That Damn Purrfect Kidnapper

By FanFicMaddyG

271K 6.8K 5.1K

@ fish_withapencil made the cover! Marionette A girl. A normal girl. She wasn't out of the ordinary or anythi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chpater Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty- Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
The End
Pay attention

Chapter Fourty-Four

3.6K 87 39
By FanFicMaddyG

All I could do was stare. Stare. Stare outside of my window. Where his car was a week ago. He kept his promise. He was doing it. He was keeping his promise.

They had given me this room. It wasn't big but it felt homey enough. I was sitting on the ledge of the windowsill. Just staring at that spot. Why was he keeping his promise? Why was he doing this to me?

I glanced down at the phone, the phone he gave me. I still have it. His silly face on it. I pressed the call button again, letting it ring. Voicemail. "Hey this is Adrien. I'm probably in a shoot or working elsewhere...I'll call you back in a few." The phone beeped for voicemail.

"Adrien...please answer the phone. Please...just come back.." I hanged up for the one hundredth time.

There was a knock at the door, driving me away from my thoughts. I tilted my head towards the door just staring. I didn't say a word until that person had knocked again. "Come in" I couldn't even recognize my voice anymore. Filled with no emotion, just...bland. Cato had entered shortly after, walking towards me.

"You know sitting in the dark is not going to make him come back" I didn't say anything. He turned on the lights making my eyes squint from their brightness. He sighed, seeing my expression. "Look kid. I know what your going through-"

"How can you possibly know what I'm going through?" He went silent after that. Another sigh escaping his lips.

"You don't know me. But I don't know you either so I guess in a way your right" I didn't move. He had sat down next to me, staring at where I was staring. "Also staring at the street isn't going to bring him back either"

"What do you want from me?" He had then turned towards me.

"You need to start training. Your supposed to get your other side in two months and controlling her will not be easy"

"I have controlled the cat" he paused his ranting session.

"That's impossiable"

"Nothing is impossible. You don't know him. You don't know me either, so the fact that you have the audacity to say what I need to be doing is beyond me"

"Listen I am not trying to make you do anything. Did you not listen to the cat? He wants no, needs you to do your training. Even he thinks you need it" I stayed silent after that. My eyes closed as my hand ran through my unbrushed hair. "Just come with me. It's only going to make you better"

I turned towards him, my throat feeling dry and scratchy. Don't cry. Don't cry at the mention of him. "H-he really meant it?" He nodded. I gulped down the soreness and got up. I had stalked towards the door with him close behind me. He led me trough the institute. All I got were curious glances and stared. Did they all know who I am? The thought had seemed to consume me.

But did they really?


"Okay so this is Mitchella and she will be helping out with your daily training from now on" the girl stuck out her hand to shake while I just stared.

"Alrighty then. Not a fan of the touching or greeting part I guess" she smiled nervously putting her hand down. She dusted off the imaginary dust off her pants.

"Well. Marinette please. You can trust her. And Ella be nice"

"Hey! I am nice" Cato had simply chuckled, walking away. The girl had turned to me again, her nervous smile still showing. "Well my brother is catch isn't he?"

"Brother?" Still my voice came out unfamiliar.

"Oh and she speaks! Yes he is, sadly. He can be a real pain at times" I nodded my arms crossing in front of my chest. "Anyways you can call me Ella like he just said, or M or Mitchella, you know that's my name so-"

"I'll just call you Ella"

"Okay. Okay yeah great. Great!" She had cleared her throat. "Anyways. We should get started. Normally we would start out with a mile run but since it's your first day we will just do a simple workout and-"

She kept on talking and talking. But my head wouldn't comprehend her words. I simply nodded, following her. Why is this hard?

Why can't I function without him?

I suddenly had snapped from out of my thoughts, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"So I'm guessing you don't want to talk about him...right?" When did the conversation go to him? I shook my head. I couldn't. "Oh okay I'm sorry for mentioning him. I didn't know you guys were that close"

I chuckled, her head tilting. "Close? You thought we were close? Now that I'm looking at it we were far from close. All he was, was a kidnapper. A damn perfect kidnapper"



Gunshots. My finger releasing from the trigger, my arm relaxing as I stared at the freshly dead bodies. I put the gun back into its holster, running up to the body. I turned over the dead man searching his pockets. Finally my gloves hand had caught onto something hard. I pulled out the hard drive, putting it into my pocket.

Then I heard foot steps. I got on one knee, pulling out my gun to point towards the door. Then I stopped. There was a girl at the door. A little girl. Her raven hair was tied up in pigtails. Her blue eyes blinking.

"Daddy?" I stared at the dead man beneath me. There was no mention of a daughter in the file.

"Hey...kiddo. Daddy is asleep now" cautiously I stood up, putting my gun away. She looked frightened. "Don't worry. I'm daddy's friend. Don't be scared. Do you have any family around? I want to tell them something very important"

"Mommy is working"

"Where does mommy work?" 

"A bakery" I felt my heart drop. Why does she remind me so much of...of her? She was clutching onto a doll, holding onto it tightly. I stalked towards her, my eyes tricking me seeing Marinette.

Is this why I can't kill her?

I blinked again seeing the girls face. Her face still frightened as I crouched in front of her. "It's okay. I won't hurt you" I sighed. "Let's go visit mommy. Okay? I heard that she made cookies for you"

Her eyes had widen in wonder. "Really?" I nodded, getting up and holding my hand out. She took it and we had disappeared into the night.

She walked towards the door, but the girl had briefly turned and smiled. "Bye kitty" she then walked inside to the little shop. I sighed, mumbling under my breathe.

"Bye bugaboo"

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