Another Wrong Turn?

By bellaPiiink

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Victoria Strauss’ life is perfect. She has her adventurous friends, her pain-in-the-butt brother and of cours... More

Another Wrong Turn?
Prologue: My Boyfriend Cheated On Me - Ouch.
Chapter One: Meet Vince Strauss, My Annoying Brother
Chapter Two: The Bubblegum-ish Thing
Chapter Three: The Jones Brothers
Chapter Four: My Brother and Best Friend?!
Chapter Five: Alone with Ian at His House
Chapter Six: My Best Friends Awesome Partners
Chapter Seven: I'm A Love Doctor
Chapter Eight: Friendly Date with Ian
Chapter Nine: Two Guys Fighting For Me... HELP!
Chapter Ten: My Heartbroken Brother
Chapter Eleven: Lance Begged For Me
Chapter Twelve: I'm In A Freaking Play... The Heck?
Chapter Thirteen: Practicing to be Elizabeth Bennet
Chapter Fourteen: Our Very First Kiss - Very Public
Chapter Fifteen: Evan's Warning
Chapter Sixteen: At the Carnival
Chapter Seventeen: Ian's Eighteenth Birthday Party
Chapter Eighteen: Letting Me Go
Chapter Nineteen: Diamond Necklace
Chapter Twenty: Mending Another Broken Heart
Chapter Twenty-One: Surprising News
Chapter Twenty-Three: Locked Out
Chapter Twenty-Four: Mom's Home... Call 911!
Chapter Twenty-Five: Say You Love Me
Chapter Twenty-Six: Meet Philip Kavanagh
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Taken
Chapter Twenty-Eight: His Perfect Revenge
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Sensation of Burning
Epilogue: A Crazy Happy Ever After
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-Two: Being Gullible Might Be a Good Thing

3.7K 75 5
By bellaPiiink

            The doorbell rang, making me jump, startled. I put a hand on my chest, trying to calm my racing heart as I stood up to open the door. When I opened the door, revealing Miranda, Suzanne and Evan, I immediately groaned quietly, hoping they couldn’t hear. But of course, they did.

            Miranda immediately scowled at me. “No groans, Victoria. You’re thanking us later.”

            I glared at her. “Yeah, right. I am so going to thank you by killing you.”

            She just rolled her eyes at me. Suzanne, however, smiled comfortingly at me. “You need to go in this beach trip, Victoria. It’s not everyday you could go to a beach trip.”


            Suddenly, Vince was on my side, clapping my shoulder—supposedly in a comforting way but to me, was annoying. “My girlfriend is right, Victoria. Cheer up.”

            With that, he moved to the side of Suzanne, making her blush and giggle. I smiled at them. Both of them look so cute and perfect together that it makes me so jealous. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for my brother and best friend that they found their ‘The One’, but I’m still sad that I can’t do that with the person that I love.

            However, Suzanne and Vince can’t spread their cuteness at school. Some people might take it the wrong way and maybe Vince would get fired because of dating a student. But in my opinion, they’re doing nothing wrong. And it’s not like Vince is a teacher or something. He’s just a coach of the football team. He doesn’t even teach Phys Ed so no harm done. But Suzanne and Vince want to be careful so they’re keeping their relationship secret—except for me, Miranda, Evan and well, Ian.

            Evan’s joining the beach trip, too. Mrs. York said that every character can bring one friend with them. In our case, Suzanne will bring Miranda and I will bring Evan, thinking that Miranda might be lonely. Vince is coming, too, since he’s chaperoning the beach trip so Suzanne won’t be lonely, too. I, on the other hand, will be.

            I know that Ian is coming with us but he’s going to the beach house on his car and he doesn’t know that Evan is going to go so that’ll be a big shock to him. Anyway, we’re using Miranda’s truck going there. The beach house, named Carmelita, is two and a half hours ride from my house.

            “So are we ready?” Evan asked, beaming excitedly. “I don’t want to be late and join high school teenagers in their beach trips! I’ve never been to an American high school, only British. I wonder how things work here.”   

            “American schools are not boarding schools, Evan,” Miranda said, helping me with my things.

            Evan scowled. “Not all British schools are boarding schools, Miranda.”

            “Really? That’s new information,” Miranda said, looking absolutely shocked.

            “It’s all thanks to JK Rowling, making people think that all British schools are boarding schools,” he said, laughing.

