Who Are You Really? || p.j.m...

By bangtanboke

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An ordinary girl who gets into a car accident wakes up to a new world of moving houses and loneliness. Until... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 -END

Chapter 21

219 10 36
By bangtanboke

"What do you mean you love her?" My voice shook.

Taehyung stares down at the floor, completely still and silent.

"Answer me you rascal! What do you mean?! What the hell do you mean you love Y/N?!" I yelled. I held his collar into my fists, bringing his body closer on mine.

"I'm sorry Jimin. I really am." Taehyung whispers.

I couldn't help myself. I couldn't control myself anymore. I swung my arm on his face, knocking his head. He falls on the floor grasping his injured head as he stays silent.

"Why Taehyung? Why?" I cried. I brought my hand to my temples and massages them. "She's mine." I said before I left his room.

I stomped my way down to the kitchen where Y/N was waiting patiently for me.

"What took so long?" She cheerfully asks.

"Oh he's not feeling well." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh no. Is he okay?" She gets up and tries to past by me to Taehyung's room.

I quickly grabbed her arm and yanked her back. She looked at me with widened eyes and she even looked scared.

"He just needs some rest." I said.

"Okay." She says quietly as she goes back to her seat.

"Eat up while it's still hot Y/N." I smiled at her as I sat down across from her.

"It smells good." She giggles. I watched as she picks up the spoon in her little hands and took sips of the soup. Her eyes glistened and she smiles, enjoying the soup very much.

The door to the house opens with a click, Y/N and I looked over immediately to see YoonGi hyung with a pizza pie in his hands.

"Home so early." I said, turning my head back around to drink my soup.

"I was the first one to go. I'll be in my room if you need me." he says sighing.

"Rest well." Y/N smiled at him.

How could she be so oblivious to her own actions? They can cause misunderstandings!

After eating, Y/N asked me to go to her room. I don't know why but a bit of me in nervous but excited at the same time.

-back to your POV-

I got into my room, alone and quickly raided my closet. I don't know why but since I'm Jimin's girlfriend, I want to look presentable 100% of the time when I see him. I pushed the button to lock my door when I found something cute and comfortable.

I smiled to myself and unlocked the door. I decided to let Jimin come in when he wanted instead of me telling him what to do. Five minutes passed and he still hasn't knocked. What am I suppose to do? Call for him? But won't that make me seem a bit controlling?

Then a knock interrupts my train of thoughts. I smiled brightly and said, "come in!"

Jimin's head popped in through the door and looks over at me. He closes the door after he gets in and makes his way to my bed.

"Oh. You changed?" He asked eyeing me down.

"I got some soup on the other one before." I lied as I scratched the back of my head.

Jimin laughs and nods. "Why'd you want me to come in?" He asks.

"I just want to be alone with you. You make me happy." I whispered.

"What's that? I couldn't hear." Jimin leans his ear in at me.

"I said....... you make me happy." I mumbled.

"Louder please." Jimin teases. I knew he heard me because his ear is legit right next to my mouth.

"Yah!" I yelled. I pouted and he instantly threw his arms around me, pulling into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry baby for teasing but you're just so cute." He giggles.

I don't know how. But we ended up cuddling together on my bed. His warm breath hits my face as I looked up to him.

"Jimin, I'm going out with Jungkook tomorrow after class." I told him.

"Why?" He looks at me, shocked.

"He asked me to. Plus I promised him to hang out with him." I replied.

Jimin looks unhappy that I'm going out with Jungkook, surprisingly. I thought he had no problem with me hanging out with the other boys. I started to get nervous and was wondering if I should have even told him.

"Okay. But I'm taking you to class." Jimin finally says.

"yay! Thanks babe!" I smiled as I grabbed his face in for a kiss on the cheek.

"B-babe?" He stuttered. I giggled at his reaction and kissed him again.

"What am I going to do with you ,Y/N. My heart is aching because of you." He holds on his chest and pretended to feel pain.

"You're going to love me." I replied as I smiled.

"Well I already loved you for ten years. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon gorgeous." Jimin cuddles up closer to me and kisses me.

