The DragonBender

By LianaPrincess

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A fanficton based off of Avatar the last airbender a couple of years after the war ends. This story is about... More

Chapter 1: My Necklace
Chapter 2: A Different World
Chapter 3: The Boarding School In The Fire Nation
Chapter 5: The First Two Days Of School
Chapter 6: Ancient Secrets Revealed?!
Chapter 7: My Past With The Sun Warriors
Chapter 8: The Truth About Yue
Chapter 9: Birthday Surprises
Chapte 10: Secrets within the Temple
Chapter 11: Azula's Return
Chapter 12: Am I A Prisoner?
Chapter 13: The Truth Behind The Prophecy
Chapter 14: Her Dragon Unleashed

Chapter 4: Firebending Test and a Celebration

5.4K 178 13
By LianaPrincess

Chapter 4:

Firebending Test and a Celebration

The next morning I woke up to the sounds of a busy city and a lot of cheering for Zuko. I can’t believe that in one generation the people’s fear of the Royal family could be completely broken.  There’s only one thing that I can’t stand about this era, the fact that people still believe that Aang’s the last Airbender if the war is over why are all the children I saved still in hiding? Is there still an unknown threat to the Airbenders out there? I can’t wait to start school and learn about what’s happened in the past 95 years.

I decided to get a start on the day since Zuko had asked me to meet up with him as soon as I could today. Knowing that I didn’t have much time to get to the Palace and still have time to make my bending exam I used my airbending to get dressed. I also left Furuka’s necklace on my dresser having it with me today would be too painful.  A knock sounded on my door as I finished preparing.

“Ms. Sia sorry to bother you so early in the morning, but because the festival is today your exam has been moved to now. Master Iroh is waiting to evaluate you,” a servant of the school informed me.

“Alright please take me to him,” I said my royal upbringing sneaking into my tone.

“Yes my lady, please follow me,” he replied bowing. I still have the effect of commanding respect from those around me I guess even if they don’t know that I’m a Princess.

After our exchange we walked in silence with the servant acting as though I was a visiting dignitary from another country. The grounds around the school were breathtakingly beautiful and there was barely any smog from factories. Everywhere I looked there were families with young children all smiling and having fun. Is this the effect of what Aang and Zuko have accomplished together in the span of a few short years?

“We are here my lady,” the man said bowing once again before he opened the door of what I assumed was a fire proof training facility.

“Welcome Sia. I am General Iroh also the schools firebending tester. I have taught many people firebending so I know all of the different levels. Not many people are as skilled as me,” Iroh greeted me. It’s hard to believe that the five year old cousin of mine who struggled when I tried to teach him firebending was now a master.

“A pleasure to see you again Iroh,” I smiled although he probably just thought I was talking about the teashop.

“Well then let’s get started. Hit me with all you got,” he smiled kindly at me well gesturing for me to attack.

Most firebenders would attack right away, but as I had taught Iroh when he was an impatient child you need to pay attention to your surroundings, so instead of attacking right away I took in the lay of the room. The ceiling beams were low enough for a normal person skilled in acrobats to reach, the walls were unmeltable, meaning the room could scorch as alive if we weren’t careful, but most of all right below Iroh’s feet was a metal grate.

Without him noticing what I was doing I stared at his feet and raised heat from the ground scorching the bottoms of his feet making him jump into the air and throw a ball of fire at me. I retaliated by making a small fire whirlwind and siphoning his fire up turning it around to go back at him. I then heated up my flames until they were multicolored and drew lightning from the electricity in the air firing it at Iroh through my flames, so that he’d dodge the fames without having enough time to dodge the lightning. As I suspected he dodged the flames with ease and the lightning struck him, but to my surprise he absorbed it and shot it back at me. I barely had enough time to jump above to the ceiling raptors.

“You’re a very talented bender. You remind me of my first teacher,” he complimented me smiling.

“Thank you Master Iroh. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a meeting with your stubborn nephew,” I said waving goodbye.

Leaving quickly I had to fight with myself not to fly into the air with joy. Now that people in this time period have seen me use Firebending I cannot afford to show my other skills. Unless if it’s a matter of life or death I must only practice my other bending at night. Luckily for me unlike Aang I’m not connected to the spirit word, or I’d be taken there without warning which would be impossible to explain to other people. Also I still need to learn how it’s possible for me to do what I do, before I’m found out and cause a global crisis.

“Sia over here,” I heard Zuko call. He was completely dressed in the Fire-Lord’s outfit and looked regal in it although his scar was made more visible.

“Hey Zuko, so what exactly does this celebration entail. Last night we didn’t really talk about it?” I asked smiling at him.

“Well it’s really just an excuse for the three nations to gather together and celebrate the end of the war and Aang saving us all from my father’s tyranny. It also helps us repair the damage done between the Nations, and hopefully prevent another Nations complete annihilation,” Zuko informed me.

“So what’s my part in all of this?” I asked generally confused.

