Kylo Ren: The War In Our Hear...

By _J_Evans

282K 5K 868

As young Jedi, Nakari Kuolu, is sent to accompany the resistance's best pilot, Poe Dameron, to the planet of... More

Blast From the Past
Bruises and Broken Ribs
The Darkness
Who is she?
Going Home
Hello and Goodbye
Remember When
The Gala
Hello there!
The Throne Room
Not A Jedi
Supreme Leader Naku
Death Star2
Unexpected Circumstances
Keep Moving
Strange Hellos
The ending.


3K 66 13
By _J_Evans



I was surrounded by it. No matter which way I turned, all I could see was the green terrain of Baline. We had landed on the outer limits of their main cities and nothing surrounding us but the lush greenery and small sharp hills. My bare feet hung in the cold stream as the water flowed through. A colorful array of fish swam with the current, avoiding my toes as they did so. They weren't so used to humans in their water.

The deep blue sky enveloped me as I brought my back down to meet the grass. Blades of grass tickled my fingers as I gently splayed them out around me. The rushing of water over shallow rocks, the birds shipping in the hills, the melodic tune of the wilderness surrounding me. Closing my eyes, I took it all in. I could see myself here but it was no longer me who I saw.

This girl, her hair was down, her arms bare as she ran through the meadow in a blouse and pants, barefoot and carefree. There was no lightsaber attached to her side. No guards standing watch only yards away. No one looking to her for orders and commands. The smile on her face wasn't forced, it was real and innocent. Something I would never be again.

My eyes shot open as a hand went absent mindedly to my flat stomach. What were my options? To be rid of it in secret and let no one know, not even Kylo? Of course, I could tell him and then be rid of it. But no, I knew that neither of those were ever really an option for me. I was never meant to have a child, it was never written in the stars for me yet here I am.

My eyes closed tightly again and I silently wished for things to be different. I didn't want a whole fleet and Order looking to me, I wanted a family. I wanted my family back. I didn't know where these thoughts were coming from but I felt them clearer than I had anything else in sometime.

"Naku!" Travor's yell pulled me out of my serenity, the urgency in it had me flying into a sitting position. I looked towards the where he had stood by the ship to see him running towards me and behind him, flying low, was two fighter jets. Their guns started shooting and bullets started flying towards the command ship, and towards myself. They were trying to kill me and if I didn't move, they would succeed.

I jumped to my feet and met Travor half way, Andyr was now right behind him.

"We have to get you out of here!"

A stray of bullets caused us to separate and a powerful blast sent me shooting yards forward, landing hard on my back. Blackness clouded my vision as I fought to fill my lungs. I rocked myself over to my stomach only to me lifted into the arms of Andyr. I could feel a wetness coming from the back of my head and as I looked towards the sky, it once again enveloped me. I felt that if would swallow me up in that moment, things might be okay. I continued to stare at the emptiness as my shallow breaths fought to be had. And the blue was the last thing I saw.


Kylo's POV.

Looking out at the city below, I could feel that something was troubling her. She wouldn't tell me what was, she was keeping secrets and that wasn't like her. We were open with each other, we knew the deepest and darkest parts of each other yet she was keeping something from me.

It left me infuriated.

My clenched by my side, so close to my saber but I didn't take it. I didn't destroy anything thought I so greatly wanted to. It had been so long since she had last voice any thoughts or concerns on what we were doing, on what I had brought her into. I was so sure that the light was gone, that the conflict had ended. I didn't want to go into that with her again over light and dark because I wasn't sure I could survive without her but I also didn't know if I could follow her, should she want to return to her home. I was supposed to be her home now, she had said so. I wanted to know how long she had been silently thinking these thoughts, questioning our every move. Was all of it an act... no. I knew her better than that. I would have known.

Something's changed.

Suddenly my eyes shot to the sky as I felt gut retching pull. I knew something was wrong. I could feel that there was a disturbance in the Force and I knew it had to be something with Naku. I could feel her destress. Her panic surfaced and in my bones, I could feel that something was not right.

Moving away from the window I rushed to the command room were Hux standing over the pilots and operators.

"Where is my command ship? Get me a signal!"

"Sir, I assure you..." The red head started but was cut off by the warning look I shot him.

"Sir, we've lost signal on the command ship." One of the operators voiced.

"How is that possible? The escorts? Get them on radio."

I paced as I waited to hear something but nothing came through, only silence.

"Sir, we can't reach them. It seems as if their..." I tuned out of whatever he was saying.

If the command ship could not be reached and the escorts were not even able to be tracked, something was terribly wrong. The worst possible thoughts started to race through my mind, images of the destroyed ships, Naku... I couldn't do this without her.

"Sir, we have something! An escort ship just came through light speed, we can't connect to their radio but they are heading towards the flight deck."

I ran through the base with Jagen and Galak right behind me. Storm troopers and officers were quick to move out of our way, though I didn't really see them. My eyes were set ahead of me as I pictured the worst possibilities. If she wasn't on that ship... I didn't want to think of what I would do.

My feet slid to a sudden halt as the escort ship came into sight. The door had dropped and Andyr walked out with a limp body in his arms. My hearted started to race as saw her long hair pool beneath her and her exposed wrist with the bracelet on it.

"No. No! No!" I ran towards them once again and Travor spoke as I gently took her limp body out of Andyr's arms.

"She is still alive. One of the blast sent her through the air and she took a nasty fall but she should be okay." I nodded and rushed through the base with Naku. The Knights followed me and this time, people didn't just move out of the way, they stopped to stare in shock. My eyes were focused ahead of me but every now and then they would glance down to make sure she hadn't disappeared, to make sure that she was real.

"Fix her!" I yelled as I ran into the informatory. The doctors looked up in shock and were to stunned to move. "Now!"

"Lay her here."

I did as I was told and placed her on the bed. The moment I stepped back, she was surrounded by a doctor and nurses. They were looking her over, bandaging her head, and taking her blood for some reason. The Knights were still behind me, they stood near the door to make sure that we were not bothered nor interrupted. I couldn't help but pace, it was either that or I destroyed something.

"My Lord, she will be alright. There was a gash on the back of her head but we have stitched it up. She might have a mild concussion but other than that she is okay and the baby is fine as well."

My blood ran cold as I eyed the doctor warily.

"What did you say?"

"Uhm..." he looked unsure. "The Supreme Leader is pregnant, my Lord."

"Leave us." The doctors were quick to scatter and the nurses followed. I made my way to where she laid and eyed her curiously. Either she didn't yet know herself or she had lied to me, if it was the later...

"My Lord, those ships were no resistance ships." Looking over my shoulder I saw Travor. "They weren't resistance and they didn't belong to us."

"There was only one other person who knew where she was going. Find General Hux and take him to the prisons. I will deal with him later." My blood ran cold at another betrayal but would me even more was who was this third party we were dealing with? Who were they and who was backing them? Looking back down at the motionless body of Naku, I swore to find out. Then I would put an end to them.


Happy reading! the GIF is just because, why not!
what do think about Naku's news!! How do you think Kylo will react?
I hope you like it! Please leave your thoughts! I will be updating again soon!

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