trust issues // w. nylander

By nylanderr

95.5K 1.5K 821

"i have trust issues." he mutters. "i've just been fucked over too many times." [toronto maple leafs, β‡’w. nyl... More

{cast- part one}
1} star struck
2} best friend potential
3} snowball fights
4} golden boy
5} puck you
6} competitive cuddling
7} this is why we can't have nice things
8} never have i ever
9} kiss kiss
10} the habitual line steppers
11} fist fight
12} relationships and other scary responsibilities
13} clumsy loser
14} spilling the tea
15} ex girlfriend extraordinaire
16} yesterday
17} you shoot soft
18} laser tag seduction
19} family bonding [a.k.a annoying fred x]
20} parental supervision
21} too cute to function
22} sunglasses hallelujah & flour thrown at my face
23} dates & such
24} crazy, stupid, uncontrollably in love
26} hardcore sleeping
27} adult-ish
28} worries
29} boring birthday
30} sweet, salty, & maybe a little bit spicy too
31} sour keys
32} small whale or big fish?
33} croissant theifs & park benches
34} unsuspecting

25} the emotional rollercoaster

2K 37 7
By nylanderr

not my goober🤷‍♂️

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️

not my goober🤷‍♂️

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️

not my goober🤷‍♂️

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️

not my goober🤷‍♂️
only because i slept on the couch with daniella smh

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️
it isn't my fault that my mind is just super used to u sleeping beside me at night AND IN MY DEFENSE IT WAS SUPER COLD

not my goober🤷‍♂️
luv you

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️
grrr ily too

not my goober🤷‍♂️
i'm gonna buy you a present todayyyyy

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️
ughhh fine i guess i'm going to get you one too then :-)💖💖💖💖

not my goober🤷‍♂️
that was not the reaction i was hoping for

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️

not my goober🤷‍♂️
way better

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️
thank the lord that there's none of me

not my goober🤷‍♂️
or so u thought

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️
wait what even is that

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️
how did you get it

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️
yikes i kinda look mad😂

not my goober🤷‍♂️
i made it aren't you impressed :-)))

not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️
no not at all i barfed when i saw that gif

not my goober🤷‍♂️
fuck. oh my god. you're hot af so be quiet logan.

not my goober🤷‍♂️
i know that u don't appreciate your beautifulness but i fucking do and it kills me every time you put yourself down babes.

not my goober🤷‍♂️
i'm srsly starting to wonder if it's possible to even be as cute as you are❤️

not my goober🤷‍♂️
you've stolen my title

[not my babes🤷🏻‍♀️ has changed not my goober🤷‍♂️'s contact name to


you better keep your mouth shut and not tell William what we fucking talked about



hey what's up


for helping me get the fuck away from u^^

why do you always have to be so bitchy wtf

stahp i don't have time for this bs

you seem to have a lot of time to fuck around with other guys

what does it matter to you

isn't it obvious?

i still like you logan


my point is that i want you to break up with william


ASHLYN ASKED me to hang out with her earlier this morning, and we've been shopping ever since. Well more like she's been shopping. I haven't bought a single thing besides a big bag of sour candies Ashlyn tricked me into buying for her.

I have no way of escaping the claws of Ashlyn, and all she wants to do is get me to practice my Swedish by talking to random people on the mall benches.

Surprisingly, she's a lot more fun to be around than I first expected in the beginning when she jumped on me as she bursted through the bedroom does this morning after Alex mistakenly told her my whereabouts. I guess she must've been pretty excited to meet me, but I like that, so I'll give her extra points for the enthusiasm.

Along through the process of rushing to have a shower and pulling on a pair of boyfriend jeans, a loose red shirt and a pair of sneakers I managed to forget my phone back at the house.

Stupid, stupid me.

How could I leave my second most prized possession without a second thought? (My first most prized possession being my goober of course...)

I'm pretty sure it was on the bathroom counter by the sink, so it should probably still be in the same place as where I left it unless someone decides to hide it, that someone I suspect is Alex because he's already stolen my phone twice in the past three days just to make me annoyed.

William and his sisters are having the day left to themselves alone in the house. When we left they had been halfway through the process of bubble wrapping Camilla's car. They're honestly the most ridiculous set of siblings I think I've ever met... Although it does sound like fun to bubble wrap a car.

Shopping with Ashlyn is how do I put it—interesting. I know I'm not an expert shopper or anything, but I do know what impulsively buying rainbow track pants looks like when I see it. She has already bought three bags worth of sweatpants, and only sweatpants. Why does she need so many? Your guess is as good as mine.

And now as we're preparing to leave after a long day of running around from store to store, I carry three bags full of takeout sushi, and a holder tray thingy with four coffees inside of it, two for me and William, and two for Alex and Ashlyn.

Demonstrating how to properly multitask the entire walk through the parking lot and all the way to Ashlyn's car, I somehow don't drop everything on the ground. I think Ashlyn is impressed with me too, sending me a look of approval when I scoot into the passengers seat with a huge grin on my face.

"No Beyoncé." Telling her sternly, I let out a loud yawn.

