Smacked. (A One Direction Fan...

Von Lovalee

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Angela's best friend Kendall manages to drag her all the way from Anchorage, Alaska, to New York. Just to see... Mehr

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter One

913 13 6
Von Lovalee


“Ugh, turn that crap off!” I demanded, turning the volume knob to the left.

“Aw, come on!” Kendall complained while pulling into the pizza place’s parking lot. “They’re pretty good. And I’d LIKE to listen to my future husband’s beautiful voice.”

“Kendall. You are not going to marry Niall Horan,” I said, crushing her dreams as I got out of the car.

“I am, too! By the way, we’re flying to New York for one of their concerts,” she admitted, following me into the pizza parlor.

“WHAT?! I  am NOT flying all the way to New York to listen to mediocre music!” I protested. “Besides... I don’t have that kind of money, and the tickets sold-”

“Don’t underestimate my powers. We leave tomorrow at 3 AM. Anchorage to NYC is a very long trip. We have row 1 seats, Angela.”

“Those tickets are $13,000! Don’t expect me to pay you back; I told you. I don’t have that kind of money.”

“Daddy’s covering everything. Don’t worry about it,” Kendall informed me. Her father had money running out of his ears, so I didn’t doubt her. I started to panic. I couldn’t get out of this if her father spent over $13,000 on me. She looked at me hopefully.

“Fine,” I let my breath go.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! I looooooooove you, Angie!” Kendall squealed.

“Yeah, yeah...” I muttered.

I was going to New York to see One Direction.


“Aaaaaaaaaaangie,” a voice spoke to me. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGIE.”

“What do you want?” I growled into the pillow.

“Angie. It’s 1 AM. You have to get up and get ready if you want to make the plane,”

“If I remember correctly, I don’t WANT to make the plane,” I replied.

I looked up. Nobody was in my room. Strange. I went back to sleep.

“SURPRISE!” a familiar voice called out as a bucket of ice water coated me and my bed. I jolted up and looked at the culprit.

“KENDALL TYLER JOHNSON. I HATE YOU. SO MUCH.” She stuck her tongue out at me and pulled me out of bed.

“I hope you packed,” she said, worrying. I grinned at her.


“I was hoping I could get out of this,” I admitted sheepishly. She sighed and pushed me into my closet.

“Pick out an outfit for today and pack a carry on bag. Then get in the shower and get ready. I’ll pack everything you’ll need for a week.” She ordered me before walking downstairs to find suitcases.

I sighed as I looked in my closet. It was around 50 degrees in Anchorage during the summer, but I assumed it would be warmer in New York. I pulled out a red high waisted pencil skirt, a black undershirt, and a black and white striped cardigan. I quickly packed up a carry-on and hurried into the shower.


I glanced at the wall clock as I slipped on my clothes. I quickly brushed my teeth and combed through my hair before applying eyeliner and mascara.

“Angela, hurry up. I’m done with your bags,” Kendall called from my bedroom.

I gave myself a once over before heading out the door. My blonde hair fell to a point past my shoulders in loose, natural waves, and my green eyes were framed by dark lashes. My tan skin made my eyes look even greener. The high waisted skirt I was wearing gave me more shape, and made my legs appear longer. Once I tweaked my hair and was satisfied, I walked out to my bedroom to find Kendall waiting for me. She seemed to have packed everything in my room, as she was surrounded with three bags, when all I needed was one.

“Kendall! Why do I need all of this?” I asked her.

She just grinned at me, making her whole face light up. Kendall had long, naturally curly, brownish-blonde hair, pale skin, and beautiful blue-green eyes. She wasn’t curvy, but she wasn’t a stick, either. She stood at around 5’3”, and was an average weight. Today, she was wearing dark wash skinny jeans that fit her well, a navy blue undershirt, a 3-layer crop top with alternating patterns, a fitted navy blue jacket, and her black Toms.

“Are you just gonna stand there and check me out some more, or are we gonna go, baby cakes?”

I laughed and grabbed a rolling suitcase, a duffel bag, and my carry on, leaving her with the biggest bag. I ran down the steps, dropped my bags, and went into my parents’ room to say goodbye.

“Hey, Mom. I’m gonna leave now. Tell Daddy I said good bye,” I said, standing next to the bed.

“All right, baby. Please be safe,” she replied, taking my hand.

“Okay Mom, bye. Love you,” I said, kissing her cheek, trying to leave.

“Wait, do you have money?” She asked, holding me back.

“Crap,” I muttered under my breath. “No, I completely forgot.”

My mother shook her head, chuckling. I don’t know what I would do without her. I probably wouldn’t even be able to eat on a daily basis.

“Take my debit card, okay? Don’t go crazy. I love you, be safe, and call me when you get off the plane.” She said, sending me off.

“Alright, bye Mom.” I walked out of the room and found Kendall still at the top of the stairs, struggling with the bag. I burst out laughing.

This startled Kendall, making her jerk backwards, sending her and the bag to the bottom of the steps. She looked up at me, as I continued to laugh.

“Screw you.”

