One Woman Mission

By AnneShirleyFan

49.4K 2.6K 135

★The Free For All Awards 3rd place in #Action !★ ★The Tiger Awards 2nd place in #Action★ ★The Tiger Awards #B... More

Part 1 "Resting"
Part 2 "Deal"
Part 3 "Adaptation"
Part 4 "Surprise"
Part 5 "Back to Reality"
Part 6 "Wheat Lunch"
Part 7 "Grocery Shopping"
Part 8 "Double check and a Psycho"
Part 9 "The Feeling"
Part 10 "Life on Line"
Part 11 "Siberia"
Part 12 "Night with Miss Plastic"
Part 13 "Causing A Scene"
Part 14 "Possibilities"
Part 15 "Inquiry at the Mall"
Part 16 "Calling the Shots"
Part 17 "The Hoodie"
Part 18 "Interrogation"
Part 19 "Christmas Dinner"
Part 20 "Christmas Present"
Part 21 "Phantom's Strike"
Part 22 "Escape Plan"
Part 23 "Failed"
Part 24 "Accident"
Part 25 "Catfish"
Part 27 "De ja Vu"
Part 28 "Finally!"
Part 29 "Sweetness"
Part 30 "Finn"
Part 31 "Backstory"

Part 26 "Nostalgia with a Bang"

1.2K 75 0
By AnneShirleyFan

"I ended your career?" Harry asked. He was bewildered. 

"Are you deaf? That's what I just said." Chris said.

Leslie whistled. "Someone is sassy."

Chris gritted his teeth hard. "God, you are so annoying. Just shut your trap. The adults are talking here." Leslie rolled her eyes but didn't comment any further.

"So. Where were we?" Chris said, smirking at Harry. God, it felt so fucking great to see THE Harry Sinne kneeling in front of him, completely powerless.

"You and your non-existent career?" Harry said. God, his feet were starting to cramp. This was seriously going nowhere.

"Yes. And who's fault is that? I was a hot shot at Milton." Chris glared at Harry.

"Dude. That was 10 years ago. And what did I ruin anyway?" Harry said.

Chris pulled Harry close, their face only an inch apart. "My football career, you Jackass."

Harry tried to pull away, but Chris's grip on Harry's collar was firm. "Umm. Will you please let me go? I need my personal space."

Chris scoffed. "You think you are so funny, Don't you? Well, you're not the one who gets to call the shots now."

Chris kneed Harry right in the stomach, making Harry fall out of balance, grunting in pain.

"I did nothing. Just how did I ruin your football career? How?" Harry said, glaring at Chris.

"Oh, this is gold. You really don't remember anything, Do you?" Chris laughed, shaking his head. He soon became serious. 

"Okay, kids. Storytime. Papa is going to tell you why his life is screwed up." Chris said, clapping his hands.

"It happened quite fast, actually.  There I was, all excited about the college scouts coming to my next game. Ohio State scout was actually interested in me. I had my whole future planned out. I was going to win that game, accept the offer they give me, and I'll be the part of Buckeyes, and climb my way up to the big games. N-fucking FL." Chris said, laughing sarcastically.

Leslie worriedly eyed Harry, who seemed somewhat okay. She glanced at Chris who seemed engrossed in his own story. She secretly started to fumble with something behind her back.

"Can you imagine how happy I was? And you fucking had to ruin it for me. One minute I was walking to the fields and Bam! You ran over my foot with your fancy car. I had to sit out of the most important game of my life, and the scouts who were interested in me took back the offers. I had to go to college where I never heard of. All because you ruined my chances. And what did you do about it? Nothing. You didn't even say sorry." Chris spat, his eyes showing anger.

"I'm sorry all of that happened. But I swear that I'm not the one who did that. I didn't even drive." Harry said, shaking his head.

Chris kicked him hard. "Don't lie. Don't you think that I'd know whether it was you or not? Your obnoxious car was shitty as you were. In my mind, that scene of your car running over my foot replays over and over again."

Leslie tried to block the blow with her own body, but Harry managed to push her away.

"Stop! Stop it!! He says that he didn't do it!" Leslie screamed.

"Oh yeah? How can I believe this motherfucker huh?" Chris yelled, kicking Harry with each blow.

"H...Have you seen me on the wheel?" Harry said, wheezing painfully.

Chris's eyes squinted. "What are you talking about? How can I possibly see who is driving, with that tinted window of yours?"

"Exactly. I got my driver's license after I graduated Highschool. I never drove before than." Harry said.

Chris hysterically laughed. "You've got to be kidding me. Then let me see your driver's license."

"Your geezers have my wallet." Harry said, coughing.

Chris left to get the wallet himself, and once he was out of hearing range, Leslie tried to get close to Harry.

"Are you alright?" Leslie asked, concern on her face.

"I'm fine." Harry said, trying to smile.

"The cops are going to be here soon. We just have to stall Chris till they come. Don't anger him, okay?" Leslie whispered.

Chris reappeared, holding Harry's wallet. "For a rich person, you don't have much cash on you."

Harry grimaced. "Just check the driver's license."

Chris took out the license and studied it. "This doesn't prove anything. Who knows whether or not you have been driving illegally?"

Harry sighed. "What do I have to do to prove that I didn't do it?"

Just as Chris opened his mouth, a commotion was heard outside.

"Police! Everyone get down!!"

Chris glared at Harry. "Typical. You are so important that they will do anything to save you. To get you out of trouble. Well, I'm not going to let you get away so easily."

Chris took a gun out of his pocket. "You know, I never wanted to do this. The first time I sent someone, I only meant to send a message, not kill you. But things changed. The world is better off without you."

Chris aimed his gun straight at Harry. Harry gulped. 

Just as the tension built, The warehouse door opened with police piling up.

"Drop the gun!" One officer shouted.

Charlie laughed. He slowly dropped his arms, but not before shooting at Harry.

Things were a blur. Officers surrounded Charlie, reading the Miranda rights to him while Some of them quickly made their way to Harry. Leslie was still in her kneeled position, looking at red slowly spreading on Harry's white shirt.

Leslie's breathing was ragged. It wasn't the first time she saw blood. Being a bodyguard meant that shootings could happen. To her clients, the could turned into would. But seeing Harry, lying there, it felt like she was shot instead of him.

"Ma'am. We need to get you to the station." One of the officer's talked to her.

"I...I need to go to the hospital. I need to be there for him." Leslie said, still dazed.

"As soon as we get your statement, we'll make sure that you get to the hospital." The officer said, gently cutting off the rope that was digging in her wrists.

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