Our Love Is Torture

By sparkleVS

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"You may be one thousand miles away, or one hundred years away from me, but I know that you're still with me... More

Prologue & Cast
Chapter 1 - The Invitation
Chapter 2 - The Meetings & The Party
Chapter 3 - Fights & Regrets
Chapter 4 - A Million Sorry's
Chapter 5 - Starting Fresh
Chapter 6 - Go Away
Chapter 7 - The Sexy Bestfriend & The Shock Statement.
Chapter 8 ~ Back there again after 10years.
Chapter 9 ~ Broken Love
Chapter 10 ~ "You're lost and someone needs to fix that"
Chapter 12 ~ I kissed you goodbye.
Chapter 13 - Trouble & Regrets
Chapter 14 - Conflict & Sweet Kisses.
Chapter 15 - Confusing texts & Disloyality
Chapter 16 - It's NOW & NEW
A/N thank you!
Chapter 17 - Circling back to deception
Chapter 18 ~ Breakup's & Pain
Chapter 19 - "Shanyana is just a stupid little girl."
Chapter 20 - The Love, The Truth & The Goodbye Letter
Chapter 21- When His Eyes Made Her Heart Stop
Chapter 22 - You're My Best Notification
Chapter 23 - When The Rain Got Beautiful
Chapter 24 - All You Do Is Walk Away
Chapter 25 *Part 1* - Secured & Shattered
Chapter 25 *Part 2* - Secured & Shattered
Chapter 26 - Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 27 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Chapter 28 - All That I'll Ever Need
A/N - What has happened? Theories, Character Talks, Sequel? etc.
Chapter 30 - My Heart Is So Tired
Chapter 31 - Kiss My Troubles Away
Chapter 32 - The Broken Prince
Chapter 33 - Home Is Where Heart Is
Chapter 34 - The Wrong One
Chapter 35 - You're Mine
Chapter 36 - Things You Said
Chapter 37 *Last* - Forever
Extended Epilogue *BONUS*

Chapter 29 - The Calm before the Storm

661 33 89
By sparkleVS

Hello beautiful people! Welcome back. I know y'all been waiting so long for me to come back and start updating.
As some of you know, I had a really good vacation but now I'm back in business, and will be giving you guys early updates. 💚😊

This chapter has a POV change, so hope that dosen't annoy you's. Just chill back and relax, happily read this cause after this chapter NOTHING would be chilled and relaxed. Hehe.

Don't forget to give this chapter a VOTE and leave a COMMENT.

Enjoy 💖


Aisha's POV

"He's just so confusing..." I said, staring at the ceiling of the room, in deep thought.

"Who, Rohan?" Tina asked, from the corner of my eyes, I could see her placing her book back on the bedside table. She slipped under her blanket, on the bed.

"Yeah... well yesterday after his first concert in Paris, he arrived back to the hotel with his guards. I was working at the reception."

"Hmm..." Tina mumbled, carefully listening. "What did he do?" I could hear the switch going off her lamp.

My eyes stayed rooted to the ceiling "You see, that's the thing, he didn't do anything. He entered the gates at like 11pm, I looked at him with a smile... and I'm pretty sure he glanced at me too. But like, no smile. No nothing. Just a blank, dead facial expression. Like it's weird how he just ignored me when we went out like 3 days ago."

Tina yawned. I shuffled around the bed and glanced at her "Maybe he was just tired." She suggested, closing her eyes.

"You know what, sometimes I just feel like I could do so many things to try and get closer to Rohan. But at the end it wouldn't matter cause I still won't get to know him, that's how confusing he is. With some people you can tell what their feeling, how they wanna react, blah blah blah. With Rohan you just can't. His mind is like a surging perplexity... You get what I mean.. right?"

I turned my head to the side to see her. She fell asleep. I forgot how much of a deep sleeper Tina is. She can literally doze of anywhere in a matter of seconds.

I reached over to my table and turned the lamp light off. It was dark and I was ready to sleep before my phone buzzed.
Taking my phone in my hand, I opened it to see a text from Abhi...

