Money Can't Buy Happiness

Oleh PBBWriter

249K 7.2K 620

When Lumpy's granddaughter comes to town to help with the gym, and care for him in his old age, she'll find f... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 38

3K 111 8
Oleh PBBWriter

Katie arrived at Gemma's already annoyed. She'd been anxious about leaving Charlie and the evening with Happy at the clubhouse and the sudden change of plans was enough to almost set her off.

"Hey," Katie smiled at Jax as he welcomed her into her home. "What's up with the switch?"

"There's more baby stuff here for Charlotte," he explained, taking the baby from Katie, "And less for Abel to get into while she's busy with the little ones."

Katie nodded, the reasons were solidly valid, and followed him into the kitchen. "How was the run? I didn't expect you to be here."

"I had to come by," he sighed.

Seeing Tara in the laundry room, blood stained clothing in her hands, Katie understood much better. "Everyone okay?"

Jax smiled, hearing the concern in her voice, and nodded. "We are," he said with knowing look. "I gotta run, I'll see you at the clubhouse." Passing the baby back to Katie, he kissed both of them on the cheek before saying goodbye to Tara and the boys.

"Sorry," Tara forced a smile. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Katie said awkwardly. "Gemma gonna be here soon?"

"Should be," Tara said dismissively. "Don't worry, you can go on ahead if you want."

"No, I'm good," Katie sat at the table.

"You know, since Charlotte is my step-daughter, I could get her into the daycare at Saint Thomas, it's a really great program." Tara spoke as she fiddled around the kitchen but stole hidden glances at Katie every so often.

Hesitating, hoping to find a way to decline without sounding rude, Katie slowly shook her head to buy a few extra seconds. "Uh, no, thank you. I have a great nanny and my hours are kind of...odd, so the nanny really works out well for us."

Tara looked at Katie with a surprised expression. "A nanny, pricy," she laughed. "We had one when Abel was a baby but socialization is so good for them."

"She's a baby," Katie laughed, "She doesn't socialize. At all. Besides, I'm not really a fan of daycare for Charlotte while she's so young. I don't feel comfortable with it, which is why I found the nanny, she's been vetted, she's trustworthy and we really like her."

"Daycare isn't bad," Tara said defensively. "Thomas may be young but he likes it there."

"He tells you this?" Katie said with a snarky attitude. "Tara, I'm sure it's great," she said quickly before the conversation went sour. "I just don't think it'll work for me and Charlie."

"Did you talk to Jax about it?" She said, trying to drop her anger. "Did he meet the nanny, does he like her?"

Katie's back went up, annoyed by Tara's questions and how hard she was working to insert herself, via Jax, into the situation. "I didn't talk to Jax and he hasn't actually met her but he knows the setup and he hasn't said anything."

"Oh," she sighed, "You said we, I just assumed..."

"We as in me and Alec," Katie said. "He knows her former employer, she used to work for one of the partners there before his kids started middle school."

"What's the deal with that?" Turning to face Katie again, Tara looked at her with a smirk. "He's older but he's a handsome guy."

"A friend," Katie said forcefully. "Before I came back here it was going toward one of those platonic life partner situations but now with Happy warming up to the idea of whatever this is I'm not sure where he and I will end up. He'll be in California for another few months, at least while they prep for this big case."

Her brows furrowed, "Wait. You're actually thinking of going back to D.C. when it's all said and done?"

"Oh," Katie shrugged. "I don't know really. So much has changed since I first came back and, I just," Gemma hollered from the doorway. "Guess Gem is here," Katie laughed.

"Perfect timing," Tara grumbled. "We're in the kitchen," she called out.

"All my grandchildren," Gemma said with a smile. "Even the surprise," she said as she looked at Katie. "You'll be by in the morning?"

"Oh, no, I doubt it," Katie chuckled. "I don't like spending that much time away from her. I'll be back tonight."

"Just wait until Hap gets his hands on you," Gemma laughed. "Either way, she's welcome as long as you need."

Katie felt her stomach begin to churn. "I don't know, I might just pop in for a bit. I'm not sure I'm feeling the whole party thing."

"Don't trust me?" Gemma asked, scooping the baby out of Katie's arms without asking. "She's my granddaughter, I'll protect her with my life."

"Yeah," Katie forced a smile. "I know."

"Come on," Tara said, suddenly cheerful. "We should head out."

"Oh I can drive," Katie said, grabbing her phone from the table.

"The lot will be packed," Gemma said as Katie kissed Charlotte goodbye. "You should double up."

"But if I want to leave," Katie said quickly.

"Have Happy bring you back," Tara shrugged.

"Besides, I blocked you in," Gemma explained.

Katie couldn't help but feel they were ganging up on her but she didn't push it. Nodding, she followed Tara out of the house wishing she could just grab her daughter and leave but Katie had to put in the effort with Happy even if it stung.

Gemma was right, as usual. The lot was filled with cars and a large crowd of people when they arrived but it wasn't hard for them to spot Happy and Jax.

