One With Gods [Loki]

By Kyamyi

582 51 0

Einn með Æsir - Book 2 Isabellianna is back but now she's living on Asgard. Dwelling with gods, she's finally... More

Sarcastic Remarks
Pleasant Company
Thanks Giving
Turning Page
Little Talks
Hate Me
Not Afraid
Chit Chat
My Never
Too Close
Back Again
Answered Questions
Trust Falls
Hang On
Devil's Lullaby
Angel's Dream
God's Awakening
Family Tree
Technical Terms
Lover Lost
Dark Wave
Growing Up
The Calm
The Plan
The Dark
The Storm
Clean Up

Birth Day

16 2 0
By Kyamyi


"Isabellianna, you must push." Frigga's fearful blue eyes looked into mine as the scientist healer ladies tried to help deliver my baby.

I closed my eyes and wailed as I mustered up the strength to push. Sweat was dripping from my body and tears were streaming down my face from the pain. I saw the looks the snide doctors were giving one another and I cried out. "Frigga! Frigga, I can't do this."

She grasped my hand in hers. "Yes you can. Isabellianna you can deliver this child." 

I shook my head and bit my lip. I was sobbing now. "I can't." I got out between cries.

She squeezed my hand. "Don't you dare give up, the baby is counting on you." She said sadly but forcibly. I shook my head again.

Even over my cries I heard the doctors whisper to themselves. "We can cut the baby out if she isn't strong enough."

"Better of to let both of them die, it is the spawn of Loki."

I saw the fire ignite in Frigga's eyes. "Speak ill of my family anymore and I'll have all of your heads." She spat at them then turned to me, fearful again. "Tell me, what do you need Isabellianna?"

I clenched my eyes shut."I can't, I can't-"  I was ashamed. I tried to stop the tears but they kept coming. Maybe they should just cut her out and leave me to die. My mind brought me one place. "I need... I-I need Loki." I told her.

There was light in her eyes once again. "If I take you to him will you promise to deliver my grandchild?" She asked.

I blinked away my tears and stopped my crying for a moment. "Y-yes."

That was all she needed. And I knew Asgardians were strong but it still surprised me that Frigga could scoop me up so easily. The doctors protested. "She won't make the trip."
"She's better left in our hands."

Frigga didn't listen. "My daughter will be just fine in my hands." She told them and took me out of the room, out of the building. The rising sun disturbed my sensitive eyes and I turned away. It took ten minutes for us to get down to the dungeons and I was worried for the worst. I started crying again. Frigga was barking orders at the guards when they didn't react fast enough. When I opened my eyes again I was under the bright light of Loki's cell, being shifted into his arms.

"What happened?" He questioned frantically, going to set me on his bed. The look on his face was unlike any expression I've seen him wear before. It broke my heart.

"She went into labor in the middle of the night. She says she can't do this without you, Loki." Frigga explained to him.

"Izbell." He whispered, brushing my hair off of my forehead. I saw the tears in his eyes.

"We have to work quickly, Loki. The baby can't survive long like this." Frigga was propping my legs up and open.

Loki nodded. "I can handle this." He swapped spots with Frigga. Now he was the one in between my legs and the blonde woman was back to holding my hand. Loki felt my stomach under the silk night gown I was wearing, his cool hands soothed my soul. "Can you do it now Love, Izbell. Can you push for me?" He asked sweetly and I squeezed Frigga's hand but nodded.

"Push for me, darling, I know it hurts, but you must." He cooed and I obeyed. I pushed with all my might. "That's good, breathe, breathe." I took in gulps of air. "Now again, push again- oh"

My eyes widened at his change of tone. It was Frigga who voiced my concern "What is it?"

Loki rubbed my stomach lightly. "Her feet are coming first, it's going to be okay, dear, relax. You can do this. Push for me again."

I clenched my teeth and pushed. It felt like hours until Sjofna Lokisdottir was born, wailing almost louder than me. Crocodile tears formed in my eyes as I saw Loki smile down at his daughter, Sofi Natalia was the midgardian name I came up with for her. She had my mahogany skin and a head full of green locks. Loki looked back down at me, surprised. "There-there's another." He announced as he handed Frigga her granddaughter.

My eyebrows scrunched together. Another? Could I do it? The determined look on Loki's face gave me the strength I needed. Frigga could no longer hold my hand because she was holding my daughter so I grasped the sheets and clenched my teeth.

"I see the head." Loki informed me. And I breathed a sigh of relief.

Ten minutes after his sister Litre Lokisson was born. I was able to catch a glimpse of his honey kissed skin and tuft of black hair in his father's arms before I passed out from exhaustion.


I awoke in Loki's bed, submerged in the blankets. I blinked and immediately shot up in the bed. "Where's-"

Loki cut me off, a hand over my mouth. I looked to him as he put a finger to his lips and removed his hand from my face. I saw, at the edge of the bed were two gilded cribs. I climbed over Loki to peer into them, and was surprised to find one was empty as they were both in the same crib. I looked to Loki for clarification. "Sjofna cries when she's not with her brother." He whispered.

I smiled and looked back down I saw that Litre's skin had changed to normal Medjordian colors and I wondered if I just imagined his teak skin and black hair. I brushed it aside and just watched my babies sleep.

"You're sticking with the names you chose, then? Litre and Sjofna?" He asked, rubbing my shoulders.

I nodded, keeping my eyes on the children. "Lee Nicholas, and and Sofi Natalia for Midgard names." I smiled. Nicholas for Director Fury, and Natalia for Natasha, my Supervising Officer. He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"You did it, dear." The pride in his voice made my heart swell.

"We did it." I turned and kissed his soft lips. "I wouldn't have been able to bring them into the world without you, Loki." I smiled. "They're beautiful."

"I can't agree more." He sighed. 

There was a stirring in the cribs and I looked down to see my son peering up at me. His arm outstretched toward me. I giggled and placed my index finger in his hand. "I love you, Lee." I whispered. With his other hand he reached for Loki. My husband was about to place his finger like mine but he seemed to think twice about it and retracted his hand. "What is it?" I rubbed his back.

He shifted on the bed. "When I touch him, he... looses his Medjordian colors..."

My eyes widened. "So I wasn't hallucinating?" Loki shook his head and I gave a soft smile. "Don't be afraid to touch your son, Loki." I took his hand in both of mine, kissed it, then placed his finger in his son's hand. I gasped in wonder as Lee went from red and green to brown and black. Loki was about to pull away but I stopped him. "He's camouflaging. I was able to do it as an infant, too. It's how my mother was able to keep my father from knowing we were aliens."

"Speaking of your mother, did she have a twin?" He asked me. Calmer now, playing with his son.

I shook my head. "I thought it was you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, it couldn't be from my side."

I bit my lip. "Well I really don't know much about Medjordians."

Still playing with his son, he reached over to the nightstand and picked up the journal of the Medjordian traveler. He handed it over to me. I looked through it. I froze when I found the answer to our question. "What is it?" He asked.

I brushed my short hair away from my face. I read from the page. "And my children were born. A healthy, normal litter of two. A male and female."

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