Summer Fling

Por kitty_ross

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If you are pursueing a job as a camp counselor, there is a list of things Paris Kennedy would advise you not... Más

Summer Fling
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 24

67 3 5
Por kitty_ross

"Shh!" Paris giggled and held up one finger to her lips as she softly closed the door to the eigth grade girls's dorm room. Ariel, who was standing across the hall, closing the door to the seventh grade girls's room, rolled her eyes.

"Why are you so bubbly?" Ariel snapped. "We haven't slept in seventeen hours!"

"Why are you so grouchy?" Paris snapped with a smile. Ariel glared and shrugged and both girls crept down the hallway and out the door. Jackie was waiting for them outside and all three girls dashed across the lawn and towards the mess hall.

The boys, as well as Kali and Tiffani, were waiting on them. Louis was standing in the middle of the group, wearing a plastic crown, a long red cape made out of an old curtain, and a smug grin on his face. "Welcome, ladies! It's nice of you to join us!"

Paris grinned and walked over to Liam, who was happy to see her. He grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers. Harry moved over to Ariel and wrapped his arms around her, planting a kiss on her cheek. Jackie wedged her way in between Jake and Niall and grabbed Niall's hand. Niall smiled at her.

"Okay, look you freaks" Louis began talking again. "Tonight, we are playing a big game of hide and go seek."

"Who put you in charge?" Jackie yelled out.

"Shush!" Louis commanded. "Don't question the queen." Tiffani and Paris giggled, while Ariel rolled her eyes. "Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely inturrupted," he glared at Jackie, "We are playing hide and go seek. You can hide anywhere in this building and outside this building. No hiding in the dorm rooms because we don't need the little brats waking up. And no hiding near the cabins because we don't need the boss people waking up."

"Louis? For real, why are you dressed like that?" Jackie asked.

"Will you shut up woman!" Louis exclaimed. "That is the second time you have interrupted me and if you do it again I will have no choice but to cut off your head!" Everyone stared at him. "If you must know, I am the current reigning King of Hide and Go Seek. Your goal is to beat moi! So, back to what I was saying, you can hide in here, or right outside of this building. Liam is it."

"What?" Liam exclaimed. "Why am I it?"

"Because the powers that be revealed it to me in a dream" Louis snapped sarcastically.

Liam frowned and turned towards Paris. She giggled and patted his cheek. He furrowed his brow, causing her to laugh. She let go of his hand and went to join the rest of the group, who was gathering away from him.

"Liam!" Louis scolded. "Close your eyes and count to," Louis hesitated. "Two hundred!"

"What? That's such a large num-"

"It has been spoken! Let it be done!" Louis snapped.

Liam glared at him before covering his eyes with his hands and counting. "One....Two...Three..."

The rest of the group scattered. It took Liam quite a while to count to two hundred, and there were occacions when he forgot what number he was on, so he picked a random one and counted from there. By the time he reached two hundred and uncovered his eyes, the mess hall seemed diserted. 

He groaned and stalked towards the kitchen, knowing exactly where to find the first two hiders: Jackie and Niall. He went into the kitchen and walked over to one of the large walk-in freezers. He forced the door open and heard Jackie giggleing.

The automatic light came on and revealed Jackie and Niall, both wrapped in blankets, eating straight out of large tubs of ice cream. Niall took the spoon out of his mouth, but didn't swallow.

"You diden see any hing" the irish madn mumbled, trying to keep ice cream in his mouth.

"Guys!" Liam snapped. "Alice was saving these for the end of camp dance!" he scolded.

Jackie reached behind her and pulled out another tub of ice cream. She pushed it towards Liam. "You want some?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration, closing the door on them. He could hear their laughter from outside the door. He sighed again and looked around the kitchen, searching for anything out of place.

When he couldn't find any signs of someone else hiding there, he headed towards the back door, knowing some of the group had hidden outside. He had heard giggles and the door slam while he was counting. As he walked past the large trash cans by the door, he noticed one of the can's lid wasn't closed all the way, and appeared to be kept open by something inside the can. He knew that there wasn't any trash in the can because he had personally emptied the cans after lunch and everyone had eaten dinner at the campout.

He approached the can with caution and grabbed the lid. He tore it off. Jake was wedged into the trash can and peered awkwardly up at Liam from his cozy spot in the can. "Hi" he grinned.