"Oh," Tara huffed, "Someone invited Mac."

"Huh?" Katie's head whipped around in the direction Tara was looking. "Who would do that?"

"Probably a crow eater," Tara said with disgust. "They all stick together until they go after the same guy."

As much as Katie hated the cattiness she couldn't help the overwhelming urge to get in Mac's face. Instead, without another word to Tara, she confidently made her way toward Happy.

"Hey," she beamed. "How was the run?"

"Fine," he said as he hooked his arm around her. "You good?" His eyes looked deeply into hers, he could see she was unsettled.

"Just anxious about leaving Charlie," she shrugged.

Happy chuckled and nodded, gesturing to the prospect for a beer. "I know how Gem is but don't worry, the kid is gonna be fine."

"Yeah," she forced a laugh. "I know. It's all just new for me."

"It's all good," he said as he nuzzled his face in her hair. "I promise." His grip on her tightened and she felt calmer in his arms.

"You're being weird," she laughed. "Trying to win me over?"

Happy's raspy chuckle was so deep she could practically feel it against her skull. "I'm just...feeling good."

"Happy is...happy?" Katie laughed. "Sorry."

"I am," he said with a smile. "Ya know, here and now, I am."

There was no question as to what that meant. Things weren't magically perfect, not by a long shot, but it was a start.

"I am too," she kissed his cheek. "It's good to hear it. I saw Mac here and got nervous."

"Ah shit," he hissed. "She's here?"

"She is," Katie rolled her eyes. "Has anything happened with her since the big fight?"

"Our fight or the one I had with her?" He was only half kidding.

"After she saw us outside the clubhouse," Katie explained. "So, technically after both fights."

Happy shook his head, a silent lie. "I just avoided her and she got the hint."

"Scummy," Katie chastised.

"She's a crow eater," he said defensively. "I wouldn't do that to you."

"Better fucking not, it's cruel even if she is just a crow eater though, Hap."

He shrugged. "Want me to apologize?"

"Not necessary," Katie said quickly.

"She shouldn't be here," Happy suddenly seemed much darker as Mac entered the clubhouse. "I'm gonna get her out."

"Hap," Katie grabbed him as he moved in Mac's direction. "Don't. Please."

He looked at her and nodded, "Fine."

"Thank you," she smiled sweetly. "Let's dance."

"Dance?" He laughed. "I don't dance."

Katie rolled her eyes and tugged him away from the bar toward the old arcade games in the back of the clubhouse. It took some time but eventually he moved with her to the beat of the music, more grinding than dancing.

One person who didn't seem in the party mood was Tara. She watched Katie and Happy with a mixture of jealousy and disgust.

"You used to dance like that," Jax said as he snuck up behind her.

Tara jumped and turned, surprise still on her face, and laughed. "Back in high school."

"I remember," he said quietly into her ear. "You alright with her being here?"

"Of course," she flashed him a smile. "Why?"

"Why?" Jax was growing a bit more serious. "You know why, Tara."

She was visibly annoyed. "Because of what happened? Because of her being forcibly injected into our family?"

"Jesus," he growled. "You're gonna stand there and say that shit like I chose any of this?"

"No," she said, reeling herself back in. "I'm sorry. I have no problem with Charlotte, Jax, I just have to get used to Kate, I guess. It's like I'm sharing you."

"She doesn't even come around," Jax was annoyed. "This isn't easy for anybody."

Tara nodded, her arms crossed over her chest. "I guess if she goes back to D.C. it'll sort itself out."

Jax drew his head back. "She said she's still thinking about going back?"

"She doesn't know," Tara grumbled. "This is why you have to nail down visitation and support now, Jax. What are you going to do if she up and leaves?"

Shaking his head Jax could feel himself start to worry over Katie's next moves. He could see her going back east if things soured between her and Happy, that was really the only reason, and thanks to Tara, it now worried him.

When Tara turned her back Jax disappeared and made his way over to Kate and Happy. "Mind if I borrow her?" He asked Happy with a sense of urgency.

"What happened?" Katie asked eagerly. "Is Charlotte okay?"

Jax smiled at her, "She's fine, really. I didn't mean to scare you."

"What's going on?" Happy asked, pushing himself into the conversation.

"It's fine, he can hear," Katie said to Jax. "What's up?"

"Are you going back to D.C.?" Jax asked point blank.

Katie looked at him, blinking once then twice, and had no idea how to answer his question. "I...I don't know. I haven't thought much about that far in the further, Jax."

"You can't take her away," Jax's face told them both exactly how heartbroken he was over the idea. "I know it was an option before but they know," he gestured to Happy. "We don't have to hide shit anymore."

"Jax," she sighed, "I don't think this is a great time to talk about it."

"Hap, you mind?" Jax asked, rather forcefully, as he pointed off toward the bar. "Just five minutes."

