Naru&Sasu One-Shots

By NarutoGirlxxx

43.5K 967 88

Title explains it all Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the pictures I've finished this book of one-sh... More

I'm Finally Home
Love Is Blind
Love Is Blind (Part 2)
Pretty Kitty
Pretty Kitty (Part 2)
Christmas Angel
Happy Ever After
Young Lovers
Undercover (Part 2)
Revealed Secret's
Revealed Secret's (Part 2)
Revealed Secret's (Part 3)
Thing's Change
Thing's Change (Part 2)
Unknown (Part 2)

Revealed Secret's (Part 4)

836 26 2
By NarutoGirlxxx

#3176+words Edited 14/01/2020


Sasuke POV

I ran to catch up with Naruto "why do you think the Hokage wants to see you" I asked after us being silent for awhile we both knew that the Anbu were following us and probably listening to us as well "well it's been what about 10 minutes since Sakura left screaming, I think she ran to her mother and she dragged her to jiji office and since I remember him saying he was having a meeting with the council today, they probably made it a bigger problem than it is and since Anbu were ordered to fetch me I seem to be right" he concluded shrugging his shoulders "I still don't know how she's stayed on this team for so long" I muttered loudly I saw him nodding slightly "I've often wondered how she passed the academy, maybe jiji should re-evaluate what they should learn in the academy before Konoha becomes a laughing stock" he commented slowly tilting his head to the side I wonder if he knows he does that a lot

I nodded my head because what he saying is correct, during our academy days Sakura was only good at the academic part not the physical so again how did she pass, it wasn't long before we were at the Hokage Tower and it seems Naruto was right because when we walked in there was the civilian council and the shinobi council all sitting around waiting and I didn't miss the glares they sent to Naruto either which had me glaring at them "Naruto do you know why you have been sent for" Lord Hokage said sounding very much annoyed Naruto shook his head "no I don't" he answered half truthful since he probably has an idea on why "according to your teammate you have been lying to pass the test, that I ordered Kakashi to do with your team" he said looking at Sakura slightly "I'm still confused Hokage-sama to what I'm supposed to have lied about" Naruto asked tilting his head slightly "don't lie you monster, why has my daughter been kicked off the team while you are still on it, when everyone knows your a good for nothing demon" Sakura mother screamed, I moved and stood in front of him, now I know we're Sakura got her mouth from "don't you ever talk to him like that again you hear me" I snarled I could feel my sharingan blazing making her move back gasping in horror I heard someone sigh "teme don't be stupid, calm down" I heard Naruto say and I felt his hand on my shoulder

I calmed myself down knowing it wouldn't help Naruto if I were to get in trouble but secretly I was happy that Naruto was touching me even if it wasn't were I wanted him to touch me but I'll take anything "Sasuke" I heard sensei say but I didn't pay him any attention "he's alright Kakashi-sensei, he gets like this if his temper starts getting a bit out of hand" Naruto commented slowly I frowned before turning around "how did you know that" I asked surprised he figured it out I saw him raise an eyebrow "because teme I happen to walk around the village with my eyes open" he answered and you couldn't help hearing the sarcasm dripping in his voice I smirked but he ignored me and looked back at the Hokage who was looking rather amused "Hokage-sama shall we continue, has this got anything to do with the fact that Haruno was dropped from team 7 simply because she's useless" he asked honestly and I smirked when I saw everyone was shocked by that fact "what are you talking about boy" a member from the civilian council hissed angrily as he sat there glaring at him

Naruto looked at the man and said rather smugly "this morning we were told by our sensei that we were having our skills tested so we did, within half an hour Haruno was passed out cold on the floor" everyone looked at Sakura and she was bright red either from embarrassment or anger, I wasn't sure but I could image it was a bit of both "Sasuke actually lasted between 4/5 hours, now keep in mind we were against Kakashi Hatake and me well I lasted longer than him" he finished while pointing at me "so explain why my daughter was dropped when you were the one who should have been dropped and of course Sakura could only last that long against someone of Hatake skill" Sakura's mum carried on shouting, I saw a few people wince at the volume that she was using, I mean does anyone need to scream that much just to get their point across, it's not like were deaf or something

