Welcome to Riverdale (Reggie...

By queenrihbih

145K 3.4K 960

"You know, you had me at a point where I would've left the entire world behind for you." Reggie shook his hea... More



3.7K 91 20
By queenrihbih

"Dear Diary,

The storm has begun.

Yours Truly,

Riverdale. The only town that was filled with chaos right after one had finished. It seemed like it was in every page, in the imaginary book of Riverdale, where each paragraph had a different story, a different affair.

And when Roselle thought about the serpent that she had given love to a couple of days back while wrapped around the arms of a man who loved her, she realised she was the new paragraph. This part of the story of the horrors of Riverdale that was dedicated solely to her.

The events of last night flashed back to her; burying Archie, watching the supposed black hood get killed and the revealing of who could possibly be her unknown sister. Oh yes, this was Roselle's paragraph, and it was longer than any other ones that had been written.

"Good morning Rose." Reggie spoke, making the images of Sweet Pea's body above her vanish and the feeling of guilt consume her. "What're you thinkin' about?"

Roselle bit her bottom lip as she leaned on the arm of Reggie's. It was true, she might have regretted sleeping with Sweet Pea as it slightly complicated things more. But she couldn't help but feel like she wanted a repeat of those burning moments.

"Just about Monica really." Roselle lied smoothly. Reggie nodded, putting his other arm around her to get more comfortable. The bracelet around Roselle's wrist caught his attention, making Reggie smile to himself that Roselle was wearing his bracelet he gave her for Christmas.

"Don't worry, we'll solve this mystery like we've tried to solve the black hood mystery." Reggie promised, closing his eyes to take in the feeling of being wrapped around Roselle's body. That pure moment of bliss that he didn't want to take for granted like last time.

Roselle's thoughts jumped to the black hood, wondering if a small time janitor was indeed a big time murderer. But it didn't add up. It didn't feel right, and Roselle had this feeling like they were wrong and because of that, a man's life was lost.

"I haven't told anyone but I don't think it was him." Roselle begun, making Reggie slightly open his eyes to look at Roselle better. "When he forced me to bury Archie, I lost it. Because he made me to all this stuff and-and I was done with it so I started yelling at him about the things he did to me. But when I brought it up, it looked like he didn't know anything. And then he gave me this look."

"What look?" Reggie asked, eyebrows furrowed. Roselle sighed, removing Reggie's arms away from her to sit up from the bed. Reggie did the same, slightly disappointed she had let go but more angry that the black hood may still be out there.

"Betty, Archie, Moose, Ms Grundie." Roselle begun, moving her hair back as a picture of Svenson's face made her blood turn cold and lips feel chapped. "What ever they went through, I'm gonna feel a whole lot worse. And he wants me to run."

"Wait- worse than being dead?" Reggie asked, tilting his head to the side. "What's worse than being dead?"

Roselle looked at him, a glimmer of pain in her eyes that if someone wasn't paying attention like Reggie was, they'd miss it. The Parker girl bit her bottom lip, looking at the ground before looking directly into Reggie's eyes.

"Watching your loved ones die is worse than being dead."

That was last week, after the school janitor turned out to be a serial killer.
But, we were putting him away along with our Christmas decorations and we go back to school, days after the that fatal night that was forgotten by every Riverdale civilian except Riverdale's most elite students.

"Good morning my fellow Riverdalians!" Roselle announced as she walked into the student lounge in a a long black coat, her thigh high boots clicking with every step she took. Everyone raised an eyebrow, looking at the female that stood in front of them. "Yes, I am still alive bitches!"

Roselle walked over and sat in between Kevin and Betty with a smile on her face. "I'm thinking of buying a shirt that says 'I survived Riverdale'. Thoughts?" Roselle turned to Kevin, looking at him for input.

"Riverdale sounds too sweet. But if you put Black Hood and gangsters, it makes you sound like Natasha Romanoff." Kevin replied back making Roselle smirk.

"I am Natasha, aren't I?" Roselle sighed, looking into the distance which made Betty roll her eyes. Kevin laughed, shaking his head at raven haired lady.

"What made you happy this morning? A certain perssson?" Kevin wiggled his eyebrows as he put emphasis on the 's' to mimic the sound of a certain reptile. Roselle opened her mouth, ready to object before she was interrupted by a demanding voice.

"Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking. E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately, Southside High School is shut down." Principal Weatherbee spike, making everyone in the lounge gasp, including Roselle. "And its students will be transferred to other schools in the district, - including this one."

