By ellana_ppchez

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Inspired by the wonderful fan fics around the world, I present to you my own version of shipping my Idol fina... More

Chapter 1: My First Note
Chapter 2: Soundtrack's Insomnia
Chapter 3: Safe and Sound
Chapter 4: Hit the Right Notes!
Chapter 5 : Get the Beat
Chapter 6: Perfect Lyrics
Chapter 7: Song of Your Life
Chapter 8: Sharp, Flat and Natural
Chapter 9: Broken Strings
Chapter 11: The Lost Pitch
Chapter 12: Ideal Key Signature

Chapter 10:Soft Voices

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By ellana_ppchez

Hollie’s Standpoint

                We’ve been doing this since we became best friends. Joshua with Skylar and I in going home from school. Sadly, Skylar didn’t join us today. She said that she’ll go somewhere else alone. Her eyes are that tear-eyed but I refuse to ask the reason behind it. I know that if she’s ready to talk about it, she’ll be the first one to share it with me. “I wonder what her problem is. Do you have any clue?” asked I. Joshua replied, “ You know Sky.” I asked again, “ Why are these things happening?  Colton and Phillip are fighting then Jessica is mad about it. I am really thankful that I don’t have these burdens.”  Just before I enter our house, he asked, “What about us?” I actually don’t understand that question. “What do you mean? Joshua, I’m tired. I will always be your bff.”said I. Joshua whispered, “ Don’t be ridiculous Hollie! We had been together since we were kids.” I replied, “ And so? We are still friends.” He looked at me and said, “ Can’t we be more than friends?” I never knew he would say those words. I said, “ I’m sorry. We are just both tired, You don’t know what you’re sayin’” Then he exclaimed, “Please don’t be a fool!” Then I yelled, “ You are a fool! We had this friendship and now you end it! I’m done here. Good night! I slammed the door and still can’t believe of what just happened. I saw him walking away through the window while realizing that I also got my issue just before this night ends.

Jessica’s Standpoint

                I can’t think cause of too much things inside my head. I also can’t believe that Phil and Colton just tricked me. I hate them. From the first place, I shouldn’t have talk and join with their businesses. Skylar, Hollie and Joshua are my only friends from now on. I’ll rather stick around with them than persons who tried to make me believing theya re different but apparently, not. “You here?” asked someone with the familiar voice. I look around and saw the face of a weird jerk. I ran away and said, “Don’t talk to me. Get lost!” Then he grabbed my hand and said, “Listen. Just give me one minute to explain everything.” I bolted around his hands and replied, “ Told you I don’t care. I regret bringin up something which will never happen!”I walk into the streets while he follows me and exclaimed, “ You know what? You are right! You shouldn’t have got into our lives!” I said, “ Then stop following me!” I walk fast that I didn’t hear his footsteps next to mine. He yelled, “Jessica!Wait! Ugh!” I turn around and saw his hands around his hands wrapped in his stomach. I ran towards him and said, “ What’s happening to you?” Then, he pulled me again so I ran away fast that I didn’t realize a car is coming through. My feet shaken that I can’t move. I thought I am gonna die till Phillip pushed me to the other side of the street while his hands wrapped across my body.

                “God! I’ll almost get killed because of you!” exclaimed I. “Is that the proper way of saying thank you?”asked Phillip who seems to be technically saved my life.” I can’t help but cry in front of him. “ Thought I’m gonna die,” said  I. HE hugged me ans=d said, “I’m sorry Jess. I really apologize if I always get you in trouble.”I really thought we are gonna both die. It is my fault. I should listen to him just before it’s too late. Soon as he finally releases me , he continued, “Listen. Before anything else, I wanna thank you for the things you’ve done to me and my brother. However, you should admit that forcing us won’t work out. Colton clearly said that he likes you so he just reunites with me for your sake not for the sake of our brotherhood. Do you get what I mean? “ I tried to understand him but I still can’t accept the fact that he lied to me. I said, “ Then why didn’t you tell this for the first time?”. He replied, “ Cause I thought everything just go with the flow.” I didn’t notice that we are in the front of our house. I said, “ You might just save my life and thank you for that but it doesn’t mean that you are forgiven.” He nodded and said, “ I know. Just tell the truth to clear everything. Good Night.” I merely smiled, “Goodbye.”