- Me and Shanyana are going back to India next Monday.

My eyes widned, I opened my mouth as I wanted to say something but closed it cause I couldn't.

Me: Don't just leave like that.

Abhi: Then what do I do? You don't talk to me.

Me: Don't say that, there's alot going on Abhi. Try and understand.

Abhi: Just let me meet Rohan before I leave.

Me: You do whatever you want, I don't want to get involved in your fight.

Abhi: How can I meet him when he has guards around him 24x7?

Me: ... I don't know

Abhi: Yes you do Aisha. Yes you do.

Me: I will not let you sneak into his hotel room, if that's what your thinking.

Abhi - that was what I was exactly thinking.

Me - You know what. Talk to me tomorrow. I really need to sleep.

I switched off my phone entirely, popping it back on the bedside table. I closed my eyes, and tried to fall asleep.

Sleeping is so hard when you can't stop thinking about someone.


Ayan's POV

"Simon make sure all the files cupboards are closed. No dust in them please, I want everything to be clean the next morning."

I lossen my tie and walked out to the main porch "Make sure all the doors are locked, Micheal."

"Yes sir."

I wrapped my arms tighter around himself, pulling my coat closer and tucking my chin downward into the pullover. My breath was now only visible under the sporadic streetlights, the few which still lit up the decaying city. London. God, it was cold.

The sky was dark and low, the air so chilled it hurt to breathe. Already the ground was laid white with frost and any water that had been liquid under the winter sun had become ice.

I'm marching but the night air is wicking my heat away faster than my body can replace it.

After a long 10 minutes, I arrive home. Something I regret doing cause dad's home today. I'm mentally prepared for his taunts and let downs. Besides working thats all what my life has left, listen to dad. But I don't care... well atleast that's what I tell myself. I've been hearing dad talk shit to me all my life.

But I know who I am. I know what I do. No need to listen to idiots.

Just 2 days Ayan. Bear him for 2 days. Then he'll leave my house alone to me.

Dad lives in Brighton with my stepmom, who surprisingly I thought having a stepmom would be horrible but it's actually not. Her love is beautiful. It makes me believe atleast their is one person who cares about me. Hell, I don't even know where my real mom is.
And because dad never goes to his house. Mom stays with me.

Dad travels all around the world for meetings and business work. Except Paris, nobody needs to go to Paris. Tina is doing a great job there, and dad hates that. He dosen't love me, but he only wants Him and his son to do well. He hates it even more when according to numbers our branch in Paris goes higher than the bigger one in London. Only because I'm a guy that dosen't mean I have to be the best. Tina is way better when it comes business work. I know that, that's why she's there in Paris.

So my house is something only I and my stepmom own. I've been regretting coming home for the past week cause of Dad living here for a few days. But as soon as he goes, I know everything will be in peace. I stay happy. Mom stays happy. That's all I care about.

"Oh boy, he's here!"

Here we go, Ayan.

"Dad." I speak, a smile of disappointment.
"I have something for you, it--

"Ayan, beta (son)" Mom puts her arms around me from the back, and rubs it back and forth with her arms - "You're shivering honey."

I turn around and give her a quick peck on the cheek "Yes Mom, it was so bloody cold." I let out a throaty laugh.

"Go upstairs and take a warm bath, I have food prepared for you. I'll get it out."

I engulfed her into a warm hug "Of course you do Ma, you always do. And that's one of the reasons why I love you." I spoke loud and clear. Purposely to let dad hear, I could feel his eyes on me while I showed him the appreciation I had for mom and not him.

"Ayan." Dad said, sternly. "You had something for me?"

I let go of mom, and turned around to face dad.
"Yes dad, their some files in my bag that has some information about Mr. Kurlen and his company. He's a very important consumer for us, make sure you go over that before the meeting in Berlin."

"Ha!" Dad coaxed, snickering, his arms in his laps and his rocking chair swinging slowly. He looked like those evil culprit guys you see in horror movies. "Funny how you let me take care of a important thing. Why don't you just let Tina do that? She's well known for taking all the credit in important things, ..isn't she son?"

