Kaden's Luna


3.7M 153K 40.3K

Book 2 of The Alpha Series - Sequel to my first book, The Hybrid. Kaden's Luna cannot be read as a stand alon... More

AN: Must Read!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
Bonus Chapter #3
Bonus Chapter #4
TREAT Bonus Chapter!
The Alpha Series: Book 3
The Alpha Series: Book 4!

Chapter Twenty-Two

73.1K 2.9K 558

Chapter Twenty-Two – Back to Berlin.

Today was the day that my holidays had come to an end and it was time to head inside the airport. I was outside the car with my suitcase, backpack and a heavy heart. Nick is leaving tomorrow night but everyone still came to see me off.

"Call me as soon as you land okay?" My mother demands softly, dabbing at the tears in her eyes with a tissue.

"Aw, mum. Don't cry, I'll be back soon." I pull her into a tight embrace, rubbing her back to calm her down.

"I can't help it, I won't be able to see you both until next break!"

Nick and Dad wrap their arms around us two in a group hug, making me laugh. It was sad to say goodbye but I know I have to return for my studies. I hug everyone tightly and tell them how much I will miss them. Glancing at my watch, I know I should be heading inside now to check in and board.

"I love you guys, we'll chat once I land in Berlin!" I wave, backing away from my family.

"I'll miss you princess." My Dad replies, a sad expression on his face.

Whenever I left for college, my Dad found it the hardest to say goodbye because he was very protective over me. They had already experienced it with Nick when he had gotten into New York for his studies but since I was the last child to leave the nest, my parents always became slightly emotional.

I run back to him and give him another tight hug before kissing his and my mother's cheek, finally making my way inside the airport. With one last look at my family, I wave and step inside.


I make my way into Arrivals and collect my luggage from the conveyor belt. The weather is still chilly in Berlin when I step outside and the clouds are grey. I hear someone shout my name and look to the right, a wide smile instantly gracing my lips when I spot the familiar person.

I rush over, letting go of my luggage bag when I was close enough, before jumping into Kaden's arms. Immediately, he picks me up and hoists me onto his waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, my dark brown hair falling around us like a curtain, shielding us from others view.

His pretty blues are staring into my chocolate browns, taking me in as I do the same. Kaden has a grin on his face as he tucks a strand of my hair behind one ear before pressing his lips to mine. I instantly melt into his touch and kiss him back, pulling him closer.

Sparks and tingles greet me and I welcome them with open arms, enjoying the feel of him again after what felt like forever apart. When the lack of air becomes a matter of priority and we pull apart, I rest my forehead against his, rubbing my thumb across his bottom lip.

"Welcome back, Luna." He whispers, kissing my forehead before smiling happily.

"It's good to be back." I reply, standing on my own two feet again.

"Ready to go?" He asks, intertwining our hands and grabbing my luggage bag with the other.

I nod with a smile and he leads me to the parking lot. We find his Mustang in no time before he places my luggage and backpack in the trunk and gets in the driver's seat. I strap my seat belt on before calling my parents, letting them know that I have landed safely and am currently on my way to the house.

"Did you have a good time?" Kaden asks, ruffling his dark hair before turning at a junction.

"I did! It was nice to go home, I really missed everyone." I reply with a smile, looking out the window at the other traffic. "How were your holidays?"

"They were good, Rico and I spent it at Axel's and Natalie's pack."

"Is Rico a rogue wolf like you?" I ask, wondering if he belonged to a pack or not.

"Yes, I met him in the first year when I stopped trying to get accepted into packs." Kaden explains, lowering the volume of the radio.

"How did he become a rogue – if you don't mind me asking that is. I completely understand if you don't tell me." I rush, realising that it was Rico's story to tell not Kaden's.

"It's okay, he doesn't keep it a secret. Rico ran away from his pack because he's an orphan. The pack treated him horribly because of that, making him do chores and severely punishing him when he couldn't complete tasks on time." Kaden recalls, his eyes focused on the road but I could tell that the story angered him with the way his hands tightened on the steering wheel.

"That's horrible!" I gasp, shocked that a small child would be blamed and mistreated for something that was not even his fault.