Skylar’s Standpoint

                I decided not to go to school cause I felt unease. However, mom’s orders are really terrible. I just wish the most terrible thing will not happen today like seeing Mr. Dixon. From those words he said yesterday, I felt that he is the biggest mistake in my entire life! Holy Crap! I just got here in the Glee Room only to find out that all members are here with Colton of course. Everyone is busy but all are quite. Phillip is cleaning the drawers while Jessica is wiping those book sheets without even saying words. Hollie and Joshua surprisingly don’t talk to each other. Finally, I saw Colton with lots of song sheets in his hands. Then he tripped into something and slide through those papers! I almost laughed. Then, I helped him though I don’t want to. He said, “Thank you.” I didn’t mind him. However, he is just like any jerk who’ll try to get your attention, “I said, Thank you.” Then I gave him a faked smile and said, “ Welcome. And by the way, thank you bout yesterday.” Colton said, “Look, I’m sorry.” Then I replied, “Me too.” I tried to louden my voice, “ I just hate pretentious people. You know? “ Hollie added, “I agree with you! More like betraying a friend. It hurts a lot.” Then Joshua cut in, “ But, actually, we are the ones pretending in what we really feel. Those persons are called crazy!” Colton agreed, “Yeah. They are the real freaks in this world.”

Phillip’s Standpoint

                I don’t exactly know what’s happening here that even Jessica looked at me which tells me that these guys are so weird. “Hey guys, knocked it off. Talk about your problems , Okay?” said I. Then everyone stop in arguing while Jessica said, “ Or you just forget about this. Everything will be fine after all.” I replied, “ They should talk about it and fix everything.” Then Colton interrupted, “ Oh, yeah. I agree with you bro.” Everything stop in a while that we never thought that he’ll said it! He called me ‘bro?’ Then Joshua said, “ Whatever. No conversation till truth is admitted.” Hollie yelled, “ The truth will always be a lie if it is not understood! Damn!” Colton exclaimed, “ Why do girls are being pathetic?” Skylar disagreed, “ You are pathetic cause you don’t have the guts to admit your faults!” I can’t believe this! This is a mess!

                “Stop! What the heck? You are new here and now what? Fighting?” exclaimed Ms. Testone. Then she called out the three girls to talk with. We three guys are left lonely and guess, realizing our mistakes. I got an idea. Hope it will work out.

Elise’s Standpoint

                Teenagers are always like this. So frustrated with very simple things in life. “You three got your issues right?”asked I. They all nodded. I continued, “Therefore, I want you to clear your minds and try to cope up every single detail that I’ll tell you.” They nodded again. I started with Hollie. “I know that it’s hard to accept the fact of knowing to be betrayed however, losing a friendship for knowing that he likes you is unacceptable. Try to talk to him because after all, he is still your best friend who’ll take your decision. “ Then, I give advice to Skylar, “ I know that you knew him well. HE apologized and I know he mean it cause we all know that he never did it throughout his life in public.” Lastly, Jessica got my few words. “I could see in your eyes that you want to do it but you can’t make it cause of your fears. Give chances to others. We don’t know, it might be the precious thing that you did.”

                As soon as we end up with our discussions, the guys did a special performance for Hollie, Jessica and Skylar. We sat almost near the front row. Phillip, Colton, Joshua sang We’ve Got Tonight. Well, Phillip came to be the lead singer.





            The three girls felt every part of the song. They knew these guys are really trying to tell their deep sorry for what they’ve done. In the last chorus of the song, I am shock to see Deandre back and ask to dance with me on stage. He may be gone for weeks cause of his workshops at LA. So, I danced with him.

Joshua’s Standpoint

            Soon as I saw Deandre asking Ms. Testone, I asked Hollie to dance with me. “I’m sorry Hollie. Friends?”asked I. Then she replied, “I miss you bestie!” We dance as if we were the only persons on stage. I laughed cause honestly, I like her but if she’s not into it, as her best friend, I respect that. Hope everything will be fine after all.

Colton’s Standpoint

            I got down from stage just to ask Skylar to dance with me. Though I want Jessica, I should know that this will be my way of apologizing to her. I apologized, “ Skylar, I must admit I am a jerk. Sorry if I messed up with you.” She just smiled and danced with me. She laughs a lot that I can’t caught her eyes straight into mine. I liked her a lot as my friend. I said, “I promise not to hurt you again.” Then she replied, “ Just do it!”

Jessica’s Standpoint

            I am smiling a lot because they are so weird. I laughed at them that I didn’t notice a hand wide open asking me to dance. It was Phillip. I want to refus however, I don’t want to put him on shame. The only question on my mind is that if he only asked me cause I’m the last girl in the auditorium. We danced as if our eyes never lose a glimpse in every step we take. I smiled at him that I even tapped his shoulders cause he jokingly step on my foot. I mouthed, “It’s alright.” I never thought he’ll be my first dance.

            Soon as they end their last note, Deandre shouted, “ I’m back and you wouldn’t believe that I brought something very special to you!” We look startled to each other trying to ask, “What could it be?”

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