I glared at him, a heavy sigh left my chest as mom put her hand on my shoulder from the back, and whispered 'just ignore him.'

"Don't worry dad," I smirked, shaking my head "Since your so desperate. I'll let her do it, I'm pretty sure she'll be better than you anyways."

Without another second glance, I turned around, giving mom another peck "Get the food ready, I'll be right back." I slid of my tie and went upstairs.

A wide smile formed on my face. I like being courageous and take a stand. Stand for what is right. I always will... even if I'm standing alone. It dosen't matter. Cause in the end,

Right always wins.


Aisha's POV

Yet another rainy morning in Paris. I was walking through the rain.

Normally I don't mind this weather, but today was different. I was
exceptionally annoyed. Rain is no fun when your in your work uniform and have no umbrella.

I pulled the black raincoat hood over my saturated form as I saunter in the soft rain, small pellets of water spitting on my hands as the remainder of the drops quench the scattered puddles.

I could see the beautiful view of Peninsula Paris from afar. Just walk under the shades Aisha, 5 mins left...

Instantaneously, and quite literally very dramtically my phone rang.
Yes, that's actually my ringtone... I really need to change it. That duck ringtone was funny at first, when I use to go at parties and get heaps drunk, it was funny when somebody called me cause then me and friends laughed like lunatics. But now, I'm a working women. Really need to change it...

"Tina, hey." I picked it up, sliding my hand near my hood, to my ear.

"Aisha! Listen very quick please, I'm in a hurry," She charged, rapidly huffing.

"Are you fine?" I ask.

"Yes, just in a hurry to get to work."

"Oh, what is it? I agree, hurry a bit, the phone is getting wet from the rain." I laugh, carefully leaping over a big puddle.

I heard her say something from the other end but couldn't correctly observe it. "What?" I yell, "Say that again, I didn't hear."

"I said come to the park infront of the hotel after you finish work!" She shouted over. Bless my ear, that was a bit too loud.

"For what?"

I heard her shuffling a bit before she spoke "Abhi and Shanyana wants to meet us there for some reason,"

God, help.
I cringed, rolling my eyes.
"Are you serious?" I deadpanned.

"Yes, 100%... alright I gotta go!" She rushed, but my wondering stayed rooted in my head.

"I've had enough! They probably want to lecture me about something related to Rohan." It's true. I was thinking about it yesterday, I feel like Abhi and Shanyana never gave a shit about me. Like, whenever they want to supposedly 'talk' it always has to be about Rohan. Where can I go wrong about this?

"I don't know Aisha. Just be there okay." With that, Tina just hung up on me.

I sighed, placing my phone back down in my pocket. I really think I've taken Mine Abhi and Shanyana's bond for granted.

Have they once called me or texted me, just once... asked me if I was okay, told me that everything is going to be fine, asked me about my day or if we should go somewhere... no never.
Did they ever apologised for stealing my letter that Rohan wrote for me... Tina did. But they didn't.

I know why they want to meet me. What they want to ask. Everything that includes Rohan. 'Where can we meet Rohan?'
'What happened between you guys?'
Rohan this, Rohan that, just UGH!

The passing seconds all I'm thinking about is Abhi and Shanyana. And all I feel is bitterness, it grows like a tumour, pushing on the side of me that was serene, enveloping me in toxic darkness.

The bitterness is rising like bile into my mouth and if I'm seeing both of them in person today, I'll have no reason to swallow it anymore.

They want to talk. They want to know more about Rohan...

I'll tell them then. It'll be a talk they won't be able to forget.



Yikes! #AngryAisha is not a good Aisha at all. Stay Tuned to the next chapter! As the title of this one 'The Calm before the Storm'
So if this was the calm... how's the storm gonna be like!? 😥☈

You guys are not ready. Chapter 30. Shit will go down.

Alrgtzzzzz, enough now. I don't want to scare you guys now! 😅 I'll take a leave.

Make sure you leave a COMMENT!
And don't forget to smash that VOTE for more.

Lots of Love ❤ Bye!

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