our rooms we went in and threw our suitcases on the floor and plopped on the beds.

"What do you guys want to do now?" I asked.

"Swim!" Louis yelled.

There were cheers around the room, except for Zayn. I didn't know if he ever got over his fear of water.

"Let's go get changed!" Liam yelled.

"I was planning on going skinny dipping." Harry complained.

"No!" I yelled at him. "Absolutely not!"

He laughed and went to get his swim trunks. I pulled my tankini out of my suitcase and laid it on top. I needed to wash up before I changed.

When I came back out of the bathroom I heard the sound of ripping fabric and looked down to see Squishy tearing my swimsuit to shreds.

"Bad Squishy! No!" I yelled. He looked up at me and then lifted his leg over my tattered tankini. "No!" I yelled, but it was too late.

I lifted up my swimsuit that was now soaked with puppy pee. There was a huge hole over the part where it covers the chest and the bottoms were in two different pieces.

I heard a laugh behind me. "Squishy ate your swimsuit." Niall said.

"It's not funny, Niall. Now I can't swim."

Louis walked in then. "Sure you can, we'll just run by the store and grab you a new one."

"Yeah, Bianca. It'll only take a few minutes." Liam added as he walked through the door.

"Fine. Let's go." I threw my tattered tankini on the floor and put a leash on Squishy. I then handed the leash to Zayn.

We piled into the car and drove for a little while. They stopped outside a store that I was familiar with because they had them in America.

"No, we can't shop here, all they have is-"

"It'll be fine! Come on!" Harry said and they walked into the store, leaving me without a choice but to follow them.

When we got inside they went straight to the racks filled with skimpy swimsuits. That was mainly the only thing they had at this store. I walked over to the less revealing clothes and started to look through them.

"Hey, how about this one?" Harry called and held up a bikini. If you could even call it that.

The top was basically two yellow colored triangles attached by strings and the bottoms were made of one tiny triangle of fabric that I assumed was the front and the rest was string.

"Harold Edward Styles!" I said and flicked his curls. "You pervert!"

He gave me a cheeky grin and shrugged, saying, "It was worth a try." the other boys laughed.

"Put the butt floss back on the rack and look for something that actually covers things."

"You mean things like jubblies?" he asked tauntingly.The boys died laughing behind him.

"No one in America even knows what a jubbly is!"

"Oh, okay then. Would you prefer me to use the term BOOBS?"

"Harry! What is wrong with you?" I yelled at him. I smacked him again and went back to looking. Niall called me over to a rack as held up a green two-piece. Across the bum it said "kiss me I'm Irish" and the top had four leaf clovers on it.

"I'm not Irish, Niall."

"I was talking about for me." he said and held it up to his chest. He struck a pose that was probably supposed to be sexy. Which, in case you were wondering, it was. But that's because it was Niall Horan.

I looked at him for a second and then just walked away.

I finally found a nice blue swimsuit that had a skirt for a bottom and covered up my stomach. Harry glared at it while I went to the desk to buy it. I have strange feeling that someone is going to feed my new swimsuit to Squishy.

Once back at the hotel I changed quickly and we headed down to the hotel's indoor pool.

"The manager said that nobody should come down here, so we can swim in private." Louis informed us.

They all whooped and ran over to the side of the pool. I tried to stop myself from drooling at the sight of all of them shirtless, and then joined them.

"Okay guys, on the count of three we all jump in." Zayn said. "One. Two. Three!" nobody moved but me, because I was stupid enough to fall for the trick they had played on Niall once. I saw the video on YouTube.

When I resurfaced they were all laughing their very nice butts off. "You guys are so mean!" I yelled.

"You're the one who actually fell for it!" Niall yelled.

I scowled at them and made my way towards the ladder at the side of the pool. I climbed out and headed for the boys.

"You are so going to pay for that!" I told them.

"It was Louis's idea!" They yelled. I looked at Louis, who gave me a weak smile.

"Funny stuff. Anyways, I should probably be going-" he was cut off because I jumped on his back and he fell into the pool.

"Not funny!" he yelled at me. The boys on the side laughed.

"Don't laugh too hard, I'm going to get you all." I said and pointed to each of them.

They laughed and rolled their eyes. "Let's play volleyball!" Louis yelled. They all cheered.

"Liam, Niall, and Bianca on a team and Harry, Zayn, and I on the other team." Louis announced.

We grouped together in our teams on separate ends of the pool. "Alright guys, what is our team name?" I asked.

"How about Niall Makes Us Smile, because he's cute and cheeky and when you look at him you just want to pinch his cheeks." Liam suggested.

"Alright, perfect. What's the game plan?" I asked.

"Kick some arse." Niall said in a dead serious voice. We put our hands in a circle and said "One, two, three, team!" and broke apart. The other team finished up and we all got ready to play.

"Okay, first to twenty-one points wins. What are the team names?" Zayn said.

"Niall Makes Us Smile." we said.

"Harry's Curls Get The Girls." Louis said.

"Alright, let's do it boys!" Zayn yelled and served the beach ball onto our side of the pool.

Twenty minutes later, the score was tied 14-14 and no matter how much Harry's Curls Get The Girls hated to admit it, Niall Makes Us Smile was totally going to win.

"Out of bounds!" Louis screamed.

"That was totally in!" I yelled back.

"No way! That was way out!" Harry yelled.

"It was in!" Niall screamed from behind me.

"Who cares? We're going to win anyway! Zayn yelled.

"No, you aren't!" I yelled back.

"Then accept that your serve just totally went out of bounds!" Louis yelled.

"Whatever! Let's do something else." Liam said. He let out a girly shriek when I jumped on his back.

"You are my pony! Giddyup!" Liam tried to get me off but I wrapped my legs around him and held on for dear life. He spun around trying to grab me and got ahold of my leg. Somehow he pried me off and then gave me to Zayn.

"Please don't hurt me!" I cried into his shoulder. I think he was about to dunk me but the fake tears stopped him. What a sucker.

"It's ok Bianca, I wasn't going to hurt you. You're perfectly safe." He patted me on the back and I looked at Liam who had his mouth hanging open in disbelief. When Zayn wasn't looking I grinned at Liam and winked. Boys are so gullible.


Hi guys! So, this was another semi joint chapter. Thanks so much for reading! The video on the side is just a cute video of Harry and Louis on the X Factor. Why are they so adorable? Keep the change, ya filthy animal. Haha :) and also, the dedication is to HannahAndRebecca because they are cool and helped us pick out the name of Squishy. So make sure you check out their story The Stripes The Curls And the Girl ~R

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