Everything was so right. In fact, it was perfect. But it also made me think, will it be like this forever?

The next morning, I woke up and saw Jimin on my bed. Huh.. did we fall asleep last night like this? Man, I only had soup last night and now my stomach is growling like crazy. I poked at Jimin's cheek lightly to see if he woke up yet or not but he didn't respond. I got out of bed and tucked Jimin in just in case he gets cold. I smiled at myself and I walked out of my room.

I yawned as I made my way upstairs to the bathroom. I had like two hours to eat rest for class, which I'm not prepared for because I have not studied at all for my exam today. I turned the knob to the bathroom and pushed the door open.


My eyes shot open to see Taehyung half naked, with a towel wrapped around his waist. My face immediately flushed red and I screamed.

"GET OUT Y/N!!!!!" He yelled with embarrassment.

I quickly grabbed the door and clumsily closed the door as I tripped myself. I fell on the floor and I held onto my chest, breathing heavily with a tomato face.

I slowly hear the bathroom door open and I refused to look up at him. I'm sure he doesn't want to see me after that either.

"Y-Y/N.." Taehyung says.

"I saw nothing I swear!!!" I yelled immediately.

"No it's my fault I should've locked the door... I just didn't expect anyone to wake up so early." He said letting out an awkward laugh.

He held his hand out to help me up and I grabbed onto him. Once I was up, I wanted to run into the bathroom.

"Oh yea. Jimin said you weren't feeling last night. How are you now?" I asked out of curiosity.

Taehyung looked confused but then he said, "oh yea. I'm okay. Hey, where's Jimin?"

"He's still sleeping in my room." I replied before I shut the door.

-Taehyung's pov-

Shit. Good job Kim Taehyung. There's another hole in your heart now because you asked about Jimin. Gosh, I wish he hadn't come back so early. Why did he come so early in the first place?! The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to punch something.

Y/N shuts the door and I quickly turned away, heading back to my room.

Maybe... it's just best to lose these feelings does Y/N. She seems happy with Jimin. I mean, all I ever am to her was her best friend, then and now. Nothing has changed. It's enough, I'm done putting myself through this pain. I just need to move on.

I ruffled my wet hair with my towel and threw it down on my bed. I opened the door and went down to the kitchen. I flung open the fridge and as I scooped the yogurt out of the carton onto the bowl, I looked up at Y/N's room. I can't believe Jimin is in there right now, sleeping on her bed. I shook my head.

No Taehyung, no. You need to move on! She found someone already. Just stop.

I put the yogurt carton back into the fridge and took some strawberries and blueberries out. I put some flax and chia seeds in there just to be a little healthier. I grabbed the bowl and head to the living room couch. I plopped down and ate my breakfast slowly.

-your POV-

I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I smiled to myself knowing Jimin and I are in good terms. I opened the door and slowly walked down the hall. I stopped in front of Jimin's room. A bit of me really want to peep in to find some more memories of us but I should trust him, shouldn't I? Plus he would tell me if there were anything important or if I were to ask. I shook my head and slowly walked down the stairs.

I see Taehyung eating his breakfast and immediately I wanted some too.

"What are you eating?" I asked as I walked down the stairs.

"Just some yogurt." He replies with his spoon in his mouth.

"Is there anything else to eat?" I asked as I skipped to the kitchen.

"There's that leftover soup." Taehyung says.

I immediately found the soup and heated it up. I loved the fact that Jimin made it for me. I walked out to the living room as the pot of soup heats up on low heat in the kitchen.

"I'm going to go change, watch the pot for me?" I asked Taehyung. He shoots an 'okay' sign with his hands and grinned.

I walked back to my room and opened the door slowly to see Jimin was still asleep. I should probably wake him up since he wants to take me to class today. But he looks so adorable when he's asleep. I grinned and decided to wake him up after I finish changing. I open the closet door and chose out my outfit for the day.

As I bent over to put on my shoes, I hear "Babe it's too early in the morning to give me a nice view of your ass." Jimin's morning low growling voice echoes through my ears.