Kaden nods, a heavy sigh escaping him. "When I met him...he was in a terrible state health wise. But, we took care of each other and have been together for a few years now."

"I'm glad you have got each other. Rico is so kind, funny and humble, I can't fathom how anyone would treat him that way." I reply sadly, shaking my head before I look out the window.

The rest of the ride is a comfortable silence with occasional questions from Kaden about how Amsterdam is and what places would be best to visit. I tell him everything, from the best sights to the food to the drinks and of the various festivals he could catch if he visited at a certain time. I remember he had told me when we visited Rosie's diner that it was on his list of places to travel to.

Eventually, he turns into the familiar neighbourhood I haven't seen in three weeks. We park outside the house and I hop out of the car, Kaden following me as I run to open the front door so that I could help with carrying my luggage inside. But when I turn around, I see Kaden walking up the path with my backpack in one hand and dragging my suitcase with the other, a frown on his lips.

"Are Maddox and Eva not back yet?" He asks, following behind me as I make my way inside the house.

"No, they are going to be landing in Berlin on Sunday morning. I wanted to be back and have time to adjust before classes and work start next week." I explain, placing my backpack on the floor beside my suitcase in the hallway.

"Luna...you're not staying here alone."

I look up in confusion, staring at him as he crosses his arms in an intimidating manner. "I just told you they don't get back until Sunday."

"I heard you, but you're coming home with me sweetheart. I can't stand the thought of you being alone in this house until Sunday morning."

"Kaden," I laugh, shaking my head as I walk into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "It's only two nights, I'll be fine."


"Kaden I –"

"I'm not repeating myself Luna, get your things." He ends the conversation with finality in his tone.

I take a sip of water, leaning against the sink while he stands by the door of the kitchen. His blue eyes are stormy, daring me to argue with him. I don't get why he doesn't want me to stay alone, this neighbourhood isn't even dangerous and other students live here too.

Nevertheless, I comply with his wishes and nod. Walking back to my suitcase, I pick it up and make my way up the stairs. I spot the duffel bag I had used last time I went to Kaden's house and grab it, packing in all the things I would need for two days.

As soon as I am done, I make my way downstairs and meet Kaden by the door who takes my backpack and duffel bag from me. We walk out of the house and I lock the front door before following him to his car. Putting my seatbelt on while he starts the engine, I watch the other houses go by as we drive out of the neighbourhood.

We are quiet on the way to his place, but it's a comfortable silence. I enjoy watching the scenery fly past as we speed down the roads of the city before the sight of green landscapes welcomes me. I didn't realise how much I missed everything until now.

In just under an hour, Kaden has driven us to his place and parked the car outside the tree line. I put on my backpack whilst he takes my other bag before intertwining our hands and leading me into his house. The door automatically locks behind me with a soft click before I settle onto the couch with a sigh.

I close my eyes and rest my head back on the pillow, feeling tired suddenly. I find it annoying how a two-hour plane ride could make me feel so out of it, most people I know who undertake short journeys feel right as rain!

I am brought out of my thoughts when a pair of lips press against my throat, making me gasp in surprise. I open my eyes to see Kaden taking a seat beside me before pulling me onto his lap. Resting my chin on his shoulder, I try not to sigh in content when he starts stroking my hair.

"Thank you for listening." He speaks after a long while, pressing a firm kiss to my head.

I nod, cuddling up to him further. "I feel like ever since you told me about werewolves and what I am to you, you've become very protective."

"You have no idea, my moon." He chuckles, chest vibrating against my hand.

I pull away to look at him in confusion, waiting for him to explain. His hands slip down to rest on my hips, playing with the hem of my sweater. I try not to openly ogle him but it's hard not to. He has taken off his hoodie when we came in and now has a t-shirt on, showcasing his muscles. His hair is tousled sexily, as if he just got out of bed and it makes me want to run my fingers through it.

"Mates are very protective and possessive of each other. It's not the kind where I order you around and try and dictate your life. I don't want you to be alone because it leaves you vulnerable to attacks by other wolves who are my enemies. I'm protective because I waited a long time for you and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Oh..." I nod in understanding, absentmindedly playing with his hand as I listened to him.