If I have to fly ten hours to see a band I don’t even like, I’m glad I’m doing it with my best friend.


We went through security, got a bite to eat, and got on the plane without a hitch. I fell asleep on Kendall’s shoulder within 30 seconds of us reaching cruising altitude. When we landed, the flight attendant shook me awake and asked if I could wake my friend up. I grumbled for a second, then agreed.

I rummaged through her bag before finding her iPod and head phones. I turned the volume all the way up and found a screamo song on YouTube before jamming the earbuds into her ear and moving her hair out of the way. I pressed play.

“HOLY POOP!” Kendall screamed, grabbing attention from several other people on the plane. “Why would you do that to me?!”

“Shut up. You dragged me to New York to see some pop-ish boy band.”

“Sorry babe,” She said, kissing her fingertips then slapping my cheek lightly.

"Folks, we have begun our descent to New York City, where it is currently partly cloudy. We will be at the gate in about twenty minutes, We'd like the flight attendants to prepare the cabin for arrival. We want to thank you for flying with us today." the pilot’s voice rang out clearly.

A blonde flight attendant with bright red lipstick stood before us in the front of the cabin. “Okay. y’all,” she began with a thick southern accent. “If you could all return your seats to the upright position and flip those trays of yours up, I would really appreciate that. Also, please buckle your seatbelts up after returning your carry-on bags to the compartments above those pretty little heads of yours. Thanks for flyin’ with us today, and have a great time in New York!” Everyone quickly did as they were told and relaxed as the plane landed.

Everyone slowly shuffled out of the plane in a straight line. Kendall and I made our way to the baggage carousel where we quickly found all of our luggage.

“Kendall, did you rent a car in advance?” I asked her. She hesitated.

“Was I supposed to?”

“God dammit, Kendall! How do you suppose we’re going to get to the hotel?!” I yelled.

“Relax! We can call a the hotel shuttle, or maybe a taxi,” she replied calmly. “I’ve always wanted to whistle a cab down!”

I took my phone out and texted my mom that the plane landed, but that I couldn’t call her at the moment. By the time I looked up, Kendall was gone. I dragged all of the luggage to the shuttle pick up to find Kendall hanging on the side of black limousine. I sighed. There was no way I’d be able to control Kendall in a very large city. I walked up next to her, without her noticing.

“But, sir, we really nee-WAAH!” I cut Kendall off by squeezing her sides and then ducked my head down so I could speak to the driver.

“Sorry, my friend here is mentally challenged. She doesn’t understand boundaries,” I told him. I heard very quiet fits of giggles from the back of the limo.  

“I do, too!” Kendall retorted.

“No, you don’t! You found it acceptable to request a ride in a grocery cart from a bum who lives on the side of the supermart!" More giggles.

"Alright, we really have to get to our hotel now. Sorry for my friend, again," I apologized once more before dragging Kendall back to the curb.

The limo began slowly pulling away, as if there was precious cargo in the back. Just as slowly, the back window rolled down to reveal five faces.

They stared at us until the very last second, and then shouted, “YOU GUYS ARE FUNNY.”

We stood there, watching the vehicle drive off, and a bit after that, too.

“Well, that was weird.”

“Kendall, you get us into so many unnecessary situations. Let’s get out of here and try to wave a cab down.”


After numerous attempts, all failing, Kendall gave up and told me to stop a cab. I got it right on the first try and then listened to my friend grumble about “luck” all the way to our hotel. When we got in the room, Kendall began unpacking our things before claiming the bed closest to the window. I sprawled across the other bed and let myself fall asleep.

Two hours later, I awoke to find Kendall missing. I’m a 17 year old girl, alone in a hotel room, a very far way from home. That fact frightened me, so I stood up, straightened my clothes, grabbed a room key, and walked out the door to find Kendall.

Taking into consideration the amount that Kendall eats, I decided to go to the 35th floor to find the snack machines. I quickly walked to the elevator and pressed 35. The doors opened and I walked around a corner or two until I came across a Coca-Cola machine and a Pepperidge Farms snack vendor. Standing in front of the machines, holding loads of snacks and cans of soda was a blonde boy, about my age. He looked very familiar, but I couldn’t figure out where I’d seen him before. Maybe he could help me find Kendall.

“Excuse me,” I began. He looked at me for a second. “Have you seen a girl, a tad shorter than me, brown hair?”

“Yes ma’am. She’s crazy. She followed my mate up to his room and wouldn’t leave for 15 minutes,” he said with a thick irish accent.

“Oh my God. I am SO sorry! I thought she would’ve stopped that by now. Do you know where she is now?” I asked.

“Nope, sorry,” I slowly turned around and walked off.

Well, now I have no leads. I walked into the elevator and pressed 15, to go back to our room. I pulled out my phone and called Kendall.

“Baby cakes!” she greeted me.

“Kendall, where are you?! I woke up and you weren’t in the room.”

“Oh. I was checking the hotel out. I’m back in the room, now. And Angela, you will never believe who’s staying at our hotel!”

“I don’t care, Kendall.”