I got up and turned around to see Jimin rubbing his eyes like a little child. "Good morning." I smiled to him. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to him. He wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my shoulder, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"Come on, wake up you big baby." I chuckled, pushing his head off lightly.

"I need my good morning kiss." He pouts.

"Oh my god, Jimin. Get up." I laughed.

He puckers his lips, waiting for a morning kiss. I lightly giggled and then I grabbed his cheeks pulling him in for a kiss. He smiles right after and he gets up from bed.

"It's been years since I last had your morning kisses babe." He says as he pulls his shirt over his head.

I quickly covered my eyes and yelled, "Jimin what are you doing?!"

"I need to change so I can take you to your class." He says.

"You don't have any clothes here! Go back to your room to change! You didn't have to take it off here!" I yelled. I was afraid because I've never been so intimate with a boy alone in a room.

"Yeah but don't you want a view of this?" He laughs.

I didn't dare to move. My legs clamped shut, my eyes were closed with hands over my face.

"Oh come on darling. I'll stop playing with you. I put it on you can look now." He reassured me as he pulls my hands off my face.

But when I opened my eyes, it was the clear view of his bare body.

"Park Jimin!!!!!!" I yelled. He laughs and he carries me up, wrapping my legs around his torso. He carries me and pins me against the door.

"I love you Y/N." He says.

"I know you do." I teased as I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"You're the most beautiful woman alive." He says.

"That's an overstatement." I rolled my eyes but was still smiling.

"To me you are. I won't ever leave you or ever think about hurting you Y/N." Jimin plants a kiss on my forehead.

"You wouldn't dare to." I laughed.

"I'm trying to be romantic!" He whines.

"Awww don't worry. You are." I smiled and I pinched his cheeks.

He lets me down and linked our hands together. He opened the door and we walked out into the kitchen.

"You want me to pour you some soup from last night?" I asked.

"Sure. Thanks babe." Jimin smiles.

Taehyung walks into the kitchen with his empty bowl. He washes it in the sink and I giggled at Jimin's flirty words.

"Hurry up and go put a shirt on." I laughed.

"Okay. I'll be down in a bit. Don't miss me too much." Jimin winks and I blushed.

I grabbed two bowls from the cabinet and pour the soup in. Taehyung was drying the bowl before putting it into the rack.

"Shit!" I yelled.

"What's wrong?!" Taehyung exclaims. "Holy fuck!"

As I was pouring the soup, the handle came loose and the soup burned my left hand. A burning sensation grows on the back of my hand on the area from my pointer finger to the side of my hand.

Taehyung holds onto my wrist and immediately dashed to get an first aid kit. I held onto my arm as I winced in pain.

"Hurry up, Taehyung!!!! I can see my flesh!" I unleashed the inner beast and yelled.

Taehyung jumps down the stairs and quickly helps me treat the wound.

"That hurts!!!" I yelled. Taehyung was dabbing sterilize alcohol on my hand with a cotton ball gently but the pain was too hard to endure.

"I'm sorry but it's going to hurt a bit. It's going to sting for a while. I'm going to help you bandage it up." Taehyung says as he unrolls the white bandages onto my hand.

Jimin came down and saw Taehyung and I, standing super close.

"What's going on?" Jimin asks sternly.

"She burned her hand trying to pour that stupid soup for you." Taehyung replies without even giving Jimin a single glance.

"Move out of the way!" Jimin yells as he pushes Taehyung off to the side. He looks down at my bandaged hand and looked up to my eyes. He held my shoulders and asked me, "are you okay?"

"Thanks to Taehyung I'm fine. Don't push Taehyung like that! He helped me afterall." I said as I walked over to Taehyung helping him up from the floor.

The wound was burning as I held onto Taehyung's hand, allowing him support. I winced but I didn't make it obvious that I was hurting deeply. Taehyung stood up and he looked over at Jimin.

"I think it's about time you stop treating me like this, Jimin." Taehyung softly says cockily.

So basically I have this little diagram I drew so you can understand the layout for the house

Edited Chapter:

February 11,2018

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