"I'm possessive because you belong to me, but not in the way some male werewolves are suffocating and overbearing with their behaviour. I'm possessive over you in a sense that – you are someone who I can call mine, who I can confide in and talk to and love. I crave your attention and if I see someone else receiving that then I won't be a very happy man." He shrugs, a small smile on his lips.

"...Is that why you started acting off when I introduced you to Maddox that day." I ask, chuckling when he nods sheepishly.

"I thought that you two might already be dating."

"What would you have done if you found out that your mate – that I was dating a guy?" I wonder, genuinely curious.

"I would have done anything to win you over and make you dump him." He states confidently, a smirk on his lips.

"Hmm, now why don't I don't believe that?" I tease, watching his eyes twinkle with humour.

"Yeah, you're right. I would have threatened to hurt him or something just so he would break up with you. Then I would pick up the shattered pieces of your heart whilst showing you that I am so much better." He grins, laughing when I gasp and swat his arm.

We sit there in comfortable silence and I rest my head on his shoulder whilst he strokes my hair. It's insanely comforting and I don't want him to stop. But, my stomach growls for food soon enough making my cheeks flame in embarrassment. I pull away to see an amused smile on his lips as he stares down at me.

"Sorry, I haven't had anything since the plane ride." I smile sheepishly, tucking a strand of my dark hair behind my ear.

Kaden's smile instantly falls off his lips and turns into a frown. He stands up and sets me on my two feet before dragging me to the kitchen and telling me to take a seat on the stool. I rest my chin on the palm of my hand, watching him as he moves elegantly in the kitchen. Every movement he makes is done with agility and a light step, barely a sound of him being present in the kitchen.

"How about some rice with stir fried chicken and vegetables, is that okay?" Kaden wonders, looking into the fridge.

"That's perfect. Do you need any help?" I ask, making my way around the counter towards him.

"I think I'll be alright, why don't you relax, take a bath upstairs and get changed into something comfortable?" He suggests, taking out a bowl of marinated chicken.

"Hmm, okay. You sure you don't mind?"

"No Luna," He laughs, pushing me up the stairs. "Go, I'll bring your bag up to you."

I chuckle and give in, proceeding up the stairs to run the water. A relaxing bath does sound good, I felt slightly tired and sweaty from being on a plane anyways. Kaden comes up with my duffel bag as I am pouring in the citrus scented liquid that will make it into a bubble bath. I walk into the room to see him placing it on his bed before turning to face me, making his way out of the room after pressing a gentle kiss to my lips and telling me to enjoy my bath.

I smile, overwhelmed with how caring he was. Taking my pyjamas out along with my toiletry bag, I head back into the bathroom and lock the door. Shutting off the tap, I inhale the scent and grin at the sight of the tub filled with bubbles. Stripping, I let out a content sigh as my body sinks into the warm water. I can instantly feel myself relaxing and close my eyes, loving the feeling of bubbles on my skin.

I don't know how it happened but I end up falling asleep in the bathtub, it was just so calming that when my muscles relaxed I shut my eyes and sank down further. When I wake up, the water is slightly colder and I lift my hands up to see that my skin is pruned. Sighing, I get out of the bathtub and dry myself off. I had washed my hair this morning so it was clean and dry, it was just my body that needed a wash.

I decided to braid my hair loosely so that it is out of the way. I put on my pyjamas before grabbing my things, exiting the bathroom and making my way to Kaden's bedroom. I put away my stuff before the smell of food catches my attention and pulls me downstairs.

I see Kaden wearing muscle tee and sweatpants, putting the last dish on the table before he notices me and smiles warmly. I walk closer to him and when I am within reach, he pulls me into his side and drapes his arm across my shoulders. There is a pot of rice and a dish of steaming chicken and vegetables on the table, making the kitchen fill with an aromatic scent.