"Oh, my God." Kevin spoke out, as everyone in the room's face begun to pale for their loathing of the serpents. Well, everyone except Roselle. Roselle didn't mind them at all.

"Okay guys lets not over react."

"I believe the statement we're releasing will address your concerns and theirs. You should be receiving it shortly.
I'm sure you have many questions. But it goes without saying, we are welcoming these students with open minds, hearts and arms when they receive their course schedules or locker assignments. Thank you. That is all." Mr Weatherbee finished.

"Wait, what does that- what does that mean?" Archie asked, looking at his friends. Betty looked down at her lap, realising that the one person that had managed to steal her heart was coming back.

"It means Jughead's coming back." Kevin realised, looking at Betty who tried to seem like she was happy, but Roselle could tell it was very forced. "Betty, are you ready for that?"

"Of course." Betty nodded, giving Archie a quick glance before looking back at everyone. "We're fine."

"But why is this happening now?" Roselle asked, scrunching her eyebrows in confusion. "Usually there's a notice before a school shuts down, well at least in Melbourne there was. I'm pretty sure telling people on the day their school has been shut down is illegal in Australia."

"Who knows. It's probably some bizarre, Byzantine town ordinance we couldn't possibly understand." Veronica told everyone, clapping her hands together. "And in the meantime, let's receive these exiles as if they were our own flesh and blood."

Roselle's fingers clicked against the keyboard as she typed away. She was searching, searching for the answers she needed in order to sleep properly at night. And when answers she already knew came up, she let out a large sigh.

She then closed her eyes, frustrated that a certain muscular teenager breathed so closely near her neck, looking over her shoulders like some lost puppy. "Did you find anything?"

"No Reg, everything is just a dead end." Roselle mumbled before putting her whole hand on Reggie's face to push him away jokingly. "Not even the cousins of quiet mercy know anything."

"You mean sisters of quiet mercy?" Reggie asked, letting out a sloppy smile as he returned to his previous position on Roselle's neck. Roselle rolled her eyes but allowed him to stay on her neck no matter how much it caused her neck to ache.

"It doesn't matter what the name is, what matters is that nothing comes up when I search up Monica, only that she was born in Riverdale on the day of my birthday." Roselle muttered, closing the tab.

"Those are some pretty expensive shoes." Reggie mumbled as a page revealed itself on Roselle's laptops of Steve Madden boots, 'crushing'. Roselle shut her laptop, brushing her hair back as she looked around the school library.

"That's what I do between running away from Ghoulies, Black Hood and figuring out family mysteries. Look at shoes." Roselle replied back sarcastically. Reggie laughed, moving away from her neck to look at her.

"Don't worry, we'll find out who this Monica is." Reggie assured her, grabbing one of her hands. Roselle smiled at him before looking down on the floor shyly. She couldn't help it though, his stare was too intense.

"So, what do you think about the whole 'Serpent' thing?" Roselle changed the subject, still holding onto his hand as it gave her a sense of comfort. Reggie sighed, clenching his jaw as the very thought make him angry.

"I'm gonna make sure they regret ever stepping foot on bulldog territory. Especially that fucking Sweet Pea guy, hypocrite if you ask me. Tells us to stay away from serpent territory but he comes here on our turf." Reggie muttered harshly, making Roselle swallow nervously at the mention of Sweet Pea.

"Don't be like that Reg. They could be good people." Roselle whispered, moving her hand away from Reggie as it felt very clammy at that moment. "People who have dreams and aspirations about beyond school too."

"No, no they don't. They all end up in the same trailer park, murdering and picking fights." Reggie shook his head. "And because of their nature, the leader of the Ghoulie is after you. Because of Jughead. Because of the serpents."

"I forgave Jughead. He didn't mean it." Roselle whispered, trying to talk some sense into Reggie. "Reggie please, forgive them like I forgave you and Sweet Pea."

Reggie huffed, crossing his arms together as he bit his bottom lip. "I'm sorry Roselle, but I have to protect this school like it's my home. Because the bulldogs are family. And I don't want another family member being buried by another Serpent again."

Roselle looked at him, noticing the hurt in his eyes at the memory of Jason Blossom. She never knew the guy, but she could tell that he was Reggie's number one friend. And she knew there's no way to convince Reggie to stop, because the serpents hurt his best friend. And she had felt even worse, because she had slept with one.

"Reggie, I understand the type of sadness you feel and the hatred you have for them." Roselle whispered, leaning in to grab his cheek as she looked at his eyes with worry. "But don't let vengeance consume you."