Liam raised an eyebrow at him. "Come on, get out" Liam prodded.

Jake wiggled, causing the can to rock back and forth, but didn't move. "Um, I think I'm stuck."

Liam's eyes widened when he realized that Jake could not escape the trash can. "How does that even happen?" he asked Jake, grabbing the sides of the can and holding it in place.

Jake wiggled some more, but didn't have any success. "Well, simple, I climbed in and squeezed myself in here, then Paris put the lid on."

"Paris?" Liam asked.

"Yeah," Jake groaned, forcing himself up. "She and Kali are hiding around here somewhere." All of a sudden, the can tipped and fell over with Jake still stuck inside. "Ow!"

Liam eyed the can as it rolled with Jake. He leaned ontop of the can and caused the sides to expand slightly. "Try crawling out now" Liam suggested.

Jake wiggled and finally pushed himself free. He stood up and brushed himself off. "Remind me not to do that again."

"Which way did Paris and Kali go?" Liam changed the subject.

Jake looked around and then shrugged. "But the thing you should know is, Kali's spot is going to be super creative and Paris can squeeze into small spaces."

Liam looked towards the kitchen's back door and realized that it was at the end of a small hallway created by the pantry on one side and the laundry room on the other. He walked towards the pantry; Jake followed him. 

Liam forced open the door and turned on the light. The pantry looked untouched. But as the light flipped on he could of sworn he heard something scrape across the floor. He scanned the room with his eyes and growled when he couldn't find anyone. And then Jake pointed towards the cleaning supplies. 

Someone's shoes were poking out, underneath a tarp on the ground. Liam ripped the tarp up and found Zayn huddled in the corner. Liam laughed. "Gotcha!"

Zayn shrugged and stood up. "Louis was behind the door" Zayn admitted. Jake, who was still in the doorway, peeked behind the door and then looked back at the other two boys and shook his head. Liam groaned and stalked out, openeing the door of the laudry room to search there.

"There's no place to hide here!" Liam groaned.

"Dude!" Jake scolded. "There are four big machines right there and you don't think someone could have crawled inside one?"

Liam felt stupid as he reached forward and opened a washer. Nothing. He moved onto the next one and opened it. Kali frowned as she stood up inside the washer.

"Nice" Zayn nodded as she hopped back onto the floor.

"Where's Paris?" Liam asked.

"Why would I tell you? The point of the game is not to get caught" Kali reminded him. Liam ignored her and opened a dryer. No one was in there. He groaned. 

Kali and Jake stood against the wall in the corner watching him. "Who said she even hid with me?" Kali asked, almost as if she was trying to distract him.

"Jake did" Liam informed.

"Hey!" Jake held up his hands in defense. "I said they were originally together. I never said they stayed together. I wouldn't know that. I was stuck in a trash can, remember?"

Liam rolled his eyes and walked out. Zayn and Jake followed closely behind him. Kali lingered behind a little longer. 

Liam walked outside and looked around, unsire of where to start. Knowing Louis and Harry, they might of cheated and disobeyed the rules and hid beyond the boundries. Liam shook it off and began walking around the perimeter of the building when he stopped and listened.

"Shh!" he heard. "We're going to get caught!" This was definatly one of the girls.

"You shush!" another voice spoke. "We'll be fine! Just move over a little!" This was definatly Mitch. Liam looked around and couldn't see anything. 

"Mitch stop! You're going to get hurt!" the girl stated again. Liam was sure it was Tiffani.

"Hey, we can make it back to the mess hall before anyone notices and win!" Mitch whispered back. "Come on! We'll be fine!"

"I am not getting clser to the edge!" Tiffani argued. Liam was slightly confused.

"It's perfectly safe, see?" Mitch whispered.

"Mitch, I-" Tiffani squealed and there was a rustle in some bushes. "Mitch!" Tiffani called out in a normal voice.

"I'm good!" Mitch called back, sounding slightly distressed. 

Liam raced around the side of the building and found Mitch laying in some bushes. "Found you!" Liam called. Mitch looked over and grinned. 

"Hey Tiff!" Mitch called. "I think we can forget about being ninjas."

Tiffani squeaked again. Liam looked up and saw Tiffani standing on the edge of the roof. "How did you get up there?" Liam asked.

