Falling for the Bad Boy

By mxnaerin

3.9K 210 46

i can't believe i fell for the bad boy. started: 3|28|17 ended: 2|15|18 More

15. part 1
16. part 2
17. part 3
18. part 4
31. part 2
not an update✔️
34. end
a/n msg✨
bonus chapter💯
road to 2k, questions and new book!

30. part 1

45 3 0
By mxnaerin

Chapter Countdown "five"
Leaving this pic here😊

NOTE: there's a part which will be a little bit of sexual harassment and torture. I just want to remind my readers, if you feel uncomfortable please skip that part. But it's much better if you don't so you won't miss out on anything but if you feel uncomfortable please do skip. Kamsa.

Long Chapter!


15+ AND ABOVE! ‼️⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️

I woke up with the sunlight hitting my face. I remembered about the note and it was not a dream. I looked at my clothes and it's still the same clothes I wore yesterday.

I got up and went to the bathroom to take a long shower. I want it to be peaceful and clear my mind.

After the long shower, I changed into a hoodie and some ripped jeans. I combed my damp hair and pulled it into a ponytail leaving strands of it beside my hair.

I got downstairs and again dad was nowhere to be found. I got to the kitchen and saw some food on the container and a note.

Mianhae. Eat these foods. I'll be on night duty today so invite Jimin to cook for you. :) Sarangheyo!


I chuckled at the note and out it down before opening the container revealing a samgyupsal, hotteok and jajjangmyeon. My mouth was watering at the sight and sat down before grabbing my metal chopsticks and took a piece of hotteok.

As I was continuously eating, I remembered the note on my bed. Somehow my mind started to think of things that are not suppose to go in my mind.

I just shrugged it off and continued eating.

Jisoo's Pov

As soon as I thought of a plan, I told one of my friends to sneak into Soohyun's house and put a note on her bed and she managed to do it.

I planned to rape her. It's not that I'm doing it but my brother and his friends are doing it. Then Soohyun will have a trauma and I'll be there with Jimin, drugging him and make him forget about Soohyun.

I laughed at my plan. I took a sip of my champagne. "Are you just going way too far?" Lisa, my friend said. I put my glass down and look at her.

"No." I laughed again and she laughed with me.

I looked at my watch and noticed that it's almost 1.

"Well. I have business to do. Get them ready." I said to Lisa and she nodded her head before standing up and ran away.

I stood up as well and started scavenging through my clothes to wear. I'm picking a simple shirt with rip at the back, a leather jacket, ripped jeans and maroon colored shoes.

I combed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. I flipped my hair before going out of my room.

Soohyun's Pov

I walked the cold sidewalks of my neighborhood and looked at my wristwatch. It's almost 1. I fastened my pace and ran through the snow.

I stopped by a park which nearly has no people since it's cold. I sweep of the snow on one of the benches and sat there.

Then a black van pulled out in front of me. Then a girl came out, it wad Jisoo. As soon as she saw me, she smiled at me. What the actual fuck. I guess she wanted to meet me.

"Soohyun hi!" She said and waved her hand at me. I smiled as she comes near me. She swept of the snow on the bench and she sat there.

"Pretty cold weather isn't it?" She said as she used both hands to move up and down her shoulders. I nodded.

"Just get to the point Jisoo." I said. She blinked her eyes and looked at me with a straight face. She faked cough.

"Get her!" She yelled when someone put a handkerchief in my mouth. It smelled like chloroform. My vision got blurry and the last thing I knew...I blacked out.


I woke up when someone slapped my face repeatedly and pouring water on my face. "She's awake!" A man with a dark voice said.

He looked at me and a playful smirk was plastered on his face. "Your so yeppueda." He said as he caressed my cheeks.

I was about to slap his hand away when I can't feel hands. "Don't touch me!" I said and he smirked again before slapping me harshly.

"Ooh~ Fiesty! I like it." He said. "Boys come out!" He said before a group of boys came out. One boy was carrying a whip. Oh Jimin where are you.

"Let's play a little game shall we?" One of the boys said. All nodded their heads before going near me.

"Get away from me you psychos!" I said. One boy slapped me again before feeling someone unbutton my jeans.

I tried to kick him but someone held my feet. He continued all the way leaving me in my panties. A tear escaped my eye.

"Please let me go..." I said in between sobs. A boy licked his lips at the sight of my bare legs. He took of his jeans before putting his hand in his boxers and started pumping his dick.

