The Boy With The Shades

By BabyMsft10

80.8K 3.2K 1.1K

Jacob Perez.. The boy with the shades... The boy that never talked... He looked as if he held a deep, dark se... More

The Boy With The Shades
Main Cast
35. Finale


2.1K 78 73
By BabyMsft10

6:00 P.M

Just call the police....

No don't call the police, you'll never see Selena again!

Why are you sitting around! Go look for your sister! He could be hurting her!

Just let her be, she'll be fine..

I sat in my car letting thoughts constantly raid my mind.

What the hell was I supposed to do? I didn't fucking know!

I've been sitting in the car since yesterday, praying and hoping that Mario would pull up. I even missed school to make sure I didn't miss him if he came back.

But he never showed....

I was going mentally insane at the thought of what could be happening to Selena.

"Selena I'm sorry...." I shook my head. "I'm sorry I wasn't there like I was supposed to be. If I had been at your school on time you'd be with me. Safe. But look what fucking happened.... it's all my fault Selena and I'm sorry." I choked on my words a bit, trying to hold back my tears. "God I hope you're ok."

I stared at my phone. 

911 had been sitting on my dial screen for the last hour.

I didn't know if I should call or not.

If I called and told them everything that was going on they'd take Selena away.. I know they would. I'm not legally her guardian. If I were 18 then it wouldn't be a problem, but I'm 17. I won't be 18 until next year.

I was so fucking close.

I was just putting up with mario's bullshit purposely until I turned 18 so I could finally leave this fucking house and turn Mario in without Selena being taken away.

I didn't care that I would have to fight for it in court, I just had all this shit planned out, but now it's ruined....

I looked at my phone, slowing moving my thumb towards the call button.

As much as I didn't want to call the police, it was about Selena's safety at this point and that's all that I care about... anything is better than her being with Mario. Even if that means being in the system...

I pressed call, putting the phone on speaker.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"I-I'd like to report a kidnap..." I sniffed.


"This is so nice! Oh my gosh." I squealed looking around inside of the limo. "How'd you pay for this?"

"Don't worry about all that." Chris smiled, leaning back in his seat and putting his arm behind me. "You just worry about looking cute tonight and having fun."

I looked at him with a small grin. "Ok..."

I glanced through the tinted window, not realizing where we were. It sort of looked like a downtown area. A lot of big buildings and outlets.

We had been driving for at least an hour tops.
"Where are we going?" I whined getting impatient.

"Look girl, I told you it's a surprise. If I tell you it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it?"

I looked at him and he raised an eyebrow.
"I guess not..." I sighed.

"Exactly." Now don't you worry your pretty little head because lucky for you, we're pulling up anyway..."  Chris said smoothly, holding my face up by my chin to look at him.

He stared at me for a while before we came to a stop in front of a building.

"What is this?" I asked in awe.

The limo driver stepped out and opened the door for us.

Chris got out first, grabbing my hand and helping me out.

"Watch your step." He said as I stepped up on the curb.

Chris was starting to give me the butterflies from how charming he was being. Like I've never seen him like this. I'm used to the cocky, pretty boy Chris.

I was digging it....

But I wasn't gonna let him see that I was feeling the vibes so easily.

I fixed my skirt and smiled looking at the building. "Is this a club Chris?"

He chuckled. "No, but you're close. Come on."

He took my hand and we walked into the lit building.

When we walked in, the lights were dim and there were tables sitting around with a stage towards the front. I even noticed a dance floor if I wasn't mistaken.

We were greeted by a dark skinned older guy.

"Welcome to the opium poetry night." The guy smiled. "May I have your name?"

"Brown." Chris said.

The guy looked down at a little note pad before nodding. "Here you are. Please. Enjoy your night."

I smiled and Chris gave him a nod.

I followed behind him and he led me, still holding my hand.

We found a empty round table for two and took our seats.

"This place looks so nice." I looked around.

"Yeah. I come here time to time."

I frowned. "You're into poetry?"