Katie pouted and kissed his cheek, "It's okay, just give us a minute." When he left he shot Jax a dark look but dutifully did as Katie asked. "Where did this come from?"

"Tara said you weren't sure," he explained.

"Jax," Katie grabbed his shoulders, "I'm not going to take Charlotte away from you and I wouldn't make any decisions like that without discussing it with you first. Even if I went back it wouldn't be for good, you'll see our daughter. I promise."

"Alright," he huffed. "We had a fight with Wendy about Abel and I-"

"You've been drinking and you've been letting other people get in your pretty golden head."

Jax smirked, "Yeah." Straightening his cut he tried to play off the random rush of emotions. He kissed her cheek. "Thanks, Kate."

"Yep," she winked at him. "It's all good."

As he made his retreat Katie made eye contact with Tara across the clubhouse and her suspicions were ignited. It felt wrong and after choosing her words so carefully to avoid that exact situation there was no chance there wasn't some manipulation.

"This is some bullshit," she grumbled. Turning to find Happy she instantly saw him, clearly angry, and Mac by the collection of mugshots. "How much fucking drama is gonna start tonight," she complained on her way toward them. "Problem?"

"Yeah," Mac said angrily, "There is."

"Okay," Katie exaggerated both syllables. "What is it?"

"It's nothing," Happy snapped.

"Then let's go," she grabbed his hand. "I'm sick of the goddamn drama already."

"Are you together?" Mac asked Katie. "I'm looking for an answer and he won't give me one."

"We're hanging out," Katie shrugged. "Take that however you like."

"I gave you so much," she said to Happy. "You couldn't even give me the truth." Mac sneered at them before storming off.

"Jesus Christ," Katie laughed ruefully. "Tonight's been nothing but bullshit. Now I remember why I was contemplating NOT moving back here full time."

"Don't say that shit," Happy snapped.

"It's true! Tara has some fucking plan to get rid of me or force me back east or some shit and now your ex is stirring shit because you couldn't just be clear."

"That's not the problem with Mac," Happy corrected her. "And what the fuck you talkin' 'bout with Tara?"

"I don't know," Katie huffed. "I don't fucking know. I'm just looking for a fucking home and some friends and some goddamn happiness."

"I'm sorry," he said as gently as he could. "I know this shit is fucked."

"Yeah, it is," Katie agreed. "You gonna give me the full story with her?"

"I was a dick," he shrugged. "Blew her off, didn't tell her shit, kept her just close enough to bring back if you bolted."

Katie rolled her eyes. "Typical. Gotta have a quick way to get your dick wet, huh?"

"No," he said defensively. "Since you I don't like bein' alone, Kate. I hate it. Shit eats at me."

She pouted, "I'm sorry. I know the feeling though, after what happened being by myself was painful. Guess that's why I latched into Alec."

"Unlatch," He said as he hugged her. "Cause I'm not going anywhere."

"Me neither." It was a split second decision she'd made and announced without a thought. "Let's just keep the drama to a minimum."

Happy ran his tongue along his bottom lip before kissing her hungrily. "We gotta get you outta that hotel, then."

"Slow down," she chided. "Baby steps, Hap."

Pressing her against the wall, he kissed her again. "Let's get out of here."

"Hap," she whimpered as he began sucking on her clavicle. When his teeth bit playfully into her shoulder she moaned and slipped her hand into his pants. "I missed you."

Pulling her hand from his jeans he yanked her down the hall and into their makeshift gym area. With intense eyes locked onto hers Happy dropped his pants and ordered her onto the weight bench.

"Yes sir," she giggled as she laid back. He immediately tugged her boots, then her jeans, off and tossed them onto the ground. He was rough as he flipped her onto her stomach but she didn't mind.

"I love you," he reminded her as he lifted her hips. "Christ I fucking missed your pussy."

"Just fuck me," she ordered him breathlessly. "It's been too fucking long."

No one noticed when they returned to the party, no one noticed they ever left, but Katie was suddenly on Cloud 9 and that was noticed.

"So you're staying?" Hap asked as he handed her a beer and a shot.

"I am," she beamed.

"Good girl," he winked. "My girl," he added with a bit of possessiveness.

"I should tell tell Jax," she downed the shot and slammed the glass back onto the bar. "He'll be so relieved."

Happy huffed and nodded and Katie made her way over to where he and Tara were standing. "You look more relaxed," Jax noted.

"I am," she laughed, "I'm also staying. For good for sure."

Jax instantly hugged her, a joyful laugh leaving him as he did, and the two shared a moment of celebration. Before their shared trauma and having to navigate co-parenting they were friends and both were happy to have that friendship along with everything else.

As happy as Jax was, Tara was furious. She'd hoped she could push Katie back east, erasing her from their lives, but it backfired. She had to change her plans and fast.

"I'll help ya find a place," Jax promised. "Somewhere close to me and Hap."

"Sounds good," Katie smiled. "We'll talk soon," she said quickly, "Now it's time to celebrate though."

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