He groaned as he kept looking at my bare thighs. I flinched when a hand was on my shirt pulling it up slowly. I spit at his face before someone whipped my bare legs.

I winced in pain and a tear escaped my eye. The boy wiped the saliva away before making his hands to my shirt and pulling it up. I cried continuously leaving me in my bra.

The boy that was masturbating was groaning louder as he saw my full body. "Jimin! Where are you?!" I cried his name.

I looked at the mark left on my thighs. It was purpulish and red. I continued crying.

I heard a clapping sound and clicking of heels in the room. "Well..well..well it isn't Soohyun." A familiar voice echoed through the room.

It was Jisoo. "What do you want Jisoo?!" I said she slapped me hard leaving a red mark on my face. Then another whip from my thigh to the other boy.

"Simple. I want Jimin." She said playing with her hair. My blood boiled. "Can't you not see Jisoo! He doesn't love you."

"Shut up!" Another whip from the boy in my thigh. I looked at my thigh and it was bleeding. The whip did it.

"If you weren't to exist in this world non of this could happen. Jimin would still be with me." She said.

"No Jisoo. Your wrong. Stop controlling people's live. Not all you want you can get. Especially when it's someone you love. If you really love Jimin then you should accept the fact that he loves me more than you. That, your willing to let go of him for his sake of happiness. Tell me, was he happy with you. No. Because all he wants from you is sex. Nothing more nothing less. Can't you see, he doesn't give you love and you deserve more than him. Jimin is only one guy, There are billions of guys in this world. Jimin is not the only one Jisoo."

I said and she looked down at the ground. "Please...can you not mess with our lives again? Jimin is happy now. Leave us alone please." I said in between my sobs.

Tears started flowing from her face. She turned around. "Finish her off." She mumbled something before walking away slowly.

"Wait. Wait. Jisoo!" I called her name but she kept walking. The boy from earlier smirked at me. "Looks like dinner is served boys." He said before holding the hem of my panty.

"Stop!" He was about to take it off when we heard someone yelled. It was Jisoo.

"Stop it Jihoon!" Jisoo said. "Why? Don't tell me you pity her." He said. She just looked down.

"Noona...let me do this arasseo? Ka, leave." Jihoon said and started pushing away but Jisoo didn't budge. She was frozen in her place.

"I said leave!" Jihoon shouted. "Andwae! I'm not leaving here without her." She said pointing at me. "What she said was right. I'm a possessive bitch. I can't get what I want. Not Jimin. I deserve someone better. So if you don't mind get out of the way and let me get her." She was about to free me when her brother held her wrist.

"Let me go Jihoon!" She said. "Shhhh. You can't ruin our meal. We just started eating it and now your ruining it. Tch, pathetic." He said. Jihoon throwed her to his friends and Jisoo struggled her way.

"Let me go you assholes!" She said still struggling.

"Now let's start eating." He said before putting his hands on the hem of my panty.

"Freeze!" He was about to take it off the second time when the door banged revealing two policemen holding guns. All of the boys put their hands on the air.

A policewoman came in with a blanket she untied the rope on my back and gave me a blanket to cover myself.

"Are you perhaps Kim Jisoo?" A policeman said. She nodded. "Kim Jisoo your under arrest in doing cybersex. You have the right to remain silent. All your words, save it to the judge. You have the right to have a lawyer." He said before cuffing both her hands.

I ran towards the officer. "Sir, please don't do lock her. She saved me." I said. I flinched when I felt Jisoo's hands on me.

"Yah. I dragged you into this pabo. My life was a pain in the ass anyways." She smiled at me before the policeman dragged her towards the police car.

"Soohyun!" I saw a running Jimin with a worried face. He hugged me tightly as soon as he saw me. "Mianhae." He whispered into my ear and I hugged him tighter.

"Gwaenchanha?! Did they do something horrible to you?!" He said. I shrugged it off. I opened the blanket revealing myself with marks on my bare thighs.

"Omo! We have to get you to the hospital!" He said. We walked our way to his car. "Jimin, we'll go to the court tomorrow. I'll call my uncle. He's a lawyer." I said and he gave me a weak smile before driving away to the hospital.


I'm so fucking tired in writing this! I'll be making a part 2 in this. Stay tuned!

We're close to the book guysss😭

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