"Hell Yeah. I write sometimes..." he said.

I raised my eyebrows. "Oh really?"

Chris nodded. "Yeah, but I never put it out there you know." He shrugged.

I nodded. "Wow..."

"Ladies and gentleman welcome to our greatest and most finest poetry night!" Some man spoke into the microphone getting everyone's attention.

People started to clap and cheer including Chris.

"We're gonna kick tonight off with a special performance by the one and only! ALICIA KEYS!"

The crowd went crazy.

My mouth dropped. "Oh my gosh Alicia keys?!" I screamed, hitting chris' arm. "I love her!"

Chris smiled. "I know..."

Alicia keys walked out on stage looking so beautifully stunning.

She was so inspiring to me.

"How y'all doing tonight?" Alicia smiled as the crowd clapped for her.

"I'm gonna sing a little throwback for you guys. Some of you may remember." She smiled.

The crowd started to settle down as the music started to play.

I instantly knew what song she was gonna sing.

"Chris! She's gonna sing unthinkable!" I cheesed.

I couldn't believe Alicia keys was actually in this bitch, living and breathing!

Chris chuckled. "Calm down ma."

"Moment of honestly, someone's gotta take the lead tonight, who's it gonna be?" Alicia sang.

I swayed to the soft music, singing along with her.

We just got here and I'm already having the time of my life. I'm so glad I decided to come.

I looked over at Chris, singing the words loud as hell along with mostly everyone else in the building.

Chris watched me as I sang with a smile.

He grabbed my chair and pulled it closer to his. "I'm glad you came with me Crystal." He said into my ear.

I smiled. "Me too. Thank you."

"No, thank you. You look so beautiful tonight. I've never seen such a gorgeous young lady like you."

I felt a little tingle in my stomach when he spoke to me. It's not what he was saying, it was how he was saying it.

I couldn't do anything, but smile.

"I was wondering maybe, could I make you my baby. If we do the unthinkable, would it make us look crazy, if you ask me I'm ready." Alicia sang beautifully over her track.

I sang along through the whole performance word for word.

When she finished up I was sad as hell.

"I should've jumped on stage." I joked.

"Security would probably beat you to it." He chuckled.

"Alright alright!" The host spoke. "Isn't mrs. keys just breath taking?"

I clapped.

"Yeahhhh." He cooed through the mic. "Now y'all ready for some poetry tonight? That's why we're all here right?"

Everyone clapped.

"Yeah Alright Alright. We have a few poets lined up for y'all tonight. First up we have a first time poet, he goes by the name breezy."

"Let's make some noise for him y'all. Give it up!"

Everyone started to clap and snap.

"Breezy?" I frowned looked over at Chris, but he was getting up.

Where the hell was he going?

I watched as he made his way up to the stage.

I frowned in confusion. He was gonna do poetry?

"This should be interesting." I smiled.

Chris stood in front of the mic and adjusted his jacket. "Wassup everybody." He held his hand up.

I smiled waving as he looked at me.

"My name is Christopher brown, but I go by breezy poetically. I uh, I wrote a little something the other day. I don't usually speak publicly, but ya know I just wanted to share this little short poem. It's titled silence is golden."

Everyone clapped for him, cheering him on.

He cleared his throat and started to speak.

"They say silence is Golden, I believe it to be true,
Because in that Golden silence, my thoughts occur of you.."

"Mm!" A woman said in the crowd yelled.

"You are the flame in my candle that lights the darkness of my room,
You are the scented flowers that makes my heart full bloom..." Chris said glancing up and down occasionally.

"You are the butterflies that flicker in my stomach all day long,
When I know I will be holding you before my day is done
You are the stars that shimmer and shine,
You light up the skies above
In this Golden silence it's truly you I love." Chris smiled.

A few people snapped here and there feeling his vibe.

I was honestly shocked. I was seeing another side of Chris that I've never witnessed. If he was always like this instead of a jerk in front of his "boys" I'd actually take the time to give him a chance.

