Teen Wolf Texts

By JenaeHughes

95.9K 2.6K 1.8K

The Packs Texts/Group Chats Characters: Scott Stiles Allison Lydia Hayden Mason Liam Derek Theo Kira and Malia More

Group Chat
Group Chat
Group Chat
Group Chat
Group Chat.
Stiles and Kira private chat
Group Chat.
New Group Chat.
Group Chat
New Member Of The Group Chat
Derek and Stiles private chat
Sterek Group Chat.
Group Chat.
The Sterek Chat!
Chats Sterek.
Stiles and Kira's plans.
Stiles and Derek private chat
plan3 and plan4
The Ships Are About To Sail.
Derek's Text to Stiles.
Finding A Lost Hale.
Tears and Goodbyes.
A Stolen Life
A Silent Scream.
Fixing a broken pack.
Fixing a broken pack. (part two.)
Fixing a broken pack (part three)
Fixing a broken pack. (part four)
The group chat is back in business.
Pack Meeting.
The Real Story.
Secret Town.
New Members Of The Family.
A Missing Pack.
If You're Going Through Hell Keep Going.
A Sacrificed Light To Kill The Shadows.
A Tortured Mind.
The Demon Is Out Of The Bag.
Unknown Number.
The Wedding.
I do.
Drowning In Nightmares.
When Hell Freezes Over.
Sacrificed Heart For A Broken Soul.
What A Day To Get Married!

His Firey Fate.

503 18 4
By JenaeHughes

Derek's POV.

When does this end?? This pain of losing him. It feels like our lives are shattered in pieces. All floating around me like stars. And they're so close, but they just keep slipping my grasp. Like his life was doomed.

Dean lays him on the table. Sam is screaming his name. Allison is crying. Maila is sobbing. Scott is broken. Everyone is just...lost. And me?

I'm just searching. Searching for his breath. For the life in his eyes. Searching for any sign that he's still there.

But...Lydia is silent.

"Lydia?" I choke out in a raspy voice. "Lydia?" I ask again. The strawberry blonde doesn't respond. Not even batting an eye. "Lydia, hey. Let's get you home. You...you should all go home."

I stand up. Almost falling as my knees buckle. I walk over to Lydia as she just stares blankly at Stiles. "Lydia please." I beg. Asking her to at least look at me.

I grab her hand as it just sits limp in my own. Her skin is ice cold causing me to drop her hand. Only for it to fall onto her leg. Me and Scott share a look of concern. "Lydia??" Scott asks. Calling her name as though she were his last hope. "Lydia?? What's going on?! Talk to me!"

Allison stands up, walking over to her. She grabs her shoulders pushing me aside. "Lydia?! Lydia!!" You can hear the panic in her voice as she starts to yell louder and shake Lydia violently. "LYDIA!!!"



Lydia's POV.



"WAKE UP!!!"

My eyes open.

A bright flashing light blinds my eyes as I feel my skin burn of frost bite. A voice continues to echo in my mind. Telling me to wake up. To...come home.

I look around seeing only darkness. "L-Lydia?? Is t-hat you???" I look to where the voice is coming from to see Stiles. "Oh my god!! Stiles!!! Are you okay!?" I run over to him. He has chains around his wrists and his skin is torn to shreds. I unlock the chains when I hear a loud banging echo through the room. "L-Lydia! Go! G-Get out of here! N-Now!!" He yells. I turn around looking behind me when someone hits me, causing me to fall to the floor. "Lydia to the rescue!" The man laughs standing over me. "The prom queen who fell in love with the ADHD kid!" He smiled. I stood up laughing at him as I look him in the eye. "At least I got prom queen."

He looks me up and down. Shifting to his side. "Lydia! Get out of h-here!" Stiles yells before the man picks him up by his shirt throwing him into the wall knocking him unconscious. "Hush now Stiles. The adults are talking."

"How are you here?" He asks me. A curious smirk spreading across his lips. "How should I know?!" I ask with a certain anger in my eyes.

He walks over to me. Continuing to look me up and down before smiling a devilish smile. "Banshee." He whispers in a more exciting tone. "Could you kindly move away from me. Your breath is horrible!" I whisper back.

Stiles starts to wake up slowly. My eyes travel to his as I silently call out to him. The demon grabs my neck and starts squeezing. I can feel my lungs giving out on me. As my strength continues to fail me as I try to pull his hand away.