            Miranda’s truck can fit six people. Three people in the front and three people at the back. In this case, Miranda is sitting at the front with Suzanne and Vince while I sit with Evan. I think they were planning this or something. I have a feeling Evan would like to talk to me about his brother.

            When everybody was settled, Miranda started the engine and began to drive. At first, I was talking with Suzanne in the front about random things. Vince’s eyes were closed, his hand enveloped with Suzanne’s. He was smiling slightly as he slept during the ride. Evan was listening in his music on his iPod while I talk with Suzanne. After thirty minutes, she decided to sleep. 

            “You can sleep, too, Victoria. We’re going to drive there in an hour and half,” Miranda advised, looking at me in the rearview mirror.

            “I don’t feel like sleeping,” I decided.

            “Then let’s talk,” Evan said, removing his earphones from his ears, looking at me expectantly.

            “About?” I hesitated.

            “My brother.”

            I knew it. I sighed as I tried to be comfortable on my seat. “What about Ian? Should I know something about him?”

            “Look, I know I warned you from the start. But I was wrong. Maybe I was right in the beginning that he was using you, but I realized that he truly loves you. Victoria, you need to give him another chance. You need to understand why he lied that he said he wasn’t sure about his feelings. He doesn’t want to feel the pain when Patricia died. He’s having these thoughts that everything he loves is going to be taken away from him. Our parents… His girlfriend… He doesn’t want to lose you, Victoria.”

            Miranda snorted at the driver seat. “You know what, Evan? Victoria is better off without him. He’s just hurting her—can’t you see? I don’t care why Ian lied to Victoria, but the point is he lied and he used her. She’s better off without someone like him.”

            Evan sighed. “I know. But my brother has his reasons! You need to understand that!” Then he looked at me. “If you truly love my brother, you need to understand why he lied and used you. If you truly love him, you wouldn’t give up on him easily. If you truly love him, you’re going to talk to him and not to ignore him like a scared mouse.”

            I rolled my eyes at him. “I don’t need you to tell me what to do. I know what’s right and wrong. I have my own decisions, Evan. Thank you for the concern, but no thanks.”

            He frowned. “I’m trying to help you here. My brother is very depressed, Victoria. He doesn’t want to lose you. He loves you and that’s the truth. Give him another chance. I’m sure he’ll turn out to be good.”

            I sighed. “I don’t think there’s no more space in my heart for any heartbreaks, Evan. I’ve been hurt two times now. I can’t make another.”


            “Evan,” Miranda said sharply, glancing at him at the rearview mirror, “drop it.”

            Amazingly, he obeyed. He just sighed and placed the earphones back on his ears. Biting my lip, I slowly closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I was dead asleep.

            “Wake up, Victoria! We’re here.” Vince’s voice sounded so far away but somehow, very near. Yes, I’m making no point here.

            Slowly, I opened my eyes, wincing at the sudden brightness. Vince’s face was inches away from me, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he smirked at me. I raised my hands and pushed him away. I stretched my hands and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

            “Look at the beach! It’s so amazing,” Suzanne gushed, grabbing Vince’s arm and dragging him with her.

            “Hey, hey! Slow down!” he said, laughing.

            I smiled. They seriously look cute together. I glanced at the seat beside me and found Evan passed out in his seat. Miranda, however, was nowhere to be seen. Thinking that we must go to at the beach house to fix our things so we could go swimming, I woke up Evan.

            “Evan! We’re here,” I said, laughing at the annoyed look on his face.

            “I was sleeping,” he said, stretching.

            “Way to go, Captain Obvious!”

            “Thank you, Lieutenant Sarcasm.”

            I rolled my eyes at him. “Come on! Let’s go to the beach house so we could prepare our things. I want to go swimming!”

            “Okay, okay,” he said, laughing at my eagerness.

            I opened my car door and stepped on the ground. We’re still in the parking lot but I can literally smell the beach from here. I took a deep breath, breathing the glorious smell of salty air.

            “Where’s Miranda?” Evan asked, who was now beside me.

            Suzanne turned to us, answering his question. “She’s in the reception area, taking care of our things. Mrs. York and the others are already in the beach, having the time of their lives. Apparently, we’re the latecomers.”

            As if on cue, Miranda appeared, carrying the keys of the three rooms that were prepared for us. Being one of the chaperones, Vince has his own room. Suzanne is bringing Miranda, so they’re going to share rooms. I’m bringing Evan, but seeing that he’s guy and I’m a girl, Vince suggested that he and Evan will share his room. So that leaves me alone in my room.