"What's the problem with Beyoncé?" Ashlyn raises an eyebrow at me and flips through different radio stations, none of them playing Beyoncé thank god.

"William has a weird obsession." I mutter and roll my eyes to myself. I'm incapable of trying to get her to understand why William is such a goober, because I don't even know why he's such a goober myself.

"You guys really are adorable. I'm glad he's got you." She smiles brightly.

A weird fluttery feeling rises in my stomach, and I'm glad he's got me too. Even if I don't tell him it as much as I probably could. Blush heats my cheeks without warning and I look away from Ashlyn quickly, beginning to think about my unexplainably cute boyfriend.


"Where's William?" I frown, questioning Jacquline. We're back with the food, and coffee, and all the other fun stuff that Ashlyn and I have brought home from the mall, but William is nowhere to be seen.

She's hesitant to answer me, eyebrows stitched together in confusion and maybe a hint of worry?

Usually by the means of it William would be jumping around happily, all bright eyed and smiley like a little kid because we brought home sushi. He loves sushi.

Why isn't he in the middle of things?

Somethings not right. Unless he's just off doing something stupid, but there's just a feeling that I have that tells me this isn't nothing.

"In his room I think? He was acting off earlier, I don't know what it's about..." Jacquline tells me, trailing off into her own thoughts. She runs a hand through her long blonde hair and turns around to give Ashlyn a hug after casting me one last confused glance.

Wandering through the house, my hands are just the tiniest bit sweaty as I grow more anxious by each passing minute. I think all I really need is the reassurance that this weird feeling in my gut is just a coincidence and that he's right around the corner waiting to give me a kiss. There's no reason for me to even be feeling this way, like it's unexplainable. Whatever it is, it isn't good.

The door hinges squeak just the slightest, an unpleasant sound filling the silence. My hand goes to my forehead, as I massage it and try to get rid of the quickly developing headache that my thoughts are creating.

William is sitting on the bed, eyes glued to his phone, and undoubtedly looking pissed off, smouldering even.

I've only ever seen him mad once since we've met, when he thought that Auston and I liked each other, and that wasn't even too bad. Hopefully this isn't either.

His electric blue eyes shadow themselves, his jaw clenches, the corners of his mouth downturn into a stone cold scowl. The weirdest part about all of this is that he's so silent, which gives me no explanation as to why or what's making him act this way.

It feels like every step I take towards where he sits on the bed more tension builds between us. This isn't good, I hate feeling like I've done something to make him mad. Whatever it is I think I'm going to apologize either way, if it means we can just go back to normal.

"Hey." I smile, maybe trying to brighten the mood, or maybe because I just want to spark up some conversation.

"Hey." William mumbles back, still not looking up from his phone screen. He leans against the headboard of the bed.

Sniffling and contorting his face, he rubs his nose. It's a habit of his, he does it interviews when he's tired, or just not feeling comfortable. Maybe I'm overanalyzing things, but is he uncomfortable around me?

"How was your day?" Licking my lips, I flop myself down onto the bed beside him.

"Good." He's rubbing the bridge of his nose again.

"That's good." I puff up my cheeks before exhaling deeply. Stress is not a good look on me.

My thoughts go to the topic of the sushi, which I know he loves, and could make him happier possibly? I don't even know at this point. I'm so not used to us acting this way around each other, because it's usually so playful and not serious.

"We got sushi." I blurt out.

"Hmm. Sushi? That's good." William nods.

"And I'm gonna go jump off a bridge." This is what I always say when I doubt someone is paying attention to what I'm saying.

"That's not good." William shrugs, continuing to text— I think Trisha or something? I know that they're good enough friends to have regular conversations.

So he's paying attention, he just doesn't want to talk.

"Have you seen my phone?" Raising an eyebrow toward him, I pull my hair into a ponytail.

"Yeah, yeah I have." William scowls, eyebrows stitched together and not bothering to look at me.

And then it hits me.

He must have seen the conversations with Lucia, or maybe what Seth told me last night. There's so many fucked up things on my phone and he's probably seen them all now. What the fuck have I done?

Is he mad because he doesn't want me to talk to Lucia? Does he think that I'm going to break up with him? I honestly don't even know which is which right now.

"Look I'm sorry about whatever texts you saw Wil—."

"It's not that you're texting Lucia or Seth or anybody else." William cuts me off with an angry scoff. His eyes narrow down to mine. "It's that you have been harassed by my ex girlfriend for over a month now and you didn't even think to tell me!"

I'm not super sensitive or anything, but I do get really quiet and nervous when people yell at me, even if it's not that big of a deal. I've always been that way. There's no reason for me to want to crawl up into a bawl and fall into oblivion right?

This isn't good.

No duh you dumbass!

"I'm sorry— I, I just didn't want you to get mad about it..." Staring down at my hands, I scratch at my nails anxiously not wanting to be in this situation.

I bite my lip. Oh god I hope he's not too mad at me.

"Logan she wants you to break up with me and you don't think I'm going to be mad about it? You don't need to apologize for what she says to you." William grits his teeth, tugs his hair frustratedly, then closes his eyes and takes a deep sigh.