I whisper to Stiles for help. But when I turn to look, he's gone. "You're in love with him. Aren't you!? You love him. That's how you're here! How sad!" He yells. His voice echoing through the room. My eyebrows scrunch up into a knot as I try to figure out what he means. As I struggle to breathe, his voice echos one last time until suddenly I'm laying on the floor. I quickly grab my throat trying to find my breath. I look up and see Stiles and the demon on the floor holding his head. "Run!!" Stiles yells.


"WAKE UP!!!"

My eyes shoot open as I quickly stand to my feet looking around in a panic with fear in my eyes. "Lydia??!" I hear. I turn my head to where the voice came from when I see Allison looking at me with concern. Soon other faces come into view and I can see everyone standing around me.

"Lydia! What happened?!" Scott asks fear caught in his throat. I sit back down and breathe heavily. I hold my head trying to find my thoughts and words. "I...I need to go back." I whisper. My heart starts racing and I can feel the panic in my throat. "Lydia. Y-Your neck. It's...bruised." Allison stutters. Her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"I need to go back!! SEND ME BACK!!" I scream. As the words leave my mouth, the house starts to shake and pictures fall from the wall. Shattering on the floor. "Lydia...what are you talking about??" Derek asks. His eyes dim, like all of his hope burned out a long time ago. Leaving behind a shell of clear tears and bent eyelashes.

"I...I was there. I saw him. I can save him! I just need to get back!" Dean stands from his chair and walks over with determination in his eyes. "Are you sure you can save him?!" I nod my head yes. And he grabs my hand and pulls me outside. "Dean, where are we going?!" Sam asks. Dean gives Sam a look that's worth a thousand words. Sam simply nods, trusting his brother.


We reach a small buliding walking in to meet a short man with a black coat on. "Hello Dean." He says. He shifts his weight looking me up and down. "Crowley." Dean whisper. Nodding his head.

"So another prison break?? It's gonna be pretty hard to get this one out." Crowley grins causing Dean's eyebrows to tie themselves into a knot of confusion. "What do you mean??" Dean asks.

Crowley walks over to us, his hands behind his back and his lips beaming with amusement. "Your little friend..." He starts but is soon cut off by Dean stepping forward to correct him, "Brother." Crowley looks taken aback by Dean's statement. "So, Sammy..." He starts, once again getting cut off by Dean, "One, don't call him that, only I call him Sammy. Two, no. Long story."

Crowley nods, as his smile grows wider. "Well all of hell is on lockdown because of the new member of the family. So I highly doubt that your little angel is going to work again. And I'm not going to risk my own life for a boy I don't know. So I guess you're out of luck here, Dean." Dean nods. Turning around with his hand in mine. My eyes go wide as I see the man hit another dead end. I rip my hand from his. Anger taking over my features.

"If you think for one second that I'm leaving that easily then you're wrong. I don't care who or what you are! You are getting me into hell! End. Of. Story." Dean whispers for me to step away from him. As I stand toe to toe with Crowley. "Honey. Please. Save your breath. You can't scare me. I don't think you really know who you're dealing with." He whispers the last part in my ear. He laughs as though he scared me away and stands tall like he won.

When before he can step away from me. I dig my heel into his foot. "I don't think you understand who you're dealing with." I state in a threating tone. "I'm a demon sweetheart. Don't anger me." He says. My heart pounds in my chest. But not from fear. From anger. He turns and starts to walk away when I let out a scream.

The windows break and the buliding shakes. Crowley and Dean fall to the floor holding their ears. When I stop screaming. You can still hear it echo off the walls of the buliding. I walk over to Crowley who's still on his knees. I watch as he moves his hands from his ears revealing blood on his hands from his ears.

"AND I AM A BANCHEE! I WOULD SAY DON'T ANGER ME! BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE!!" I scream. My voice deep and almost...evil. I grab Crowley by the shirt and bring him to his feet. His eyes are full of fear as the blood drips from his ears. "I thought I couldn't scare you." I say. My voice still deep and demanding.

"So now that we've come to an understanding." I say, "I think it's time you summon some hell fire. And take me to my friend."



I had alot of fun writing this chapter 😂

The beginning was sad. But I thought Lydia needed some badass moments so she got to show some sass.

But will that be a good thing....or a bad thing....???

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!! gotta hop! Byee! :)

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