“Well you’re new to the town and what better way for you to get to know people then the Fire-Lord himself introducing you?” he replied smiling.

“Thank you Zuko this really means a lot to me coming from you.”

“Zuko,” I heard someone shout from the crowd and watched in amazement as everyone moved to the side letting them pass.

The group was lead by a boy my age with dark hair and wearing a clock around him, beside him was a girl in a Water Tribe outfit with long brown hair, followed by a girl with clear eyes who seemed to be seeing without seeing, in the rear were Sokka and the Kioshi Warrior. Judging by the reactions of the people and Sokka being among the group this had to be Aang, Katara, Toph, and the Kioshi Warrior must be Suki. Looking into the eyes of my twin brother for the first time I noticed how alike we looked and from the weird glances I received from the crowd they probably noticed as well. Seeing Aang I felt troubled and would have ran away if it wasn’t for the fact that I would raise too many suspicions by doing so.

“Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, and Suki I’m so glad to see you again,” Zuko said his face breaking out into a humongous smile.

“The pleasure is ours Master Fire-Lord please don’t burn my alive,” Sokka said shielding away from him in terror well the others laughed.

“No matter how old you get Sokka you haven’t changed a bit,” Zuko replied laughing.

“So who’s the pretty girl beside you Zuko? Are you finally going to forget about May’s death?” Katara asked curiously with a hint of sadness in her tone.

“This is Sia she’s a Firebender from outside the capitol. She arrived the day before yesterday and took the Elvia School’s Boarding Exam. She also brought a surprise with her Aang that I’m sure Appa will enjoy,” he answered.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all, and thanks for your help the other day Sokka,” I replied diplomatically.

“Sia, that sure is a unique ornament on your cloak. Where did you get it?” Katara asked fingering a necklace on her throat.

“An old friend gave it to me although he died a long time ago. Your betrothal necklace is pretty when you approached us I thought that you were in a relationship with the Avatar,” I told her in reply.

“No you were right this necklace belonged to my mother,” Katara answered sadly.

“Oh well why don’t I show you the surprise Zuko was talking about well he greets his visitors?” I asked hoping to change the mood.

They just nodded their heads in agreement and Aang used a bison whistle to cal Appa to him. Seeing Appa made me realize what Cata would mean to him, he could finally have a mate of his own. I smiled to myself as Aang grew confused as to why I was leading them to the old Sky Bison pen, well the others remained oblivious to what was about to happen. I softly opened the door and laughed as Cata, Kyro, and Mika all barreled into me and smothered me with kisses.

“Aang, Appa I’d like you to meet my Sky Bisons. The big one is Cata and the little ones are Mika and Kyro,” I said to his shell shocked face.

They all remained silent and Appa landed on the ground. As soon as he did Cata went over to him and began to nuzzle him. Looking closer to Appa I recognized him as a Sky Bison that Cata use to play with before Monk Gyatso gave her to me. It’s lucky they can’t talk or I’d be in big trouble.

“How did they get here?” Aang asked in awe.

“I can’t tell you that because the story is quite long, and I believe that Appa would like some time alone with his new found friends,” I said avoiding his question.

We all left after that and spent the rest of the time celebrating with Zuko. I cried when I heard the tale retold about how the work of these friends ended a war that my uncle had started. Everything was going perfectly until Iroh showed up on the stage with a roll of parchment. I didn’t think anything of it at first until he unraveled it revealing a faded picture of myself dressed as the Princess of the Fire Nation. I had thought that I burned all of them my only consolation was that the picture was too old and crumpled for anyone to connect me to it.

“Friends, family, benders, and non-benders of the three Nations. You’re probably wondering why I am showing this picture to you all. This picture is of my older cousin Siria 95 years ago the girl who should have inherited the throne. Thanks to Zuko the war ended, but if my uncle hadn’t orchestrated his own daughter’s disappearance the war would have never lasted. I ask if anyone has any information on her to please let me know,” he said sadly before leaving the podium.

I guess that’s what everyone thinks happened to me, but I can’t go up there claiming to be Siria. I’d have to reveal my abilities and at the moment that is the most dangerous thing I can do. For the time being I should remain inconspicuous and try not to reveal who I truly am. I’m sorry Iroh, but this is for your own good.

The rest of the night I listened to more stories about their adventures and learned how Aang became trapped in the ice. I also learned of Azula, Zuko's sister, and how she had gone crazy after becoming the Fire-Lord. The hardest thing of all was to hear Aang talk about his old friends like they were dead, the Air Nomads, and Monk Gyatso as if it was his fault they died.

That night I cried myself to sleep wishing I could tell Aang the truth right now, even though I know that it will hurt him. Before I do that though I have to learn everything that has happened since I teleported to this time period. Then after I earned all I need to know, and earn some money for travelling I'm going to find the hidden temple I created maybe even find out why I have these abilities. From tomorrow onwards I have to do my best to finish what I started.

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