            “Here’s for you,” Miranda chirped happily, dropping two keys on my hands. “The other one is the key of the bathroom inside your room.”

            I nodded, grinning stupidly at the keys on my hands. I’ve never been alone in a hotel before and this one is no different. Even though it’s a beach house, it is somehow like a hotel, too.

            “So here’s the plan,” Suzanne said, rubbing her hands together like a mad scientist. “We fix our things in our rooms and then after, we meet at the beach. Remember, wear the prescribed bikini outfit,” she said, wagging her finger at me warningly.

            I rolled my eyes. “Can’t I just wear shorts?”

            She shook her head firmly. “Nope! You wear the fuchsia one that we bought yesterday. Understand?”

            “Well, what choice do I have?”

            “That’s more like it!”

            “We better go and fix ourselves,” Miranda said, tossing me my bags. She and Evan were getting the bags inside the truck. “That way, we can enjoy the afternoon before its dark.”

            I nodded and shouldered my bag. Then I picked up my second bag on the ground. “I better go first, okay? See you later, guys.”

            “Yeah, see you. And the fuchsia bikini! Don’t forget!” Suzanne reminded me.

            I rolled my eyes, laughing. I walked inside the reception area and found the beach house on the right side. The beach was on the left side and even though from afar, I can see some familiar people playing volleyball, swimming on the beach or just lying under the sun. I grinned as I felt the excitement flowing in my veins.

            I trudged to my room, Room 206. The door was locked, of course so I opened it with my key. When I stepped in, my jaw dropped.

            Everything was just magnificent. From the king-sized bed to the wide windows that shows the glorious sight of the beach. Everything was polished, clean and neat. I dropped my bags on the floor and ran to the bed, throwing myself to it. I moaned at the softness of the mattress and the fluffiness of the pillow. This is going to be a very, very fun weekend, indeed.

            After five minutes of relishing the bed, I grabbed my bags and placed my clothes on the closet. I gulped as I brought out my fuchsia bikini that Suzanne and I bought yesterday. Should I really wear this? It wouldn’t kill Suzanne if I just wear my shorts and a plain white tank top, right?

            But somehow, I would love if Ian will see me in my bikini. I would love to see the look on his face when I wear this thing.

            A wicked smile appeared on my lips. I went inside the bathroom—which was so big than my room—and stripped down my clothes. I slipped the bikini on. Biting my lips nervously, I picked up a plain long white shirt and put it on. As I watched myself on the full-length mirror, I noticed that worry was evident in my eyes. I almost laughed out loud. When did I start worrying about what I wear? I never worry about what I was wearing when I was with Lance because I know that he’ll still love me even though I wear the most hideous clothes I’ve ever seen.

            “Ah, whatever!” I said out loud, rolling my eyes at my reflection.

            I left the bathroom and grabbed my Gucci sunglasses and my beach hat. I put both on and I slipped my hot pink slippers on my feet. I took a deep breath as I locked the door as I left my room. I checked the room beside me, knowing that it’s Miranda and Suzanne’s. I knocked at the door but no one came to open it. Maybe both of them were at the beach already, having the time of their lives.

            I sighed and left the beach house. I crossed my arms on my chest, gulping nervously. Oh my God, what if the bikini was just too revealing? Sure, most girls my age wear much, much more revealing but I am not those kind of girls! I’m the kind of girl who doesn’t give a shit on what I’m wearing. And now here I am, wearing a very, very sexy bikini that I never wore in my whole life.

            “Oh screw it! Who cares what Ian thinks? If he loves me, he won’t care in what I’m wearing!” I muttered under my breath as I turned to go back to my room.

            “There she is! Victoria!” Suzanne’s familiar voice shouted happily.

            I groaned as I turned around, preparing to face Suzanne. When I saw her with Vince, I faked a smile. “He—hey, guys! How’s it going?”

            Suzanne was wearing her yellow bikini that I chose for her yesterday. Vince was wearing his beach shorts and his chest was bare and all the girls were staring at him, drooling.

            “Hey, you look good!” he whistled, raising his thumb.


            “But better if you take that hideous white shirt off of you!”

            I glared at him. “Shut up.”

            “Come on, Victoria, he’s right! Take it off!” Suzanne urged me, grinning like an idiot.

            “Whatever. Where’s Miranda?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

            “With Evan. Maybe making out or something. And don’t try to change the subject! Take that white shirt off of you!”