Yep, I've decided that fighting with William is the worst thing in the world to ever happen to me.

I know that what Lucia says to me isn't my fault and that I haven't really done anything to her, but still I can't help but feel like all this anger is driven towards me.

I'm about to say something again, avoiding his demanding gaze, but he beats me to it and continues on.

"And then there's Seth." William pauses, gathering his thoughts. "You have two people telling you that our relationship isn't going to work out and that they want you to break up with me, but still that isn't enough for you to tell me any of this?" He questions not understanding it.

"I didn't want you to get mad." Whispering the words to myself for the second time, I wrap my arms around my body uncomfortably. It's the only answer I can come up with.

I know that I'm not good at communicating my emotions, and I'm difficult, tiring to deal with and quite frankly just unpleasant when I'm not willing to talk. But I also know that William understands why I don't always talk about all of my feelings out loud, because it just troubles things.

"Are you going to break up with me?" William turns to me frowning softly.

My heart breaks at how worried he looks, his big blue eyes showing sadness and a hint of something else that I can't pin down.

But why would he ever think that? I love him so much I don't think he even realizes it.

There's an initial silence between us as I'm still a little shocked by his question, and he seems to think that my unresponsiveness is a hint that I in fact do want to break up with him. But I assure you that I sure as hell do not.

"William." My eyes widen. "Of course not." I mutter, shaking my head at the crazy question. Just yesterday we were telling each other how much we love one another, and now he wants to know if I don't want to be with him anymore?

His shoulders slump, his posture visibly relaxing when I lean my head on his shoulder, that being the only physical contact between us since we last saw each other this morning. There's this weird need that I have to touch him, a need for any sort of intimacy that could make me feel better than I do at this point.

"How long?" William's pale blue eyes gleam with curiosity.

It's a shame, I think. Because I know that I'll never be able to let this man go in my heart. I gave him a piece of it and there's no take backs, no return deals, he has it and that's just the way it is now. There wasn't a point that I decided that I was going to need him, or a point that I was going to depend on his love. I think there was definitely a time that the two of us both knew that we were going to be together, that was how it's supposed to be.

I just love him, I love it all. I love his soft snores when he sleeps, the ones I can barely hear because they're so quiet. I love that he's very touchy-feely and that he always needs to be in physical contact with me. And god I love his hair. The list is never ending, I could go on about his amazingness for hours if I wanted to.

"How long what?" My eyebrow raises questioningly.

"How long has Lucia been so rude to you for?" William finalizes.

We've totally had this fight before, fights about Lucia and people getting in the way of our relationship. We need to get past this road block, for the better of the both of us.

"Not long." Gulping down a yawn, I stare at the wall. Except for the entire course of our relationship, not long...

"I think you should sleep in the guest room tonight." William glances to me before looking away quickly, knowing that I'm going to appose to that idea. I won't though, because if he needs a little time and some space away from me then that's what I'll give him.

"Oh— um okay I can do that." I shuffle away from him.

William watches as I grab my phone off the bedside table and while I rummage through my duffle bag for a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that I'm going to be able to wear to bed.

Right now I think that I might need some space too.


The entire time I toss and turn in bed, this being the second night in a row without sleeping either in my own bed back at home or without William.

It's unpleasant and cold. The eerily silent sound of my own breathing is all I can hear. The room is very dark, I turned off all the lights about two whole hours ago when I was first trying to just fall asleep and forget about my frustrations.

And with my face shoved into the pillow and legs tangled in the sheets, I hear the bedroom door creak open slowly, light filling the room more and more.

Seriously I do not have the desire to look up because I'm just so god damn tired. Who could even be wanting to talk to me in the middle of the night anyways?


I crane my head up in the air and off the pillow, opening one eye, all I can make out being William's tall figure in the doorway.

He's wearing sweatpants, but no shirt. I think I must've forgotten how hot he looked shirtless, because I'm about to start hyperventilating with the nonexistent energy that I don't have. Yeah I'm not going to hyperventilate.

He's taking slow steps closer to the bed, shutting the door behind him quietly. After walking all the way to the right side of the bed across from me he lifts the covers up and slides in noisily beside my cold body.

I can feel the heat of his body next to mine almost immediately. It's so fucking relaxing but I'm never going to admit that out loud.

William runs a hand through his soft blonde hair, making it even more messy than it already previously was before. Normally I'd laugh at something so cute like this, I'm just not in the mood.

Without warning he reaches over and wraps one arm around me then one underneath me, pulling me as close as physically possible to his chest and taking a deep breath.

William shoves his face into my neck, his jawline stubble slightly scratching my skin and making me want to itch. I'm enjoying this too much.

"I couldn't sleep." He murmurs sleepily, voice muffled against my neck.

So fucking cute.

"Thank you." All I do is hold him close to me, not saying a single word after that because no words are left needed to say.

With a soft kiss against my forehead, William is out like a light. Soft snores now sound past his lips.

I want to make this last forever.




William played pretty well, put a good effort in. I know it obviously wasn't good for the team since we lost, but regardless he played pretty darn good.


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