Roselle leaned closer to Reggie's face, giving a small peck on the cheek that made Reggie's heart flutter, momentarily closing his eyes. It was a short moment yet it was filled with ecstasy, one that Reggie's many drugs and pills couldn't compare to.

It was an innocent peck on the cheek, but Reggie felt a sudden addiction, more than any drug, any jingle jangle could give him. And make no mistake, he wasn't the only one. Because Roselle felt that connection.

And she too was now addicted to his touch.

"So you're 100 percent fine with Jughead coming back?" The raven haired girl asked her blonde friend as they walked out of the doors of Riverdale High. "Because you know, it will be awkward."

It was afternoon, the bell had just rung to signal the end of school hours. Both B and Ree walked together, books in their hands, Roselle bringing up the one thing that was on everyone's minds. "I don't know Ree, I just- want to make sure he's alright with everything. With me."

"Then invite him to Pop's. And talk to him." Roselle suggested, linking an arm with Betty whilst nudging her shoulder. "Things are hard only when you make them hard."

"You're right." Betty sighed, before nodding. "I can't just run away from my problems, trust me I know that."

A car pulled up to the front of the school, Alice Cooper as the driver. Betty smiled at her friend before waving goodbye before Alice and Roselle made eye contact, making Roselle smirk. "Mrs Cooper, how are you on this fine evening?"

"Look, Roselle is it?" Alice said, rolling her eyes at what she thought was just another of Betty's delinquent friends. "Can we just acknowledge the fact that we hate each other?"

"And I thought we bonded at the bar the other day." Roselle pouted before making Alice scoff and drive away. Roselle laughed to herself, shaking her head before walking in the direction that was her house.

Roselle did have a car, but she didn't find it this morning. She figured because Blaire and her stupid new job required transportation, but she didn't know why Hiram couldn't just buy her a new one.

So here Roselle was, forced to walk in heels to her house. The same house she didn't feel so safe in. Because if her Aunt kept secrets, who knows what else hid between the tales of the Parker family.

But she had to get home. Because Roselle had homework and catching a murderer had stacked up the amount of school work she had to do. And the fact that all her subjects were either science or maths, didn't help either.

"Hey Parker! Wanna ride with the Bulldogs?" Roselle heard Reggie ask. The raven haired girl stopped walking to turn around and face Reggie and the three bulldogs that sat in his car. "There's a spare seat in the front!"

"I'm sitting in the front." One of his teammates mumbled back, looking at Reggie with a rejected look. Reggie turned to his friend, giving him a glare.

"Go sit in the back you dimwit." Reggie muttered back, making his teammate hurriedly take off his seatbelt and sit in the back. Roselle rolled her eyes before Reggie turned around, changing his face from a scowl into a friendly face. "So, what do you say Rose?"

"Yes, but only because my feet hurt." Roselle replied back before jumping in the front seat with Reggie. She put her bag on the floor of the car before turning around to look at Reggie's friends in the back. "Hey guys."

"Hey." They all chorused in unison, making Roselle smile even brighter at them. Her smile then faltered when they didn't stop staring at her, making Roselle slowly turn back with a stunned look at her face.

"Stop staring like you want to eat her. You're scaring her." Reggie clenched his jaw as he glared at his friends from the rear view mirror. The jocks then muttered an apology before sitting up straight, one of them coughing awkwardly.

Roselle glared at Reggie, slapping his shoulder. "Ow! What the hell was that for Parker!"

"You don't have to be so rude!" Roselle furrowed her eyebrows while Reggie was rubbing his shoulder. "Now apologise."

Reggie rolled his eyes like a little kid before letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry guys." He replied back quietly making Roselle lean back on her seat in triumph. "We're here by the way."

Roselle smiled, picking up her bag before waving goodbye at the boys in the car who looked at her like she had stopped Hitler himself from taking over the world. "Thanks Reg." She thanked him before taking off her seatbelt.

"Wait, who's bike is that?" Reggie asked, his eyes narrowing on the specific bike that was parked on Roselle's driveway. Roselle furrowed her eyebrows before turning her head to look at the vehicle before her heart slightly jumped.

It was Sweet Pea's bike.

"Um- I think it's Jughead's." Roselle replied, a slight stutter in her voice before she turned around to look at Reggie again. "Yeah, he wanted to come over to talk about coming back and how to cope with seeing his ex."

Reggie looked at her unsurely. He knew when she was lying and he wasn't so sure she was telling the truth. In fact, it slightly hurt him that she would lie to him when he'd go to the ends of the earth just to make sure one little hair didn't fall off her perfect head.