            “I won’t take it off,” I said stubbornly.

            Vince smiled mischievously. “Oh yeah? Well, then, I better scream to the world that you stopped peeing your bed when you were in tenth grade.”

            He and Suzanne burst out laughing as I glowered angrily on my brother. “You. Wouldn’t. Dare.”

            “Oh I would,” he challenged. Then he placed both of his hands on the sides of his mouth, like he was shouting. “Victoria Strauss stopped peeing in her bed when—.”

            “Okay, okay! Happy?!” I screamed angrily as I took off the shirt and threw it on the white sand.

            Vince’s jaw dropped as he watched me from head-to-toe. “Oh… My… God… You look… amazing, Victoria!”

            Suzanne clapped happily. “Oh my gosh! I can’t wait to see Ian’s expression when he sees you!”

            I blushed angrily, crossing my arms on my chest. The bikini top was showing off my cleavage, which is not like me. “Whatever. I’ll leave you two now.”

            I marched off, unsure where to go. When I was about to go back to the beach house, someone grabbed my wrist, stopping me. I looked up, expecting to see Evan or Vince but was shocked to see someone I don’t know.

            The unknown guy smiled at me. “Hey.”

            “Hi,” I said, smiling politely. “Um, do you need anything?”

            “You’re the girl who played the role of Elizabeth Bennet, right?”

            I nodded. “Yep, that’s me. Uh, I don’t remember you from the play. Were you invited…?”

            He laughed. “Yeah, I am. My sister played the part Jane Bennet and this weekend is my parent’s anniversary. They wanted to go to Hawaii for a week and they shipped me off with my sister here so I could enjoy the weekend, too. Well, anyway, I’m James Anderson. I’m a senior at school. And you are?”

            “Victoria Strauss,” I replied, looking at him from head-to-toe. He looks incredibly hot since he was only wearing beach shorts, leaving his chest bare.

            “I’ve never seen you before,” he said conversationally. “Well, before the play. I always wanted to ask you out after that but… when you and that Jones guy kissed; I was thinking that maybe you and him are dating? That kiss was just so perfect and intense. It’s obvious that you two were doing it seriously.”

            I laughed nervously. “Uh, we’re not really dating. We’re just friends.”

            James nodded, looking extremely pleased. “That’s awesome. Anyway, you want to swim or go for a walk?”

            I nodded. “Sure.” Anything to take Ian off my mind.

            After thirty minutes of talking about random things, I realized that James was a very nice guy. Well, not that nice since some of the times, I caught him staring at my chest or my legs or something. But, so far, he’s okay. He’s really funny and amusing. And the best thing was that I’ve never seen Ian today.

            “It’s almost six. Dinner is at six-thirty. You better get dressed, you don’t want to go the beach restaurant with your bikini, right?” he said, laughing.

            I checked his watch on his wrist. “Um, it’s still four-twenty-five. We have plenty of time left.”

            “Just come on,” he said, grabbing my wrist and dragged me away from the spot that I was standing.

            “Hey! Loosen your grip! It hurts!” I yelped.

            James ignored me and continued dragging me away. I glanced frantically at my surroundings. James brought me to the far side of the beach and I’ve just noticed that no one was here. Not even one single student from my school. The teachers might be in the beach huts or something and the students might be swimming on the other side of the beach, near the others who were playing volleyball. If I scream, no one will hear me. Oh shit.

            To test if I’m correct, I let out a loud scream. Immediately, James hands clapped on my lips, shutting me up. “Shut up!” he hissed. “Do you want to be caught?”

            I bit his hand and he gasped in pain. “Jerk!” I yelled at him as he staggered a little bit. I took it as my advantage and tried to run away. But he was too fast for me.

            He grabbed my wrist and I gave out a yelp of surprise. He laughed and pushed me, making me fall on my back to the white sand. James hovered above me as he brushed his fingers on my cheeks. “You really are hot, don’t you know that? I pity that Jones guy never asked you out. He’s really missing out a lot.”

            “Please don’t hurt me,” I whispered fearfully. Oh my God, this is it. I’m going to get raped. I am so going to get raped. Oh God, help me.

            James laughed huskily. “Oh, I won’t hurt you. Well, maybe a little… If you know what I mean.”

            I whimpered quietly as he untied the strings of my bikini top with his expert fingers. “James… stop it! Oh God—please!”

            “Oh, you’re enjoying it,” he said, smirking at me. “You’re just denying it. Oh well.”