I take a seat and put some food on both our plates whilst he grabs the glasses and a drink. When he sits beside me, his large hand immediately curls around my right thigh. My breath hitches and I try to ignore the frenzied rush of tingles on my skin, focusing on what he was saying. His thumb rubs against the material of my bottoms and I can feel the warmth his skin spreads across mine. His touch is something that makes me yearn for more every single time.

We chat as we eat and I actually like that we are using the dining table instead of the couch. Kaden's house is cosy and feels like somewhere I can forget about my worries and relax, just him and I. It's one of the reasons why I love visiting him, the first one being that I get to see him of course.

When we finish our food, I insist on cleaning up but like usual, Kaden persuades me that the dishes can be left till the morning. I sigh and nod, letting him pull me upstairs after we checked that every door and window downstairs was locked. I make my way into his room and take a seat on the cloud of heaven he calls his bed, watching him grab a pair of boxers before disappearing out of the room.

I yawn and feel like my eyes are about to shut, causing me to draw the curtains of the balcony doors before making my way back to the bed. Kaden comes back into the room and his eyes seem to darken considerably when he sees me perched atop his bed, letting my hair out of its braid so that it falls in loose waves. There's something about night-time that I can't go to sleep with my hair tied, it has to be open in order for me to sleep peacefully.

My attention focuses on Kaden as he closes the door and throws his clothes onto the chair in the room before making his way over to me. But, instead of getting into bed from the left side like he usually does, he walks straight up to me before bending down and capturing my lips in a mind-blowing kiss.

I moan, kissing him back with the same passion and desire, scooting back onto the bed so that he hovers over my body. I find myself lying on my back with my fingers tangled into Kaden's midnight hair, tugging on the strands as he deepens the kiss. He swipes his tongue across my bottom lip and I immediately gasp, the action so foreign to me. Kaden seizes the opportunity and slips his tongue in, whilst I hesitantly follow his movements.

He happily takes control and guides our kiss and soon, I relax and let our tongues engage in a battle for dominance which Kaden clearly wins. His touch is soft as his fingertips trail over my sides before cupping my face, rubbing his thumb across the soft skin of my cheek.

"Kaden..." I gasp when we pull away for air, but the sound of his name is drowned out when he captures my lips again, nibbling on my bottom lip teasingly.

He trails his lips in a path of sweet fire across my jaw and the curve of my neck until he greets my collarbone with a soft kiss. I sigh in content, feeling his hands slip down to my waist and tighten. But, it was when his hands slip underneath my pyjama top that I freeze momentarily, causing him to stop and pull away.

"F*ck Luna, I'm sorry. We won't do anything you don't want to do." He murmurs, pecking my lips.

His icy blue eyes are now dark and stormy, filled with uncertainty and worry. I smile and nod, cupping his cheek and thanking him for not pressuring me. He was unbelievably sweet and a true gentleman and I knew he had been raised by a queen who instilled such good manners in her son.

Kaden doesn't completely pull away though. He helps me into bed and slips in beside me, covering me with the blanket. But his hand still finds my waist and pulls me closer so that my head rests against his chest, his arm is draped across my waist. His face is in the crook of my neck and he is taking light inhales of my scent, peppering kisses to a specific area of my neck where a mark would lay.

I sigh in content, feeling my body warm up because of his heat. Cuddling closer, he happily lets me wrap my arm around his waist and clutch onto the material of his shirt. I close my eyes and prepare to fall asleep to the feel of him pressed up against me, his hair tickling my cheek.

"Goodnight, Kaden." I mumble sleepily, hearing him pull away and chuckle lowly.

"Sweet dreams, Luna." He whispers, pecking my lips one last time before I slip away to the dark abyss of dreams.

I wonder where my dreams will take me this time and if they would be as sweet as Kaden always wishes them to be.

Things are going to pick up slightly and the plot line will be introduced soon. I tried not to make the development of their relationship as long as The Hybrid's so I hope I have achieved that. 

Next update: Monday! 

I have started back at university again so updates will be going back to once a week. I hope you all understand that it is my final year in college so I really need to focus on and prioritize my study. That being said, I might do surprise updates here and there. Trust me, I want to upload chapters more than you want me to! 

Please vote and comment! It would mean a lot!

- R.W. 

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