“But it’s One-” I quickly hung up on her as the elevator doors opened. I scurried to the door, slid the key card into the slot, and swung the door open.

“Kendall, what have I told you about stalking?” I asked as I walked into the bedroom.

“But...” Kendall began.

“No buts!” I scolded. “What time is the concert?”

“We’re gonna leave now.”

“That’s not what I asked. What time is the concert?”

“You’re being mean.”

“I’m grouchy!” I snapped.

“It starts at 8. But if we go now, we might see the boys! I want to wish my husband good luck on the concert.”

“Kendall!” I said. “That’s completely unnecessary! Do we have to?”


“Fine. Let’s go.” I grabbed my cellphone, money, and room key and walked out the door, Kendall right behind me.


After giving the taxi driver the address to the venue, a song that I’d never heard before came on the radio. Kendall instantly recognized it.

“What song is this? It’s kinda catchy,” I commented. Kendall looked confused before a devilish grin spread across her lips.

“How many One Direction songs have you heard?”

“Just that one really obnoxious one that’s constantly playing on the radio,” I replied. “What’s the name of the song? Who is it by?”

“I Want.”

“What about my second question? Who’s the artist?” I probed.

“One Direction!” she squealed. I groaned.

“Now you’re gonna use this against me!”

“Pretty much. Hey, look! There’s the concert hall!” I turned around to see a very large building with about 25 girls already in line.

“Kendall, we’re gonna end up sitting here for five hours without seeing one of your precious boys,” I said.

“Well, I brought my iPod, so I’m going to teach you every single lyric to every single song,” she said.

“What kind of person brings an IPOD to a concert?!”

She shrugged. We climbed out of the car and Kendall dragged me to the line as quickly as possible. She sat me down and taught me all about the songs and the boys.


“And that’s Niall. He eats a lot. He’s also my husband. That’s Louis, and he really likes carrots. And Liam over there is afraid of spoons,” Kendall finished. I picked my head up off of her shoulder.

“We’re done?!” I asked her. She nodded.

“THANK THE GODS,” I said. Just then, the line started to move. We showed the burly security guard our tickets before walking into the stadium. The stage was already set as we ran towards the first row. The venue filled up faster than I thought it would, and the building was full of chatter until the lights went down. Girlish screams came from all over the place. Soon after, the band was introduced, they said a few things, and began singing.

The boy who was afraid of spoons sang out “YOU’RE INSECURE. DON’T KNOW WHAT FOR...”

He was quickly joined by every single female (and a few males) in the room. I looked to my left to see Kendall crying.

“Nerd,” I muttered. I could’ve screamed it, and she probably wouldn’t have noticed. She completely forgot about me and I wasn’t enjoying myself, so I snuck out to get some fresh air.

The hallway was filled with people trying to sell me 1D shirts and CDs and calendars, none of which I was interested in. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my cardigan. I walked around the chilly stadium to find food. I felt like Kendall: Constantly hungry. I ordered a chili dog from a vendor after searching and exploring for 45 minutes. After eating, I set out to find a bathroom, and afterwards decided to go back in the stadium.

“Um, I had to find a bathroom. Can I get back in?” I asked the security guard.

“No can do, ma’am,” he replied with an attitude.

“Screw you!” I yelled before stomping off around the building to find a side door. Once I found it, I pressed my ear to it.

“That was our last song. Good night, New York City! Drive safe!” The girls went wild for their British accents. I texted Kendall that I was at the back door and to meet me there. As I shoved my phone in my pocket, I ran around to the back door. I heard laughter and yelling coming from behind the door, so I slowed my pace.

*****Third Person POV*****

“You’ll never catch me, leprechaun! Your legs are too short!” Louis screeched, running down the hallway.

“Don’t insult my height and/or heritage!” Niall yelled back.

Louis quickly reached the end of the hallway and swung the door open. A loud bang resounded outside. He quickly turned his neck around the door to see what he had smacked.

“MOTHERFU-” the girl started. Before she could finish Louis smacked her in the head with the door again to shut her up.

“AHHH! CRAZY STALKER FAN!” he whimpered.

“Niall, get Hazza! I’m scared,” Louis said, sounding like a kid.

Another, darker-haired girl came running up to see what had happened. She stopped and looked at the girl collapsed on the ground. She looked up to see Louis covering his eyes up with his fingers, just as Niall swung the door open.

“AND YOU SAID I’D NEVER GET YOU!” Niall yelled in triumph. Louis was still hiding behind his hands.

“Aw, shit. Not again,” the Irish boy said, looking at the two girls passed out at his feet.


Hey guys! This is my first story on this account, and I recently got into 1D. At first, I really didn't like them. Then I heard their other songs and I DID like them. So um. yeah! I really hope you liked it, and I won't be adding another chapter unless I know people want more. If you would take your time to vote, comment, add it to your library, or fan, it would mean a lot to me. Dedicated to Kendall, an amazing friend of mine who made me love 1D for the boys' personalities and their amazing music. I based the protagonist's best friend off of her. If you read this, Kendall, I LOVE YOU!

Thanks for reading,

Over & Out- Angie.


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