"Well, if he starts any trouble, just call me okay?" Reggie told her, looking at her with worried eyes. Roselle swallowed nervously, the same guilt she felt in the morning attacking her again. "You can always call me and I'll always be there."

"Sure." She whispered back before opening the door and walking to the door of her house. As she opened the door, she heard Reggie's car drive away as she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.

She didn't deserve a friend like Reggie.

Yes he said some petty stuff, but as the saying goes, actions speak louder than words and Reggie's actions strongly out weigh beyond his words. So Roselle marched up her stairs, slamming the door of her room open.

And there he was, Sweet Pea, laying on her bed with one hand behind his head whilst the other was reading one of the many books Roselle kept in her bookshelf. She slightly thanked her lucky stars that he didn't open her Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde book where her diary was kept. "And the princess finally arrives."

"What the hell are you doing here Sweets?" Roselle muttered at him, throwing her bag at his face which Sweet Pea caught last minute. "And how the hell did you get in?"

"Doll, I don't think you know how to properly shut the window." Sweet Pea, chuckled, shaking his head. Roselle stood there a hand on her hip before Sweet Pea smirked, getting up to walk over to her. "I just wanted to see my favourite girl."

"Cut the Bullshit Sweets." Roselle muttered, shaking her head, pushing Sweet Pea away before he managed to hug her.

"I'm serious, doll, you're the only person I actually enjoy talking to." Sweet Pea confessed before leaning back onto Roselle's bed, letting out a sigh. Roselle joined him on the bed, laying near him but not actually touching him.

"Okay, how about you tell lil ole Roselle what's really wrong." Roselle told Sweet Pea, turning around to look at him. Sweet Pea let out the sigh, feeling comfortable in her presence. It was only because Roselle wasn't a serpent, and he felt like he didn't need to act so tough and mighty.

"Got kicked out of the trailer." Sweet Pea begun, glancing at Roselle whilst rolling his eyes. "All because I came home early from school. He didn't even give me time to explain that school was shutdown."

"Your Dad?" Roselle questioned. Sweet Pea nodded, letting out a sarcastic laugh at the mention of the man that made him who he was today.

"Yes, my dad." Sweet Pea continued rubbing his eyes like he hasn't slept in days, which Roselle probably thought was because that was the case. "But hey, at least I get to see you at my new school tomorrow."

"Oh shut it Sweets." Roselle laughed, turning around to face the serpent more clearly. "You're unbelievable."

"No I'm serious." Sweet Pea told her, widening his eyes to show her that he was indeed telling the fact. "You're the only female I confide with."

"So I'm guessing you don't have a lot of females in your life." Roselle smiled, raising her eyebrows up in amusement. "Since I haven't formally forgiven you yet and we hadn't known each other for that long."

"So you can't consider yourself as my closest female pal since we haven't known each other for that long but you can sleep with me?" Sweet Pea jokes, making Roselle roll her eyes at his statement. "What has the world come to? Cheap and meaningless sex?"

"It wasn't meaningless Sweet Pea." Roselle nudged his shoulder, before letting out a deep sigh.

"Then tell me what is was?" Sweet Pea finally spoke, revealing what his true intentions of coming here was. "Because I feel like I was the only one who felt something. And it scares me because I've grown up in a place where I'm not meant to feel anything."

"Look Sweets, it's just, I want thinking straight, but it doesn't mean I didn't feel anything it's just I don't think it's right." Roselle rambled, sitting up from her bed to look at him.

"It's because you like someone else, isn't it?" Sweet Pea asked, getting up as well. Roselle sighed, feeling like she was caught in a deadly act.


"No it's fine. Really." Sweet Pea mumbled before looking at her with determination in her eyes. "I'm not surprised. Because you're beautiful. Your the type of women that will have plenty of guys running after you. That's why, who ever this guy is, I'm willing to compete with him for your attention."

"Sweet Pea, it's not a competition." Roselle shook her head, not wanting to start a war in school as soon as the Serpents arrive.

"Oh doll, if you think there's no competition then you really don't know us guys." Sweet Pea smirked, making Roselle's heart drop. She didn't know what the hell she just started.

She didn't know she had started the war between Bulldogs and Serpents at Riverdale High.


A/N- YAY! Season 2 is back and I'm so happy I can write again. BUT I'm in my last year of high school and I really care about my schooling so updates are going to be a bit slower than usual.

ALSO- the next chapters that are coming will link up everything and you won't be confused anymore! I know it seems like I'm adding extra and unneeded drama but it will all link up, I promise!


Thank you guys for the 13K reads and the 400 votes, really appreciate it!



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