Naruto didn't look at her but looked towards me "why is she asking me, I never made that decision" he asked while rolling his eyes I smirked at him because I knew he was only messing around with her "hn" I replied playing along because obviously Sakura's mum doesn't know anything "Naru" I heard the Hokage sigh "yes jiji" Naruto answered trying to look innocent and succeeded causing me to have certain thoughts about him "why are we here Hokage-sama" Kakashi asked sounding annoyed which kind of shocked me and I think everyone else as well "actually you both weren't actually invited if you want to be logical" Naruto muttered but we all heard him Kakashi carried on like he didn't hear him "is this about my decision to drop Sakura from team 7, I made that decision because simply put your daughter is a disgrace, instead of worrying about keeping herself and her teammates alive, all she thinks about is how she looks and making ridiculous passes at Sasuke and quite frankly it doesn't matter if she is a girl or not she should have been able to go against me for longer than half an hour, which just proves that she's not cut out for the life of an ninja" he finished looked pissed, I looked at Naruto and saw his eyes widen a little seem to be just as surprised as me, he's never been this vocal about anything unless it's about one of his lectures

Naruto POV

I was quite stunned by what Kakashi had said, I've never heard him speak like that before even my dads journals mention how he was always distant but respectful and I'm sorry to say but that was not respectful at all I looked at Sasuke and he looked shocked as well which just proves my point "I quite agree" jiji said calmly he held his hand up to stop the bitch was talking "I've also looked into Sakura's academy records and what I found out was disappointing, how many of these tests results are actually yours Sakura" he asked firmly "erm all of them Hokage-sama" she answered nervously but everyone could tell she was lying "lying to me is not going to work and I can't let this go, as of this moment you will be released from being a genin and you will never be allowed to become a shinobi ever" he announced sternly, I can't really say that I'm surprised by that but instead of saying it out loud I simply nodded my head "your not surprised" I heard Sasuke asked while everyone was busy shouting at each other to really pay attention "no because I already knew what she was doing anyway but what concerns me is what else has the academy teachers lied about...." I paused again tilting my head, I was busy with my thoughts that I didn't realise that everyone was quiet and listening to me

"What do you mean" Sasuke questioned slowly "well remember when we first became genin, to officially get the title we had to pass the bell test" I stopped when he nodded his head "all the teachers at the academy gave you a false statement saying you were brilliant" at this I rolled my eyes "when you think about it you obviously weren't that good since you couldn't go against Hatake very well, so my concern is why lie about your skill in the first place" I concluded finally noticing how quiet the room was "what" I asked confused why everyone was staring at me "Naru, why didn't you tell someone what she was doing" the Hokage asked sadly with a knowing look in his eyes "simple they wouldn't believe me and it's not my fault that the teachers don't know they're jobs properly" I replied bluntly, not really caring if I was being too harsh "erm jiji are we needed here now because I would like to go and train for a bit before it gets too late" I asked wanting to leave this room and get some training in "yes you may go but don't over do it Naru" the Hokage answered smiling softly "when do I ever over do...then again don't answer that, bye jiji" I called over my shoulder before walking out the door "dobe wait" I heard Sasuke called after me I slowed my walking so he could catch up

"Why are you following me, I'm only going to train Sasuke" I asked slightly confused with his attitude since he's never acted like this before, he shrugged "I thought I could train with you since I've got nothing else to do" he replied I raised my eyebrow I'm not really bothered if he want's to train with me since I haven't had anyone to train with before.....well only counting the fox but I'm not going to tell him that "I don't mind the company" I said after a few minutes "at least this way it wont take you the nearly two years that Hatake said it would for you to be an Anbu" I smirked when I felt him glaring at me causing me to laugh, it was around midnight by the time we were finished and you could tell that Sasuke doesn't normally train for this long "how are you still alive with this training" he panted out "it's so not healthy" he complained, I looked at him and I noticed he was bright red "it's not like I was taught another way Sasuke, being on your own and with everyone hating you is really difficult to ask for help, so I just taught myself and if anyone says it's wrong well my answer will always be.....who was there to teach me the right way" I finished knowing that my way wasn't healthy but I had no one to help me change my ways

Sasuke paused and stared at me "Naruto, why does everyone hate you" he asked and there we have it "I've been waiting for you to ask that ever since you found out who my father was" I paused looking into the distance "when the nine tails attacked the leaf the only way to save the village was to seal him into a new born baby" I stopped again, I could feel the Anbu guards tensing up I looked at Sasuke "do you remember the date he attacked" I asked softly he nodded slowly before replying "yeah October 10th" I smiled sadly "Sasuke I was born on October 10th" I watched his face change from confusion, to realisation, to surprise and finally sadness "I never thought it was you" he whispered with pity in his eyes I shook my head "I don't need your pity Sasuke, I've lived with this my entire life and you know what I'm okay with it..." I was cut off "how can you be okay with this, they treat you like a monster, a demon, why can't they figure it out that you had no control or say in what happened but they still blame you" Sasuke shouted grabbing my top and pulling me closer