"There's a latter on the other side" Mitch informed. He reached up and Liam took his hand to help him up. "Hey Tiff! Jump! Between me and Liam, someone will catch you."

"You're nuts!" Tiffani called back.

"Yeah, he is" Liam stated. "You two can consider yourselves found and I'll go look for someone else." He stalked off and went back inside. As he came back in the kitchen's back door, he ran into someone.

"Crap!" Paris cursed and took off running. Liam chased her out into the mess hall and grabbed her around the waist. She squealed.

"Caught ya" Liam whispered in her ear.

She grinned and her cheeks reddened. "Okay" she wiggled out of his grasp. 

"Eh! You'll have plenty of time to hit on her later when you've found everyone else!" Louis called out. The couple blushed and looked over at him. Tiffani and Mitch were standing beside Louis, smirking at Paris and Liam. Kali, Jake, and Zayn were on the other side of Louis, eyeing the couple. Jackie and Niall were oblivious to everything going on.

"Wait a second," Liam stopped. "Louis? What are you doing here? I haven't found you yet!"

Louis rolled his eyes. "Excuse me, but part of the game is trying to get to base without being caught. I've obviously won, making me still the King of Hide and Go Seek" Louis replied in a "duh" tone.

"Where were you hiding anyway?" Liam asked.

Louis began laughing. "Oh man! You are really blind. I was literally hiding under some chairs in here when you stopped counting!"

Liam frowned and turned to Paris. "Where were you hiding?" Kali and Jake sniggered.

"In the second dryer" Paris admitted.

"What?" Liam asked.

"There are two washers and two dryers" Paris reminded him. "You didn't check the last dryer and after you left the room Kali and Jake locked me in the last one until it was safe to come out. But when I finally did make a break for it, you came back inside."

"Oh" Liam stated.

"Um, I hate to stop you from feeling foolish," Mitch lied, "but you've still got two more people to find."

Liam glared at him as Paris bit her lip to keep from giggleing. "Here" she grabbed Liam's hand and led him to the supply closet.

"What's in here?" Liam asked.

Paris rolled her eyes. "Everyone knows Ariel and Harry hid in here. I honestly don't know why you didn't check here first."

Liam sighed in frustration and opened the door. "Bah-nah-nah-AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Ariel screamed.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Liam responded, startled, and slammed the door.

Paris looked at him with wide eyes. By now, everyone was crowded around the supply closet door. "What just happened?" Jackie asked.

"I don't know" Liam replied.

Mitch reached for the door knob and pulled the door open again. Ariel and Harry were standing there; Harry was holding an inflatable banana that had a sombrero on top of it,and Ariel was holding up her phone. Everyone stared at each other in disbelief.

"What is going on?" Tiffani asked.

Ariel laughed nervously. "We were making banana vines" she squeaked.

Jackie snorted. Niall stared with one eyebrow raised. Tiffani face palmed herself. Mitch chuckled lightly because he was amused. Kali turned away. Jake laughed, slightly entertained by the situation. Zayn furrowed his eyebrows. Paris bit her lip and shook her head and Liam just stared. Louis spoke. 

"What do you think you are doing?" the King of Hide and Go Seek snapped. He marched forward and grabbed the inflatable cartoon banana out of Harry's hand. Harry's face turned disappointed. "Dishonor!" Louis yelled, smacking Harry with the banana. "Dishonor on you, Dishonor on your family, Disnhonor on your cow!" With each phrase he smacked Harry.

"Okay Mushu!" Paris intervened and took away the giant banana. "Go back to running your kingdom of hide and go seek."

Louis huffed and crossed his arms. "Who was the first one found?" he snapped.

"Jackie and Niall" Liam answered.

Louis looked at the two named. "Then they are both it. New rule: No hiding with another person, and no being stupid!" he eyed Harry.

"You can't just make up new rules!" Ariel whined.

"OH YEAH?" Louis yelled. Ariel's eyes widened. "I am the KIng of Hide and Go seek! I can do whatever the flip I want to! Go hide banana girl!"

Everyone else stared. Ariel didn't move. She stared Louis right in the eyes and snatched his crown from on top of his head. She placed it on her own head. She smirked at him and began to walk off, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him with her.

She stopped and turned around to look at Louis, who was flabbergasted. "I'm a princess, and you can take that to the bank!"

And then, she and Harry left.

Authors note: Done. Ok. Now, what do you think?

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