            “You bastard!”

            And with that, he was finished untying the strings of my bikini top. No! I screamed again and slapped his chest angrily, trying to push him off of me. But he was a lot stronger than me. He grunted as he pinned my hands above me, his face inches away from me. “You really want to make this hard?”

            “Get away from me, you—you monster! Let me go!”

            Then he crashed his lips to mine. I pressed my lips together, telling myself not to open them. When I didn’t, he bit my bottom lip harshly making me gasp. Of course, he used this as an advantage and deepened the kiss.

            But before I could say ‘crap’, James disappeared above me. I gasped when I saw James body beside me, his nose bleeding and his right eye shut. And on top of him was…

            “Ian!” I gasped.

            He raised his right hand again and then punched James, making him grunt in pain. “You fucking bastard!” Ian growled and punched James again.

            “Ian, stop it! You’re killing him!” I cried.

            “He should be,” he replied and punched James once again.

            “Stop it, Ian! You could be expelled for that!”

            “Expelled?” he asked, looking at me blankly. “You mean this guy is with us?”

            “Yes! He’s the brother of the girl with us!”

            “What?” he growled angrily. Then he looked back at James, striking another blow. “You fucking lying bastard!”

            “Lying? What—what do you mean?” I asked, almost hysterical.

            “He’s a fucking tourist here, too,” Ian replied angrily. “I saw him when I arrived here. He was flirting with Hannah Thomas, the girl who played as Jane Bennet!”

            I stood there, looking at him stupidly as I registered that fact. So James Anderson was lying to me? Oh crap, I’m so freaking gullible! Of course James can’t be in my school, I’ve never seen him before! I snapped back to reality when Ian punched James… again.

            “Ian! You still need to stop! You’re going to kill him! You’re going to be in a more serious situation if you kill him! Stop it!” I cried.

            To my surprise, he stopped and stood up. After one more kick in his sides, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from James. Happily, I followed him. When we were back on the part of the beach where most of the students in my school were staying, I breathed a sigh of relief. Then I carefully tied the strings of my bikini top on my shoulder tightly. Oh thank God. I turned to Ian to thank him. “Ian, thank you so—.”

            “Victoria, what were you thinking?” he snapped angrily at me. “Going with a guy you don’t know?! Are you freaking serious?! You don’t know him! Why did you go out with him?!”

            Taken aback, I glared at him. Who was he to tell me what to do? “He told me he’s in our school! How am I supposed to know that he’s just another tourist? I’m sorry if I was almost raped!”

            “You wouldn’t be if you were just staying with Suzanne or someone you actually know!”

            “Like you? Hell no!”

            It was his turn to look taken aback by my answer. But he regained his composure and glared at me. “It was lucky then that I heard you scream or else you would get raped.”

            “You heard me… scream?” I asked, frowning. But my scream wouldn’t be heard in this part of the beach. Unless Ian has superhuman strength. “How?”

            “I was following you but from a distance.”

            “You were following me?” I repeated. “What—why?! Are you a stalker or something?!”

            “I was worried about you going off with a stranger with that stupid bikini you are wearing!” he said, gesturing on my bikini.

            “That’s not the point! You shouldn’t follow me!”

            “And why not? If I wasn’t following you, you’re absolutely raped right now!”

            “Argh, whatever!” I shouted angrily, earning curious glances from the nearest people that was standing from us.

            I stomped off angrily but Ian grabbed my wrist. “Don’t you dare walk away from me! We’re not yet done!”

            “We are so done! Thank you for saving me so just leave me alone!” I snapped at him.

            “Victoria, I was worried about you.”

            I looked back at him. Anger was nowhere to be seen from his face. “I know,” I replied.

            “I’m sorry if I was following you.”

            “It’s okay. I should have ignored James.”

            “No, it’s not your fault.”

            “If I wasn’t too gullible—.”

            But before I could finish my sentence, he placed his lips to mine, kissing me softly. Then he put his forehead on mine. “You’re not gullible. Maybe being gullible is a good thing because if you weren’t, then we wouldn’t have been close.”

            Ian smiled at me one last time then turned to leave. I put my fingers on my lips as I stared at him walking away from me.


Hey there! :) Sorry for the late upload. :( I think I might be uploading every Saturday now. Blame it in school. Zzz... First week of sophomore year is fun! :) Hahaha, so freaking awesome! :D

Hope you like this chapter. <3 I made it long. :) Hahaha. 

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