"How can you just accept that" he said shaking me but then he suddenly let go and fell to his knees, I looked into the trees and saw Shikamaru "so that's why people hate you so much" he asked releasing Sasuke from his families justu "I was wondering when you were going to come out Shika" I said smiling at his surprise look, he sighed softly "I was going to come out but then..." he trailed off I chuckled "but then you heard something that you've wanted to know for a few years, huh" I finished for him knowing how much he likes puzzles "what's going to happen now" Shika asked as he walked closer I shrugged my shoulders "nothing, you both are going to pretend you don't know and life moves on" I held my hand up when Sasuke was about to open his mouth "Sasuke knowing about this will not change anything, the villagers will think I've placed a justu on you so please just let it go" I said looking out into the distance again feeling at peace for the first time, maybe jiji was right I did need to tell someone of my burden but only time will tell if it was the right choice or not

Sasuke POV

I watched as Naruto looked out into the distance ignoring us while he silently enjoys the peace, in all the years I've known him I always thought he was easy to read but now thinking back I realised how easy it was for him to pretend to be happy and stupid just because of what people thought about him, it was in that moment that I hated myself for being one of those people.....if only I had gotten to know the real Naruto maybe he might've of been so lonely, even if he hasn't said he was lonely looking at him now I can see the boy who never had a family, never had someone to teach him the right way to do something and in that moment I felt grateful that I had a family in the first place, even though I miss them terribly at least I had time with them before they were taken from me but looking at Naruto I felt saddened to know he never had that, I walked slowly towards him trying to think about what to say but suddenly I decided that I didn't need too he doesn't want words that don't mean anything, I stood next to him and silently made a promise to protect him and show him how I feel, after a few minutes just standing there I slowly placed my hand in his and squeezed gently I held my breath until I felt him returning the hold.......[yep he's definitely going to mine someday] I thought smugly

Shikamaru POV

I figured that whatever Naruto was hiding was big but I never thought it was that big, while I may understand the hurt and pain that the villagers felt about losing family and friends but to continue to hurt a boy who didn't have a choice in it was simply wrong, I'm glad that my family weren't against me being a friend to Naruto and I'm grateful for that because it showed they were letting me make my own decision about him and I'm glad I made the right one, I've always known that Naruto had hidden depths but I wonder will anyone ever figure them all out, I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw Sasuke walking slowly towards Naruto who hasn't spoken again and was simply looking over the village I wonder what the villagers would do if they found out that not only is Naruto the Fourth Hokage's son but also Konoha's secret guardian I smiled when I saw Sasuke hold his hand....."maybe someone will figure out his depth after all" I whispered softly as Naruto returned the hold before I saw him smile......a true genuine smile

Narrator POV

After that night our secret hero and his teammate became inseparable, never to be separated even in their training in Anbu who accepted them without a fuss, since the Anbu commander and captain were amongst the Anbu who were listening that night so many years before, and they finally understood that even with the hatred the boy had been subjected too, he was still willing to protect the village, Shikamaru was also a permanent fixture amongst the pair and became well known in the Shinobi world along side Naruto and Sasuke

Naruto decided after a year of being in Anbu to fix his problem with Kakashi and see if they could have a friendship, since he was sure his dad would want them to get along but it wasn't easy for Naruto to bring down walls that he built to allow him in but Kakashi wanted to be there for him and make up for not being there in his early years, it didn't happen that quickly because there was a lot of pain and anger but in the end they became like brothers who protected each other strongly.

Sasuke on the other hand became Naruto's permanent protector, making sure no one hurt him again whether that was the villagers or even when they were on missions, after that night he never left Naruto's side and a few months later they became lovers only a few people knew about their relationship and they were fine with them, in Anbu they became the most feared team in Konoha's history codenamed Raven and Kitsune but just because they had grown in years and skill, doesn't mean they stopped being "Teme" and "Dobe" to each other and that what makes them the perfect couple because they balanced each other out and better still they were never alone again....

.....Sakura on the other hand tried a few times to come between them when she discovered that they were spending so much time together but unfortunately for her it never worked, our heroes were just too committed to each other that no one could come between them and she learned that the hard way, when she nearly ended up being killed by Sasuke in the middle of the village everyone came to the decision pretty quickly to leave Naruto alone because they were quite frankly rather scared of upsetting the Uchiha and eventually they accepted their relationship, when it became known throughout the village especially when Sasuke finally asked Naruto to become his husband, and so they lived their lives together happy and when the time came to leave Anbu after 10 years serving the village they decided to move to a secluded part of the forest surrounding the village were they built a house and eventually made it a home



I wasn't sure about the ending but I couldn't think about the best way to end it so I hope I haven't ruined the story because of it, so let me know what you think about the ending and I'd rather you guys be honest :)


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