"You are the thunder of the night, your lightning strikes whenever,
Into my soul that makes me whole, and excites my heart forever." Chris said softly, looking down and then up at me with a small smile.

"Yes!" Someone chanted.

"You are my paradise, my oceans wide,
My mountains standing tall,
So in this Golden Silence I love you most of all..... thank you." Chris finished up.

The crowed roared with snaps and positive screams.
I even found myself snapping for him.

He nodded towards the crowd and made his way off stage.

I watched him until he made his way back to our table.

He sat down with a smile and looked at me. "How'd I do?"

"That was good as hell Chris! I didn't know you were a poet.." I said. "I'm mind blown. I've never seen this side of you."

"That's because you never gave me the chance to." He said.

"You have the chance tonight though. That's what matters."

"That's why I'm going all out tonight to show you how ya boy would be if we ever go farther. You might think I'm doing too much, but I'm not. I really care about you and I'm honored to have the chance to show you a great time." Chris said, placing his hand on top of mine.

We exchanged stares and put our attention back towards the stage.

This poetry stuff was kind of cool..not gonna lie.

Bitch am I dreaming?




After a few more poem performances
The dance floor was opened as the dj played some good soulful music.

People and couples made their way over to the floor.

I took a sip of my water that a waiter had brought us a while ago.

"So, I hope you're enjoying yourself ma. I'm trying my best. Breaking a nigga pockets for you." Chris chuckled.

"Oh I'm having a great time really. I got to see Alicia keys got damnit." I smiled. "This place is pretty cool and your poem was good, I liked it, but we could have just went to a simple restaurant and I would've been happy. I'm not one of those type of girls that need all of this.."

Chris nodded. "Well I beg to differ. If you really care about someone, you'll go out of your way to make them happy, only because you think that person deserves it, despite what that person wants."

I hope he knows this is just a date. We're not even a couple.. but this is nice though.

"Well I do appreciate it...but we're not together Chris. Don't rush it. I'm still trying to get to know you."

"I totally understand, but you're gonna be mine one day. That's a must.." he smiled.

I looked at him in complete awe.

Who the fuck was this dude? I don't know this chris.... is this even real? Should I be happy or scared?

My phone started buzzing wildly, chris' phone even started ringing with an amber alert notification.

I grabbed my phone from my purse and saw that there was an amber alert for a 7 year old girl Selena Perez. She was kidnapped.

"You got that too?" Chris frowned, putting his phone back into his pocket.

I nodded. "Yeah... poor little girl. I pray they find her and the bastard that has her."

I'm not gonna lie, that last name made me think about Jacob.. but screw him.

"Come on, let's dance." Chris said, holding his hand out.

I grabbed his hand and we walked over to the floor.

At your best by Aaliyah was playing.

"I love this song. It always makes me think about that scene in ATL." I said.

Chris chuckled. "Oh really?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

Chris placed his hands on my waist and I rested mine on his shoulders.

We began to rock to the melody of the song.

"You look beautiful..." Chris lowly said, looking down at me.

I looked up at him. "You've said that a hundred times."

"And I'll say it a thousand more because it's true."

I blushed a bit.

"I couldn't be any happier right now. There's no other place I'd rather be ma. Like you just don't know how bad I've been dreaming of this moment with you. I apologize for how I've acted for the past couple days. Ya boy was just kind of jealous. Ya know seeing you talking to that lil dude with the shades and shit. I felt like my chances of getting a shot with you were gonna get even lower."

Fuck this.... what do I have to lose?

"Chris...Just-Just hold me." I said placing my head on his chest.

He instantly pulled me in closer.

I closed my eyes and just rocked with him to the music.

Ok he is starting to make me melt right now......

This has to be too good to be true.... it just has to be. No dude is this perfect, or at least stays this perfect....


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

The poem that Chris said was by Shelagh Bullman!

Vote. Comment. Share! ☺️

Sorry for any typos, this chapter is longer than usual. I was too lazy to proof read. Lol.

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